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The 4th GOP POTUS Debate

Trump won hands down. Since only the most embarrassing nutters know what channel Fox Business is on, and those nutters love to slurp up some Donald.
So says TheTrollSchool.

Drudge agrees:
**DRUDGE POLL** WHO WON 4TH REPUBLICAN DEBATE '16? - Results (poll 9173752)
Like you're such an expert on drudge and conservative media.
I am starting to think Trump may be paying Phillipinos to flood polls.

While I think Trump did well, this time he was definitely not the best performer, that went to Cruz hands down, IMO.

This response was classic rhetorical mastery. He would tear HR Clinton up in debate.

The same republican cliches, government taxes and regulation, all bad things while they vie for a government job. The audience reminded me of a bunch of boppleheads, cheering the same old failed policies. When it was noted democrats do better on jobs, Fiorina didn't even follow the question. When Cruz mentioned Coolidge he seemed to forget history and the GD. It is so easy to pick apart their talking points and the bobble heads, and yet they stand there as if they ever did anything positive for America. Kasich is the only grounded one in the group, but he comes off a bit preachy. Shame really. Is it any wonder republicans fail as presidents?
Coolidge had nothing to do with the GD, idiot. And if you are such an ideological retard that you cant see the differences between Ted Cruz vrs Kasich, then you are a bigger moron than I had thought possible and still be able to type on a keyboard.
I thought Cruz "won" the debate. He nailed most every answer and did so clearly and confidently. He sounded and appeared on point.

I thought Fiorina did well and I really do like her foreign policy acumen. If she weren't my VP pick, she'd be in line for Secretary of State for sure.

Trump may have slipped a little. His interrupting to whine about Carly interrupting came across a little harsh and the crowd booed loudly... first time I've seen that reaction to Trump at a debate.

Carson did well and held his own with questions slightly out of his area of expertise. He may have gained some ground on Trump.

Rubio did better than usual but still not enough to catch the leaders.

Jeb tanked.. he is done. Same for Paul and Kasich.

I find your opinion here to be extremely erudite and possessing a sophistication that is emulable.

Oh, and very similar to my opinion too, by the way, congrats! :D
I thought Cruz "won" the debate. He nailed most every answer and did so clearly and confidently. He sounded and appeared on point.

I thought Fiorina did well and I really do like her foreign policy acumen. If she weren't my VP pick, she'd be in line for Secretary of State for sure.

Trump may have slipped a little. His interrupting to whine about Carly interrupting came across a little harsh and the crowd booed loudly... first time I've seen that reaction to Trump at a debate.

Carson did well and held his own with questions slightly out of his area of expertise. He may have gained some ground on Trump.

Rubio did better than usual but still not enough to catch the leaders.

Jeb tanked.. he is done. Same for Paul and Kasich.

I find your opinion here to be extremely erudite and possessing a sophistication that is emulable.

Oh, and very similar to my opinion too, by the way, congrats! :D
Ya he is one smart cookie on this forum. The fact he agrees with me on everything proves it.
“…many TPP countries already have free-trade agreements with China. Even the United States is negotiating a bilateral investment treaty with China…In the shorter run, China is likely to seek to fast-track its own favoured free-trade accord – the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), which comprises the 10 ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries plus China, South Korea, Japan, India, Australia and New Zealand. This 16-country bloc would be a larger grouping than the TPP and include the world’s two most populous countries, China and India.”

What the above outlines is the very thing Donald Trump said – China is once again outsmarting us and sneaking in through the back door. It should also be noted that TPP rules include strict environmental regulations – primarily for the United States and other more developed nations. China wanted nothing to do with such economically prohibitive rules and so has, and continues to make trade agreements of its own accord which includes getting a bilateral agreement with the United States.

It appeared no-one on that stage last night was aware of the above facts, and yet, the media is already spinning how Senator Paul “fact-checked” Donald Trump. Mr. Trump never said China was part of the TPP. What he did say is that China will take advantage of that agreement which stifles American job creation while likely further increasing already lopsided trade imbalances between this nation and others.

Read more at MUST READ: Trump Was Right On China & The TPP Agreement - DCWhispers.com
Christie did best but he was in the JV game. He'll replace Kasich in the next varsity debate and will eventually win the nomination.
Fiorina will be his VP choice if HR Haldeman Clinton is the dem nominee. If it's not HR Haldeman Clinton then Rubio or Cruz will be VP choice. Carson will be Surgeon General.

So you think that a politicians that says the money 'stolen' from Social Security is just lost to Americans and we just have to lump it and shut up, that such a politician can win the general election?

I think that is completely contrary to the historical record that suggests that any Social Security 'reform' that takes benefits away from older Americans is virtually conceding the election to the Democrats.

And frankly it is that way for me. God willing I am retiring with my wife in 2020, and we are counting on having that Social Security money. I have paid in over $76,000 in my life time, and since the employers contribution came out of my employee compensation costs, I really paid for that too, so we can double that to $152,000.

You really think that I or any other Americans so invested into the Social Security system will just roll over for Christie when he says we just have to accept that the money was 'stolen'? It was not stolen. Social Security administration has, as credit for the money borrowed from it, a special series of Treasuries that are like any other security issued by the US Treasury and they bear the full trust and confidence of the US government. The US government cannot default on those securities without also taking a huge hit on its credit worthiness like would happen if it defaulted on any other bond or bill it has issued.

On Social Security, Christie is either incredibly ignorant or just a flat out liar, take y9ou pick. Either way he can never win in the general election with such nonsense in his rhetorical tool set.
I'm not rooting for Christie. I just made an analysis of the debate. Christie will surge and his demeanor will win out. His choice of Fiorina, Cruz or Rubio will be to secure the non-establishment vote that sat out the last election and cost Romney the win. And cost the rest of us so much more on so many levels.
Christie did best but he was in the JV game. He'll replace Kasich in the next varsity debate and will eventually win the nomination.
Fiorina will be his VP choice if HR Haldeman Clinton is the dem nominee. If it's not HR Haldeman Clinton then Rubio or Cruz will be VP choice. Carson will be Surgeon General.

So you think that a politicians that says the money 'stolen' from Social Security is just lost to Americans and we just have to lump it and shut up, that such a politician can win the general election?

I think that is completely contrary to the historical record that suggests that any Social Security 'reform' that takes benefits away from older Americans is virtually conceding the election to the Democrats.

And frankly it is that way for me. God willing I am retiring with my wife in 2020, and we are counting on having that Social Security money. I have paid in over $76,000 in my life time, and since the employers contribution came out of my employee compensation costs, I really paid for that too, so we can double that to $152,000.

You really think that I or any other Americans so invested into the Social Security system will just roll over for Christie when he says we just have to accept that the money was 'stolen'? It was not stolen. Social Security administration has, as credit for the money borrowed from it, a special series of Treasuries that are like any other security issued by the US Treasury and they bear the full trust and confidence of the US government. The US government cannot default on those securities without also taking a huge hit on its credit worthiness like would happen if it defaulted on any other bond or bill it has issued.

On Social Security, Christie is either incredibly ignorant or just a flat out liar, take y9ou pick. Either way he can never win in the general election with such nonsense in his rhetorical tool set.
I'm not rooting for Christie. I just made an analysis of the debate. Christie will surge and his demeanor will win out. His choice of Fiorina, Cruz or Rubio will be to secure the non-establishment vote that sat out the last election and cost Romney the win. And cost the rest of us so much more on so many levels.
Well, I disagree. Christie is a loser because of his position on entitlements which amount to government theft.

And picking an outsider for VP wont help enough any more than it did McCain when he picked Palin.
"Kasich the Puke got banking comments wrong and also was rude on the stage, wrong on TPP, and a classic fuck up on immigration deportation. F-"

That he's the most qualified of the lot illustrates how out of touch the majority of republicans are with the rest of the Nation.
I thought Cruz "won" the debate. He nailed most every answer and did so clearly and confidently. He sounded and appeared on point.

I thought Fiorina did well and I really do like her foreign policy acumen. If she weren't my VP pick, she'd be in line for Secretary of State for sure.

Trump may have slipped a little. His interrupting to whine about Carly interrupting came across a little harsh and the crowd booed loudly... first time I've seen that reaction to Trump at a debate.

Carson did well and held his own with questions slightly out of his area of expertise. He may have gained some ground on Trump.

Rubio did better than usual but still not enough to catch the leaders.

Jeb tanked.. he is done. Same for Paul and Kasich.

I find your opinion here to be extremely erudite and possessing a sophistication that is emulable.

Oh, and very similar to my opinion too, by the way, congrats! :D

Thanks, it means a lot to hear this. We often don't take the time to commend others who do a fine job on this forum of articulating Conservative philosophy. You are always a pleasure to read as well.
"The 4th GOP POTUS Debate"

Further confirming the fact that a republican should be kept out of the WH come 2017.

Sure seems to be a LOT of pinhead liberals on this thread lamenting their pinhead brilliance. You'd think you guys would be trying to figure out whether to back Bernie the Socialist or Hillary the Crook... or whether you need to get Crazy Uncle Joe in the race?

In any event, why would any of you be the least bit worried about who we nominate? Your Genius Brain Trust has it all figured out, right? No way we possibly win from what I've heard. Just seems kinda creepy that you're lurking in our thread about our candidates debate. Weirdo behavior.
"Kasich the Puke got banking comments wrong and also was rude on the stage, wrong on TPP, and a classic fuck up on immigration deportation. F-"

That he's the most qualified of the lot illustrates how out of touch the majority of republicans are with the rest of the Nation.
Lol, KAsich is far from the most qualified, dumbass.
The last thing Repubs need do is nominate an establishment candidate. Do they understand that the reason Repubs are surging in national polls, is because the leaders of those polls are not considered politicians, lol! The left itself keeps telling us that Trumps policy ideas are NOT conservative Republican. Neither is most of Carsons ideas truth be told. In fact, most of these candidates ideas are hybrids.

Democrats, (not the far left loons) can support much of this. Who do you think coal miners are going to support? Oil workers? Fracking companies? While the union hierarchy of the auto industry will proclaim support for the Democrats, once all the debates are in gear, who do you think the regular auto worker is going to vote for after hearing Hilly is going to control the economy? Steel workers?

You are going to have virtually EVERY economist proclaiming that while some of the numbers do not add up totally in the Republican plans, but either Democratic plan will certainly bankrupt the country unless you are willing to pay an 80% tax rate or more. Once this is started being discussed, to bring down the tax rates, freebies will have to be shelved. And then of course you have to TRILLION dollar question that MOST of the republican field can ask.................who do you believe; us, or the people in government who lied to you consistently, and got us here in the 1st place!

This is EXACTLY why Bush, (especially Bush) Kasich, Christie, and to a lesser extent Rubio, are NOT the ones for the job. They are/were always part of the problem, and had a hand in getting us here. They have no moral authority to proclaim that "it wasn't me!" The rest of them either did not have a hand in installing these fiascos, or actively and continuously fought to keep this crap from passing.

For the 1st time in any of our lifetimes, we COULD have a candidate that had absolutely no part in creating the disaster which is Washington DC, along with the policies that screw us. We won't have a Democratic nominee running ads on how he/she voted for taking money from the poor, or their voting record is this way, or that way. They can NOT really paint that type of picture, so they are going to have to engage on POLICY difference, and we all KNOW, the Democrats never, ever, never-ever want to do that-)
The last thing Repubs need do is nominate an establishment candidate. Do they understand that the reason Repubs are surging in national polls, is because the leaders of those polls are not considered politicians, lol! The left itself keeps telling us that Trumps policy ideas are NOT conservative Republican. Neither is most of Carsons ideas truth be told. In fact, most of these candidates ideas are hybrids.

Democrats, (not the far left loons) can support much of this. Who do you think coal miners are going to support? Oil workers? Fracking companies? While the union hierarchy of the auto industry will proclaim support for the Democrats, once all the debates are in gear, who do you think the regular auto worker is going to vote for after hearing Hilly is going to control the economy? Steel workers?

You are going to have virtually EVERY economist proclaiming that while some of the numbers do not add up totally in the Republican plans, but either Democratic plan will certainly bankrupt the country unless you are willing to pay an 80% tax rate or more. Once this is started being discussed, to bring down the tax rates, freebies will have to be shelved. And then of course you have to TRILLION dollar question that MOST of the republican field can ask.................who do you believe; us, or the people in government who lied to you consistently, and got us here in the 1st place!

This is EXACTLY why Bush, (especially Bush) Kasich, Christie, and to a lesser extent Rubio, are NOT the ones for the job. They are/were always part of the problem, and had a hand in getting us here. They have no moral authority to proclaim that "it wasn't me!" The rest of them either did not have a hand in installing these fiascos, or actively and continuously fought to keep this crap from passing.

For the 1st time in any of our lifetimes, we COULD have a candidate that had absolutely no part in creating the disaster which is Washington DC, along with the policies that screw us. We won't have a Democratic nominee running ads on how he/she voted for taking money from the poor, or their voting record is this way, or that way. They can NOT really paint that type of picture, so they are going to have to engage on POLICY difference, and we all KNOW, the Democrats never, ever, never-ever want to do that-)

If the GOP nominates an establishment retard like Rubio or Jebba, then Webb might be our next President.
The last thing Repubs need do is nominate an establishment candidate. Do they understand that the reason Repubs are surging in national polls, is because the leaders of those polls are not considered politicians, lol! The left itself keeps telling us that Trumps policy ideas are NOT conservative Republican. Neither is most of Carsons ideas truth be told. In fact, most of these candidates ideas are hybrids.

Democrats, (not the far left loons) can support much of this. Who do you think coal miners are going to support? Oil workers? Fracking companies? While the union hierarchy of the auto industry will proclaim support for the Democrats, once all the debates are in gear, who do you think the regular auto worker is going to vote for after hearing Hilly is going to control the economy? Steel workers?

You are going to have virtually EVERY economist proclaiming that while some of the numbers do not add up totally in the Republican plans, but either Democratic plan will certainly bankrupt the country unless you are willing to pay an 80% tax rate or more. Once this is started being discussed, to bring down the tax rates, freebies will have to be shelved. And then of course you have to TRILLION dollar question that MOST of the republican field can ask.................who do you believe; us, or the people in government who lied to you consistently, and got us here in the 1st place!

This is EXACTLY why Bush, (especially Bush) Kasich, Christie, and to a lesser extent Rubio, are NOT the ones for the job. They are/were always part of the problem, and had a hand in getting us here. They have no moral authority to proclaim that "it wasn't me!" The rest of them either did not have a hand in installing these fiascos, or actively and continuously fought to keep this crap from passing.

For the 1st time in any of our lifetimes, we COULD have a candidate that had absolutely no part in creating the disaster which is Washington DC, along with the policies that screw us. We won't have a Democratic nominee running ads on how he/she voted for taking money from the poor, or their voting record is this way, or that way. They can NOT really paint that type of picture, so they are going to have to engage on POLICY difference, and we all KNOW, the Democrats never, ever, never-ever want to do that-)

Hey, if they are going to run a campaign based on honesty this isn't even going to be close. Trump OR Carson will eat their lunch. Especially if the Queen Liar herself is the candidate...if she can manage to avoid prison before she gets to run. The Clintons are the most dishonest sleaze to ever crawl out from under a rock in Arkansas and she has told more lies that people have forgotten than lies they remember. This is going to be brutal.

I almost wonder if Bernie isn't the one who started this whole Carson/West Point thing... but I don't think he's that smart.
The last thing Repubs need do is nominate an establishment candidate. Do they understand that the reason Repubs are surging in national polls, is because the leaders of those polls are not considered politicians, lol! The left itself keeps telling us that Trumps policy ideas are NOT conservative Republican. Neither is most of Carsons ideas truth be told. In fact, most of these candidates ideas are hybrids.

Democrats, (not the far left loons) can support much of this. Who do you think coal miners are going to support? Oil workers? Fracking companies? While the union hierarchy of the auto industry will proclaim support for the Democrats, once all the debates are in gear, who do you think the regular auto worker is going to vote for after hearing Hilly is going to control the economy? Steel workers?

You are going to have virtually EVERY economist proclaiming that while some of the numbers do not add up totally in the Republican plans, but either Democratic plan will certainly bankrupt the country unless you are willing to pay an 80% tax rate or more. Once this is started being discussed, to bring down the tax rates, freebies will have to be shelved. And then of course you have to TRILLION dollar question that MOST of the republican field can ask.................who do you believe; us, or the people in government who lied to you consistently, and got us here in the 1st place!

This is EXACTLY why Bush, (especially Bush) Kasich, Christie, and to a lesser extent Rubio, are NOT the ones for the job. They are/were always part of the problem, and had a hand in getting us here. They have no moral authority to proclaim that "it wasn't me!" The rest of them either did not have a hand in installing these fiascos, or actively and continuously fought to keep this crap from passing.

For the 1st time in any of our lifetimes, we COULD have a candidate that had absolutely no part in creating the disaster which is Washington DC, along with the policies that screw us. We won't have a Democratic nominee running ads on how he/she voted for taking money from the poor, or their voting record is this way, or that way. They can NOT really paint that type of picture, so they are going to have to engage on POLICY difference, and we all KNOW, the Democrats never, ever, never-ever want to do that-)

Hey, if they are going to run a campaign based on honesty this isn't even going to be close. Trump OR Carson will eat their lunch. Especially if the Queen Liar herself is the candidate...if she can manage to avoid prison before she gets to run. The Clintons are the most dishonest sleaze to ever crawl out from under a rock in Arkansas and she has told more lies that people have forgotten than lies they remember. This is going to be brutal.

I almost wonder if Bernie isn't the one who started this whole Carson/West Point thing... but I don't think he's that smart.

I doubt he is that smart also, but I am positive the people running his campaign are. I have always figured that the far left are really loony in ideas, but they are far from stupid. How do we know they are not stupid? Look at illegal immigration. You have left wing nuts coming on this site with talking points on why this is a GOOD thing, and people actually listen to them, lol. Doesn't make a difference if it is illegal, no difference it is lowering wages, no difference it is taking American jobs from Americans. Some people will actually LISTEN to the excuses, and throw THEMSELVES under the bus, and the rest of us with them.

So stupid? No way! Josef Goebbels didn't have anything on these far out lefties, and that is a fact!
No, I doubt that Sanders had anything to do with the Carson broohahah, that smells more like a Clintonista dirty trick.
No, I doubt that Sanders had anything to do with the Carson broohahah, that smells more like a Clintonista dirty trick.

Well if it weren't calling the voter's attention to honesty in a candidate, I might agree. But it's kind of like Bill Clinton questioning Bob Dole's infidelities with women other than his wife. Or Obama questioning McCain's respect for the Constitution and rule of law. You generally don't pick your biggest weakness to go after your opponent... it's kinda stupid.

I'm thinking, someone from Bernie's campaign put this out on Carson, knowing that the media would run with it and everyone would get to talking about honesty, thus hurting Hillary more than helping. Because, you know, if you're out there condemning Carson over this it's hard to overlook the mountain of lies Hillary has told.

I don't think it was Trump, the allegation is too petty and superficial. He's smart enough to know this was never going to damage Carson. It's just wacky and insane enough that it smells like Bernie Sanders. ;)

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