The 30 year old co ed is past President of Students for Reproductive justice.

I need someone to buy me some glasses. It's for my myopic justice..

That is why you have vision insurance, just like people have health insurance to buy birth control.

no, the question is why this huge outcry over having to submarine 230 years of religious conscience protections over birth control INSTEAD OF a vision plan or dental....see?

The Catholic church has no 'conscience' claim here. The church is complying with state laws on this already. Somehow, their 'conscience' changed its tune when their bluff was called.
i dont find it offensive

You are the exception. I keep hearing about how Rush insulted someone by using the sexually offensive word slut. Yet you think pointing out that the "student" is actually an activist with an agenda is more stupid.

Especially since Rush never used the word slut at all. The word slut was brought into THIS discussion by liberals on this board. Rush Limbaugh never used it himself.

Yeah, there is that little detail... libs lie? Who knew?
As the article correctly notes, this disaster for republicans could have been easily avoided had the radical right been kept in check.

Fluke eventually testified before a House Democratic panel, telling a sad story about a female friend who lost an ovary because Georgetown's student insurance would not cover the birth control she needed to treat a medical condition.

Her testimony sparked the ire of Rush Limbaugh, who accused Fluke of being a "slut" and a "prostitute" who is "having so much sex she's going broke."

Limbaugh's outrageous attacks have now turned Fluke into a culture war poster-child for Democrats.

President Obama has personally come to her defense, and Georgetown University officials released a statement today defending Fluke as the "model of civil discourse."

Even Republicans have been forced to disavow Limbaugh's comments.

All of this would have likely been avoided if House Republicans had just let Fluke testify in the first place. Her absence left the contraception panel with no female speakers, sparking outrage — and a major fundraising push — from Democratic women in the House.

(House Oversight Chair Darrell Issa rejected Fluke's testimony on the grounds that she was "unqualified," arguing that the panel was about religion, not about women.)

In reality, Fluke would not have been a very effective witness. As a student, she wouldn't even be affected by the Obama policy on employer-provided health plans. Georgetown actually offers contraception in its employee plans.

Moreover, Republicans could have easily dismissed Fluke as a feminist activist.

According to a bio on Georgetown's website, Fluke's professional background is in domestic violence and human trafficking advocacy. At Georgetown law, she is the former president of Law Students for Reproductive Justice, an editor for the Journal of Gender and the Law, and vice president of the Women's Legal Alliance. She has a bachelor's degree in Feminist, Gender & Sexuality studies from Cornell.

Under normal circumstances, this resume would make Fluke an easy target for Republicans. But Limbaugh's misogynistic vitriol has made the 30-year-old feminist virtually untouchable, and Democrats couldn't be happier.

Meet The Georgetown Law Student Rush Limbaugh Called A 'Slut' - Business Insider


I know you don't answer questions because you'r a hack, so I will direct this at the forum at large-

was this-

According to a bio on Georgetown's website, Fluke's professional background is in domestic violence and human trafficking advocacy. At Georgetown law, she is the former president of Law Students for Reproductive Justice, an editor for the Journal of Gender and the Law, and vice president of the Women's Legal Alliance. She has a bachelor's degree in Feminist, Gender & Sexuality studies from Cornell.

ever described, or disclosed in the medias stories, tv or print when she appeared or her testimony was encapsulated for an article?

thats usually the case. Mr mrs so so a member of or partner with or spokesman for.....da da da.....
As the article correctly notes, this disaster for republicans could have been easily avoided had the radical right been kept in check.

Fluke eventually testified before a House Democratic panel, telling a sad story about a female friend who lost an ovary because Georgetown's student insurance would not cover the birth control she needed to treat a medical condition.

Her testimony sparked the ire of Rush Limbaugh, who accused Fluke of being a "slut" and a "prostitute" who is "having so much sex she's going broke."

Limbaugh's outrageous attacks have now turned Fluke into a culture war poster-child for Democrats.

President Obama has personally come to her defense, and Georgetown University officials released a statement today defending Fluke as the "model of civil discourse."

Even Republicans have been forced to disavow Limbaugh's comments.

All of this would have likely been avoided if House Republicans had just let Fluke testify in the first place. Her absence left the contraception panel with no female speakers, sparking outrage — and a major fundraising push — from Democratic women in the House.

(House Oversight Chair Darrell Issa rejected Fluke's testimony on the grounds that she was "unqualified," arguing that the panel was about religion, not about women.)

In reality, Fluke would not have been a very effective witness. As a student, she wouldn't even be affected by the Obama policy on employer-provided health plans. Georgetown actually offers contraception in its employee plans.

Moreover, Republicans could have easily dismissed Fluke as a feminist activist.

According to a bio on Georgetown's website, Fluke's professional background is in domestic violence and human trafficking advocacy. At Georgetown law, she is the former president of Law Students for Reproductive Justice, an editor for the Journal of Gender and the Law, and vice president of the Women's Legal Alliance. She has a bachelor's degree in Feminist, Gender & Sexuality studies from Cornell.

Under normal circumstances, this resume would make Fluke an easy target for Republicans. But Limbaugh's misogynistic vitriol has made the 30-year-old feminist virtually untouchable, and Democrats couldn't be happier.

Meet The Georgetown Law Student Rush Limbaugh Called A 'Slut' - Business Insider


I know you don't answer questions because you'r a hack, so I will direct this at the forum at large-

was this-

According to a bio on Georgetown's website, Fluke's professional background is in domestic violence and human trafficking advocacy. At Georgetown law, she is the former president of Law Students for Reproductive Justice, an editor for the Journal of Gender and the Law, and vice president of the Women's Legal Alliance. She has a bachelor's degree in Feminist, Gender & Sexuality studies from Cornell.
ever described, or disclosed in the medias stories, tv or print when she appeared or her testimony was encapsulated for an article?

thats usually the case. Mr mrs so so a member of or partner with or spokesman for.....da da da.....

Setriously? And these are the much talked about educated ones?

The Jesuits don't pay for it. The premiums collected from the insured pay for it.

Your ignorance of how insurance works is stunning.

You sure? I have a friend who works for the Archdiocese here in NOLA... the Archdiocese pays for the insurance, not the insured.

Well, first of all, I doubt that story because I can't imagine anyone as repugnant as you having friends.

Second of all, yes I'm sure. 1. the students don't work for Georgetown 2. Georgetown CHARGES the students an insurance premium.


the Jesuits aren't being asked to pay for BC pills. They are being asked to cover the payment of them out of the PREMIUMS they collect.

You sure? I have a friend who works for the Archdiocese here in NOLA... the Archdiocese pays for the insurance, not the insured.

Well, first of all, I doubt that story because I can't imagine anyone as repugnant as you having friends.

Second of all, yes I'm sure. 1. the students don't work for Georgetown 2. Georgetown CHARGES the students an insurance premium.


the Jesuits aren't being asked to pay for BC pills. They are being asked to cover the payment of them out of the PREMIUMS they collect.

Yeah, I'm sure you have loads of friends too there... I'm figuring like 34 cats or something.

Still, why can't she buy her own BC?

That is not the issue. The issue is compliance with the law of the land.

oh, and fyi I don't want friends.
You sure? I have a friend who works for the Archdiocese here in NOLA... the Archdiocese pays for the insurance, not the insured.

Well, first of all, I doubt that story because I can't imagine anyone as repugnant as you having friends.

Second of all, yes I'm sure. 1. the students don't work for Georgetown 2. Georgetown CHARGES the students an insurance premium.


the Jesuits aren't being asked to pay for BC pills. They are being asked to cover the payment of them out of the PREMIUMS they collect.


...and student insurance is mandatory at Georgetown, and Georgetown happens to be an insurance provider. Has that tidbit of trivia found its way into your perspective of this issue?
As the article correctly notes, this disaster for republicans could have been easily avoided had the radical right been kept in check.

Fluke eventually testified before a House Democratic panel, telling a sad story about a female friend who lost an ovary because Georgetown's student insurance would not cover the birth control she needed to treat a medical condition.

Her testimony sparked the ire of Rush Limbaugh, who accused Fluke of being a "slut" and a "prostitute" who is "having so much sex she's going broke."

Limbaugh's outrageous attacks have now turned Fluke into a culture war poster-child for Democrats.

President Obama has personally come to her defense, and Georgetown University officials released a statement today defending Fluke as the "model of civil discourse."

Even Republicans have been forced to disavow Limbaugh's comments.

All of this would have likely been avoided if House Republicans had just let Fluke testify in the first place. Her absence left the contraception panel with no female speakers, sparking outrage — and a major fundraising push — from Democratic women in the House.

(House Oversight Chair Darrell Issa rejected Fluke's testimony on the grounds that she was "unqualified," arguing that the panel was about religion, not about women.)

In reality, Fluke would not have been a very effective witness. As a student, she wouldn't even be affected by the Obama policy on employer-provided health plans. Georgetown actually offers contraception in its employee plans.

Moreover, Republicans could have easily dismissed Fluke as a feminist activist.

According to a bio on Georgetown's website, Fluke's professional background is in domestic violence and human trafficking advocacy. At Georgetown law, she is the former president of Law Students for Reproductive Justice, an editor for the Journal of Gender and the Law, and vice president of the Women's Legal Alliance. She has a bachelor's degree in Feminist, Gender & Sexuality studies from Cornell.

Under normal circumstances, this resume would make Fluke an easy target for Republicans. But Limbaugh's misogynistic vitriol has made the 30-year-old feminist virtually untouchable, and Democrats couldn't be happier.

Meet The Georgetown Law Student Rush Limbaugh Called A 'Slut' - Business Insider


I know you don't answer questions because you'r a hack, so I will direct this at the forum at large-

was this-

According to a bio on Georgetown's website, Fluke's professional background is in domestic violence and human trafficking advocacy. At Georgetown law, she is the former president of Law Students for Reproductive Justice, an editor for the Journal of Gender and the Law, and vice president of the Women's Legal Alliance. She has a bachelor's degree in Feminist, Gender & Sexuality studies from Cornell.

ever described, or disclosed in the medias stories, tv or print when she appeared or her testimony was encapsulated for an article?

thats usually the case. Mr mrs so so a member of or partner with or spokesman for.....da da da.....

The 30 year old co ed is past President of Students for Reproductive justice.

The reason this bothers right wingers is that word "justice".

Like "We didn't bring Bin Laden to justice", Obama did.
i dont find it offensive

You are the exception. I keep hearing about how Rush insulted someone by using the sexually offensive word slut. Yet you think pointing out that the "student" is actually an activist with an agenda is more stupid.

Especially since Rush never used the word slut at all. The word slut was brought into THIS discussion by liberals on this board. Rush Limbaugh never used it himself.

Yes he did.... aptly, too....
Well, no doubt the woman is a slut. She's 30, maybe what her real story is that she has to pay guys to do her and can't afford both expenses. Her competition are young college girls, not 30 year old has beens that don't want to leave college to get a real job.
Well, first of all, I doubt that story because I can't imagine anyone as repugnant as you having friends.

Second of all, yes I'm sure. 1. the students don't work for Georgetown 2. Georgetown CHARGES the students an insurance premium.


the Jesuits aren't being asked to pay for BC pills. They are being asked to cover the payment of them out of the PREMIUMS they collect.

Yeah, I'm sure you have loads of friends too there... I'm figuring like 34 cats or something.

Still, why can't she buy her own BC?

That is not the issue. The issue is compliance with the law of the land.

oh, and fyi I don't want friends.

the law says a religious institution must provide such? can you quote that law for me please?
Well, first of all, I doubt that story because I can't imagine anyone as repugnant as you having friends.

Second of all, yes I'm sure. 1. the students don't work for Georgetown 2. Georgetown CHARGES the students an insurance premium.


the Jesuits aren't being asked to pay for BC pills. They are being asked to cover the payment of them out of the PREMIUMS they collect.


...and student insurance is mandatory at Georgetown, and Georgetown happens to be an insurance provider. Has that tidbit of trivia found its way into your perspective of this issue?

see my post above.....and why wasn't this an issue say, 5 years ago, 10? 30? IF they are breaking the law as you say?
Yeah, I'm sure you have loads of friends too there... I'm figuring like 34 cats or something.

Still, why can't she buy her own BC?

That is not the issue. The issue is compliance with the law of the land.

oh, and fyi I don't want friends.

the law says a religious institution must provide such? can you quote that law for me please?

I am not going to agree with the premise that Georgetown University is a religious institution.
She wants companies to cover birth control for women who pay a premium? That is what she testified about.
And she is getting a free education? Do you have any facts to back up that statement?

She wants Obama's MANDATED insurance coverage to REQUIRE every employer to include BC coverage.
THAT is what she was testifying about.

Without insurance coverage, contraception can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school.
For a lot of students, like me, who are on public interest scholarships, that's practically an entire summer's salary. DO realize that Georgetown University is affiliated with the Catholic Church, right?
Where is our government authorized to mandate a church to violate their articles of faith?
I agree
This woman is a failure/skank/slut
By the time I was 30 I owned two homes and had six figures in my 401k
I wasn't whining to congress for a fucking condom


when I was 29 I had a unicorn ranch and a talking Doberman who called me 'Captain'.

The internet, posers' paradise.

Yeah, this girl is such a dead beat. Georgetown Law school is pretty bottom of the barrel. Plus being asked to testify in front of congress is so white trash, man she is such a loser.

She's a major activist.

It's being reported that she specifically targeted GU over the policy. She wanted to change that.
i dont find it offensive

You are the exception. I keep hearing about how Rush insulted someone by using the sexually offensive word slut. Yet you think pointing out that the "student" is actually an activist with an agenda is more stupid.

Well it is an insult, but who cares? Nothing is going to be done about it and Rush got what he wanted. Attention.

I find it stupid anyone is bitching about this, when they're so many other things people have to cover. Like Fat people, Or smokers, and you dont get a say in the matter. Now all of a sudden Birth control is a giant issue?

Everyone these days has an agenda..You, I, anyone on this board. So her having one is meaningless.

I do not want to be forced to subsidize a lot of things, yet you think I should have to. Every time I start talking about the mandate being wrong you come in and whine about not being able afford health care. which is not my problem. Now you want to make birth control an issue, and pretend I am the one doing it.

My agenda is to get you to leave me the frack alone, what's yours?
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Well folks, I said it before in another post, and I'm saying it again. They are not just stretching to tell us that women cannot control their own bodies when it comes to a Choice, but they are starting to mess with even birth control. This is what happens when the Far Social Right thinks they are going to win the RNC nomination and....* the Presidency.

Please explain how Obama making birth control an election issue is somehow the fault of people you disagree with.

Last time I checked, it was Republicans who made an issue out of it. The rule had been in effect for months before some rightie decided to blow it up. Gee, I wonder why they waited so long? It couldn't be that the election is growing nearer and the economy (the one weapon Republicans had) is getting better....could it? :eusa_whistle: I guess the fact that for the last decade (in NH's case, the last 12 years), 28 states have had a similar policy in place slipped under the right's radar. I guess when Republican state legislatures and governors put similar provisions in place, it wasn't a big deal.

Last time you checked you must have had your head up your ass.

Obama wants everyone to pay for other people's contraception, and he decided to mandate that all insurance policies cover it. That means that everyone will be buying contraceptives, even gay men who are married to each other. A few Republicans spoke up and pointed out that forcing gays to buy contraception is absurd, and Obama reacted by claiming they were trying to ban contraception, despite the fact that 99% of American women have access to it.

Tell me again how the Republicans are making this an issue, it really makes you look desperate.

Also, for the record, there is not a single state that actually requires every insurance policy to cover contraception. The places like Georgetown that wanted to provide prescription drug benefits but not cover contraception simply chose to self insure, and Obama is throwing that option under the bus.
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