the American press didn't cover this rampage in Norway...

Why doesn`t the press push this story about Norway? Americans don`t give a damn about 3 people being murdered in their home towns, why would they give a shit about Norway. The press cares about selling news and tv networks care about ratings. Duh! Most Americans couldn`t find Norway on a map anyway.

Three murdered in Norway isn't exactly front page news in America, when, as posted, major U.S. cities sometimes suffer as many in a single day.

However, the world's media did, in fact, cover the 2011 mass murder attacks against the Norweigan Labor Party government. Two separate incidents. The first, a car fertilizer bomb placed outside the Prime Minister's residence exploded and killed 8. The second, a killer, posing as a policeman, got onto a private island where the Norweigan Labor Party was holding a summer retreat for teenagers, and using a gun, murdered 69 and injuring 110 people. He was apprehended, however, Norway doesn't have a death penalty, so he sits in jail.

The worst mass murder in American history was 37 killed at Virginia Tech University by a disturbed Korean student. Nowhere near the 77 killed in Norway - and that story was covered intensely by the American press. So, it isn't ONLY in America where mass murder crazies go on shooting rampages. I wouldn't want to be in the Border Patrol around the Mexican border either. That route the drug and illegal immigrant smugglers run people up through Mexico to America is littered with dead children raped and murdered along the way.

Despite it being quiet for about 15-years now, the terrorism of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) against the Ulster Volunteers in Northern Ireland, continuing a street assassination battle that goes back almost 800-years, and directed against Catholics - Protestants and British politicians and military (but not the British monarchy), is and was as deadly and bloody as anything America has seen since the Plains Indian Wars of 1881-1900. The IRA even set off pipe bombs 50-yards from the Buckingham Palace Gates where tourists congregate, destroying the Horse Guards daily parade, killing nine soldiers and 15 horses, as early in history as 2001. Both sides are at a ceasefire, however, neither has ever announced where their arms are stored to legal authorities.

The genocide in the Middle East against Israel, and various members of the Islamic faith, as brutal as anything American's commit. Violence is not centered on America, or its guns, the entire world is aflame in violence, almost daily, we have our share, so lets not worry whether other countries of the world think we are violent. ISIS just knocked off the Jewish magazine cartoonists in Paris, France for no reason whatsoever, except to foment violence, and Al Quida terrorists bombed both the London and the Madrid, Spain public rail service at prime occupancy hours.

Nine murdered in a Charleston, S.C. church - not minimizing it, but a whole lot of other countries are suffering under violent attacks from disturbed individuals, or for political reasons, not just America............
I checked claim that American press did cover this rampage and found links to the story in Huffington News, NY Daily News, NBC News, FOX News, Las Vegas Sun, Bloomberg, Free Republic, Wall Street Journal to name a few all dated the day after it occurred.
The premise of the thread in inaccurate. The discussion is about something that didn't happen. The US press did not ignore the story. So, what is the thread about?

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