The ACLU is suing to RESTORE mask mandates?

What school district does not set the dress code?
Masks are not a "dress code" issue. That's an absurd dodge. If a public school district board was elected with a majority of Hassidic Jews and decided that the school "dress code" would include large brim black hats, long black coats and side curls, you would have no trouble seeing that this is not about "dress code."
What school district does not set the time the students arrive and depart?

What school district does not set the time students changes classes?

What school district does not set the rules for behavior while in school?

All of these things are powers that the individual does not have
Regulating the day-to-day activities of schools are legitimate functions for school boards. Health regulations are the purview of states, which should defer in most cases to the rights of individuals.
Hahahaha….. Golfing Gator and his LefTarded as fuck typing fingers have really fucked up on this one.

Not in the least. There is nothing wrong with thinking these rules should be decided at the lowest level to give the citizens the most input.
I do not agree with mask mandates on any level, I do not think that our school kids should be forced to wear them. But I also disagree with state governors making statewide rules going either way.
Masks are not a "dress code" issue. That's an absurd dodge. If a public school district board was elected with a majority of Hassidic Jews and decided that the school "dress code" would include large brim black hats, long black coats and side curls, you would have no trouble seeing that this is not about "dress code."

I would have a problem and work to get it changed. Same with mask. I do not think they should be required by students in schools. I just happen to disagree with such rulings coming from the state level.
Decisions on what happens in a public school cannot be made at the individual person level. Or do you support the individual person choosing when they show up to school and when they leave? Or the individual person choosing when to change classes or what behavior is allowed.
Apples and oranges, Dumbass.
I would have a problem and work to get it changed. Same with mask. I do not think they should be required by students in schools. I just happen to disagree with such rulings coming from the state level.
I hear you.

Bottom line is it should be a moot point. The decision to wear masks to school should be made no higher than the parent level, which should be regarded as the highest level of authority for children's health decisions.
I would have a problem and work to get it changed. Same with mask. I do not think they should be required by students in schools. I just happen to disagree with such rulings coming from the state level.
When the state (Virginia) decided that the local school districts were too obstinate and entrenched to where they were working at cross purposes against the health of their citizens (school children in this case) the state was duty bound to intervene......That's what we elect them to do, that's what they did.

In this case that is exactly what happened and all but 9 dem senators voted with the gop to end the mandate by state law and put the mask issue in the hands of parents.

Blah, I swear Libertarians are more hardheaded than dems especially when their fellow travelers (dems) abandon them. They are contrary as a matter of course, it does not have to make any sense.
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The ACLU is saying it should be decided at the local level, and not the state. I agree with them on this.

This should not be done at the state level either for or against mask mandates.

In our system of government all local power flows from the State governments down, not the local governments up. You are a citizen of your State, not of your city, county or town. Home rule laws are set up by State Constitutions and laws, and State governments can change at least the laws at their whim.
Well, yes. Libertarians are not against all laws and rules, but we do think they should be made at the lowest/smallest level possible.

School dress codes, school behavior rules, times school starts and ends and so many more things should all be decided at the local school district level.

The lower the level of decision making, the more impact the individuals have on those rules and regulations

Those are things delegated by State law to those levels.

The State can take them back as they see fit.
When the state (Virginia) decided that the local school districts were too obstinate and entrenched to where they were working at cross purposes against the health of their citizens (school children in this case) the state was duty bound to intervene......That's what we elect them to do, that's what they did.

In this case that is exactly what happened and all but 9 dem senators voted with the gop to end the mandate by state law and put the mask issue in the hands of parents.

Blah, I swear Libertarians are more hardheaded than dems especially when their fellow travelers (dems) abandon them. They are contrary as a matter of course, it does not have to make any sense.
Libertarians...Selfish and Greedy.
The ACLU is saying it should be decided at the local level, and not the state. I agree with them on this.

This should not be done at the state level either for or against mask mandates.

Try actually reading the link. That's not the argument they are making. They are arguing the implications of the ADA, that has national ramifications.

The ACLU is suing to REDUCE FREEDOM?!

This is like the NRA trying to repeal the 2nd ammendment…what the hell?

The ACLU has lost the plot.

Since everyone and his neighbor that I know is getting infected with Omnicron I think mask madates won't be neccessary anymore till the next major variant arrives. Literaly almost everyne I know friends, family, co-workers got infected with Omnicron lol. Like everyone. My wife' family has a 100% infection rate of COVID in last couple months, every single person got it :) No mask mandate necessary if eveyone just had COVID a few weeks ago lol :)
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The ACLU needs to suck on the business end of a shotgun. They do more harm than good to this country.
It amazes me how so many seem to think that ending a mask mandate will prevent you from wearing a mask if you want to.

It's funny, democrats call Republicans Nazis but the Republicans are the ones saying "don't force people to wear them let them wear one if they want" while democrats are the ones saying "you don't have a choice you need to do as we say".
The ACLU is saying it should be decided at the local level, and not the state. I agree with them on this.

This should not be done at the state level either for or against mask mandates.
Youngkin's position is that parents can and should decide on the micro-local level.

The ACLU position is that schools should be allowed to dictate that all must mask to allegedly protect some in a tiny minority, which is completely insane, but in keeping with the deranged power-at-all-costs Democrat approach to Covid from the beginning.
Yes, and every school I know of has a dress code for the students and staff that is set by the local school board with the input of the parents.
And every public school dress code is subject to limitations all the way up to the federal level.

For instance, this would be an illegal dress code requirement and enforced from a federal level:

However, it is perfectly acceptable to wear this on an INDIVIDUAL level.

Exactly where the state law places the decision to mask.

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