The ACLU is suing to RESTORE mask mandates?

What is a school district entitled to powers that an individual does not have?

What school district does not set the dress code?

What school district does not set the time the students arrive and depart?

What school district does not set the time students changes classes?

What school district does not set the rules for behavior while in school?

All of these things are powers that the individual does not have
The ACLU is saying it should be decided at the local level, and not the state. I agree with them on this.

This should not be done at the state level either for or against mask mandates.
Are you ‘kinda’ saying you freedom loving LiberalTarians support LOCALIZED .gov imposed mandates?

LefTard Logic:
“Please Father Government, guide me, please tell me I should be terrified of the Democrat Virus, step all over my freedom and FORCE me to do what you want me to do, please stop me from pursuing life, liberty and happiness, PLEASE prevent me from having the right to choose."
Keep going until you get to the individual person level...

Decisions on what happens in a public school cannot be made at the individual person level. Or do you support the individual person choosing when they show up to school and when they leave? Or the individual person choosing when to change classes or what behavior is allowed.
Are you ‘kinda’ saying you freedom loving LiberalTarians support LOCALIZED .gov imposed mandates?

Well, yes. Libertarians are not against all laws and rules, but we do think they should be made at the lowest/smallest level possible.

School dress codes, school behavior rules, times school starts and ends and so many more things should all be decided at the local school district level.

The lower the level of decision making, the more impact the individuals have on those rules and regulations
Decisions on what happens in a public school cannot be made at the individual person level. Or do you support the individual person choosing when they show up to school and when they leave? Or the individual person choosing when to change classes or what behavior is allowed.
Don’t we both know we are talking about masks and what one wears on their person?
Don’t we both know we are talking about masks and what one wears on their person?

Yes, and every school I know of has a dress code for the students and staff that is set by the local school board with the input of the parents.
Yes, and every school I know of has a dress code for the students and staff that is set by the local school board with the input of the parents.
So you Freedom Fighting LiberlTarians have spun masks, something that covers one’s mouth and nose into part of “dress code”?
So you Freedom Fighting LiberlTarians have spun masks, something that covers one’s mouth and nose into part of “dress code”?

Is it fundamentally different than something that covers one's feet or torso?
Decisions on what happens in a public school cannot be made at the individual person level. Or do you support the individual person choosing when they show up to school and when they leave? Or the individual person choosing when to change classes or what behavior is allowed.

You are comparing restricting children's breathing to changing classes? If a kid can decide their gender they can decide if they want to wear a mask.
My local pharmacy threw their masks for sale in the garbage and is begging people to take their stacks of home COVID tests.
The ironically named ACLU seems to take the side of big government against civil liberties when democrats are in charge. What could be a better issue for civil liberty than being forced to wear a covering over your mouth and nose in order to exist in the modern world? Yet the ACLU takes the side of a fascist order from unelected bureaucrats.
The ACLU is a communist organization…that is VERY clear.


That is why they are a non profit….if they are just pushing a left wing political agenda, why should they not be taxed?
You are comparing restricting children's breathing to changing classes? If a kid can decide their gender they can decide if they want to wear a mask.

I am not comparing anything to anything. I am showing ways the individual is not allowed to make their own choices.

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