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The 4th GOP POTUS Debate


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
1. Cruz did the best, nailing the TPP issue by denouncing it well, and also supporting American jobs. He was quite collected, glib and reflective. grade: A

2. Fiorina was also quick qitted and effective, but she needs a real breakout performance again. grade A

3. Ben Carson did great, but he has to do better than that to take the lead from Trump. A

4. Trump failed to respond to Rand Pauls cheap shot on China not being in the TPP agreement. Yes, and Trump said that China was not in it but there is a 'back door' to bring China in, so China will get in. A-

5. Rubio did great; too bad he is a fucking liar. A-

6. Rand Paul keeps talking over his audiences head. The GOP is not going to end PAx Americana, and he should know that by now. B+

7. Jebba the Bush flailed on the bank bailouts and was completely ineffective. His donors should be joining Rubio any day now. F

8. Kasich the Puke got banking comments wrong and also was rude on the stage, wrong on TPP, and a classic fuck up on immigration deportation. F-
I couldn't find it, so missed out on it. But, probably the same bullshit all politicians say and once in office, the complete opposite.
Christie did best but he was in the JV game. He'll replace Kasich in the next varsity debate and will eventually win the nomination.
Fiorina will be his VP choice if HR Haldeman Clinton is the dem nominee. If it's not HR Haldeman Clinton then Rubio or Cruz will be VP choice. Carson will be Surgeon General.
1. Cruz did the best, nailing the TPP issue by denouncing it well, and also supporting American jobs. He was quite collected, glib and reflective. grade: A

2. Fiorina was also quick qitted and effective, but she needs a real breakout performance again. grade A

3. Ben Carson did great, but he has to do better than that to take the lead from Trump. A

4. Trump failed to respond to Rand Pauls cheap shot on China not being in the TPP agreement. Yes, and Trump said that China was not in it but there is a 'back door' to bring China in, so China will get in. A-

5. Rubio did great; too bad he is a fucking liar. A-

6. Rand Paul keeps talking over his audiences head. The GOP is not going to end PAx Americana, and he should know that by now. B+

7. Jebba the Bush flailed on the bank bailouts and was completely ineffective. His donors should be joining Rubio any day now. F

8. Kasich the Puke got banking comments wrong and also was rude on the stage, wrong on TPP, and a classic fuck up on immigration deportation. F-

All Free Market assholes need not apply.
In other words, go Trump!
Trump won hands down. Since only the most embarrassing nutters know what channel Fox Business is on, and those nutters love to slurp up some Donald.
So says TheTrollSchool.

Drudge agrees:
**DRUDGE POLL** WHO WON 4TH REPUBLICAN DEBATE '16? - Results (poll 9173752)
Like you're such an expert on drudge and conservative media.
I am. :)

Look at the poll results. You shouldn't be surprised.
I thought Cruz "won" the debate. He nailed most every answer and did so clearly and confidently. He sounded and appeared on point.

I thought Fiorina did well and I really do like her foreign policy acumen. If she weren't my VP pick, she'd be in line for Secretary of State for sure.

Trump may have slipped a little. His interrupting to whine about Carly interrupting came across a little harsh and the crowd booed loudly... first time I've seen that reaction to Trump at a debate.

Carson did well and held his own with questions slightly out of his area of expertise. He may have gained some ground on Trump.

Rubio did better than usual but still not enough to catch the leaders.

Jeb tanked.. he is done. Same for Paul and Kasich.
The same republican cliches, government taxes and regulation, all bad things while they vie for a government job. The audience reminded me of a bunch of boppleheads, cheering the same old failed policies. When it was noted democrats do better on jobs, Fiorina didn't even follow the question. When Cruz mentioned Coolidge he seemed to forget history and the GD. It is so easy to pick apart their talking points and the bobble heads, and yet they stand there as if they ever did anything positive for America. Kasich is the only grounded one in the group, but he comes off a bit preachy. Shame really. Is it any wonder republicans fail as presidents?
How many of you have heard the expression, "right person at the right time!" That was said about Reagan, FDR, and a host of others across the American landscape.

Well, we have done one better. This is not "right person at the right time," but rather, "right group of people at the right time!" It isn't about one person who some may or may not like, telling people we are in trouble and we have to change course. Instead, we have a group of highly educated, articulate people, telling everyone why things are screwed up. These people aren't hobbits, they are successful people who care about the country, and who have risked their fame and fortune, to fix what is wrong. In fact, the 2 most incompetent people on the stage by most peoples take is...........Kasich/Bush. These 2 were establishment darlings, and up against most of the rest, they look weak and befuddled.

Now for the payoff, and this is very, very, VERY, important. Take away Bush, Kasich, and Christie, and what you have is virtually ALL of these people saying the same thing, just in different degrees. If any of them is an outlier that is left, it would be Trump; but he is closer to the rest of them, then he is to Christie, Kasich, and Bush.

So here is the reality of what you have.................when the final nominee is chosen, it will be extremely EASY for the other candidates supporters to transition to the eventual winner. This isn't like when Ron Paul was running, or Newt Gingrich; oh no, this is a bunch of people, basically on almost the same page, give or take a few nuances.

This has the left EXTREMELY worried, as their "division" type politics are not working. What they fear most is the GOP coming out en-mass for one candidate they can support, along with independents, and blue collar workers, which the illegal immigration issue resonates with the most.

I look at some of these lefty posters on here, and think to myself; "either they are to dumb to know what is actually happening; or do know what is happening, and are trying to ignore it!"

While very possibly the paid lefty posters on here are unaware, trust me when I state that Debbie Wasserman (I know nothing.....NOTHING) Shultz KNOWS at least this, and so does Hilly. This is gonna be a lot of fun, watching Libs actually trying to get YOU to vote for a moderate candidate, that they know will lose support, to help THEIR candidate through the "back door." Isn't going to work, but I like watching them try to convince us while wasting their time-)
How many of you have heard the expression, "right person at the right time!" That was said about Reagan, FDR, and a host of others across the American landscape.

Well, we have done one better. This is not "right person at the right time," but rather, "right group of people at the right time!" It isn't about one person who some may or may not like, telling people we are in trouble and we have to change course. Instead, we have a group of highly educated, articulate people, telling everyone why things are screwed up. These people aren't hobbits, they are successful people who care about the country, and who have risked their fame and fortune, to fix what is wrong. In fact, the 2 most incompetent people on the stage by most peoples take is...........Kasich/Bush. These 2 were establishment darlings, and up against most of the rest, they look weak and befuddled.

Now for the payoff, and this is very, very, VERY, important. Take away Bush, Kasich, and Christie, and what you have is virtually ALL of these people saying the same thing, just in different degrees. If any of them is an outlier that is left, it would be Trump; but he is closer to the rest of them, then he is to Christie, Kasich, and Bush.

So here is the reality of what you have.................when the final nominee is chosen, it will be extremely EASY for the other candidates supporters to transition to the eventual winner. This isn't like when Ron Paul was running, or Newt Gingrich; oh no, this is a bunch of people, basically on almost the same page, give or take a few nuances.

This has the left EXTREMELY worried, as their "division" type politics are not working. What they fear most is the GOP coming out en-mass for one candidate they can support, along with independents, and blue collar workers, which the illegal immigration issue resonates with the most.

I look at some of these lefty posters on here, and think to myself; "either they are to dumb to know what is actually happening; or do know what is happening, and are trying to ignore it!"

While very possibly the paid lefty posters on here are unaware, trust me when I state that Debbie Wasserman (I know nothing.....NOTHING) Shultz KNOWS at least this, and so does Hilly. This is gonna be a lot of fun, watching Libs actually trying to get YOU to vote for a moderate candidate, that they know will lose support, to help THEIR candidate through the "back door." Isn't going to work, but I like watching them try to convince us while wasting their time-)
Very good point about all the GOP candidate's supporters being easily able to transition to the winning nominee.
Not so with Sanders supporters happily turning out for Hillary though.
I suspect many Sanders supporters who are mostly radically Liberalised as a result of attending Liberal Indoctrination Centers will say "Fuck it. Hillary and the REP nominee are way too far to the right. I'm staying home and watching 'Election'."
Christie did best but he was in the JV game. He'll replace Kasich in the next varsity debate and will eventually win the nomination.
Fiorina will be his VP choice if HR Haldeman Clinton is the dem nominee. If it's not HR Haldeman Clinton then Rubio or Cruz will be VP choice. Carson will be Surgeon General.

So you think that a politicians that says the money 'stolen' from Social Security is just lost to Americans and we just have to lump it and shut up, that such a politician can win the general election?

I think that is completely contrary to the historical record that suggests that any Social Security 'reform' that takes benefits away from older Americans is virtually conceding the election to the Democrats.

And frankly it is that way for me. God willing I am retiring with my wife in 2020, and we are counting on having that Social Security money. I have paid in over $76,000 in my life time, and since the employers contribution came out of my employee compensation costs, I really paid for that too, so we can double that to $152,000.

You really think that I or any other Americans so invested into the Social Security system will just roll over for Christie when he says we just have to accept that the money was 'stolen'? It was not stolen. Social Security administration has, as credit for the money borrowed from it, a special series of Treasuries that are like any other security issued by the US Treasury and they bear the full trust and confidence of the US government. The US government cannot default on those securities without also taking a huge hit on its credit worthiness like would happen if it defaulted on any other bond or bill it has issued.

On Social Security, Christie is either incredibly ignorant or just a flat out liar, take y9ou pick. Either way he can never win in the general election with such nonsense in his rhetorical tool set.
How many of you have heard the expression, "right person at the right time!" That was said about Reagan, FDR, and a host of others across the American landscape.

Well, we have done one better. This is not "right person at the right time," but rather, "right group of people at the right time!" It isn't about one person who some may or may not like, telling people we are in trouble and we have to change course. Instead, we have a group of highly educated, articulate people, telling everyone why things are screwed up. These people aren't hobbits, they are successful people who care about the country, and who have risked their fame and fortune, to fix what is wrong. In fact, the 2 most incompetent people on the stage by most peoples take is...........Kasich/Bush. These 2 were establishment darlings, and up against most of the rest, they look weak and befuddled.

Very good post. Yeah,the people behind Trump, Carson Cruz and Fiorina could easily shift to each other's candidate should they withdraw, and we saw something of that in 2012 when we had the Wacka-Mole of the month for Romney's attack PAC. While the followers went to the other next most conservative candidate, the political pros all went over to Romney as they thought he had the inside track and wanted to be on the winning bandwagon.

This election is different as the people behind the outsider candidates are not alienating each other so much and can anticipate a warm welcome without eating crow as they would have to do if they went over to Rubio. And as long as Trump keeps in the election, he is the Eternal Wacka-mole and will take the biggest shots and cause the Establishment to expend most of their money on attacking PAC ads on him rather than the others.

Now for the payoff, and this is very, very, VERY, important. Take away Bush, Kasich, and Christie, and what you have is virtually ALL of these people saying the same thing, just in different degrees. If any of them is an outlier that is left, it would be Trump; but he is closer to the rest of them, then he is to Christie, Kasich, and Bush.

So here is the reality of what you have.................when the final nominee is chosen, it will be extremely EASY for the other candidates supporters to transition to the eventual winner. This isn't like when Ron Paul was running, or Newt Gingrich; oh no, this is a bunch of people, basically on almost the same page, give or take a few nuances.

This has the left EXTREMELY worried, as their "division" type politics are not working. What they fear most is the GOP coming out en-mass for one candidate they can support, along with independents, and blue collar workers, which the illegal immigration issue resonates with the most.

That is very true. I have said this often, but the American electorate self identifies as about 20% liberal, 35% moderate and 45% conservative. And yet exit polls in 2008 and 2012 show conservatives at about the same number as liberals with moderates being the largest group. To win a Republican has to energize, not just the parties base, but also all those self-identified conservatives who are not part of the party apparatus and get them to vote.

If they pander too much to the moderates, for each 1% they gain in the center, they lose 3% of conservatives who simply stay home. The Republicans have to drop this false dichotomy of the electorate that says 'Conservatives have no choice' and will vote for the GOP. IT is simply not only incredibly false, it is killing them in election after election.

I look at some of these lefty posters on here, and think to myself; "either they are to dumb to know what is actually happening; or do know what is happening, and are trying to ignore it!"

While very possibly the paid lefty posters on here are unaware, trust me when I state that Debbie Wasserman (I know nothing.....NOTHING) Shultz KNOWS at least this, and so does Hilly. This is gonna be a lot of fun, watching Libs actually trying to get YOU to vote for a moderate candidate, that they know will lose support, to help THEIR candidate through the "back door." Isn't going to work, but I like watching them try to convince us while wasting their time-)

Soros has hired an unknown number of people to be paid 'astro-turfers' and message board trolls. From what I have read such people read from a playbook and have no depth to their opinions and so never support their opinions with additional facts and do not answer questions posed to them. A number of liberals here are not that way at all, but quite few are and thus on my ignore list.

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