The Alternative Plan That Obama Claims Doesn't Exist

I watched a whole 23 seconds of non-information before I decided that this was a bullshit video.

RomneyCare is ObamaCare.

You guys were fine with RomneyCare until the Black Guy adopted it.
Again, there's a reason why we spend more on health care than any country in the world.

Doctors practice defensive medicine due to lawyers in this country.

Texas and Ohio have very stringent Tort laws. Has it lowered the cost of healthcare in those states?

New study: Tort reform has not reduced health care costs in Texas

Studies: Texas Tort Reform Has Had No Effect on Physician Supply, Lowering Costs

Ohio's tort reform law hasn't lowered health-care costs
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RomneyCare is ObamaCare.
You guys were fine with RomneyCare until the Black Guy adopted it.

10th Amendment

Also known as the "Douchebag Amendment", used by douchebags to otherwise defend bad behavior.

"Oh, wait, my state can totally discriminate against blacks and gays! It's in the 10th Amendment!"

As an aside, the Heritage Foundation pushed for a version of RomneyCare for the whole country.

So did Romney when he ran in 2008. He quickly went back and scrubbed his book to take out that reference. Now he wouldn't be caught having a drink with his own plan. (Good thing Mormons don't drink!)
How very interesting how the liberals are trying to run from Obamacare and somehow blame it on Republicans. So typical. What the democrats bought off their moderates for was not romneycare it could never be romneycare. Yes both romneycare and obamacare have similarities because what they deal with is the same thing.

You are getting the sequence wrong.

Democrats proposed Single Payer. Republicans opposed it.

Finally, Democrats said, "Meh, we'll try this program that Romney and the Heritage foundation proposed as long as we get a few extra things like a Public Option or a MediCare buy-in for those over 55 to cover the gaps."

And Republicans shot those things down.

So what we got was the market-based program Republicans always said they wanted, except the Market is revolting at the thought of having to follow some silly rules like not cutting off granny's cancer therapy.
Again, there's a reason why we spend more on health care than any country in the world.

Doctors practice defensive medicine due to lawyers in this country.

You mean they actually bother to make sure they aren't cutting off the wrong leg because they are afraid of lawyers?

That would be a GOOD thing.

The reality is, doctors order unnecessary tests because they get a kickback from the testing labs. And then the patient has to schedule another appointment so the doctor can tell him what the results of his lab work was.

Going back to my own wonderful experience.

I had to get a referrel from my Primary Physician to see the Orthopedic specialist.
I then had to get a referrel from my Orthopedic specialist to get the MRI on my knee.
I then had to go BACK to the primary guy to get another referral to the Orthopedic specialist.
Before he would work on it.

I think you are also deluded on how difficult it is to sue a doctor for malpractice in this country.

do you really think that obamacare will change any of that? It won't. Instead of a referral from a doctor your referral will come from some GS-9 at a phone bank in Bangla desh, if you can get him/her to answer your call and if you can understand his/her attempts at speaking english.
How very interesting how the liberals are trying to run from Obamacare and somehow blame it on Republicans. So typical. What the democrats bought off their moderates for was not romneycare it could never be romneycare. Yes both romneycare and obamacare have similarities because what they deal with is the same thing.

Romneycare Vs. Obamacare: Key Similarities & Differences « CBS Boston

Not running from it, wanting to make it better. We're actually really fucking tired of defending a GOP plan from psychopaths that hate it just because Obama did it.
How very interesting how the liberals are trying to run from Obamacare and somehow blame it on Republicans. So typical. What the democrats bought off their moderates for was not romneycare it could never be romneycare. Yes both romneycare and obamacare have similarities because what they deal with is the same thing.

You are getting the sequence wrong.

Democrats proposed Single Payer. Republicans opposed it.

Finally, Democrats said, "Meh, we'll try this program that Romney and the Heritage foundation proposed as long as we get a few extra things like a Public Option or a MediCare buy-in for those over 55 to cover the gaps."

And Republicans shot those things down.

So what we got was the market-based program Republicans always said they wanted, except the Market is revolting at the thought of having to follow some silly rules like not cutting off granny's cancer therapy.

single payer = free medical care for everyone! right, Joe?

you libs are so fricken stupid that you actually believe that only the evil rich will have to pay for this fiasco. Ask a Canadian or a Brit if thats the way it works for them. Ask a Canadian why they are moving back to private medicine and away from socialized medicine.

like all liberal ideas, socialized single payer medicine can never work.
Also known as the "Douchebag Amendment", used by douchebags to otherwise defend bad behavior.

But not a douchebag amendment when legalizing weed.

The Feds haven't stopped enforcing their laws have they?

Feds raid Denver-area marijuana dispensaries

"Weed" won't be legal until it's taken off the Fed list.

Raided based on involvement of criminal elements (mainly foreign) using CO as base to grow, then ship weed interstate. CO is the new Mexico without a border checkpoint
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How very interesting how the liberals are trying to run from Obamacare and somehow blame it on Republicans. So typical. What the democrats bought off their moderates for was not romneycare it could never be romneycare. Yes both romneycare and obamacare have similarities because what they deal with is the same thing.

You are getting the sequence wrong.

Democrats proposed Single Payer. Republicans opposed it.

Finally, Democrats said, "Meh, we'll try this program that Romney and the Heritage foundation proposed as long as we get a few extra things like a Public Option or a MediCare buy-in for those over 55 to cover the gaps."

And Republicans shot those things down.

So what we got was the market-based program Republicans always said they wanted, except the Market is revolting at the thought of having to follow some silly rules like not cutting off granny's cancer therapy.

single payer = free medical care for everyone! right, Joe?

you libs are so fricken stupid that you actually believe that only the evil rich will have to pay for this fiasco. Ask a Canadian or a Brit if thats the way it works for them. Ask a Canadian why they are moving back to private medicine and away from socialized medicine.

like all liberal ideas, socialized single payer medicine can never work.

It works in practically every industrialized nation in the world. What an idiotic statement.

What's your idea of "working"? Costing less? We spend more than any other country. Better outcomes? We are among the worst of the industrialized nations in that regard too.

Tell me...what would you say if our military was ranked dead last behind 17 other developed nations?

New Health Rankings: Of 17 Nations, U.S. Is Dead Last
Again, there's a reason why we spend more on health care than any country in the world.

Doctors practice defensive medicine due to lawyers in this country.

Doctors and hospitals LOVE the defensive medicine scam.
By having tort reform, that would reduce the cost of healthcare 2-3%. One out of every four dollars spent for healthcare goes to defensive medicine. Defensive medicine costs American patients $650 billion annually. That $650 billion sure adds to the healthcare industry's bottom-line.
I'm all for tort reform, I'm all for anything to stop the runaway train called Healthcare Costs. I am willing to bet that if significant tort reform was accomplished that hospital/doctors would find some reason to implement defensive medicine. Why would they be so willing to throw out the Goose the laid Golden Eggs that enhances tidy profits?
You are getting the sequence wrong.

Democrats proposed Single Payer. Republicans opposed it.

Finally, Democrats said, "Meh, we'll try this program that Romney and the Heritage foundation proposed as long as we get a few extra things like a Public Option or a MediCare buy-in for those over 55 to cover the gaps."

And Republicans shot those things down.

So what we got was the market-based program Republicans always said they wanted, except the Market is revolting at the thought of having to follow some silly rules like not cutting off granny's cancer therapy.

single payer = free medical care for everyone! right, Joe?

you libs are so fricken stupid that you actually believe that only the evil rich will have to pay for this fiasco. Ask a Canadian or a Brit if thats the way it works for them. Ask a Canadian why they are moving back to private medicine and away from socialized medicine.

like all liberal ideas, socialized single payer medicine can never work.

It works in practically every industrialized nation in the world. What an idiotic statement.

What's your idea of "working"? Costing less? We spend more than any other country. Better outcomes? We are among the worst of the industrialized nations in that regard too.

Tell me...what would you say if our military was ranked dead last behind 17 other developed nations?

New Health Rankings: Of 17 Nations, U.S. Is Dead Last

typical distortion of the facts.

1. take the illegals out of the USA stats
2. Sweden, Denmark, etc are like a country made up of a big extended family, things may work there that would not work in a multi cultural society like ours, not a valid comparison
3. The USA has the best medical car in the world, rich and poor sick people come here for treatment from every other country.
4. we do have some cost issues, but we did not have to destroy the entire system to address them.

single payer = free medical care for everyone! right, Joe?

you libs are so fricken stupid that you actually believe that only the evil rich will have to pay for this fiasco. Ask a Canadian or a Brit if thats the way it works for them. Ask a Canadian why they are moving back to private medicine and away from socialized medicine.

like all liberal ideas, socialized single payer medicine can never work.

Canadians aren't moving back to "private medicine", guy.

And the British and Canadians love their single payer systems and are very proud of them.
single payer = free medical care for everyone! right, Joe?

you libs are so fricken stupid that you actually believe that only the evil rich will have to pay for this fiasco. Ask a Canadian or a Brit if thats the way it works for them. Ask a Canadian why they are moving back to private medicine and away from socialized medicine.

like all liberal ideas, socialized single payer medicine can never work.

It works in practically every industrialized nation in the world. What an idiotic statement.

What's your idea of "working"? Costing less? We spend more than any other country. Better outcomes? We are among the worst of the industrialized nations in that regard too.

Tell me...what would you say if our military was ranked dead last behind 17 other developed nations?

New Health Rankings: Of 17 Nations, U.S. Is Dead Last

typical distortion of the facts.

1. take the illegals out of the USA stats
2. Sweden, Denmark, etc are like a country made up of a big extended family, things may work there that would not work in a multi cultural society like ours, not a valid comparison
3. The USA has the best medical car in the world, rich and poor sick people come here for treatment from every other country.
4. we do have some cost issues, but we did not have to destroy the entire system to address them.

Why don't you come up with something factual that demonstrates, without question the US has the best "medical car in the world"?
The cost of healthcare in the US is killing US's competitiveness in the world business stage.
Healthcare Costs and U.S. Competitiveness
Healthcare Costs and U.S. Competitiveness - Council on Foreign Relations
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It works in practically every industrialized nation in the world. What an idiotic statement.

What's your idea of "working"? Costing less? We spend more than any other country. Better outcomes? We are among the worst of the industrialized nations in that regard too.

Tell me...what would you say if our military was ranked dead last behind 17 other developed nations?

New Health Rankings: Of 17 Nations, U.S. Is Dead Last

typical distortion of the facts.

1. take the illegals out of the USA stats
2. Sweden, Denmark, etc are like a country made up of a big extended family, things may work there that would not work in a multi cultural society like ours, not a valid comparison
3. The USA has the best medical car in the world, rich and poor sick people come here for treatment from every other country.
4. we do have some cost issues, but we did not have to destroy the entire system to address them.

Why don't you come up with something factual that demonstrates, without question the US has the best "medical car in the world"?
The cost of healthcare in the US is killing US's competitiveness nn the world business stage.
Healthcare Costs and U.S. Competitiveness
Healthcare Costs and U.S. Competitiveness - Council on Foreign Relations

our medical cars are probably average, but our medical care is outstanding. :cool:

we do have some serious cost issues, do you think the countries with socialized medicine do not have those same cost issues? they do.

single payer = free medical care for everyone! right, Joe?

you libs are so fricken stupid that you actually believe that only the evil rich will have to pay for this fiasco. Ask a Canadian or a Brit if thats the way it works for them. Ask a Canadian why they are moving back to private medicine and away from socialized medicine.

like all liberal ideas, socialized single payer medicine can never work.

Canadians aren't moving back to "private medicine", guy.

And the British and Canadians love their single payer systems and are very proud of them.

wrong again, joey boy

In Canada, a move toward a private healthcare option - Los Angeles Times

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