The Angry Leftist Lynch Mob: Ripe with Hatred & Lies, Wants To Govern You

Honestly: Should people this zealous, this unhinged, and so willing to dispense with concepts like Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and the Right to Face Your Accusers, The Right to Free Speech, The Right to Bear Arms, and The Right to Ensure that your vote counts ever be allowed to Govern?

With Death Threats, Vandalism, and Public Attacks on person's homes, families, and continual harassment of any Public Figure that dares disagree with The Leftist Lynch Mob, how long can The Left's Climate of Hostility Last, before we have lost all our personal freedoms? Why should we let them continue to employ such tactics and such a strategy unmolested?

Freedom of movement is an American idea. And if you cannot leave your home without being assaulted, if you cannot go to a movie, a restaurant, or any public venue without being assaulted by an angry and violent rabid leftist mob, we then have turned over America to The Nazi Party every bit as much as The Weimar Democratic Republic did when The Democratic Socialist Party strong armed and bullied German Citizens in to submission.

It is time to crack down on subversives like AntiFa, Now, George Soros and others who are using violence, harassment, vandalism, and intimidation to attack our Democracy, and interfere in our Democratic Process.

If our government, and citizenry do not stand up to this wave of thugs and seditious tyrants, we will no longer be a Republic. We will be a failed Republic run by Socialist Dictators whose only function then is to simply appease The Mob in order to secure their own continued survival.

We are in the midst of a Civil War even if you refuse to admit it. To quote Laura Ingram:

"These uncivil tactics and slimy smears against good people are exposing just how radicalized, how contemptible some strains of today's Democratic Party has become."

Some Strains? The attack on Kavanaugh is being funded by The Democrat Party itself. Radical Liberal Attorneys like Katz a Soros Attorney, Avenatti, and DNC Company Soldier, and Andrew McCabe and Joe Biden's Attorneys are all representing these accusers. Not even in anyone's wildest imagination is this a coincidence. Laura Ingram must not realize that this comes from DNC Command Central. These attacks come from Democrat Leadership. And they are not generated from a few radical fringe groups. The Democrat Party has mainstreamed radicalism. And like a Heroin Addict, they are becoming increasingly addicted to it and dependent on it to function.

These aren't just a bunch of unhinged nut cases anymore. These are well funded radicals with an agenda who seek to topple our Democracy. George Soros is just one of many financiers who are bankrolling this war, and he was expelled out of two countries for doing the same elsewhere. The entire Democrat Party is all in on this and so are their financial backers.

We as a people need to fight back. Our representatives need to fight back. If you just lay down and let them rape lady liberty without any repercussions, we have lost The Republic.

Laura Ingraham: The critical lessons of the Kavanaugh battle
/——/ And Manchella’s call to arms to get out the dem vote:
I don't recall Merrick Garland getting a vote.

I love the whining about some jerks not being able to go out in public because they might be confronted over their efforts to ruin the country. So what? These are the same people who want to set up a government that, among other things, can dictate what we Americans can and can't do with our own bodies and dictate what religion we have to practice.

The OP whines that "good people" are being treated unfairly, somehow. Since when are people like sanders or cruz "good people"?

This crowd is just being treated the same way as they treat everybody else. There is no need to make them comfortable or honor them. The people who call themselves "conservatives" have tried to attack normal Americans. Women, LGBTs, people of color, people who follow other denominations of the Christian faith, people who practice faiths that are not Christian, people who do not choose to practice a religious faith. So pay the price.
A lot of allegations of wild sex rape parties so successful that women who were drugged and raped there returned to these parties at least 10 times in a row, made by Porn Attorneys and Rabid FemiNazis hurled at a man who was a Virgin until he married his wife.

Is there even ONE DEMOCRAT, ONE LEFTIST HERE that has the BALLS to say how wrong it is to Assassinate The Character of a man who has an impeccable record, and not only is a fine upstanding citizen, but is a moral paragon of virtue.

Anybody? Anybody on The Left who is ashamed at what The Democrat Leadership is now doing?

Fine, upstanding citizen? Moral paragon of virtue? Spare us, partisan jack wagon. Feel free to down a tall glass of shut the fuck up at any time. Your puerile rants are boring and meaningless.
Haters gonna Hate, Liars gonna Lie, and Demotwats gonna Demotard.

There was more solid Evidence against your heroes Anthony Weiner, Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, and Keith Ellison. Where was your outrage then? Why didn't you believe Paula Jones, and Bill Clinton's other victims?

Why don't you seek justice there within your own party for your #MeToo sharade?

Hate to tell you this Comrade, but we are a nation of laws, and all men are innocent until proven guilty, and there is not ONE SHRED of Evidence against Kavanaugh. In fact, none of your Bimbos for Hire can even name a time, date and place, nor actually scrape the bottom of a scum bucket to come up with a single slimy witness to corroborate their smears.

You should be ashamed of your party, and ashamed of yourself but you are not which speaks to your moral depravity and lack of an ethical compass in your rudderless life.
they don't care about their reputations at all.

You would be correct. They are like Dr. Smith in Lost In Space. The only thing that matters is getting home.....all others be damned, even if they are your own family. The Left is loyal to only one thing and one thing only, their agenda. They would turn on their own mother in if it meant advancing their agenda.

Their followers are just clueless, mindless half wit lemmings. I refuse to believe that the general dumbed down populous that buys in to The DemoNazi agenda are aware of what they are actually buying in to. They are just duped automatons regurgitating their programming.
what's that? you got a story you like to tell eh?
The women deserve better. The nation deserves better. You deserve a long stay in hell

The women deserve to be arrested for making false charges. If the bitch Ford testifies under oath, she should be charged with perjury. You're correct that the nations deserves better than these sleazy smears and the shit bags who are supporting them. That includes you, shit bag.

Corporate DNC High Priced Attorneys are all representing these pigs. So let me ask the board something, why do you need a high priced DNC Attorney, AKA operative who represents people like Joe Biden former Vice President of The United States, or Andrew McCabe former head of The FBI or a Sleezeball Port Attorney like Avenatti, or a Social Justice Warrior and Liberal Activist like Katz if this is really about "sexual harassment"?

Wouldn't you want an attorney that specializes in "Sexual Harassment" and preferably from your own back yard?

These are Democrat Corporate Operatives, and this is an orchestrated Political Smear campaign, and these so called "womenz" are getting paid last I heard $10,000 plus their daily expenses, and then are not even paying a penny for their legal fees.

They have turned #MeToo in to a punch line.
what's that? you got a story you like to tell eh?
The women deserve better. The nation deserves better. You deserve a long stay in hell


If only it wasn't she said...she said....she said

Bill Clinton and Bil Cosby and Clarence Thomas and Harvey Weinstein agree with you. I guess you stand with all of them too
I do with mr. Cosby. he got a railroad job. dude, I didn't believe one of them broads. not one. they were all using him. he was the victim. how many years after their supposed incidents? 40 years? too stupid for words.
This is no way to talk about First Lady Trump
sluts deserve nothing.
what's that? you got a story you like to tell eh?
The women deserve better. The nation deserves better. You deserve a long stay in hell

Turds like you are talking about treating these lying sluts who accuse Kavanaugh with respect, and then in the same breath you make a statement like that? What a fucking bag of shit.
Bri, hypocrite. one of the biggest in here now.
Honestly: Should people this zealous, this unhinged, and so willing to dispense with concepts like Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and the Right to Face Your Accusers, The Right to Free Speech, The Right to Bear Arms, and The Right to Ensure that your vote counts ever be allowed to Govern?

With Death Threats, Vandalism, and Public Attacks on person's homes, families, and continual harassment of any Public Figure that dares disagree with The Leftist Lynch Mob, how long can The Left's Climate of Hostility Last, before we have lost all our personal freedoms? Why should we let them continue to employ such tactics and such a strategy unmolested?

Freedom of movement is an American idea. And if you cannot leave your home without being assaulted, if you cannot go to a movie, a restaurant, or any public venue without being assaulted by an angry and violent rabid leftist mob, we then have turned over America to The Nazi Party every bit as much as The Weimar Democratic Republic did when The Democratic Socialist Party strong armed and bullied German Citizens in to submission.

It is time to crack down on subversives like AntiFa, Now, George Soros and others who are using violence, harassment, vandalism, and intimidation to attack our Democracy, and interfere in our Democratic Process.

If our government, and citizenry do not stand up to this wave of thugs and seditious tyrants, we will no longer be a Republic. We will be a failed Republic run by Socialist Dictators whose only function then is to simply appease The Mob in order to secure their own continued survival.

We are in the midst of a Civil War even if you refuse to admit it. To quote Laura Ingram:

"These uncivil tactics and slimy smears against good people are exposing just how radicalized, how contemptible some strains of today's Democratic Party has become."

Some Strains? The attack on Kavanaugh is being funded by The Democrat Party itself. Radical Liberal Attorneys like Katz a Soros Attorney, Avenatti, and DNC Company Soldier, and Andrew McCabe and Joe Biden's Attorneys are all representing these accusers. Not even in anyone's wildest imagination is this a coincidence. Laura Ingram must not realize that this comes from DNC Command Central. These attacks come from Democrat Leadership. And they are not generated from a few radical fringe groups. The Democrat Party has mainstreamed radicalism. And like a Heroin Addict, they are becoming increasingly addicted to it and dependent on it to function.

These aren't just a bunch of unhinged nut cases anymore. These are well funded radicals with an agenda who seek to topple our Democracy. George Soros is just one of many financiers who are bankrolling this war, and he was expelled out of two countries for doing the same elsewhere. The entire Democrat Party is all in on this and so are their financial backers.

We as a people need to fight back. Our representatives need to fight back. If you just lay down and let them rape lady liberty without any repercussions, we have lost The Republic.

Laura Ingraham: The critical lessons of the Kavanaugh battle
/——/ And Manchella’s call to arms to get out the dem vote:

I hate to say I feel sorry for The Dem Voter Base, but I do.
Let's ask "The Board"

Would you accept $10,000 and all your expenses paid, including meals, lodging, and a daily spending allowance, if all you had to do was make a really really vague accusation against someone?

I think there are even some Conservatives here that might actually be tempted by an offer like that, especially if they got to make that accusation against a Democrat they already hated!

This is what The DNC is offering these women to accuse Kavanaugh publicly.

Congress should act to make such payments to so called "accusers" illegal.
Some people, normal, decent, people, will not vote for a trashy little whore and conman, and some sex sicko on a religious trip. Those who voted for tramp and pigpence did. Now we have filth running the executive branch. This is the most disgusting thing I've seen in my considerable life. We used to be a civilized country.

If they represent "the heartland," "the heartland" must be an incredible pigsty.
Honestly: Should people this zealous, this unhinged, and so willing to dispense with concepts like Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and the Right to Face Your Accusers, The Right to Free Speech, The Right to Bear Arms, and The Right to Ensure that your vote counts ever be allowed to Govern?

With Death Threats, Vandalism, and Public Attacks on person's homes, families, and continual harassment of any Public Figure that dares disagree with The Leftist Lynch Mob, how long can The Left's Climate of Hostility Last, before we have lost all our personal freedoms? Why should we let them continue to employ such tactics and such a strategy unmolested?

Freedom of movement is an American idea. And if you cannot leave your home without being assaulted, if you cannot go to a movie, a restaurant, or any public venue without being assaulted by an angry and violent rabid leftist mob, we then have turned over America to The Nazi Party every bit as much as The Weimar Democratic Republic did when The Democratic Socialist Party strong armed and bullied German Citizens in to submission.

It is time to crack down on subversives like AntiFa, Now, George Soros and others who are using violence, harassment, vandalism, and intimidation to attack our Democracy, and interfere in our Democratic Process.

If our government, and citizenry do not stand up to this wave of thugs and seditious tyrants, we will no longer be a Republic. We will be a failed Republic run by Socialist Dictators whose only function then is to simply appease The Mob in order to secure their own continued survival.

We are in the midst of a Civil War even if you refuse to admit it. To quote Laura Ingram:

"These uncivil tactics and slimy smears against good people are exposing just how radicalized, how contemptible some strains of today's Democratic Party has become."

Some Strains? The attack on Kavanaugh is being funded by The Democrat Party itself. Radical Liberal Attorneys like Katz a Soros Attorney, Avenatti, and DNC Company Soldier, and Andrew McCabe and Joe Biden's Attorneys are all representing these accusers. Not even in anyone's wildest imagination is this a coincidence. Laura Ingram must not realize that this comes from DNC Command Central. These attacks come from Democrat Leadership. And they are not generated from a few radical fringe groups. The Democrat Party has mainstreamed radicalism. And like a Heroin Addict, they are becoming increasingly addicted to it and dependent on it to function.

These aren't just a bunch of unhinged nut cases anymore. These are well funded radicals with an agenda who seek to topple our Democracy. George Soros is just one of many financiers who are bankrolling this war, and he was expelled out of two countries for doing the same elsewhere. The entire Democrat Party is all in on this and so are their financial backers.

We as a people need to fight back. Our representatives need to fight back. If you just lay down and let them rape lady liberty without any repercussions, we have lost The Republic.

Laura Ingraham: The critical lessons of the Kavanaugh battle
/——/ And Manchella’s call to arms to get out the dem vote:

I hate to say I feel sorry for The Dem Voter Base, but I do.

I don't.

In fact, I resent the fact that pain isn't attached to stupidity.
Some people, normal, decent, people, will not vote for a trashy little whore and conman, and some sex sicko on a religious trip. Those who voted for tramp and pigpence did. Now we have filth running the executive branch. This is the most disgusting thing I've seen in my considerable life. We used to be a civilized country.

If they represent "the heartland," "the heartland" must be an incredible pigsty.
some people, normal, decent, see a smear campaign and will vote the dems out.
Some people, normal, decent, people, will not vote for a trashy little whore and conman, and some sex sicko on a religious trip. Those who voted for tramp and pigpence did. Now we have filth running the executive branch. This is the most disgusting thing I've seen in my considerable life. We used to be a civilized country.

If they represent "the heartland," "the heartland" must be an incredible pigsty.
some people, normal, decent, see a smear campaign and will vote the dems out.

Nope. I knew this type of guy when I was in college. It has been the "conservatives" choice to defend them, while simultaneously lecturing the rest of us, particularly females, about "morality." These morons who love their "god" and their cows are a real piece of work. They must live in a pigsty.
Honestly: Should people this zealous, this unhinged, and so willing to dispense with concepts like Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and the Right to Face Your Accusers, The Right to Free Speech, The Right to Bear Arms, and The Right to Ensure that your vote counts ever be allowed to Govern?

With Death Threats, Vandalism, and Public Attacks on person's homes, families, and continual harassment of any Public Figure that dares disagree with The Leftist Lynch Mob, how long can The Left's Climate of Hostility Last, before we have lost all our personal freedoms? Why should we let them continue to employ such tactics and such a strategy unmolested?

Freedom of movement is an American idea. And if you cannot leave your home without being assaulted, if you cannot go to a movie, a restaurant, or any public venue without being assaulted by an angry and violent rabid leftist mob, we then have turned over America to The Nazi Party every bit as much as The Weimar Democratic Republic did when The Democratic Socialist Party strong armed and bullied German Citizens in to submission.

It is time to crack down on subversives like AntiFa, Now, George Soros and others who are using violence, harassment, vandalism, and intimidation to attack our Democracy, and interfere in our Democratic Process.

If our government, and citizenry do not stand up to this wave of thugs and seditious tyrants, we will no longer be a Republic. We will be a failed Republic run by Socialist Dictators whose only function then is to simply appease The Mob in order to secure their own continued survival.

We are in the midst of a Civil War even if you refuse to admit it. To quote Laura Ingram:

"These uncivil tactics and slimy smears against good people are exposing just how radicalized, how contemptible some strains of today's Democratic Party has become."

Some Strains? The attack on Kavanaugh is being funded by The Democrat Party itself. Radical Liberal Attorneys like Katz a Soros Attorney, Avenatti, and DNC Company Soldier, and Andrew McCabe and Joe Biden's Attorneys are all representing these accusers. Not even in anyone's wildest imagination is this a coincidence. Laura Ingram must not realize that this comes from DNC Command Central. These attacks come from Democrat Leadership. And they are not generated from a few radical fringe groups. The Democrat Party has mainstreamed radicalism. And like a Heroin Addict, they are becoming increasingly addicted to it and dependent on it to function.

These aren't just a bunch of unhinged nut cases anymore. These are well funded radicals with an agenda who seek to topple our Democracy. George Soros is just one of many financiers who are bankrolling this war, and he was expelled out of two countries for doing the same elsewhere. The entire Democrat Party is all in on this and so are their financial backers.

We as a people need to fight back. Our representatives need to fight back. If you just lay down and let them rape lady liberty without any repercussions, we have lost The Republic.

Laura Ingraham: The critical lessons of the Kavanaugh battle

The Supreme Court hearings have nothing to do with due process, presumption of innocence and facing your accuser. This is not a court of law.

We are in a war. A war with the alt-right, white nationalists, neo-nazis and other far right extremists like you. This is the new Republican Party and it needs to be destroyed.

Anyone just right of Mao Tse Tung is a "rightwing extremist" to fabian socialists like yourself. I am a constitutionalist that believes the organic version passed in 1787 and the Bill of Rights stands on it's own merits and isn't a "living or breathing" entity that can be changed by a majority vote. The communist party targeted the DNC going back to the 1930's and finally took it over at a secret caucus in 1980. There are too many of us that will never allow the commie left to destroy this country. You want a fight? You have got one.....lock and load, ya commie fuck.

You commies are the ones who are supporting Communists like Putin. Hatemongers like you are in the minority. That is why Trump is so unpopular.

HOLY you even stop and think about what you write before you hit the "Post Reply" button?
The only "haters" I see are the mask wearing antifa commies that attack people in packs. Let me know when pro Trump supporters are roaming the streets seeking out victims, ya commie twat.
The only spike in violence and vandalism has been against Muslims gays Jews and blacks since Trump. Antifa is a tiny group that fights right-wing Nazis but I wish they would stop. And they haven't done anything for a year now of any import, no matter how many times Fox shows silly clips from a year ago.
Anyone just right of Mao Tse Tung is a "rightwing extremist" to fabian socialists...I am a constitutionalist

The Wacky World of Warped Wonders. The phrase "I am a constitutionalist" says it all

I stand by my post and I want nothing to do with the commie leftists......are we clear on that? Do you believe that you can convince me to change my stance???

find me a Democrat who wants a dictatorship that owns all industry and business, super dupe of the greedy idiot rich.
Honestly: Should people this zealous, this unhinged, and so willing to dispense with concepts like Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and the Right to Face Your Accusers, The Right to Free Speech, The Right to Bear Arms, and The Right to Ensure that your vote counts ever be allowed to Govern?

With Death Threats, Vandalism, and Public Attacks on person's homes, families, and continual harassment of any Public Figure that dares disagree with The Leftist Lynch Mob, how long can The Left's Climate of Hostility Last, before we have lost all our personal freedoms? Why should we let them continue to employ such tactics and such a strategy unmolested?

Freedom of movement is an American idea. And if you cannot leave your home without being assaulted, if you cannot go to a movie, a restaurant, or any public venue without being assaulted by an angry and violent rabid leftist mob, we then have turned over America to The Nazi Party every bit as much as The Weimar Democratic Republic did when The Democratic Socialist Party strong armed and bullied German Citizens in to submission.

It is time to crack down on subversives like AntiFa, Now, George Soros and others who are using violence, harassment, vandalism, and intimidation to attack our Democracy, and interfere in our Democratic Process.

If our government, and citizenry do not stand up to this wave of thugs and seditious tyrants, we will no longer be a Republic. We will be a failed Republic run by Socialist Dictators whose only function then is to simply appease The Mob in order to secure their own continued survival.

We are in the midst of a Civil War even if you refuse to admit it. To quote Laura Ingram:

"These uncivil tactics and slimy smears against good people are exposing just how radicalized, how contemptible some strains of today's Democratic Party has become."

Some Strains? The attack on Kavanaugh is being funded by The Democrat Party itself. Radical Liberal Attorneys like Katz a Soros Attorney, Avenatti, and DNC Company Soldier, and Andrew McCabe and Joe Biden's Attorneys are all representing these accusers. Not even in anyone's wildest imagination is this a coincidence. Laura Ingram must not realize that this comes from DNC Command Central. These attacks come from Democrat Leadership. And they are not generated from a few radical fringe groups. The Democrat Party has mainstreamed radicalism. And like a Heroin Addict, they are becoming increasingly addicted to it and dependent on it to function.

These aren't just a bunch of unhinged nut cases anymore. These are well funded radicals with an agenda who seek to topple our Democracy. George Soros is just one of many financiers who are bankrolling this war, and he was expelled out of two countries for doing the same elsewhere. The entire Democrat Party is all in on this and so are their financial backers.

We as a people need to fight back. Our representatives need to fight back. If you just lay down and let them rape lady liberty without any repercussions, we have lost The Republic.

Laura Ingraham: The critical lessons of the Kavanaugh battle

The Supreme Court hearings have nothing to do with due process, presumption of innocence and facing your accuser. This is not a court of law.

We are in a war. A war with the alt-right, white nationalists, neo-nazis and other far right extremists like you. This is the new Republican Party and it needs to be destroyed.

Anyone just right of Mao Tse Tung is a "rightwing extremist" to fabian socialists like yourself. I am a constitutionalist that believes the organic version passed in 1787 and the Bill of Rights stands on it's own merits and isn't a "living or breathing" entity that can be changed by a majority vote. The communist party targeted the DNC going back to the 1930's and finally took it over at a secret caucus in 1980. There are too many of us that will never allow the commie left to destroy this country. You want a fight? You have got one.....lock and load, ya commie fuck.

You commies are the ones who are supporting Communists like Putin. Hatemongers like you are in the minority. That is why Trump is so unpopular.

HOLY you even stop and think about what you write before you hit the "Post Reply" button?
The only "haters" I see are the mask wearing antifa commies that attack people in packs. Let me know when pro Trump supporters are roaming the streets seeking out victims, ya commie twat.
The only spike in violence and vandalism has been against Muslims gays Jews and blacks since Trump. Antifa is a tiny group that fights right-wing Nazis but I wish they would stop. And they haven't done anything for a year now of any import, no matter how many times Fox shows silly clips from a year ago.

ROTFLMAO!!!!! You fucking lying sack of worthless shit!!!! Antifa are commie fucks like you and communism has killed MILLIONS upon MILLIONS more people than nazism ever could. Why do leftards tell such blatant lies when it's so easily to prove that they are??????

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