The 8 Poorest states in the nation....What do they have in common?

Right wingers like to pick on Detroit and Chicago as an "example" of how dismal democrats' policies have been in fighting off minorities' economic woes......However, these 8 states are the poorest ones and guess who runs the governors' mansions and state legislatures.....

West Virginia
South Carolina

Facts speak for themselves....and speak loudly as to why minorities DO NOT TRUST republican rhetoric...starting with Trump's "what the hell do you have to lose"......


Detroit and Chicago was rich in manufacturing the south was not in the 1900s...

Detroit is bankrupt illinois would be to if it was legal, all because of unfunded union pension funds.

Sir, the textile mills of the northeast drove the economy in the 19th century, and slave labor worked the plantations that grew the cotton that they processed and sold to Europe.

Yeah? So? That is over 100 years ago numbskull. Amazingly enough the world has changed. Why don't you try and keep up.

If you know how to read I am responding to one of your fellow nitwits about the 19th century. The "1900s" refers the years 1801-1899, in case you don't understand that, either.

Are you a foreigner or something?

The 19th century refers to the time period 1800 ~ 1899

That's what I said in my post, if you can read.
Right wingers like to pick on Detroit and Chicago as an "example" of how dismal democrats' policies have been in fighting off minorities' economic woes......However, these 8 states are the poorest ones and guess who runs the governors' mansions and state legislatures.....

West Virginia
South Carolina

Facts speak for themselves....and speak loudly as to why minorities DO NOT TRUST republican rhetoric...starting with Trump's "what the hell do you have to lose"......

Here are some facts for you, you ill informed Libtard, everyone of those "poor states" are agricultural. They grow the food you shove into your ungrateful pie hole. They don't have the light industry or high tech positions to provide jobs and income. Mostly they have minimum wage jobs excluding a handful of professionals. I grew up in SC which used to be the textile center of the world. Thanks to the EPA, IRS and labor laws those once mighty factories are now located over seas and the buildings are either vacant or are used by flea markets.

When was the last time you been in SC?







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Detroit and Chicago was rich in manufacturing the south was not in the 1900s...

Detroit is bankrupt illinois would be to if it was legal, all because of unfunded union pension funds.

Sir, the textile mills of the northeast drove the economy in the 19th century, and slave labor worked the plantations that grew the cotton that they processed and sold to Europe.

Yeah? So? That is over 100 years ago numbskull. Amazingly enough the world has changed. Why don't you try and keep up.

If you know how to read I am responding to one of your fellow nitwits about the 19th century. The "1900s" refers the years 1801-1899, in case you don't understand that, either.

Are you a foreigner or something?

The 19th century refers to the time period 1800 ~ 1899

That's what I said in my post, if you can read.

Now you want to play dumb?

You said the same as me 1900s
Right wingers like to pick on Detroit and Chicago as an "example" of how dismal democrats' policies have been in fighting off minorities' economic woes......However, these 8 states are the poorest ones and guess who runs the governors' mansions and state legislatures.....

West Virginia
South Carolina

Facts speak for themselves....and speak loudly as to why minorities DO NOT TRUST republican rhetoric...starting with Trump's "what the hell do you have to lose"......

Here are some facts for you, you ill informed Libtard, everyone of those "poor states" are agricultural. They grow the food you shove into your ungrateful pie hole. They don't have the light industry or high tech positions to provide jobs and income. Mostly they have minimum wage jobs excluding a handful of professionals. I grew up in SC which used to be the textile center of the world. Thanks to the EPA, IRS and labor laws those once mighty factories are now located over seas and the buildings are either vacant or are used by flea markets.

The Carolinas used to be both textile and furniture...Highpoint! But all that went to China. Not the EPA, IRS or labor laws that killed these two industries.
Furniture Work Shifts From N.C. To South China
Right wingers like to pick on Detroit and Chicago as an "example" of how dismal democrats' policies have been in fighting off minorities' economic woes......However, these 8 states are the poorest ones and guess who runs the governors' mansions and state legislatures.....

West Virginia
South Carolina

Facts speak for themselves....and speak loudly as to why minorities DO NOT TRUST republican rhetoric...starting with Trump's "what the hell do you have to lose"......

Here are some facts for you, you ill informed Libtard, everyone of those "poor states" are agricultural. They grow the food you shove into your ungrateful pie hole. They don't have the light industry or high tech positions to provide jobs and income. Mostly they have minimum wage jobs excluding a handful of professionals. I grew up in SC which used to be the textile center of the world. Thanks to the EPA, IRS and labor laws those once mighty factories are now located over seas and the buildings are either vacant or are used by flea markets.

The Carolinas used to be both textile and furniture...Highpoint! But all that went to China. Not the EPA, IRS or labor laws that killed these two industries.
Furniture Work Shifts From N.C. To South China

Not all textiles, they were subsidized anyways.

Now we have a shit load of manufacturing plants...
Here are some facts for you, you ill informed Libtard, everyone of those "poor states" are agricultural. They grow the food you shove into your ungrateful pie hole. They don't have the light industry or high tech positions to provide jobs and income. Mostly they have minimum wage jobs excluding a handful of professionals. I grew up in SC which used to be the textile center of the world. Thanks to the EPA, IRS and labor laws those once mighty factories are now located over seas and the buildings are either vacant or are used by flea markets.

Hey cellBLOCKHEAD....I'm NOT making fun of those 8 states for being poor......Now, see if your cognition can follow this.....

Trump tells blacks that under his [republican] leadership they'd fare better......
I pointed out that under republican leadership, we have 8 states that are among the poorest in the nation.....

I've helped you all I can....If there's another grownup around, ask for more clarification.
Well, maybe the good, white leadership in MS can go back and treat the black population as 3/5ths?

Listen moron, the GOP governor and legislature in MS are NOT THERE TO JUST SERVE THEIR WHITE CITIZENS...

What has that to do with the subject, shitferbrains?

Missassippi has a black population in extreme poverty, which is the reason for their economic position.

YOU claimed this is because they are Republican, so is your claim that the poverty stricken blacks are Republicans?
What has that to do with the subject, shitferbrains?

Missassippi has a black population in extreme poverty, which is the reason for their economic position.

YOU claimed this is because they are Republican, so is your claim that the poverty stricken blacks are Republicans?

WOW, you're dumber than usual (which must have taken a lot of effort from you)......

NO, idiot, I never told you that "black southerners are poor because they're republicans".......LOL

The ONLY objective of this thread was to point out that under REPUBLICAN leadership, states do NOT fare all too well, AND states with large minority populations who are also under republican administrations fare even WORSE.

Trump is full of soiled diapers.
WOW, you're dumber than usual (which must have taken a lot of effort from you)......

NO, idiot, I never told you that "black southerners are poor because they're republicans".......LOL


Exercise BOTH your brain cells gnat, you claimed that Southern states, and particularly Mississippi, are poor because they are "ruby red Republicans."

Now look, you're a hack, and dump as a fence post, I get it. Still, the poverty stricken ELEMENT in ol' miss is the black population. Which party are they again, hack?

I'll wait if you need to go check with ThinkProgress to find out what you thing....

Exercise BOTH your brain cells gnat, you claimed that Southern states, and particularly Mississippi, are poor because they are "ruby red Republicans."

Now look, you're a hack, and dump as a fence post, I get it. Still, the poverty stricken ELEMENT in ol' miss is the black population. Which party are they again, hack?

I'll wait if you need to go check with ThinkProgress to find out what you thing....

I don't really know why I even bother with morons like you....(must be my kind heart for the disadvantaged)

Did you or did you not write this???

Missassippi has a black population in extreme poverty, which is the reason for their economic position.
YOU claimed this is because they are Republican, so is your claim that the poverty stricken blacks are Republicans?

Now....blacks in these southern states are NOT in the majority...THEREFORE they have little to no influence for the states' GOVERNORS, LEGISLATURE, WHO GOES TO DC to represent them, etc.

I can't help you more than that.......Perhaps some junior high kid can help with your comprehension issues...This is NOT the place to educate morons.
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Right wingers like to pick on Detroit and Chicago as an "example" of how dismal democrats' policies have been in fighting off minorities' economic woes......However, these 8 states are the poorest ones and guess who runs the governors' mansions and state legislatures.....

West Virginia
South Carolina

Facts speak for themselves....and speak loudly as to why minorities DO NOT TRUST republican rhetoric...starting with Trump's "what the hell do you have to lose"......

You want to know what's funny....a single Democrat city Detroit, is more in debt than ALL of the states you listed. Hows that for fucked up!
That's what happens when a community becomes too dependent on the presence of mismanaged corporations.
You'd think they'd learn from "King Cotton".
WOW, you're dumber than usual (which must have taken a lot of effort from you)......

NO, idiot, I never told you that "black southerners are poor because they're republicans".......LOL


Exercise BOTH your brain cells gnat, you claimed that Southern states, and particularly Mississippi, are poor because they are "ruby red Republicans."

Now look, you're a hack, and dump as a fence post, I get it. Still, the poverty stricken ELEMENT in ol' miss is the black population. Which party are they again, hack?

I'll wait if you need to go check with ThinkProgress to find out what you thing....

But Don the Con says Republican policies will be better for "the blacks". How come that's not true in those Ruby Red states?
Right wingers like to pick on Detroit and Chicago as an "example" of how dismal democrats' policies have been in fighting off minorities' economic woes......However, these 8 states are the poorest ones and guess who runs the governors' mansions and state legislatures.....

West Virginia
South Carolina

Facts speak for themselves....and speak loudly as to why minorities DO NOT TRUST republican rhetoric...starting with Trump's "what the hell do you have to lose"......

Here are some facts for you, you ill informed Libtard, everyone of those "poor states" are agricultural. They grow the food you shove into your ungrateful pie hole. They don't have the light industry or high tech positions to provide jobs and income. Mostly they have minimum wage jobs excluding a handful of professionals. I grew up in SC which used to be the textile center of the world. Thanks to the EPA, IRS and labor laws those once mighty factories are now located over seas and the buildings are either vacant or are used by flea markets.

When was the last time you been in SC?


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View attachment 87767

I was there a month ago. I didn't say there were no heavy industry, I said the textile mills are closed and that was the key industry since the Civil War. Maybe you'll believe these guys if not me: In U.S. South, Textile Mills Gone but Not Forgotten
Here are some facts for you, you ill informed Libtard, everyone of those "poor states" are agricultural. They grow the food you shove into your ungrateful pie hole. They don't have the light industry or high tech positions to provide jobs and income. Mostly they have minimum wage jobs excluding a handful of professionals. I grew up in SC which used to be the textile center of the world. Thanks to the EPA, IRS and labor laws those once mighty factories are now located over seas and the buildings are either vacant or are used by flea markets.

Hey cellBLOCKHEAD....I'm NOT making fun of those 8 states for being poor......Now, see if your cognition can follow this.....

Trump tells blacks that under his [republican] leadership they'd fare better......
I pointed out that under republican leadership, we have 8 states that are among the poorest in the nation.....

I've helped you all I can....If there's another grownup around, ask for more clarification.

They were rich when the Democrats were in charge and now they are poor because the Republicans are in charge? Is that what you're saying? How about they have been poor states since the end of the Civil War no matter who was in charge.
Right wingers like to pick on Detroit and Chicago as an "example" of how dismal democrats' policies have been in fighting off minorities' economic woes......However, these 8 states are the poorest ones and guess who runs the governors' mansions and state legislatures.....

West Virginia
South Carolina

Facts speak for themselves....and speak loudly as to why minorities DO NOT TRUST republican rhetoric...starting with Trump's "what the hell do you have to lose"......

Here are some facts for you, you ill informed Libtard, everyone of those "poor states" are agricultural. They grow the food you shove into your ungrateful pie hole. They don't have the light industry or high tech positions to provide jobs and income. Mostly they have minimum wage jobs excluding a handful of professionals. I grew up in SC which used to be the textile center of the world. Thanks to the EPA, IRS and labor laws those once mighty factories are now located over seas and the buildings are either vacant or are used by flea markets.

When was the last time you been in SC?


View attachment 87767



View attachment 87767

I was there a month ago. I didn't say there were no heavy industry, I said the textile mills are closed and that was the key industry since the Civil War. Maybe you'll believe these guys if not me: In U.S. South, Textile Mills Gone but Not Forgotten

I have lived down here since 2004, I said some textiles are still around, Milken still has a few plants around.

I drive by two on the way home you want me to take a picture?
Right wingers like to pick on Detroit and Chicago as an "example" of how dismal democrats' policies have been in fighting off minorities' economic woes......However, these 8 states are the poorest ones and guess who runs the governors' mansions and state legislatures.....

West Virginia
South Carolina

Facts speak for themselves....and speak loudly as to why minorities DO NOT TRUST republican rhetoric...starting with Trump's "what the hell do you have to lose"......
Black people?

"Black people?"

Black people run and control Atlanta .. the brightest city, the mega city in the Southeast .. in the poor ass republican red state of Georgia.

Black Mayor .. Black City Council .. majority Black Residents .. Atlanta BOOMING .. multiple Super Bowls .. multiple Final Fours, Men and Women .. the OLYMPICS .. tourism BOOMING .. construction BOOMING .. many, many national and international business, academic, and commerce conferences .. real estate market BOOMING .. Warehouse business BOOMING .. TV and film industry BOOMING .. Science, Research, and Technology colleges and institutions BOOMING.

Where the fuck do you live Bozo?
WOW, you're dumber than usual (which must have taken a lot of effort from you)......

NO, idiot, I never told you that "black southerners are poor because they're republicans".......LOL


Exercise BOTH your brain cells gnat, you claimed that Southern states, and particularly Mississippi, are poor because they are "ruby red Republicans."

Now look, you're a hack, and dump as a fence post, I get it. Still, the poverty stricken ELEMENT in ol' miss is the black population. Which party are they again, hack?

I'll wait if you need to go check with ThinkProgress to find out what you thing....

But Don the Con says Republican policies will be better for "the blacks". How come that's not true in those Ruby Red states?
Using your fake democrat propaganda poverty number or real poverty?

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