The Absurd Hypocrisy of The CTRL Left

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
I have to ask exactly what is the loony left's issue with President Trump?

They act like he stole their lunch money yet they voted for an Alcoholic Liar that Killed people in Benghazi & Lied about it, rigged The DNC Primary, Rigged The Debates, Stole Debate Questions, took MILLIONS of dollars from Radical Islamocists, gave money and weapons to Terrorists to overthrown foreign governments, Paid Hired Thugs to assault Trump supporters and commit violent acts of vandalism and assault at Trump Rallies & held Private Policy Positions only revealed to her wealthy donors and Lying public positions for her useful idiot supporters.

Furthermore she Violated The Espionage Act, FOIA Laws, Used the State Department for personal gain in a pay to play operation, Lied to Congress, and knowingly destroyed Government Documents violating two Court preservation orders, and then further tried to cover up her crimes by bleach bitting 30,000 emails.

I have got to ask Liberals, why are you even bothering with your nonstop assault on The President when you voted for, defended and worshipped a criminal candidate who by all rights should at the least be in jail or if justice were served should have seen the wrong end of a firing squad?

And lastly according to The Law she was barred from running for office anyways. And you fools want to talk about impeachment over nothing when you supported a candidate that disqualified herself from even holding public office.

Your Absurdity & Hypocrisy stinks to High Heaven!

Shame on you.
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He doesn't agree with them 100%. In fact, Trump has accurately identified that these people spew bullshit that is the opposite of reality 98% of the time.

Remember the far left believes everyone who disagrees with them needs to be silenced and beaten up. It's not a huge mystery...
Under Obama they set out to fundamentally transform America. They learn the hard way that America fights back against that nonsense with a vengeance. Seriously, you cannot run a campaign on nothing but the accusation that anyone who doesn't just go along with what you say is a vagina hater as a distraction from reality and expect to survive in politics anymore.
I have to ask exactly what is the loony left's issue with President Trump?

They act like he stole their lunch money yet they voted for an Alcoholic Liar that Killed people in Benghazi & Lied about it, rigged The DNC Primary, Rigged The Debates, Stole Debate Questions, took MILLIONS of dollars from Radical Islamocists, gave money and weapons to Terrorists to overthrown foreign governments, Paid Hired Thugs to assault Trump supporters and commit violent acts of vandalism and assault at Trump Rallies & held Private Policy Positions only revealed to her wealthy donors and Lying public positions for her useful idiot supporters.

Furthermore she Violated The Espionage Act, FOIA Laws, Used the State Department for personal gain in a pay to play operation, Lied to Congress, and knowingly destroyed Government Documents violating two Court preservation orders, and then further tried to cover up her crimes by bleach bitting 30,000 emails.

I have got to ask Liberals, why are you even bothering with your nonstop assault on The President when you voted for, defended and worshipped a criminal candidate who by all rights should at the least be in jail or if justice were served should have seen the wrong end of a firing squad?

And lastly according to The Law she was barred from running for office anyways. And you fools want to talk about impeachment over nothing when you supported a candidate that disqualified herself from even holding public office.

Your Absurdity & Hypocrisy stinks to High Heaven!

Shame on you.

You should stick to Grimm's for your fairy tale reading. The others are rotting your brain.
LOL at your dumb make-believe chart of political spectrum... putting fascism and communism on the same side, when in actual fact, they are polar opposites on the political spectrum. Only in the minds of the retard right is that not the case.
I enjoy seeing those on the left who said that contesting election results and being obstructionist are acts of TREASON if Trump were to do them.

Those people don't seem to mind Hillary and the Dems doing it, shocking, huh?
I enjoy seeing those on the left who said that contesting election results and being obstructionist are acts of TREASON if Trump were to do them.

Those people don't seem to mind Hillary and the Dems doing it, shocking, huh?

Colonel Anus, or Cunnilingus? Maybe back and forth oughta work.
I enjoy seeing those on the left who said that contesting election results and being obstructionist are acts of TREASON if Trump were to do them.

Those people don't seem to mind Hillary and the Dems doing it, shocking, huh?

Colonel Anus, or Cunnilingus? Maybe back and forth oughta work.


I have to ask exactly what is the loony left's issue with President Trump?

They act like he stole their lunch money yet they voted for an Alcoholic Liar that Killed people in Benghazi & Lied about it, rigged The DNC Primary, Rigged The Debates, Stole Debate Questions, took MILLIONS of dollars from Radical Islamocists, gave money and weapons to Terrorists to overthrown foreign governments, Paid Hired Thugs to assault Trump supporters and commit violent acts of vandalism and assault at Trump Rallies & held Private Policy Positions only revealed to her wealthy donors and Lying public positions for her useful idiot supporters.

Furthermore she Violated The Espionage Act, FOIA Laws, Used the State Department for personal gain in a pay to play operation, Lied to Congress, and knowingly destroyed Government Documents violating two Court preservation orders, and then further tried to cover up her crimes by bleach bitting 30,000 emails.

I have got to ask Liberals, why are you even bothering with your nonstop assault on The President when you voted for, defended and worshipped a criminal candidate who by all rights should at the least be in jail or if justice were served should have seen the wrong end of a firing squad?

And lastly according to The Law she was barred from running for office anyways. And you fools want to talk about impeachment over nothing when you supported a candidate that disqualified herself from even holding public office.

Your Absurdity & Hypocrisy stinks to High Heaven!

Shame on you.

You should stick to Grimm's for your fairy tale reading. The others are rotting your brain.
Everything I posted IS A FACT.

You made no effort to even debate the facts.

So that is why you chose in typical liberal fashion to attack the credibility of
my post instead of challenge the facts.
Communism and Fascism are both Tyrannical & Collectivist in Nature. They are complimentary philosophies, and the fact that you ridicule The Freedom Indexing is proof that you are a liberal, and that the truth does not reside within you.

LOL at your dumb make-believe chart of political spectrum... putting fascism and communism on the same side, when in actual fact, they are polar opposites on the political spectrum. Only in the minds of the retard right is that not the case.
I have to ask exactly what is the loony left's issue with President Trump?

They act like he stole their lunch money yet they voted for an Alcoholic Liar that Killed people in Benghazi & Lied about it, rigged The DNC Primary, Rigged The Debates, Stole Debate Questions, took MILLIONS of dollars from Radical Islamocists, gave money and weapons to Terrorists to overthrown foreign governments, Paid Hired Thugs to assault Trump supporters and commit violent acts of vandalism and assault at Trump Rallies & held Private Policy Positions only revealed to her wealthy donors and Lying public positions for her useful idiot supporters.

Furthermore she Violated The Espionage Act, FOIA Laws, Used the State Department for personal gain in a pay to play operation, Lied to Congress, and knowingly destroyed Government Documents violating two Court preservation orders, and then further tried to cover up her crimes by bleach bitting 30,000 emails.

I have got to ask Liberals, why are you even bothering with your nonstop assault on The President when you voted for, defended and worshipped a criminal candidate who by all rights should at the least be in jail or if justice were served should have seen the wrong end of a firing squad?

And lastly according to The Law she was barred from running for office anyways. And you fools want to talk about impeachment over nothing when you supported a candidate that disqualified herself from even holding public office.

Your Absurdity & Hypocrisy stinks to High Heaven!

Shame on you.

This message has been brought to you via fake news.
I have to ask exactly what is the loony left's issue with President Trump?

They act like he stole their lunch money yet they voted for an Alcoholic Liar that Killed people in Benghazi & Lied about it, rigged The DNC Primary, Rigged The Debates, Stole Debate Questions, took MILLIONS of dollars from Radical Islamocists, gave money and weapons to Terrorists to overthrown foreign governments, Paid Hired Thugs to assault Trump supporters and commit violent acts of vandalism and assault at Trump Rallies & held Private Policy Positions only revealed to her wealthy donors and Lying public positions for her useful idiot supporters.

Furthermore she Violated The Espionage Act, FOIA Laws, Used the State Department for personal gain in a pay to play operation, Lied to Congress, and knowingly destroyed Government Documents violating two Court preservation orders, and then further tried to cover up her crimes by bleach bitting 30,000 emails.

I have got to ask Liberals, why are you even bothering with your nonstop assault on The President when you voted for, defended and worshipped a criminal candidate who by all rights should at the least be in jail or if justice were served should have seen the wrong end of a firing squad?

And lastly according to The Law she was barred from running for office anyways. And you fools want to talk about impeachment over nothing when you supported a candidate that disqualified herself from even holding public office.

Your Absurdity & Hypocrisy stinks to High Heaven!

Shame on you.

This message has been brought to you via fake news.

We are all aware of how FAKE YOUR NEWS IS.

Care to dispute anything I said? It's all factual.

Hillary Clinton should not only NOT BE PRESIDENT, she should be barred from running for any political office. She should also lose her law license. She is lucky she isn't in jail.

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