The 4 Step Perfect Proof for God of the Bible -- Essentially Romans 1.20

That violates the laws of thermodynamics claiming the universe came from nothing.

What caused the Big Bang itself? For many years, cosmologists have relied on the idea that the universe formed spontaneously, that the Big Bang was the result of quantum fluctuations in which the Universe came into existence from nothing.

That’s plausible, given what we know about quantum mechanics. But physicists really need more — a mathematical proof to give the idea flesh.

These guys have come up with the first rigorous proof that the Big Bang could indeed have occurred spontaneously because of quantum fluctuations.

A Mathematical Proof That The Universe Could Have Formed Spontaneously From Nothing The Physics arXiv Blog Medium
That which does not exist can't cause anything unless of course you are insane.

Not nothing as in zero. But nothing as in completely random.

Trust me Parture, these scientists are much smarter than you so maybe you aren't evolved enough to wake up from the brainwashing. Maybe your grandkids will be too smart for it god willing. OOPS! See how pervasive the idea is?
That which is random would still has a cause. But who says something is random? You?

A spark set off a gas explosion in my home. Who caused this, the devil?
Not nothing.
Then it should be easy for you to answer the questions.
It should be easy for you to accept that if you had an eternity to come into being before now, you should have already happened. You don't need to know all things to know this then. Otherwise, you are claiming you need to be God to know for sure, but that is illogical since obviously you are not all-knowing as only God can be.

Ramble much?

The cosmos has always bee. And will always be. You your planet sun and galaxy and every other sun you see only live once. The debree left after our sun dies might get recycled one day but just because the cosmos has always existed doesn't mean our sun and planet must have existed before. Maybe you can explain why you think that and we can help you see the holes in your theory
My guess is that parture is one of a few high school pranksters who are on their Mom's computer, posting these silly messages.

Either that, or a religious nut who needs to believe that stuff so he doesn't feel so inadequate.
Your hostility to God is due to your independency just like Adam at the fall.

My hostility is not toward God. We are pretty tight. My aggravation is toward you and your silly unbiblical rhetoric. In case you are not sure, you are not God, and he doesn't need you to decide who is going to hell. He can handle that all by himself, you arrogant hypocrite.
It should be easy for you to accept that if you had an eternity to come into being before now, you should have already happened. You don't need to know all things to know this then. Otherwise, you are claiming you need to be God to know for sure, but that is illogical since obviously you are not all-knowing as only God can be.

Ramble much?

The cosmos has always bee. And will always be. You your planet sun and galaxy and every other sun you see only live once. The debree left after our sun dies might get recycled one day but just because the cosmos has always existed doesn't mean our sun and planet must have existed before. Maybe you can explain why you think that and we can help you see the holes in your theory
My guess is that parture is one of a few high school pranksters who are on their Mom's computer, posting these silly messages.

Either that, or a religious nut who needs to believe that stuff so he doesn't feel so inadequate.
Your hostility to God is due to your independency just like Adam at the fall.

My hostility is not toward God. We are pretty tight. My aggravation is toward you and your silly unbiblical rhetoric. In case you are not sure, you are not God, and he doesn't need you to decide who is going to hell. He can handle that all by himself, you arrogant hypocrite.
Your issue is with God because you disagree with most these points of Scripture,

This is a good test to see if someone is a Christian...

1. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, shedding His precious blood for forgiveness of sins, who died on the cross for the sins of the world;
2. Resurrected Himself the 3rd day to give eternal life to those who receive Him;
3. Gave the Holy Spirit to indwell those who are born-again;
4. Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity who created all things;
5. Jesus is co-equal with the Father and the Spirit;
6. Rejects Calvinists, they are going to Hell, because they refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated;
7. Rejects Universalists, they are going to Hell, because Jesus said there would be those in Hell for forever;
8. Rejects non-OSASers, they are going to Hell, because salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast in their self-strength and did not give their lives to be kept;
9. Rejects those who claim He is not proven by observing nature, for God does not have us believe in Him blindly;
10. Jesus will return to reign on earth for 1000 years (amillennialism is a heresy) in the 3rd Temple with His overcomers;
11. God predestinates us by foreknowing our free-choice (OSAS Arminian): a conditional election, unlimited atonement, resistible grace, for preservation of the saints;
12. The word of God is 66 books, no more, no less;
13. Apostle are for today (teddyearp at hates the Apostles for today in Eph. 4.11 so he is not a Christian) and women can be Apostles;
14. Mary was born into sin and sinned;
15. The blood and wine are not literally Jesus' blood and body;
16. Biblical tongues are languages not Pentecostalism gibberish babble;
17. Non-overcomer believers go to outer darkness to be disciplined, lose rewards, and do not get to reign on earth for the 1000 years, after which they can enter the New City;
18. New City and the New Earth follow after the Millennial Kingdom and has no need of the sun;

19. You do not need to accept partial rapture to be saved, but you will lose the reward of being first raptured if you reject it. But there is a question of whether you are saved or not, because when you are in the Tribulation, not realizing it, and several million are first raptured, you very well may along with Satan accuse those brethren day and night (Rev. 12.10) which could be because you are, in fact, not born-again, thus going to Hell. Whereas Christians will realize they simply are not ready to be received "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) in 3rd heaven, before the 1st trumpet (8.7), because they did not keep the word of His patience (3.10), were not watchful (Matt. 24.40-42), and prayerful (Luke 21.36) to escape the hour of trial that is to come upon the whole world.

20. If you don't acknowledge you are a Christian to others, a member of the body of Christ, when someone shares the gospel of salvation with you, and don't disclose when you received the new birth and became a new creation of God, why would you not do so? "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels" (Mark 8.38). I always tell people I was born-again Jan. 2001 because that is when I received what Jesus did on the cross and eternal life (John 17.3), but if they keep asking over and over again after they have already been told, I know they are being deceitful trying to harass you (e.g. teddyearp at
I agree the infinite regress argument is not based on any evidence at all, so we can rebuke any ideas of infinite regress. Therefore, since infinite regress is false, nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space being uncreated. This uncreated Creator is whom we call God.

Ok, I've done a little more research. I read this:
"But if space-time goes on forever, then it must start repeating at some point, because there are a finite number of ways particles can be arranged in space and time. So if you look far enough, you would encounter another version of you in fact, infinite versions of you. Some of these twins will be doing exactly what you're doing right now, while others will have worn a different sweater this morning, and still others will have made vastly different career and life choices."

I'll be honest I have never liked this theory but assumed much smarter men than me have made this argument so it must be possible. I've seen no rebuttal as of yet from the scientific community why this can't be true. So I'll accept that it is possible but I am not convinced. I guess infinite regress might actually be possible if the universe was eternal.

So what's your problem with that? Why couldn't there be a number or infinite number of you in the multiverse? Why couldn't you have existed before or why is it impossible that other you's live in different universes? Fact is, they are just as possible in fact more possible than the story that god visited your uneducated superstitious ancestors and told them the cockameme stories you're telling us.
The you that you are now is the only you that you can be so if you were suppose to happen before now that would be the only you that you could be. Different time is not the same you.

Another Parture'ism.

I'd rather accept a scientific theory that I don't love than to believe a Muslim Jew or Christian's ancient stories of yore.
You don't love scientific evidence because it proves God exists.

You don't understand how science operates. In a very real and important sense, it is possible to say that, scientifically, God does not exist just as science is able to discount the existence of a myriad of other alleged beings.

When a scientist says "God does not exist," they mean something similar to when they say "psychic powers do not exist," Your god has no place in any scientific equations, plays no role in any scientific explanations, cannot be used to predict any events, does not describe any thing or force that has yet been detected, and there are no models of the universe in which its presence is either required, productive, or useful.
Ok, I've done a little more research. I read this:
"But if space-time goes on forever, then it must start repeating at some point, because there are a finite number of ways particles can be arranged in space and time. So if you look far enough, you would encounter another version of you in fact, infinite versions of you. Some of these twins will be doing exactly what you're doing right now, while others will have worn a different sweater this morning, and still others will have made vastly different career and life choices."

I'll be honest I have never liked this theory but assumed much smarter men than me have made this argument so it must be possible. I've seen no rebuttal as of yet from the scientific community why this can't be true. So I'll accept that it is possible but I am not convinced. I guess infinite regress might actually be possible if the universe was eternal.

So what's your problem with that? Why couldn't there be a number or infinite number of you in the multiverse? Why couldn't you have existed before or why is it impossible that other you's live in different universes? Fact is, they are just as possible in fact more possible than the story that god visited your uneducated superstitious ancestors and told them the cockameme stories you're telling us.
The you that you are now is the only you that you can be so if you were suppose to happen before now that would be the only you that you could be. Different time is not the same you.

Another Parture'ism.

I'd rather accept a scientific theory that I don't love than to believe a Muslim Jew or Christian's ancient stories of yore.
You don't love scientific evidence because it proves God exists.

You don't understand how science operates. In a very real and important sense, it is possible to say that, scientifically, God does not exist just as science is able to discount the existence of a myriad of other alleged beings.

When a scientist says "God does not exist," they mean something similar to when they say "psychic powers do not exist," Your god has no place in any scientific equations, plays no role in any scientific explanations, cannot be used to predict any events, does not describe any thing or force that has yet been detected, and there are no models of the universe in which its presence is either required, productive, or useful.
The reason we know God exists is because nature can't always have existed nor start up from nothing. Simple so even you can understand.
Ramble much?

The cosmos has always bee. And will always be. You your planet sun and galaxy and every other sun you see only live once. The debree left after our sun dies might get recycled one day but just because the cosmos has always existed doesn't mean our sun and planet must have existed before. Maybe you can explain why you think that and we can help you see the holes in your theory
My guess is that parture is one of a few high school pranksters who are on their Mom's computer, posting these silly messages.

Either that, or a religious nut who needs to believe that stuff so he doesn't feel so inadequate.
Your hostility to God is due to your independency just like Adam at the fall.

My hostility is not toward God. We are pretty tight. My aggravation is toward you and your silly unbiblical rhetoric. In case you are not sure, you are not God, and he doesn't need you to decide who is going to hell. He can handle that all by himself, you arrogant hypocrite.
Your issue is with God because you disagree with most these points of Scripture,

This is a good test to see if someone is a Christian...

1. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, shedding His precious blood for forgiveness of sins, who died on the cross for the sins of the world;
2. Resurrected Himself the 3rd day to give eternal life to those who receive Him;
3. Gave the Holy Spirit to indwell those who are born-again;
4. Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity who created all things;
5. Jesus is co-equal with the Father and the Spirit;
6. Rejects Calvinists, they are going to Hell, because they refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated;
7. Rejects Universalists, they are going to Hell, because Jesus said there would be those in Hell for forever;
8. Rejects non-OSASers, they are going to Hell, because salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast in their self-strength and did not give their lives to be kept;
9. Rejects those who claim He is not proven by observing nature, for God does not have us believe in Him blindly;
10. Jesus will return to reign on earth for 1000 years (amillennialism is a heresy) in the 3rd Temple with His overcomers;
11. God predestinates us by foreknowing our free-choice (OSAS Arminian): a conditional election, unlimited atonement, resistible grace, for preservation of the saints;
12. The word of God is 66 books, no more, no less;
13. Apostle are for today (teddyearp at hates the Apostles for today in Eph. 4.11 so he is not a Christian) and women can be Apostles;
14. Mary was born into sin and sinned;
15. The blood and wine are not literally Jesus' blood and body;
16. Biblical tongues are languages not Pentecostalism gibberish babble;
17. Non-overcomer believers go to outer darkness to be disciplined, lose rewards, and do not get to reign on earth for the 1000 years, after which they can enter the New City;
18. New City and the New Earth follow after the Millennial Kingdom and has no need of the sun;

19. You do not need to accept partial rapture to be saved, but you will lose the reward of being first raptured if you reject it. But there is a question of whether you are saved or not, because when you are in the Tribulation, not realizing it, and several million are first raptured, you very well may along with Satan accuse those brethren day and night (Rev. 12.10) which could be because you are, in fact, not born-again, thus going to Hell. Whereas Christians will realize they simply are not ready to be received "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) in 3rd heaven, before the 1st trumpet (8.7), because they did not keep the word of His patience (3.10), were not watchful (Matt. 24.40-42), and prayerful (Luke 21.36) to escape the hour of trial that is to come upon the whole world.

20. If you don't acknowledge you are a Christian to others, a member of the body of Christ, when someone shares the gospel of salvation with you, and don't disclose when you received the new birth and became a new creation of God, why would you not do so? "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels" (Mark 8.38). I always tell people I was born-again Jan. 2001 because that is when I received what Jesus did on the cross and eternal life (John 17.3), but if they keep asking over and over again after they have already been told, I know they are being deceitful trying to harass you (e.g. teddyearp at

So now you are self appointed to judge others Christianity. What an ungodly hypocrite.
My guess is that parture is one of a few high school pranksters who are on their Mom's computer, posting these silly messages.

Either that, or a religious nut who needs to believe that stuff so he doesn't feel so inadequate.
Your hostility to God is due to your independency just like Adam at the fall.

My hostility is not toward God. We are pretty tight. My aggravation is toward you and your silly unbiblical rhetoric. In case you are not sure, you are not God, and he doesn't need you to decide who is going to hell. He can handle that all by himself, you arrogant hypocrite.
Your issue is with God because you disagree with most these points of Scripture,

This is a good test to see if someone is a Christian...

1. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, shedding His precious blood for forgiveness of sins, who died on the cross for the sins of the world;
2. Resurrected Himself the 3rd day to give eternal life to those who receive Him;
3. Gave the Holy Spirit to indwell those who are born-again;
4. Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity who created all things;
5. Jesus is co-equal with the Father and the Spirit;
6. Rejects Calvinists, they are going to Hell, because they refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated;
7. Rejects Universalists, they are going to Hell, because Jesus said there would be those in Hell for forever;
8. Rejects non-OSASers, they are going to Hell, because salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast in their self-strength and did not give their lives to be kept;
9. Rejects those who claim He is not proven by observing nature, for God does not have us believe in Him blindly;
10. Jesus will return to reign on earth for 1000 years (amillennialism is a heresy) in the 3rd Temple with His overcomers;
11. God predestinates us by foreknowing our free-choice (OSAS Arminian): a conditional election, unlimited atonement, resistible grace, for preservation of the saints;
12. The word of God is 66 books, no more, no less;
13. Apostle are for today (teddyearp at hates the Apostles for today in Eph. 4.11 so he is not a Christian) and women can be Apostles;
14. Mary was born into sin and sinned;
15. The blood and wine are not literally Jesus' blood and body;
16. Biblical tongues are languages not Pentecostalism gibberish babble;
17. Non-overcomer believers go to outer darkness to be disciplined, lose rewards, and do not get to reign on earth for the 1000 years, after which they can enter the New City;
18. New City and the New Earth follow after the Millennial Kingdom and has no need of the sun;

19. You do not need to accept partial rapture to be saved, but you will lose the reward of being first raptured if you reject it. But there is a question of whether you are saved or not, because when you are in the Tribulation, not realizing it, and several million are first raptured, you very well may along with Satan accuse those brethren day and night (Rev. 12.10) which could be because you are, in fact, not born-again, thus going to Hell. Whereas Christians will realize they simply are not ready to be received "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) in 3rd heaven, before the 1st trumpet (8.7), because they did not keep the word of His patience (3.10), were not watchful (Matt. 24.40-42), and prayerful (Luke 21.36) to escape the hour of trial that is to come upon the whole world.

20. If you don't acknowledge you are a Christian to others, a member of the body of Christ, when someone shares the gospel of salvation with you, and don't disclose when you received the new birth and became a new creation of God, why would you not do so? "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels" (Mark 8.38). I always tell people I was born-again Jan. 2001 because that is when I received what Jesus did on the cross and eternal life (John 17.3), but if they keep asking over and over again after they have already been told, I know they are being deceitful trying to harass you (e.g. teddyearp at

So now you are self appointed to judge others Christianity. What an ungodly hypocrite.
The Bible says what it says. Don't be offended, but give your life to Christ.

This is a good test to see if someone is a Christian...

1. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, shedding His precious blood for forgiveness of sins, who died on the cross for the sins of the world;
2. Resurrected Himself the 3rd day to give eternal life to those who receive Him;
3. Gave the Holy Spirit to indwell those who are born-again;
4. Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity who created all things;
5. Jesus is co-equal with the Father and the Spirit;
6. Rejects Calvinists, they are going to Hell, because they refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated;
7. Rejects Universalists, they are going to Hell, because Jesus said there would be those in Hell for forever;
8. Rejects non-OSASers, they are going to Hell, because salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast in their self-strength and did not give their lives to be kept;
9. Rejects those who claim He is not proven by observing nature, for God does not have us believe in Him blindly;
10. Jesus will return to reign on earth for 1000 years (amillennialism is a heresy) in the 3rd Temple with His overcomers;
11. God predestinates us by foreknowing our free-choice (OSAS Arminian): a conditional election, unlimited atonement, resistible grace, for preservation of the saints;
12. The word of God is 66 books, no more, no less;
13. Apostle are for today (teddyearp at hates the Apostles for today in Eph. 4.11 so he is not a Christian) and women can be Apostles;
14. Mary was born into sin and sinned;
15. The blood and wine are not literally Jesus' blood and body;
16. Biblical tongues are languages not Pentecostalism gibberish babble;
17. Non-overcomer believers go to outer darkness to be disciplined, lose rewards, and do not get to reign on earth for the 1000 years, after which they can enter the New City;
18. New City and the New Earth follow after the Millennial Kingdom and has no need of the sun;

19. You do not need to accept partial rapture to be saved, but you will lose the reward of being first raptured if you reject it. But there is a question of whether you are saved or not, because when you are in the Tribulation, not realizing it, and several million are first raptured, you very well may along with Satan accuse those brethren day and night (Rev. 12.10) which could be because you are, in fact, not born-again, thus going to Hell. Whereas Christians will realize they simply are not ready to be received "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) in 3rd heaven, before the 1st trumpet (8.7), because they did not keep the word of His patience (3.10), were not watchful (Matt. 24.40-42), and prayerful (Luke 21.36) to escape the hour of trial that is to come upon the whole world.

20. If you don't acknowledge you are a Christian to others, a member of the body of Christ, when someone shares the gospel of salvation with you, and don't disclose when you received the new birth and became a new creation of God, why would you not do so? "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels" (Mark 8.38). I always tell people I was born-again Jan. 2001 because that is when I received what Jesus did on the cross and eternal life (John 17.3), but if they keep asking over and over again after they have already been told, I know they are being deceitful trying to harass you (e.g. teddyearp at
The you that you are now is the only you that you can be so if you were suppose to happen before now that would be the only you that you could be. Different time is not the same you.

Another Parture'ism.

I'd rather accept a scientific theory that I don't love than to believe a Muslim Jew or Christian's ancient stories of yore.
You don't love scientific evidence because it proves God exists.

You don't understand how science operates. In a very real and important sense, it is possible to say that, scientifically, God does not exist just as science is able to discount the existence of a myriad of other alleged beings.

When a scientist says "God does not exist," they mean something similar to when they say "psychic powers do not exist," Your god has no place in any scientific equations, plays no role in any scientific explanations, cannot be used to predict any events, does not describe any thing or force that has yet been detected, and there are no models of the universe in which its presence is either required, productive, or useful.
The reason we know God exists is because nature can't always have existed nor start up from nothing. Simple so even you can understand.

Why can't "nature" have always existed? Show me where science says this. Not creation science. Peer reviewed by the scientific community.
Another Parture'ism.

I'd rather accept a scientific theory that I don't love than to believe a Muslim Jew or Christian's ancient stories of yore.
You don't love scientific evidence because it proves God exists.

You don't understand how science operates. In a very real and important sense, it is possible to say that, scientifically, God does not exist just as science is able to discount the existence of a myriad of other alleged beings.

When a scientist says "God does not exist," they mean something similar to when they say "psychic powers do not exist," Your god has no place in any scientific equations, plays no role in any scientific explanations, cannot be used to predict any events, does not describe any thing or force that has yet been detected, and there are no models of the universe in which its presence is either required, productive, or useful.
The reason we know God exists is because nature can't always have existed nor start up from nothing. Simple so even you can understand.

Why can't "nature" have always existed? Show me where science says this. Not creation science. Peer reviewed by the scientific community.
As was said so many times, since science only observes cause and effects, and no evidence of something from nothing, infinite regress would be impossible, because you would have had an eternity to come into being before now, so you should have already happened. This is common knowledge for everyone. You don't need peer review to be saved and accept reality on such simple things. God is no respecter of persons.
Either that, or a religious nut who needs to believe that stuff so he doesn't feel so inadequate.
Your hostility to God is due to your independency just like Adam at the fall.

My hostility is not toward God. We are pretty tight. My aggravation is toward you and your silly unbiblical rhetoric. In case you are not sure, you are not God, and he doesn't need you to decide who is going to hell. He can handle that all by himself, you arrogant hypocrite.
Your issue is with God because you disagree with most these points of Scripture,

This is a good test to see if someone is a Christian...

1. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, shedding His precious blood for forgiveness of sins, who died on the cross for the sins of the world;
2. Resurrected Himself the 3rd day to give eternal life to those who receive Him;
3. Gave the Holy Spirit to indwell those who are born-again;
4. Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity who created all things;
5. Jesus is co-equal with the Father and the Spirit;
6. Rejects Calvinists, they are going to Hell, because they refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated;
7. Rejects Universalists, they are going to Hell, because Jesus said there would be those in Hell for forever;
8. Rejects non-OSASers, they are going to Hell, because salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast in their self-strength and did not give their lives to be kept;
9. Rejects those who claim He is not proven by observing nature, for God does not have us believe in Him blindly;
10. Jesus will return to reign on earth for 1000 years (amillennialism is a heresy) in the 3rd Temple with His overcomers;
11. God predestinates us by foreknowing our free-choice (OSAS Arminian): a conditional election, unlimited atonement, resistible grace, for preservation of the saints;
12. The word of God is 66 books, no more, no less;
13. Apostle are for today (teddyearp at hates the Apostles for today in Eph. 4.11 so he is not a Christian) and women can be Apostles;
14. Mary was born into sin and sinned;
15. The blood and wine are not literally Jesus' blood and body;
16. Biblical tongues are languages not Pentecostalism gibberish babble;
17. Non-overcomer believers go to outer darkness to be disciplined, lose rewards, and do not get to reign on earth for the 1000 years, after which they can enter the New City;
18. New City and the New Earth follow after the Millennial Kingdom and has no need of the sun;

19. You do not need to accept partial rapture to be saved, but you will lose the reward of being first raptured if you reject it. But there is a question of whether you are saved or not, because when you are in the Tribulation, not realizing it, and several million are first raptured, you very well may along with Satan accuse those brethren day and night (Rev. 12.10) which could be because you are, in fact, not born-again, thus going to Hell. Whereas Christians will realize they simply are not ready to be received "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) in 3rd heaven, before the 1st trumpet (8.7), because they did not keep the word of His patience (3.10), were not watchful (Matt. 24.40-42), and prayerful (Luke 21.36) to escape the hour of trial that is to come upon the whole world.

20. If you don't acknowledge you are a Christian to others, a member of the body of Christ, when someone shares the gospel of salvation with you, and don't disclose when you received the new birth and became a new creation of God, why would you not do so? "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels" (Mark 8.38). I always tell people I was born-again Jan. 2001 because that is when I received what Jesus did on the cross and eternal life (John 17.3), but if they keep asking over and over again after they have already been told, I know they are being deceitful trying to harass you (e.g. teddyearp at

So now you are self appointed to judge others Christianity. What an ungodly hypocrite.
The Bible says what it says. Don't be offended, but give your life to Christ.

This is a good test to see if someone is a Christian...

1. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, shedding His precious blood for forgiveness of sins, who died on the cross for the sins of the world;
2. Resurrected Himself the 3rd day to give eternal life to those who receive Him;
3. Gave the Holy Spirit to indwell those who are born-again;
4. Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity who created all things;
5. Jesus is co-equal with the Father and the Spirit;
6. Rejects Calvinists, they are going to Hell, because they refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated;
7. Rejects Universalists, they are going to Hell, because Jesus said there would be those in Hell for forever;
8. Rejects non-OSASers, they are going to Hell, because salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast in their self-strength and did not give their lives to be kept;
9. Rejects those who claim He is not proven by observing nature, for God does not have us believe in Him blindly;
10. Jesus will return to reign on earth for 1000 years (amillennialism is a heresy) in the 3rd Temple with His overcomers;
11. God predestinates us by foreknowing our free-choice (OSAS Arminian): a conditional election, unlimited atonement, resistible grace, for preservation of the saints;
12. The word of God is 66 books, no more, no less;
13. Apostle are for today (teddyearp at hates the Apostles for today in Eph. 4.11 so he is not a Christian) and women can be Apostles;
14. Mary was born into sin and sinned;
15. The blood and wine are not literally Jesus' blood and body;
16. Biblical tongues are languages not Pentecostalism gibberish babble;
17. Non-overcomer believers go to outer darkness to be disciplined, lose rewards, and do not get to reign on earth for the 1000 years, after which they can enter the New City;
18. New City and the New Earth follow after the Millennial Kingdom and has no need of the sun;

19. You do not need to accept partial rapture to be saved, but you will lose the reward of being first raptured if you reject it. But there is a question of whether you are saved or not, because when you are in the Tribulation, not realizing it, and several million are first raptured, you very well may along with Satan accuse those brethren day and night (Rev. 12.10) which could be because you are, in fact, not born-again, thus going to Hell. Whereas Christians will realize they simply are not ready to be received "before the throne" (Rev. 7.9) in 3rd heaven, before the 1st trumpet (8.7), because they did not keep the word of His patience (3.10), were not watchful (Matt. 24.40-42), and prayerful (Luke 21.36) to escape the hour of trial that is to come upon the whole world.

20. If you don't acknowledge you are a Christian to others, a member of the body of Christ, when someone shares the gospel of salvation with you, and don't disclose when you received the new birth and became a new creation of God, why would you not do so? "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels" (Mark 8.38). I always tell people I was born-again Jan. 2001 because that is when I received what Jesus did on the cross and eternal life (John 17.3), but if they keep asking over and over again after they have already been told, I know they are being deceitful trying to harass you (e.g. teddyearp at

Ok. I know that is the list of questions that you have to answer in strict accordance with your beliefs to even sign on to your silly website. It's as hypocritical and self righteous here as it is there. You are supposed to credit your copy and paste jobs. You have to say where you copied that from.
Wow....You know that was a simple typo, yet you chose to make a disingenuous remark. I'm sure Jesus wouldn't have done that.

There is nothing at all Christ like about this guy. And he's gone. Again. Probably for good this time.
AMEN! Btw, most of his list has NOTHING to do with salvation...non-salvation issues have no bearing on our eternal security.

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