The American Dream is Dead

I got out of prison in 88/89. I now have a thriving remodeling business. From the bottom to the proverbial top.

If you are floundering in life, look in the mirror for the solution.

Of course here in the USA you can make a lot of money exploiting the hard work of others. But are your workers families thriving? Do your workers have retirement security? When their joints give out from all the hard construction work they do for you, you fire them. Who gives a shit after that right.

Again, this is another one of those brainless idiotic claims.

Ok, so let's ban all business. Because inherently a business by it's very nature exploits labor. So we want to end that exploitation.

Have you seen Cuba? Have you seen Venezuela? Have you seen Greece? Have you seen all the places where business owners went on a mass exodus?

Empty shelves.... empty stores.... high unemployment.... BUT HEY NO EXPLOITATION!

How dumb, does a person have to be, to think this is a win? Apparently all those Cubans were on rafts to escape the lack exploitation.

And whose job is it to take care of your retirement? Is it the employers job to take care of YOUR retirement? No. It is YOUR job to take care of YOUR retirement.

That's why you live on less than you make, and save the rest for retirement.

Last year I made less than $20,000 for the year. I still managed to put several thousand in retirement.
Millions of people in America are working hard simply to survive. All to the point that there's no room to invest in their future. And society doesn't help them get out of that trap. The American Dream is dead.

Anyone here who agrees?

There are many reasons why the dream is dead for so many.

1. They don't vote

2. They don't organize

3. They have kids they can't afford

4. Unions fought for high wages but then union workers took advantage of their job security and they proved to be lazy and greedy and unproductive. So the highest paying jobs went overseas

5. Too many immigrants flooding the job market

6. Everything costs more

7. People aren't saving

8. Savings accounts don't pay shit
Life is about choices, gang.
yes but even Trump admitted we have to stop flooding the job market with immigrants. So both parties weren't concerned with wages for the masses. Trump at least admitted it.

And he said we need to bring jobs back from where labor is cheaper.

So things did get harder for labor the last few decades you must admit that.
Of course there will always be exceptions. But in general, the society doesn't allow people's hard work to lead to success. Watch the video and hear all the arguments! :)

But in general, the society doesn't allow people's hard work to lead to success.

In general, baloney.

This is the information age. It's about working smart, not working hard. I know that can be problematic for liberals.
Before Reagan the USA was the World's Largest Creditor Nation!
After Reagan the USA is the World's Largest Debtor Nation!

Before Reagan the USA was the World's Largest Creditor Nation!
After Reagan the USA is the World's Largest Debtor Nation!

ENJOY!'s all Reagan's fault.

Does Obama get any blame? After all, he DOUBLED the national debt adding massively more debt than Reagan ever did.
Before Reagan the USA was the World's Largest Creditor Nation!
After Reagan the USA is the World's Largest Debtor Nation!

ENJOY!'s all Reagan's fault.

Does Obama get any blame? After all, he DOUBLED the national debt adding massively more debt than Reagan ever did.
Bush Tax Cuts & Spending Caused It! Obama was fixing the deficit. Hillary Clinton budget paid down $2 Trillion of debt. Trump budget adds $4 Trillion to debt!
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Before Reagan the USA was the World's Largest Creditor Nation!
After Reagan the USA is the World's Largest Debtor Nation!

ENJOY!'s all Reagan's fault.

Does Obama get any blame? After all, he DOUBLED the national debt adding massively more debt than Reagan ever did.
Bush Tax Cuts & Spending Caused It! Obama was fixing the deficit. Clinton budget
Apparently you don't get simple math.

National debt 2008: $10 trillion (give or take a few)
National debt 2016: $20 trillion (give or take a few)

Trick question...Did the national debt double from 2008 to 2016?
Before Reagan the USA was the World's Largest Creditor Nation!
After Reagan the USA is the World's Largest Debtor Nation!

ENJOY!'s all Reagan's fault.

Does Obama get any blame? After all, he DOUBLED the national debt adding massively more debt than Reagan ever did.
Bush Tax Cuts & Spending Caused It! Obama was fixing the deficit. Clinton budget
Apparently you don't get simple math.

National debt 2008: $10 trillion (give or take a few)
National debt 2016: $20 trillion (give or take a few)

Trick question...Did the national debt double from 2008 to 2016?
Who was in office in 2008? Dumbass!
Obama budget didn't start until October 2009!
Hillary Clinton budget paid down $2 Trillion of debt.
Trump budget adds $4 Trillion to debt!
The economy is doing well. So why is Trump adding debt!!!
Before Reagan the USA was the World's Largest Creditor Nation!
After Reagan the USA is the World's Largest Debtor Nation!

ENJOY!'s all Reagan's fault.

Does Obama get any blame? After all, he DOUBLED the national debt adding massively more debt than Reagan ever did.
Bush Tax Cuts & Spending Caused It! Obama was fixing the deficit. Clinton budget
Apparently you don't get simple math.

National debt 2008: $10 trillion (give or take a few)
National debt 2016: $20 trillion (give or take a few)

Trick question...Did the national debt double from 2008 to 2016?
Who was in office in 2008? Dumbass!
Obama budget didn't start until October 2009!
Funny deflection. Do you work for CNN?

Damn you get dumber with every post.
Before Reagan the USA was the World's Largest Creditor Nation!
After Reagan the USA is the World's Largest Debtor Nation!

ENJOY!'s all Reagan's fault.

Does Obama get any blame? After all, he DOUBLED the national debt adding massively more debt than Reagan ever did.
Bush Tax Cuts & Spending Caused It! Obama was fixing the deficit. Clinton budget
Apparently you don't get simple math.

National debt 2008: $10 trillion (give or take a few)
National debt 2016: $20 trillion (give or take a few)

Trick question...Did the national debt double from 2008 to 2016?
Who was in office in 2008? Dumbass!
Obama budget didn't start until October 2009!
Funny deflection. Do you work for CNN?

Damn you get dumber with every post.

Hillary Clinton budget paid down $2 Trillion of debt.
Trump budget adds $4 Trillion to debt!
The economy is doing well. So why is Trump adding debt!!!
I'm living the American Dream, baby!
Me too...but sadly my country is really fucked up, thanks to the ruling class and the corporatists.
Here is who America is no longer great for. People who don't have a marketable skill worth what is considered a decent living or people who do but are just at the wrong company.

Consider this. Some of us are overpaid.

Anyways. If you just went to college and got a job with your degree that doesn't mean you're going to automatically live the American dream. You have to prove you are an asset not an expense. I see average workers at my work who don't go above and beyond. They complain about money and don't know about the big raise I got. In the past we would have collectively bargained and all got a raise.

Average workers are not going to get big raises
I got out of prison in 88/89. I now have a thriving remodeling business. From the bottom to the proverbial top.

If you are floundering in life, look in the mirror for the solution.

Or buy a framing hammer and a tape and go hit Craig's list. Guy I work with hit a Jack in the box while driving drunk. 5 years in the can he took a hammer and tape and a smart phone and did the same as you in 6 months. The American dream is fine. It's Americans tha have a problem.
I got out of prison in 88/89. I now have a thriving remodeling business. From the bottom to the proverbial top.

If you are floundering in life, look in the mirror for the solution.

Of course here in the USA you can make a lot of money exploiting the hard work of others. But are your workers families thriving? Do your workers have retirement security? When their joints give out from all the hard construction work they do for you, you fire them. Who gives a shit after that right.

Because of social programs, people refuse to try any longer.

When government is competing with employers, it's always a bad thing. We had plenty of low wage jobs when I was younger, but because social programs didn't pay squat and people had more pride, we just worked more hours. I remember several times in my life when I had more than one job; plenty of times I had jobs where I worked six to seven days a week.

Not many people do that anymore. If you have a low wage job, don't worry about working more hours. Complain that those jobs don't pay enough and go on some social programs to fill in the gaps. That way you don't have to put any effort into bettering yourself. If you want to do something about it, vote Democrat and they will force employers to pay you more money than your labor is worth.

In my field of work we need almost 100,000 new drivers industry can't find. In desperation, companies are bringing in foreigners to do the jobs, hiring felons, and even offering free training and licensing if you sign a one year contract with them.
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