the American dream?! how you can you dream when you can't even sleep at night. the dream is dead!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
i dont ever ask for help except when i need it, and now i need help, so i mailed a letter to Senator Braun and Vice President Pence.

in countless households across america, someone else is wide awake too, millions of someone else's.

how can you dream when on average, a year of childcare is more expensive than a year of public college?

how can you dream when you're drowning in student loan debt?

how can you dream if you make minimum wage and work 40 hours a week and cant afford rent?

how can you dream when your son is sick but you cant afford your co-pay or deductible?

when the cost of living is so high, we live one setback away from THE END OF THE ROAD!

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dear Senator Braun,

i thought about getting 2 jobs to provide for my son and me, i concluded the best solution for me is to go back to school and struggle through poverty to complete it.

i signed up at a for profit college that made great promises that gave me a degree that's worth NOTHING
i dont ever ask for help except when i need it, and now i need help, so i mailed a letter to Senator Braun and Vice President Pence.

in countless households across america, someone else is wide awake too, millions of someone else's.

how can you dream when on average, a year of childcare is more expensive than a year of public college?

how can you dream when you're drowning in student loan debt?

how can you dream if you make minimum wage and work 40 hours a week and cant afford rent?

how can you dream when your son is sick but you cant afford your co-pay or deductible?

when the cost of living is so high, we live one setback away from THE END OF THE ROAD!


IMO people need to make better financial choices
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my son wrote Vice President Pence,

i come from a poor background. if you take away net neutrality, you're taking away my chance to succeed in school, and adding problems on millions of kids around america!
i dont ever ask for help except when i need it, and now i need help, so i mailed a letter to Senator Braun and Vice President Pence.

in countless households across america, someone else is wide awake too, millions of someone else's.

how can you dream when on average, a year of childcare is more expensive than a year of public college?

how can you dream when you're drowning in student loan debt?

how can you dream if you make minimum wage and work 40 hours a week and cant afford rent?

how can you dream when your son is sick but you cant afford your co-pay or deductible?

when the cost of living is so high, we live one setback away from THE END OF THE ROAD!

All I can say is "thanks Obama".

Obama Killed the American Dream
“Gloom and doom? Americans more pessimistic about future” Las Vegas Review
“U.S. Standard of Living Index Sinks to 10-Month Low; Expectations for future standard of living drops more than current satisfaction” Gallup
“Americans Still Pessimistic About Economy–Almost 70 percent think the economy is in bad shape” Time Magazine
‘Slipping behind’: Are we becoming a nation of pessimists?” NBC News
Income Inequality in the United States Fuels Pessimism and Threatens Social Cohesion” Center for American Progress

my son wrote Vice President Pence,

i come from a poor background. if you take away net neutrality, you're taking away my chance to succeed in school, and adding problems on millions of kids around america!
I came from a poor background but instead of staying poor, I used my God given talents to fix fighter jets, which took me to Saudi Arabia and $70,000 a year tax free. Shame liberals are too stupid to understand this, yet moved away from God and now have to rely on the pittance of money that the government doles out..
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my son wrote Vice President Pence,

i come from a poor background. if you take away net neutrality, you're taking away my chance to succeed in school, and adding problems on millions of kids around america!
I came from a poor background but instead of staying poor, I used my God given talents to fix fighter jets, which took me to Saudi Arabia and $70,000 a year tax free. Shame liberals are too stupid to understand this, yet moved away from God and now have to rely on the pittance of money that the government doles out..
we need free housing, free health care, free education, and free ice cream, in that order!
You want more government $ for the universities? What an awful idea! It would lead to 1) Continued rising education costs 2) Welfare for the rich 3) Continued bureaucratic waste 4) Destruction of colleges not controlled by the government 5) Complete control of academia by the PC thought police.

Should women who care for their own children get government $?

Do minimum wage laws bring higher unemployment?

Analysis | A ‘very credible’ new study on Seattle’s $15 minimum wage has bad news for liberals

The economy is growing, do you give Trump credit?
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my son wrote Vice President Pence,

i come from a poor background. if you take away net neutrality, you're taking away my chance to succeed in school, and adding problems on millions of kids around america!
I came from a poor background but instead of staying poor, I used my God given talents to fix fighter jets, which took me to Saudi Arabia and $70,000 a year tax free. Shame liberals are too stupid to understand this, yet moved away from God and now have to rely on the pittance of money that the government doles out..
we need free housing, free health care, free education, and free ice cream, in that order!
I dont need free anything, because when it is FREE, no body takes care of their stuff. But if they earn it, they take great pride in what they have and will not ruin it.

my son wrote Vice President Pence,

i come from a poor background. if you take away net neutrality, you're taking away my chance to succeed in school, and adding problems on millions of kids around america!
I came from a poor background but instead of staying poor, I used my God given talents to fix fighter jets, which took me to Saudi Arabia and $70,000 a year tax free. Shame liberals are too stupid to understand this, yet moved away from God and now have to rely on the pittance of money that the government doles out..
we need free housing, free health care, free education, and free ice cream, in that order!

I hope that is sarcasm, because nothing is free, if you don't pay for it, you become a slave to the guy who does.
my son wrote Vice President Pence,

i come from a poor background. if you take away net neutrality, you're taking away my chance to succeed in school, and adding problems on millions of kids around america!
I came from a poor background but instead of staying poor, I used my God given talents to fix fighter jets, which took me to Saudi Arabia and $70,000 a year tax free. Shame liberals are too stupid to understand this, yet moved away from God and now have to rely on the pittance of money that the government doles out..
we need free housing, free health care, free education, and free ice cream, in that order!
I dont need free anything, because when it is FREE, no body takes care of their stuff. But if they earn it, they take great pride in what they have and will not ruin it.

You claim you don't need free anything YET in your post #6 you state, "I used my God given talents to fix fighter jets, which took me to Saudi Arabia and $70,000 a year tax free."

So, you had a job that offered you to the opportunity to NOT pay income tax, in YOUR words, "tax free" but you also imply you are against FREE.

Also, how did God give you the talent to, "fix fighter jets?" One would have to be trained to learn that job function, most likely via the military & the military is NOT FREE.

My tax dollars support the military so, if you were offered training to "fix fighter jets" via the military then EVERYONE else paid for it while you were NOT paying taxes.

I don't see how this works with your idea of, "I don't need free anything" because it sure sounds like YOU got a lot of FREE, and for likely a long time.

You claim liberals are stupid but anyone here can see right through your deceptions.

Care to clarify your conflicting statements?
Can someone please tell those disgusting sleezy smelly brown scumbag South Americans that America is the worst place on earth and that they can continue wiping their dirty asses with their hands in their shithole countries?
my son wrote Vice President Pence,

i come from a poor background. if you take away net neutrality, you're taking away my chance to succeed in school, and adding problems on millions of kids around america!
I came from a poor background but instead of staying poor, I used my God given talents to fix fighter jets, which took me to Saudi Arabia and $70,000 a year tax free. Shame liberals are too stupid to understand this, yet moved away from God and now have to rely on the pittance of money that the government doles out..
i want the kind of life you are pitching, but no one is giving me a chance!
my son wrote Vice President Pence,

i come from a poor background. if you take away net neutrality, you're taking away my chance to succeed in school, and adding problems on millions of kids around america!
I came from a poor background but instead of staying poor, I used my God given talents to fix fighter jets, which took me to Saudi Arabia and $70,000 a year tax free. Shame liberals are too stupid to understand this, yet moved away from God and now have to rely on the pittance of money that the government doles out..
i want the kind of life you are pitching, but no one is giving me a chance!

That idiot has made a lot of 'claims' here @ USMB.

Here, in this thread, he states he doesn't need anything 'free' yet he claims he had employment that helped him avoid paying taxes, all while tens of millions, actually hundreds of millions of other tax payers are picking up the slack for his 'free loading' ass.
In another thread he 'claims' he has a house with a $1 million mortgage & proceeds to preach to ours that he presumes know nothing of how to attain & maintain wealth.
Then, in another thread he is discussing how he can save a few pennies on a can of beans at WalMart.

I bet the arrogant SOB lives in mommies basement.
working hard and being broke in the richest country in the history of the world!
working hard and being broke in the richest country in the history of the world!
Why arent you putting money into the stock market? That DOW when President Trump took office was just over 17,000, today it is just short of 25,000. Dividends that are paid quarterly, is free money. Taxed low, and reinvested can make even more free money.
my son wrote Vice President Pence,

i come from a poor background. if you take away net neutrality, you're taking away my chance to succeed in school, and adding problems on millions of kids around america!
I came from a poor background but instead of staying poor, I used my God given talents to fix fighter jets, which took me to Saudi Arabia and $70,000 a year tax free. Shame liberals are too stupid to understand this, yet moved away from God and now have to rely on the pittance of money that the government doles out..
While you're on the subject of God & free stuff, what's your take on Evangelical Preachers who have inserted themselves into politics but live tax free off everyone else?

How bout if the likes of Franklin Graham start paying a portion of their millions so we dont have to subsidize their free ride?
working hard and being broke in the richest country in the history of the world!
Why arent you putting money into the stock market? That DOW when President Trump took office was just over 17,000, today it is just short of 25,000. Dividends that are paid quarterly, is free money. Taxed low, and reinvested can make even more free money.
Yes, the stock market is a good bet.

Thanks Obama!
my son wrote Vice President Pence,

i come from a poor background. if you take away net neutrality, you're taking away my chance to succeed in school, and adding problems on millions of kids around america!
I came from a poor background but instead of staying poor, I used my God given talents to fix fighter jets, which took me to Saudi Arabia and $70,000 a year tax free. Shame liberals are too stupid to understand this, yet moved away from God and now have to rely on the pittance of money that the government doles out..
While you're on the subject of God & free stuff, what's your take on Evangelical Preachers who have inserted themselves into politics but live tax free off everyone else?

How bout if the likes of Franklin Graham start paying a portion of their millions so we dont have to subsidize their free ride?
I found a long time ago, that when Religious fellows were stealing from the poor box, I turned my back on the church, especially now that a confirmed communist is in the Vatican, telling US not to build a wall, and share what we have, but they live behind a wall, and have billions of dollars that they dont share. If more people stopped going to church for a while, soon the church would have a reformation and fix the broken shit, or else close shop..

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