The Angry Leftist Lynch Mob: Ripe with Hatred & Lies, Wants To Govern You

DemRats are hypocrites.

That's the sad truth. o_O
And no one yet has denied that Trump is by his own words and actions, a disgusting degenerate

I have no problem with Trump. He doesn't have a trail of sexual assault victims that have been intimidated by armed state police thugs....but Bill "drop trou" has. Trump hasn't appeared on the flight log on the Lolita Express to little St James Island aka "Pedophile Island" like Bill "drop trou" did 20 plus times......and the Hildebeast at least seven times. Cameras all over this pedo island "get-away".......
DemRats are hypocrites.

That's the sad truth. o_O
And no one yet has denied that Trump is by his own words and actions, a disgusting degenerate

really...oh well.....:itsok:

DemRats are hypocrites.

That's the sad truth. o_O
And no one yet has denied that Trump is by his own words and actions, a disgusting degenerate

really...oh well.....:itsok:

See? even you cannot and will not deny that Trump is by his own words and actions, a disgusting degenerate
I have no problem with Trump. He doesn't have a trail of sexual assault victims that have been intimidated by armed state police thugs....but Bill "drop trou" has. Trump hasn't appeared on the flight log on the Lolita Express to little St James Island aka "Pedophile Island" like Bill "drop trou" did 20 plus times......and the Hildebeast at least seven times. Cameras all over this pedo island "get-away".......
Most of those stories come with David Brock. I guess you believe every thing he says now? The Arkansas Project and Mellon-Scaife?

and Donald Trump loved Jeffery

Epstein likes to tell people that he's a loner, a man who's never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery
I have no problem with Trump. He doesn't have a trail of sexual assault victims that have been intimidated by armed state police thugs....but Bill "drop trou" has. Trump hasn't appeared on the flight log on the Lolita Express to little St James Island aka "Pedophile Island" like Bill "drop trou" did 20 plus times......and the Hildebeast at least seven times. Cameras all over this pedo island "get-away".......
Most of those stories come with David Brock. I guess you believe every thing he says now? The Arkansas Project and Mellon-Scaife?

and Donald Trump loved Jeffery

Epstein likes to tell people that he's a loner, a man who's never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery

Nope, Bill "drop trou" and his dalliances that required the protection of the Arkansas State Troopers is legendary.
Honestly: Should people this zealous, this unhinged, and so willing to dispense with concepts like Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and the Right to Face Your Accusers, The Right to Free Speech, The Right to Bear Arms, and The Right to Ensure that your vote counts ever be allowed to Govern?

With Death Threats, Vandalism, and Public Attacks on person's homes, families, and continual harassment of any Public Figure that dares disagree with The Leftist Lynch Mob, how long can The Left's Climate of Hostility Last, before we have lost all our personal freedoms? Why should we let them continue to employ such tactics and such a strategy unmolested?

Freedom of movement is an American idea. And if you cannot leave your home without being assaulted, if you cannot go to a movie, a restaurant, or any public venue without being assaulted by an angry and violent rabid leftist mob, we then have turned over America to The Nazi Party every bit as much as The Weimar Democratic Republic did when The Democratic Socialist Party strong armed and bullied German Citizens in to submission.

It is time to crack down on subversives like AntiFa, Now, George Soros and others who are using violence, harassment, vandalism, and intimidation to attack our Democracy, and interfere in our Democratic Process.

If our government, and citizenry do not stand up to this wave of thugs and seditious tyrants, we will no longer be a Republic. We will be a failed Republic run by Socialist Dictators whose only function then is to simply appease The Mob in order to secure their own continued survival.

We are in the midst of a Civil War even if you refuse to admit it. To quote Laura Ingram:

"These uncivil tactics and slimy smears against good people are exposing just how radicalized, how contemptible some strains of today's Democratic Party has become."

Some Strains? The attack on Kavanaugh is being funded by The Democrat Party itself. Radical Liberal Attorneys like Katz a Soros Attorney, Avenatti, and DNC Company Soldier, and Andrew McCabe and Joe Biden's Attorneys are all representing these accusers. Not even in anyone's wildest imagination is this a coincidence. Laura Ingram must not realize that this comes from DNC Command Central. These attacks come from Democrat Leadership. And they are not generated from a few radical fringe groups. The Democrat Party has mainstreamed radicalism. And like a Heroin Addict, they are becoming increasingly addicted to it and dependent on it to function.

These aren't just a bunch of unhinged nut cases anymore. These are well funded radicals with an agenda who seek to topple our Democracy. George Soros is just one of many financiers who are bankrolling this war, and he was expelled out of two countries for doing the same elsewhere. The entire Democrat Party is all in on this and so are their financial backers.

We as a people need to fight back. Our representatives need to fight back. If you just lay down and let them rape lady liberty without any repercussions, we have lost The Republic.

Laura Ingraham: The critical lessons of the Kavanaugh battle
By the way the only spike in violence is against Muslims gays blacks Jews Etc since Trump...

Is that why Chicago's murder rate has sky-rocketed because of Muslims, Gays, Blacks, Jews etc. being attacked by evil Whitey?
No that's black gangs fighting over who sells drugs to the Whitey from the suburbs...
Honestly: Should people this zealous, this unhinged, and so willing to dispense with concepts like Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and the Right to Face Your Accusers, The Right to Free Speech, The Right to Bear Arms, and The Right to Ensure that your vote counts ever be allowed to Govern?

With Death Threats, Vandalism, and Public Attacks on person's homes, families, and continual harassment of any Public Figure that dares disagree with The Leftist Lynch Mob, how long can The Left's Climate of Hostility Last, before we have lost all our personal freedoms? Why should we let them continue to employ such tactics and such a strategy unmolested?

Freedom of movement is an American idea. And if you cannot leave your home without being assaulted, if you cannot go to a movie, a restaurant, or any public venue without being assaulted by an angry and violent rabid leftist mob, we then have turned over America to The Nazi Party every bit as much as The Weimar Democratic Republic did when The Democratic Socialist Party strong armed and bullied German Citizens in to submission.

It is time to crack down on subversives like AntiFa, Now, George Soros and others who are using violence, harassment, vandalism, and intimidation to attack our Democracy, and interfere in our Democratic Process.

If our government, and citizenry do not stand up to this wave of thugs and seditious tyrants, we will no longer be a Republic. We will be a failed Republic run by Socialist Dictators whose only function then is to simply appease The Mob in order to secure their own continued survival.

We are in the midst of a Civil War even if you refuse to admit it. To quote Laura Ingram:

"These uncivil tactics and slimy smears against good people are exposing just how radicalized, how contemptible some strains of today's Democratic Party has become."

Some Strains? The attack on Kavanaugh is being funded by The Democrat Party itself. Radical Liberal Attorneys like Katz a Soros Attorney, Avenatti, and DNC Company Soldier, and Andrew McCabe and Joe Biden's Attorneys are all representing these accusers. Not even in anyone's wildest imagination is this a coincidence. Laura Ingram must not realize that this comes from DNC Command Central. These attacks come from Democrat Leadership. And they are not generated from a few radical fringe groups. The Democrat Party has mainstreamed radicalism. And like a Heroin Addict, they are becoming increasingly addicted to it and dependent on it to function.

These aren't just a bunch of unhinged nut cases anymore. These are well funded radicals with an agenda who seek to topple our Democracy. George Soros is just one of many financiers who are bankrolling this war, and he was expelled out of two countries for doing the same elsewhere. The entire Democrat Party is all in on this and so are their financial backers.

We as a people need to fight back. Our representatives need to fight back. If you just lay down and let them rape lady liberty without any repercussions, we have lost The Republic.

Laura Ingraham: The critical lessons of the Kavanaugh battle
The Leftists should never had used the tactics from the Conservative Playbook.
I have no problem with Trump. He doesn't have a trail of sexual assault victims that have been intimidated by armed state police thugs....but Bill "drop trou" has. Trump hasn't appeared on the flight log on the Lolita Express to little St James Island aka "Pedophile Island" like Bill "drop trou" did 20 plus times......and the Hildebeast at least seven times. Cameras all over this pedo island "get-away".......
Most of those stories come with David Brock. I guess you believe every thing he says now? The Arkansas Project and Mellon-Scaife?

and Donald Trump loved Jeffery

Epstein likes to tell people that he's a loner, a man who's never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery

Nope, Bill "drop trou" and his dalliances that required the protection of the Arkansas State Troopers is legendary.
Arkansas Project David Brock now of Media Matters Mellon-Scaife


Opinion | David Brock: The Brett Kavanaugh I knew shouldn't sit on the Supreme Court

I used to know Brett Kavanaugh pretty well. And, when I think of Brett now, in the midst of his hearings for a lifetime appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court, all I can think of is the old "Aesop's Fables" adage: "A man is known by the company he keeps."

And that's why I want to tell any senator who cares about our democracy: Vote no.

Twenty years ago, when I was a conservative movement stalwart, I got to know Brett Kavanaugh both professionally and personally.

Brett actually makes a cameo appearance in my memoir of my time in the GOP, "Blinded By The Right." I describe him at a party full of zealous young conservatives gathered to watch President Bill Clinton's 1998 State of the Union address — just weeks after the story of his affair with a White House intern had broken. When the TV camera panned to Hillary Clinton, I saw Brett — at the time a key lieutenant of Ken Starr, the independent counsel investigating various Clinton scandals — mouth the word "bitch."

But there's a lot more to know about Kavanaugh than just his Pavlovian response to Hillary's image. Brett and I were part of a close circle of cold, cynical and ambitious hard-right operatives being groomed by GOP elders for much bigger roles in politics, government and media. And it’s those controversial associations that should give members of the Senate and the American public serious pause.

Opinion | David Brock: The Brett Kavanaugh I knew shouldn't sit on the Supreme Court
I have no problem with Trump. He doesn't have a trail of sexual assault victims that have been intimidated by armed state police thugs....but Bill "drop trou" has. Trump hasn't appeared on the flight log on the Lolita Express to little St James Island aka "Pedophile Island" like Bill "drop trou" did 20 plus times......and the Hildebeast at least seven times. Cameras all over this pedo island "get-away".......
Most of those stories come with David Brock. I guess you believe every thing he says now? The Arkansas Project and Mellon-Scaife?

and Donald Trump loved Jeffery

Epstein likes to tell people that he's a loner, a man who's never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery

Nope, Bill "drop trou" and his dalliances that required the protection of the Arkansas State Troopers is legendary.
Arkansas Project David Brock now of Media Matters Mellon-Scaife


Opinion | David Brock: The Brett Kavanaugh I knew shouldn't sit on the Supreme Court

I used to know Brett Kavanaugh pretty well. And, when I think of Brett now, in the midst of his hearings for a lifetime appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court, all I can think of is the old "Aesop's Fables" adage: "A man is known by the company he keeps."

And that's why I want to tell any senator who cares about our democracy: Vote no.

Twenty years ago, when I was a conservative movement stalwart, I got to know Brett Kavanaugh both professionally and personally.

David Brock is a fag and while I am not saying that he is a pedophile like his ex-lover James Alefantis, that was running a child porn/snuff film ring using his pizza joint as a front in exchange for bitcoin that was connected to eight other servers world wide? Let's just say that "Light in the Loafers" Brock is definitely under suspicion and "yes", a man (or in his case a fag) is known by the company that he keeps. Washington D.C detective Marcus Stevens was "hip" to what was going on until a crisis actor fired a single shot through a door at Comet Ping Pong and Pizza and took out their computer server...imagine that???
Every democrat should be voted out of office. Everyone, Those districts that refuse to be sane should be punished.
yeah! /Bring on a one-party state! Go for it!

so much for liberties and a republic LOL

Already have a one party Demo state on Left Coast. Why not?? It's all headed that direction..

We're seriously doomed. This week just proves it...
Honestly: Should people this zealous, this unhinged, and so willing to dispense with concepts like Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and the Right to Face Your Accusers, The Right to Free Speech, The Right to Bear Arms, and The Right to Ensure that your vote counts ever be allowed to Govern?

With Death Threats, Vandalism, and Public Attacks on person's homes, families, and continual harassment of any Public Figure that dares disagree with The Leftist Lynch Mob, how long can The Left's Climate of Hostility Last, before we have lost all our personal freedoms? Why should we let them continue to employ such tactics and such a strategy unmolested?

Freedom of movement is an American idea. And if you cannot leave your home without being assaulted, if you cannot go to a movie, a restaurant, or any public venue without being assaulted by an angry and violent rabid leftist mob, we then have turned over America to The Nazi Party every bit as much as The Weimar Democratic Republic did when The Democratic Socialist Party strong armed and bullied German Citizens in to submission.

It is time to crack down on subversives like AntiFa, Now, George Soros and others who are using violence, harassment, vandalism, and intimidation to attack our Democracy, and interfere in our Democratic Process.
If our government, and citizenry do not stand up to this wave of thugs and seditious tyrants, we will no longer be a Republic. We will be a failed Republic run by Socialist Dictators who only function then is to simply appease The Mob in order to secure their own survival.

We are in the midst of a Civil War even if you refuse to admit it. To quote Laura Ingram:

"These uncivil tactics and slimy smears against good people are exposing just how radicalized, how contemptible some strains of today's Democratic Party has become."

These aren't just a bunch of unhinged nut cases anymore. These are well funded radicals with an agenda who seek to topple our Democracy. George Soros is just one of many financiers who are bankrolling this war, and he was expelled out of two countries for doing the same elsewhere.

We as a people need to fight back. Our representatives need to fight back. If you just lay down and let them rape lady liberty without any repercussions, we have lost The Republic.

Laura Ingraham: The critical lessons of the Kavanaugh battle
barrels of guns do wonders.
they called that the civil war right? is that really what these uninformed boobs really want? to die?
Bring it on sucker!

Ya gonna hit him with your purse?
Honestly: Should people this zealous, this unhinged, and so willing to dispense with concepts like Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and the Right to Face Your Accusers, The Right to Free Speech, The Right to Bear Arms, and The Right to Ensure that your vote counts ever be allowed to Govern?

With Death Threats, Vandalism, and Public Attacks on person's homes, families, and continual harassment of any Public Figure that dares disagree with The Leftist Lynch Mob, how long can The Left's Climate of Hostility Last, before we have lost all our personal freedoms? Why should we let them continue to employ such tactics and such a strategy unmolested?

Freedom of movement is an American idea. And if you cannot leave your home without being assaulted, if you cannot go to a movie, a restaurant, or any public venue without being assaulted by an angry and violent rabid leftist mob, we then have turned over America to The Nazi Party every bit as much as The Weimar Democratic Republic did when The Democratic Socialist Party strong armed and bullied German Citizens in to submission.

It is time to crack down on subversives like AntiFa, Now, George Soros and others who are using violence, harassment, vandalism, and intimidation to attack our Democracy, and interfere in our Democratic Process.

If our government, and citizenry do not stand up to this wave of thugs and seditious tyrants, we will no longer be a Republic. We will be a failed Republic run by Socialist Dictators whose only function then is to simply appease The Mob in order to secure their own continued survival.

We are in the midst of a Civil War even if you refuse to admit it. To quote Laura Ingram:

"These uncivil tactics and slimy smears against good people are exposing just how radicalized, how contemptible some strains of today's Democratic Party has become."

Some Strains? The attack on Kavanaugh is being funded by The Democrat Party itself. Radical Liberal Attorneys like Katz a Soros Attorney, Avenatti, and DNC Company Soldier, and Andrew McCabe and Joe Biden's Attorneys are all representing these accusers. Not even in anyone's wildest imagination is this a coincidence. Laura Ingram must not realize that this comes from DNC Command Central. These attacks come from Democrat Leadership. And they are not generated from a few radical fringe groups. The Democrat Party has mainstreamed radicalism. And like a Heroin Addict, they are becoming increasingly addicted to it and dependent on it to function.

These aren't just a bunch of unhinged nut cases anymore. These are well funded radicals with an agenda who seek to topple our Democracy. George Soros is just one of many financiers who are bankrolling this war, and he was expelled out of two countries for doing the same elsewhere. The entire Democrat Party is all in on this and so are their financial backers.

We as a people need to fight back. Our representatives need to fight back. If you just lay down and let them rape lady liberty without any repercussions, we have lost The Republic.

Laura Ingraham: The critical lessons of the Kavanaugh battle

Poor trumpflake. It isn’t the “left” that’s angery. That would be the deplorable.

Nice delusional rant, though. Perhaps you should try not trying to shove the will of a small
Minority of the country down the throats of the rest of us. And I’ll point out that because if the disgusting things done by your orange sociopath, the GOP is bleeding membership.

But it’s ok. Keep being the party of George Wallace. If the founders returned you trumpkins would make them sick.
Every democrat should be voted out of office. Everyone, Those districts that refuse to be sane should be punished.
yeah! /Bring on a one-party state! Go for it!

so much for liberties and a republic LOL

Already have a one party Demo state on Left Coast. Why not?? It's all headed that direction..

We're seriously doomed. This week just proves it...

No such state. I live in a one party state and it's conservative. We have an entire nation of one party right wing retard states in the south especially. That's why we are doomed. The last national election proved it. And if republicans win again in November, we are most certainly doomed.
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Putin is LOVING all of this. Maybe he's working with the Demos now pushing this whole grade school drunken pool party scenario. MAYBE -- TRUMP IS HELPING HIM... :ack-1:

Putin got his boy in the White house. You helped him do it. These high school and college drunken parties exist, Kavanaugh was a known drunk party animal, he was in a frat, and they do such things as he has been described doing.
I have no problem with Trump. He doesn't have a trail of sexual assault victims that have been intimidated by armed state police thugs....but Bill "drop trou" has. Trump hasn't appeared on the flight log on the Lolita Express to little St James Island aka "Pedophile Island" like Bill "drop trou" did 20 plus times......and the Hildebeast at least seven times. Cameras all over this pedo island "get-away".......
Most of those stories come with David Brock. I guess you believe every thing he says now? The Arkansas Project and Mellon-Scaife?

and Donald Trump loved Jeffery

Epstein likes to tell people that he's a loner, a man who's never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery

Nope, Bill "drop trou" and his dalliances that required the protection of the Arkansas State Troopers is legendary.
Arkansas Project David Brock now of Media Matters Mellon-Scaife


Opinion | David Brock: The Brett Kavanaugh I knew shouldn't sit on the Supreme Court

I used to know Brett Kavanaugh pretty well. And, when I think of Brett now, in the midst of his hearings for a lifetime appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court, all I can think of is the old "Aesop's Fables" adage: "A man is known by the company he keeps."

And that's why I want to tell any senator who cares about our democracy: Vote no.

Twenty years ago, when I was a conservative movement stalwart, I got to know Brett Kavanaugh both professionally and personally.

David Brock is a fag and while I am not saying that he is a pedophile like his ex-lover James Alefantis, that was running a child porn/snuff film ring using his pizza joint as a front in exchange for bitcoin that was connected to eight other servers world wide? Let's just say that "Light in the Loafers" Brock is definitely under suspicion and "yes", a man (or in his case a fag) is known by the company that he keeps. Washington D.C detective Marcus Stevens was "hip" to what was going on until a crisis actor fired a single shot through a door at Comet Ping Pong and Pizza and took out their computer server...imagine that???

Pizzagate was shown to not be so.
Look right wingers, when the facts show something did not happen, it means it did not happen. Not that you get to keep pretending that it does.

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