The Amazing Amnesia of whites

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Your words are making my eyes twitch severely. Riiiiight, anywho like I said brainwashing. And so you are saying whites are to blame for slavery even tho they didn't come up with the concept in the first place? How come you are not blaming Africans? How come you are not blaming Portugal? Why not the asians? You say 'white people' but what nationality are you referring too? Or is it just people who have lighter skin then you?

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Nah, brainwashing doesn't have anything to do with it on my side. Maybe yours though.

We are talking about America here. No where else. The Portuguese did not make slavery legal in the colonies.

Asians did not create the national apartheid after slavery.

Africans didn't offer each other guns to go round each other up to sell to the white man.

Africans were not held in waiting for African shippers to take them to America to be sold to blacks.

Do not try arguing when you don't know the facts.
It's blax who have amnesia. We bought they from black slavers, brought them here, civilized them, then set them free with food stamps and welfare. WTF more do they want?
Funny how your meme would use a white guy.

Yeah a white guy laughing at a dumb ass comment from a

So what was it about my statement that lit your fuse?

Like you don't know.
I've been more successful in my field than you have in yours. If we don't need my approval or validation, we damn sure don't need yours.

The challenge is simple white folks. Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.
I've been more successful in my field than you have in yours. If we don't need my approval or validation, we damn sure don't need yours.

The challenge is simple white folks. Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through.

how about you tell us what rights you don't have.

show us those laws that single out blacks

what careers are you not permitted to pursue

what college can you not attend

if you can not answer those questions you are not oppressed

Well the thing here is that you were asked the question what do you call the years from 1776 until 1965 since whites got all the rights and were given access to all the programs when others could not and that whites literally made money off the backs of others.

This thread will not be derailed by your senseless questions posed because you can't face the fact that for at least 189 years by stated law, whites were given rights no one else got, and that whites got all of what they did at the expense of others.

So when you can admit that come ask me those questions. .

You have also been asked to show when racism ended by using peer reviewed studies and data supporting you claim. Not questions about show me what you can't do and if you can't answer my questions when I haven't answered yours it means something..

So when you can do that, then ask me those questions.
. You keep saying when whites got the handouts or rights, but you can't understand that the whites settled this nation, and therefore created the rights and the handouts.. Are you a complete idiot ??

Well no, because those rights whites made were supposed to be for everyone as stated in their writings. .That means whites gave themselves rights and took rights from everyone else. By the same standard since the government was supposed to represent all the people living here the programs made just for whites took away the rights for others to participate in getting the same handouts whites were giving themselves. I realize you think you are making sense, but you sound stupid as hell.

Now it would have been one thing if whites had given themselves these rights and everyone else got to give themselves their own rights and to form their own governments with their portion of territories for their own nations. If that had been done, maybe you have a point. But that did not happen..

So you have no point.
I still can't figure out yours.
. You never will either, because he is a troll. Notice no one has an answer for him, and they never will... In fact I'm starting to believe that he isn't even black, but someone who thinks he can argue their side without their permission to do so.
It's blax who have amnesia. We bought they from black slavers, brought them here, civilized them, then set them free with food stamps and welfare. WTF more do they want?
Funny how your meme would use a white guy.

Yeah a white guy laughing at a dumb ass comment from a

So what was it about my statement that lit your fuse?

Like you don't know.
The way I wrote "blax"? I saw someone else do it and thought it was cool. :cool:
I was born here. You leave.
Interesting. You keep talking about your race and ancestors but now have no use for them.

America is not the white mans country. My ancestors were born here too. But I guess that's the dumb ass whites double standard. You immigrate here but don't have to move back to where you came from while bitching about the federal government in a system that benefits you. But I present a valid point about ongoing white racism, I have to move back to Africa and if I say I was born here, I have no use for my African ancestors.​
. It's all Americans country black or white until a race tries to change that. Obama was setting the change up, but he was unsuccessful at it. Now the racist blacks who smelled "white blood" in the water under Obama, are wailing and knashing of teeth that his special privileged self fell short on in his asperations found within his writings and agenda.
My father and 4 uncles fought in that war. You lie a lot about your "Polish people" You polish people are white.

You are white. Understand? You dIdn't get anything but what other whites got.

I blacks were underrepresented its because of racial discrimination. But I doubt this is the case. The thing is that a lot of backs fought and they did not have equal rights in the country they were fighting for. The polish who chose to join did.
...and if blacks were over represented as some ethnics groups were, you would complain about THAT being discriminatory.

Imagine if on D-Day the first wave to hit the beach were black units, suffering high casualty rates.

You fail to understand that blacks were dying in a war for a nation that did not consider them citizens, My father took a bullet for America and had to sit on the back of the bus when he came back,​
. And why were they not considered citizens with full rights at the time periods in question ?? Answer that question in full if you got enough intelectual fortitude to answer it. Let's be honest here, the blacks who were sold to us in slavery, were of course strong in backbone, primitive in speak, culturally held back due to their systems in which they had come from, and it took years to move them from slavery to the refined educated Americans that most have become in America today. Yes there was culture shock of course for all involved back then, and especially a confusion that led to years of getting the mess straighted out, but there is an element of the once primitive culture that is still trying to hang onto the primitive aspects of the culture in the lower ranks, and this is being represented by those in Hollywood who have made it a purpose to push the trendy but PRIMITIVE cultural lifestyle that many find strange even to this day in America... These ranks who exist within the larger culture are wanting that side of it to be accepted no matter what people think of it. Problem for many though, is that their are those who aren't excepting of this primitive cultural lifestyle
(by exhibit of) where there is this pants on the ground gangster style culture that glorifies this new trendy created culture that has been adopted or created out of what or for what is anybodies guess ?? Then there is the rap repetitive music, the purposely not being educated, gang assembly, gang lifestyle, and lingo that speaks loudly of rebellion (victimhood being played to the hilt), and this refusal to ever assimilate because it represents a sell out. These are things that most do reject in America be it black or white, but the numbers are being falsified by the MSM or by Hollywood who skews or hides the rejection of this cultural aspect in which has been created within the larger culture that is of course not excepted by all now. Now the problem with whites or blacks rejecting such things that have evolved within the larger culture, but doesn't represent the larger culture, is that with whites you are a racist or bigot if reject any part of these things, and if black then you are a sell out if reject such things. Good grief what a mess it all is, and still will be if we as Americans don't figure this mess out together in America. Let's all try to move forward together, but with a respect for each other whether we reject certain aspects of each others cultures, yet still having enough in common to get over it all. It's sad what happened to the blacks as they were sold into slavery throughout the world, but that's over now, and lets all make good on that now. Not being educated due to reasons beyond ones control, and being held back due to reasons beyond ones control has happened all over this world, and being proud of being liberated by God in these things, and being thankful for his power to save us from these things is a great and humbling thing to have given witness to in our lives. God Bless America !!
"Primitive cultural lifestyle." Geez.
I don't know where to start, tbh.
The 'gangsta' thing doesn't float my boat either, but it's sure popular among a lot of my white teenaged students, so it must have a certain appeal outside the "primitive" black community, don't you think?

All in all, I believe you're just asking why blacks haven't completely assimilated into white culture. It offends you that they haven't. The reason is: they weren't allowed to until 50 years ago, and blacks are still being held at arms length in many places, in many ways, so how tf are they supposed to assimilate? For starters, letting go of the notion that black Americans today are "primitives" would help.

Why must we assimilate into white culture? Why can't our culture and all other non white culture be accepted as an overall American culture?

Hell whites appropriate enough of our culture, so then what's the problem with including it?
. You shouldn't assimilate into white culture, but just assimilate into American culture. You won't do that either because you think that American culture was created by the whites, so it has to completely transform or no deal eh ? Well we aren't going to assimilate to the part of black culture that we don't like either, and if we are racist by your standards then so be it. No pants on the ground for my children or grandkids, and no thug rap music, no gang joining, no gold teeth, no bling, no cursing like crazy, no gang lingo, no blaiming others, no victimhood, no racism, and no constant whining.
...and if blacks were over represented as some ethnics groups were, you would complain about THAT being discriminatory.

Imagine if on D-Day the first wave to hit the beach were black units, suffering high casualty rates.

You fail to understand that blacks were dying in a war for a nation that did not consider them citizens, My father took a bullet for America and had to sit on the back of the bus when he came back,​
. And why were they not considered citizens with full rights at the time periods in question ?? Answer that question in full if you got enough intelectual fortitude to answer it. Let's be honest here, the blacks who were sold to us in slavery, were of course strong in backbone, primitive in speak, culturally held back due to their systems in which they had come from, and it took years to move them from slavery to the refined educated Americans that most have become in America today. Yes there was culture shock of course for all involved back then, and especially a confusion that led to years of getting the mess straighted out, but there is an element of the once primitive culture that is still trying to hang onto the primitive aspects of the culture in the lower ranks, and this is being represented by those in Hollywood who have made it a purpose to push the trendy but PRIMITIVE cultural lifestyle that many find strange even to this day in America... These ranks who exist within the larger culture are wanting that side of it to be accepted no matter what people think of it. Problem for many though, is that their are those who aren't excepting of this primitive cultural lifestyle
(by exhibit of) where there is this pants on the ground gangster style culture that glorifies this new trendy created culture that has been adopted or created out of what or for what is anybodies guess ?? Then there is the rap repetitive music, the purposely not being educated, gang assembly, gang lifestyle, and lingo that speaks loudly of rebellion (victimhood being played to the hilt), and this refusal to ever assimilate because it represents a sell out. These are things that most do reject in America be it black or white, but the numbers are being falsified by the MSM or by Hollywood who skews or hides the rejection of this cultural aspect in which has been created within the larger culture that is of course not excepted by all now. Now the problem with whites or blacks rejecting such things that have evolved within the larger culture, but doesn't represent the larger culture, is that with whites you are a racist or bigot if reject any part of these things, and if black then you are a sell out if reject such things. Good grief what a mess it all is, and still will be if we as Americans don't figure this mess out together in America. Let's all try to move forward together, but with a respect for each other whether we reject certain aspects of each others cultures, yet still having enough in common to get over it all. It's sad what happened to the blacks as they were sold into slavery throughout the world, but that's over now, and lets all make good on that now. Not being educated due to reasons beyond ones control, and being held back due to reasons beyond ones control has happened all over this world, and being proud of being liberated by God in these things, and being thankful for his power to save us from these things is a great and humbling thing to have given witness to in our lives. God Bless America !!
"Primitive cultural lifestyle." Geez.
I don't know where to start, tbh.
The 'gangsta' thing doesn't float my boat either, but it's sure popular among a lot of my white teenaged students, so it must have a certain appeal outside the "primitive" black community, don't you think?

All in all, I believe you're just asking why blacks haven't completely assimilated into white culture. It offends you that they haven't. The reason is: they weren't allowed to until 50 years ago, and blacks are still being held at arms length in many places, in many ways, so how tf are they supposed to assimilate? For starters, letting go of the notion that black Americans today are "primitives" would help.

Why must we assimilate into white culture? Why can't our culture and all other non white culture be accepted as an overall American culture?

Hell whites appropriate enough of our culture, so then what's the problem with including it?
I only brought up the assimilation thing because Beagle seems hung up on it. I've never thought of it being an "assimilation" problem, because you guys have been here as long as we have--you're not foreigners, for Gods sake, you're Americans.
. Not my problem, but somehow they make it their problem or issue where their shouldn't be a problem or issue. They are great at creating the straw man.
I said I don't know what your position is. You are belly aching over history. No one alive was responsible.

.You ARE responsible for the present . You are here now and you do the same things they did in the past. You are crying about people getting things when whites have always got hem and still do and all we ask is that we have the same chances.. Somehow idiots like you have conflated that to mean we want more than our fair share. then you want to pretend that whites have never been given anything at the expense of others. History includes right now. Learn that. History does not end until the end of time.​
Living in the past, won't do you any favors. In fact, it will only hold you back.

I am living today. 6-15-2017. And the same racism exists now. You are a prime example of that fact.​
Oh brother. You are out there where the buses don't run.

If you allow yourself to let go of your hatred and racism, you will be much happier and healthier.


I will not be listening to a white racist who has participated in posting up volumes of racist crap tell me how I am to let go of something.​
. How can he tell you if you won't be listening ?? ROTFLMBO.
I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others?

This is not about what your asses were doing in 1776 or 1965. It is about what the law provided for people and what did that law mean. If blacks did not have equal rights, then were whites not getting special treatment at the expense of others?

But I understand why you can't answer the question. It's got to be tough getting your little dream world crushed.
I am not aware of a law that tells whites what to call the years from 1776 until 1965. Do white people get arrested and put in jail if they break that law?
I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others?

This is not about what your asses were doing in 1776 or 1965. It is about what the law provided for people and what did that law mean. If blacks did not have equal rights, then were whites not getting special treatment at the expense of others?

But I understand why you can't answer the question. It's got to be tough getting your little dream world crushed.
I am not aware of a law that tells whites what to call the years from 1776 until 1965. Do white people get arrested and put in jail if they break that law?

Of course you can't. But you can damn sure whine about how everybody else but whites are getting something extra at the expense of whites now. Funny how you can't find the word to describe the 189 years out the 241 years of Americas existence that whites got rights no one else got and were given things at the expense of others explicitly stated by law. Even as today whites still get more than everyone else at the expense of others. How convenient.

I am in no way a coward, And whites get arrested all damn day and get years for dumb shit. Not sure where you are living but the statistics in 2013 showed there was more whites that got jailed then blacks. I live in a mixed neighborhood. And I see only whites getting locked up. I never see any mixed kids or black kids getting locked up around here. I want to make things clear I do know and have knowledge of all the killings going on. I feel bad for people who still think it's 1776-1964. And I feel bad for whites who are still brainwashed and afraid to speak up! I'm not afraid to speak up for anyone. If I see one person hurting another I will say how I feel about it. No matter the color of there skin.

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Another thing I would like to point out to you know it alls. Is if in fact every person derived from the Eve Gene. You are going against your own people? My family is from Sicily.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I was born here. You leave.
Interesting. You keep talking about your race and ancestors but now have no use for them.

America is not the white mans country. My ancestors were born here too. But I guess that's the dumb ass whites double standard. You immigrate here but don't have to move back to where you came from while bitching about the federal government in a system that benefits you. But I present a valid point about ongoing white racism, I have to move back to Africa and if I say I was born here, I have no use for my African ancestors.​
. It's all Americans country black or white until a race tries to change that. Obama was setting the change up, but he was unsuccessful at it. Now the racist blacks who smelled "white blood" in the water under Obama, are wailing and knashing of teeth that his special privileged self fell short on in his asperations found within his writings and agenda.


You fail to understand that blacks were dying in a war for a nation that did not consider them citizens, My father took a bullet for America and had to sit on the back of the bus when he came back,​
. And why were they not considered citizens with full rights at the time periods in question ?? Answer that question in full if you got enough intelectual fortitude to answer it. Let's be honest here, the blacks who were sold to us in slavery, were of course strong in backbone, primitive in speak, culturally held back due to their systems in which they had come from, and it took years to move them from slavery to the refined educated Americans that most have become in America today. Yes there was culture shock of course for all involved back then, and especially a confusion that led to years of getting the mess straighted out, but there is an element of the once primitive culture that is still trying to hang onto the primitive aspects of the culture in the lower ranks, and this is being represented by those in Hollywood who have made it a purpose to push the trendy but PRIMITIVE cultural lifestyle that many find strange even to this day in America... These ranks who exist within the larger culture are wanting that side of it to be accepted no matter what people think of it. Problem for many though, is that their are those who aren't excepting of this primitive cultural lifestyle
(by exhibit of) where there is this pants on the ground gangster style culture that glorifies this new trendy created culture that has been adopted or created out of what or for what is anybodies guess ?? Then there is the rap repetitive music, the purposely not being educated, gang assembly, gang lifestyle, and lingo that speaks loudly of rebellion (victimhood being played to the hilt), and this refusal to ever assimilate because it represents a sell out. These are things that most do reject in America be it black or white, but the numbers are being falsified by the MSM or by Hollywood who skews or hides the rejection of this cultural aspect in which has been created within the larger culture that is of course not excepted by all now. Now the problem with whites or blacks rejecting such things that have evolved within the larger culture, but doesn't represent the larger culture, is that with whites you are a racist or bigot if reject any part of these things, and if black then you are a sell out if reject such things. Good grief what a mess it all is, and still will be if we as Americans don't figure this mess out together in America. Let's all try to move forward together, but with a respect for each other whether we reject certain aspects of each others cultures, yet still having enough in common to get over it all. It's sad what happened to the blacks as they were sold into slavery throughout the world, but that's over now, and lets all make good on that now. Not being educated due to reasons beyond ones control, and being held back due to reasons beyond ones control has happened all over this world, and being proud of being liberated by God in these things, and being thankful for his power to save us from these things is a great and humbling thing to have given witness to in our lives. God Bless America !!
"Primitive cultural lifestyle." Geez.
I don't know where to start, tbh.
The 'gangsta' thing doesn't float my boat either, but it's sure popular among a lot of my white teenaged students, so it must have a certain appeal outside the "primitive" black community, don't you think?

All in all, I believe you're just asking why blacks haven't completely assimilated into white culture. It offends you that they haven't. The reason is: they weren't allowed to until 50 years ago, and blacks are still being held at arms length in many places, in many ways, so how tf are they supposed to assimilate? For starters, letting go of the notion that black Americans today are "primitives" would help.

Why must we assimilate into white culture? Why can't our culture and all other non white culture be accepted as an overall American culture?

Hell whites appropriate enough of our culture, so then what's the problem with including it?
I only brought up the assimilation thing because Beagle seems hung up on it. I've never thought of it being an "assimilation" problem, because you guys have been here as long as we have--you're not foreigners, for Gods sake, you're Americans.
. Not my problem, but somehow they make it their problem or issue where their shouldn't be a problem or issue. They are great at creating the straw man.

I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others?

This is not about what your asses were doing in 1776 or 1965. It is about what the law provided for people and what did that law mean. If blacks did not have equal rights, then were whites not getting special treatment at the expense of others?

But I understand why you can't answer the question. It's got to be tough getting your little dream world crushed.
I am not aware of a law that tells whites what to call the years from 1776 until 1965. Do white people get arrested and put in jail if they break that law?

Of course you can't. But you can damn sure whine about how everybody else but whites are getting something extra at the expense of whites now. Funny how you can't find the word to describe the 189 years out the 241 years of Americas existence that whites got rights no one else got and were given things at the expense of others explicitly stated by law. Even as today whites still get more than everyone else at the expense of others. How convenient.


IM2 (aka Mr. Racist) Americans elected a black man POTUS twice with lots of white votes...of course, he did nothing to help the average black person. In fact, he made matters worse for black Americans. We had two black attorneys general. Did they do anything to improve conditions for blacks? Of course not. There are many blacks in Congress. They have made matters worse too. Yet you cling to your hatred of white people.

Do I need to spell it out for you?
I am in no way a coward, And whites get arrested all damn day and get years for dumb shit. Not sure where you are living but the statistics in 2013 showed there was more whites that got jailed then blacks. I live in a mixed neighborhood. And I see only whites getting locked up. I never see any mixed kids or black kids getting locked up around here. I want to make things clear I do know and have knowledge of all the killings going on. I feel bad for people who still think it's 1776-1964. And I feel bad for whites who are still brainwashed and afraid to speak up! I'm not afraid to speak up for anyone. If I see one person hurting another I will say how I feel about it. No matter the color of there skin.

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He wants more whites heads on a platter, then he might be satisfied, but very doubtful.. Never ends, and never will end.
I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others?

This is not about what your asses were doing in 1776 or 1965. It is about what the law provided for people and what did that law mean. If blacks did not have equal rights, then were whites not getting special treatment at the expense of others?

But I understand why you can't answer the question. It's got to be tough getting your little dream world crushed.
I am not aware of a law that tells whites what to call the years from 1776 until 1965. Do white people get arrested and put in jail if they break that law?

Of course you can't. But you can damn sure whine about how everybody else but whites are getting something extra at the expense of whites now. Funny how you can't find the word to describe the 189 years out the 241 years of Americas existence that whites got rights no one else got and were given things at the expense of others explicitly stated by law. Even as today whites still get more than everyone else at the expense of others. How convenient.

So do you propose that whites endure an equal amount of years in servitude (slavory) and oppression by Jim Crow type of laws to pay a historical debt to blacks? Is that what you want?
I was born here. You leave.
Interesting. You keep talking about your race and ancestors but now have no use for them.

America is not the white mans country. My ancestors were born here too. But I guess that's the dumb ass whites double standard. You immigrate here but don't have to move back to where you came from while bitching about the federal government in a system that benefits you. But I present a valid point about ongoing white racism, I have to move back to Africa and if I say I was born here, I have no use for my African ancestors.​
. It's all Americans country black or white until a race tries to change that. Obama was setting the change up, but he was unsuccessful at it. Now the racist blacks who smelled "white blood" in the water under Obama, are wailing and knashing of teeth that his special privileged self fell short on in his asperations found within his writings and agenda.

. And why were they not considered citizens with full rights at the time periods in question ?? Answer that question in full if you got enough intelectual fortitude to answer it. Let's be honest here, the blacks who were sold to us in slavery, were of course strong in backbone, primitive in speak, culturally held back due to their systems in which they had come from, and it took years to move them from slavery to the refined educated Americans that most have become in America today. Yes there was culture shock of course for all involved back then, and especially a confusion that led to years of getting the mess straighted out, but there is an element of the once primitive culture that is still trying to hang onto the primitive aspects of the culture in the lower ranks, and this is being represented by those in Hollywood who have made it a purpose to push the trendy but PRIMITIVE cultural lifestyle that many find strange even to this day in America... These ranks who exist within the larger culture are wanting that side of it to be accepted no matter what people think of it. Problem for many though, is that their are those who aren't excepting of this primitive cultural lifestyle
(by exhibit of) where there is this pants on the ground gangster style culture that glorifies this new trendy created culture that has been adopted or created out of what or for what is anybodies guess ?? Then there is the rap repetitive music, the purposely not being educated, gang assembly, gang lifestyle, and lingo that speaks loudly of rebellion (victimhood being played to the hilt), and this refusal to ever assimilate because it represents a sell out. These are things that most do reject in America be it black or white, but the numbers are being falsified by the MSM or by Hollywood who skews or hides the rejection of this cultural aspect in which has been created within the larger culture that is of course not excepted by all now. Now the problem with whites or blacks rejecting such things that have evolved within the larger culture, but doesn't represent the larger culture, is that with whites you are a racist or bigot if reject any part of these things, and if black then you are a sell out if reject such things. Good grief what a mess it all is, and still will be if we as Americans don't figure this mess out together in America. Let's all try to move forward together, but with a respect for each other whether we reject certain aspects of each others cultures, yet still having enough in common to get over it all. It's sad what happened to the blacks as they were sold into slavery throughout the world, but that's over now, and lets all make good on that now. Not being educated due to reasons beyond ones control, and being held back due to reasons beyond ones control has happened all over this world, and being proud of being liberated by God in these things, and being thankful for his power to save us from these things is a great and humbling thing to have given witness to in our lives. God Bless America !!
"Primitive cultural lifestyle." Geez.
I don't know where to start, tbh.
The 'gangsta' thing doesn't float my boat either, but it's sure popular among a lot of my white teenaged students, so it must have a certain appeal outside the "primitive" black community, don't you think?

All in all, I believe you're just asking why blacks haven't completely assimilated into white culture. It offends you that they haven't. The reason is: they weren't allowed to until 50 years ago, and blacks are still being held at arms length in many places, in many ways, so how tf are they supposed to assimilate? For starters, letting go of the notion that black Americans today are "primitives" would help.

Why must we assimilate into white culture? Why can't our culture and all other non white culture be accepted as an overall American culture?

Hell whites appropriate enough of our culture, so then what's the problem with including it?
I only brought up the assimilation thing because Beagle seems hung up on it. I've never thought of it being an "assimilation" problem, because you guys have been here as long as we have--you're not foreigners, for Gods sake, you're Americans.
. Not my problem, but somehow they make it their problem or issue where their shouldn't be a problem or issue. They are great at creating the straw man.

I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others?

This is not about what your asses were doing in 1776 or 1965. It is about what the law provided for people and what did that law mean. If blacks did not have equal rights, then were whites not getting special treatment at the expense of others?

But I understand why you can't answer the question. It's got to be tough getting your little dream world crushed.
I am not aware of a law that tells whites what to call the years from 1776 until 1965. Do white people get arrested and put in jail if they break that law?

Of course you can't. But you can damn sure whine about how everybody else but whites are getting something extra at the expense of whites now. Funny how you can't find the word to describe the 189 years out the 241 years of Americas existence that whites got rights no one else got and were given things at the expense of others explicitly stated by law. Even as today whites still get more than everyone else at the expense of others. How convenient.


IM2 (aka Mr. Racist) Americans elected a black man POTUS twice with lots of white votes...of course, he did nothing to help the average black person. In fact, he made matters worse for black Americans. We had two black attorneys general. Did they do anything to improve conditions for blacks? Of course not. There are many blacks in Congress. They have made matters worse too. Yet you cling to your hatred of white people.

Do I need to spell it out for you?
Who Me ?
I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others?

This is not about what your asses were doing in 1776 or 1965. It is about what the law provided for people and what did that law mean. If blacks did not have equal rights, then were whites not getting special treatment at the expense of others?

But I understand why you can't answer the question. It's got to be tough getting your little dream world crushed.
I am not aware of a law that tells whites what to call the years from 1776 until 1965. Do white people get arrested and put in jail if they break that law?

Of course you can't. But you can damn sure whine about how everybody else but whites are getting something extra at the expense of whites now. Funny how you can't find the word to describe the 189 years out the 241 years of Americas existence that whites got rights no one else got and were given things at the expense of others explicitly stated by law. Even as today whites still get more than everyone else at the expense of others. How convenient.

So do you propose that whites endure an equal amount of years in servitude (slavory) an oppression by Jim Crow type of laws to pay a historical debt to blacks? Is that what you want?
I believe it is what he wants.
I think IM2 is after reparations. Wantsta be compensated for his blackness, even though he's living far better than his distant relatives over seas.
I was born here. You leave.
Interesting. You keep talking about your race and ancestors but now have no use for them.

America is not the white mans country. My ancestors were born here too. But I guess that's the dumb ass whites double standard. You immigrate here but don't have to move back to where you came from while bitching about the federal government in a system that benefits you. But I present a valid point about ongoing white racism, I have to move back to Africa and if I say I was born here, I have no use for my African ancestors.​
. It's all Americans country black or white until a race tries to change that. Obama was setting the change up, but he was unsuccessful at it. Now the racist blacks who smelled "white blood" in the water under Obama, are wailing and knashing of teeth that his special privileged self fell short on in his asperations found within his writings and agenda.

"Primitive cultural lifestyle." Geez.
I don't know where to start, tbh.
The 'gangsta' thing doesn't float my boat either, but it's sure popular among a lot of my white teenaged students, so it must have a certain appeal outside the "primitive" black community, don't you think?

All in all, I believe you're just asking why blacks haven't completely assimilated into white culture. It offends you that they haven't. The reason is: they weren't allowed to until 50 years ago, and blacks are still being held at arms length in many places, in many ways, so how tf are they supposed to assimilate? For starters, letting go of the notion that black Americans today are "primitives" would help.

Why must we assimilate into white culture? Why can't our culture and all other non white culture be accepted as an overall American culture?

Hell whites appropriate enough of our culture, so then what's the problem with including it?
I only brought up the assimilation thing because Beagle seems hung up on it. I've never thought of it being an "assimilation" problem, because you guys have been here as long as we have--you're not foreigners, for Gods sake, you're Americans.
. Not my problem, but somehow they make it their problem or issue where their shouldn't be a problem or issue. They are great at creating the straw man.

I would like to know what whites call the years from 1776 until 1965 by law? Was this not whites getting extra rights at the expense of others?

This is not about what your asses were doing in 1776 or 1965. It is about what the law provided for people and what did that law mean. If blacks did not have equal rights, then were whites not getting special treatment at the expense of others?

But I understand why you can't answer the question. It's got to be tough getting your little dream world crushed.
I am not aware of a law that tells whites what to call the years from 1776 until 1965. Do white people get arrested and put in jail if they break that law?

Of course you can't. But you can damn sure whine about how everybody else but whites are getting something extra at the expense of whites now. Funny how you can't find the word to describe the 189 years out the 241 years of Americas existence that whites got rights no one else got and were given things at the expense of others explicitly stated by law. Even as today whites still get more than everyone else at the expense of others. How convenient.


IM2 (aka Mr. Racist) Americans elected a black man POTUS twice with lots of white votes...of course, he did nothing to help the average black person. In fact, he made matters worse for black Americans. We had two black attorneys general. Did they do anything to improve conditions for blacks? Of course not. There are many blacks in Congress. They have made matters worse too. Yet you cling to your hatred of white people.

Do I need to spell it out for you?
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