The American Mao: Donald Trump Has Led The Republican Party Into A Cultural Revolution


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
There is only one truth: the truth of the party. And the party is Donald Trump.

That's what it's come down to, folks. The Republican Party has been effectively transformed into a doppelgänger of the Chinese Communist Party, with its own version of Chairman Mao Zedong at its head — and the first thing on the Party agenda is a purge.

It started soon after Trump lost the election last November. Who was out? Anyone who refused to help facilitate the Big Lie was pushed out by the Republicans' Maximum Leader.

And only the Maximum Leader knows what the truth is, and what you’ve been told to believe is a lie.
There is only one truth: the truth of the party. And the party is Donald Trump.

Why? Because YOU say so? Because CNN told you so? Because fellow Trump-haters told you so?

Trump exposed the criminal fake news partisan media for who they are...he exposed the crooked, criminal, treasonous Democrats for who they are, and he beat them at every turn, driving them insane. Americans saw this, know this...

Hillary & Barry's treasonous failed coup attempt was exposed, the FBI was exposed for decades of FISA Court fraud and illegal spying, Clapper and the NSA were exposed for illegally spying on Americans and committing perjury - twice, VIA Director Brennan was exposefnas having illegally spied on the US Senate - exposed by fellow Democrat Diane Feinstein & had to appear before Congress and admit it to avoid jail time.

Trump did not adhere to the ridiculous DC status quo and kicked their ass and in the balls. He torched Pelosi's record-settig failed Impeachments based on zero crime, evidence, and / or witnesses.

Thanks to Pelosi, a President can now be Impeached because he isn't liked by the other party...and with Joe's dismal polling numbers and not being liked being enough to Impeach, Biden needs to be Impeached more than Trump ever needed to be.
Why? Because YOU say so? Because CNN told you so? Because fellow Trump-haters told you so?

Trump exposed the criminal fake news partisan media for who they are...he exposed the crooked, criminal, treasonous Democrats for who they are, and he beat them at every turn, driving them insane. Americans saw this, know this...

Hillary & Barry's treasonous failed coup attempt was exposed, the FBI was exposed for decades of FISA Court fraud and illegal spying, Clapper and the NSA were exposed for illegally spying on Americans and committing perjury - twice, VIA Director Brennan was exposefnas having illegally spied on the US Senate - exposed by fellow Democrat Diane Feinstein & had to appear before Congress and admit it to avoid jail time.

Trump did not adhere to the ridiculous DC status quo and kicked their ass and in the balls. He torched Pelosi's record-settig failed Impeachments based on zero crime, evidence, and / or witnesses.

Thanks to Pelosi, a President can now be Impeached because he isn't liked by the other party...and with Joe's dismal polling numbers and not being liked being enough to Impeach, Biden needs to be Impeached more than Trump ever needed to be.
Trump committed crimes and abuse of power, of which both impeachments were had nada, to do with likes or dislikes. Both impeachments were warranted, and the senate should have convicted him, on both....but R politics got in the way...they had to save their traitorous crook.....
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imo Trump's impact on the gop's demise will be roughly the same as Nixon's effect. Come next year there will be lots of people running, like Hershel Walker, who say they are for trump but who are not spouting the xenophibic hatred and closed markets shit that Trump did
Trump committed crimes and abuse of power, of which both impeachment were had nada, to do with likes or dislikes. Both impeachments were warranted, and the senate should have convicted him, on both....but R politics got in the way...they had to save their traitorous crook.....
Again, says you and CNN.
Obama also abused his power several times, and misused funds more than any other President hands down.
Trumps greatest failures was his inability to shut up and his ENORMOUS ego would not allow him to stop paying attention to meaningless criticism and pay back attempts. As well as probably the worst communication style of any modern President.
But policy wise. And action wise. He actually did pretty decent. His handling of the financial crises due to Covid is incredibly better than Obama's handling. Obama simply handed 100's $Billions to the central banks and large corporations - Trump saved untold number of small businesses by ACTUALLY INCLUDING THEM in financial stimulus. Unlike Obama that didn't give one red cent to small businesses with the exception of a handful of pet programs.
Trump committed crimes and abuse of power, of which both impeachment were .

During BOTH of Pelosi's FAILED coup attempts Democrats proved they had no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses. In the 1st one Schiff was caught illegally manufacturing evidence. In the 2nd one comrade Swalwell was caught doing so.

Both were proven to be scams.

Now Schiff has been caught illegally manufacturing evidence again.

Shove your partisan BS / propaganda.
Trump committed crimes and abuse of power, of which both impeachment were had nada, to do with likes or dislikes. Both impeachments were warranted, and the senate should have convicted him, on both....but R politics got in the way...they had to save their traitorous crook.....

The replies to this thread, will prove the article correct beyond any doubt.
Not a president since Nixon that has not abused his power...Hell Nixon just got caught.

During BOTH of Pelosi's FAILED coup attempts Democrats proved they had no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses. In the 1st one Schiff was caught illegally manufacturing evidence. In the 2nd one comrade Swalwell was caught doing so.

Both were proven to be scams.

Now Schiff has been caught illegally manufacturing evidence again.

Shove your partisan BS / propaganda.
Schiff never manufactured evidence, LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE.


Legal experts appear skeptical about claims that the on-screen message amounted to a distortion of the evidence.

"There is absolutely no validity to the complaints about the way this text was excerpted during the House debate on holding Meadows in contempt," argued Norm Eisen, senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution, who was co-counsel for the House Judiciary Committee during the first impeachment of Donald Trump.

"The fact that a period was inserted, possibly inadvertently, instead of an ellipsis on a graphic presentation is irrelevant. The use of a period versus an ellipsis doesn't change the meaning of the deeply troubling and false statement that the vice president should tamper with electoral votes," Eisen told Newsweek in an email.

Eisen added that it is normal to excerpt portions of materials when you are presenting such material in graphic form during a congressional debate, as there wouldn't have been enough room for all the words in the original text.

"Of course it's true that an ellipsis would have been more accurate than a period, but it's a distinction without a difference," he said. "It doesn't matter to the meaning here, and Jordan and others are seizing upon this and distorting it for purely cynical reasons to divert attention from the shocking view that Pence had the power to hijack the election and sabotage the choices that the voters made and the states certified."
Trump exposed the criminal fake news partisan media for who they are...he exposed the crooked, criminal, treasonous Democrats for who they are, and he beat them at every turn, driving them insane. Americans saw this, know this...
Is that why the American people voted his pathologically lying ass out of office? Making him the only person in US history to lose the popular vote for the presidency consecutively.
Schiff never manufactured evidence, LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE.


No, he never 'changed a single word' - he just altered the text to make it appear something was stated that was not.

That's called ILLEGALLY MANUFACTORING FALSE EVIDENCE, you dishonest, criminal / traitor-defending troll!

No, he never 'changed a single word' - he just altered the text to make it appear something was stated that was not.

That's called ILLEGALLY MANUFACTORING FALSE EVIDENCE, you dishonest, criminal / traitor-defending troll!

No he did not. There is no meaning change, what so ever. No one is calling it manufactured false evidence. The evidence is clear as day.
No he did not. There is no meaning change, what so ever. No one is calling it manufactured false evidence. The evidence is clear as day.
I am so tired of your lying bullshit, TROLL. Time to crush you and what little credibility you have left:

There was no need to alter the document - all Schiff had to do was submitt it as evidence: however, once again Schiff decided evidence needed his 'creative contribution' 1st.

He altered the document, changed the wording, deleted critical paragraphs....AGAIN he manufactured fake evidence, altered the evidence....


Why? Because YOU say so? Because CNN told you so? Because fellow Trump-haters told you so?

Trump exposed the criminal fake news partisan media for who they are...he exposed the crooked, criminal, treasonous Democrats for who they are, and he beat them at every turn, driving them insane. Americans saw this, know this...

Hillary & Barry's treasonous failed coup attempt was exposed, the FBI was exposed for decades of FISA Court fraud and illegal spying, Clapper and the NSA were exposed for illegally spying on Americans and committing perjury - twice, VIA Director Brennan was exposefnas having illegally spied on the US Senate - exposed by fellow Democrat Diane Feinstein & had to appear before Congress and admit it to avoid jail time.

Trump did not adhere to the ridiculous DC status quo and kicked their ass and in the balls. He torched Pelosi's record-settig failed Impeachments based on zero crime, evidence, and / or witnesses.

Thanks to Pelosi, a President can now be Impeached because he isn't liked by the other party...and with Joe's dismal polling numbers and not being liked being enough to Impeach, Biden needs to be Impeached more than Trump ever needed to be.
No, Rawstory is the source. That's even worse than CNN in credibility - imagine.
I am so tired of your lying bullshit, TROLL. Time to crush you and what little credibility you have left:

There was no need to alter the document - all Schiff had to do was submitt it as evidence: however, once again Schiff decided evidence needed his 'creative contribution' 1st.

He altered the document, changed the wording, deleted critical paragraphs....AGAIN he manufactured fake evidence, altered the evidence....



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