The answer I WISH Biden had given Harris on busing!

What I found kind of disconcerting about Thursday's debate was Biden's weak answer on busing. Harris might be able to guilt-roll Biden with this sort of thing. Trump will leave her as a greasy smear on the pavement if she tries that shit with him.

Here's the answer I wish Biden had given to Harris' mewling about busing.

"I'm glad you have happy childhood memories of that time, but as one of the adults who had to deal with the issue, this was the reality. Parents hated it. Not just white parents, but black parents as well. Not because they were racist, but because they didn't like their children being used as game pieces in an attempt to right past wrongs.

"Lest we forget, Brown v. Topeka as an anti-busing ruling. The children in that case were being bused out of town so they could be in a separate school. People of all races wanted their neighborhood schools to reflect their neighborhoods. They didn't want millions in resources expended on the logistics of moving children around. A lot of them voted with their feet, and move to suburbs where this wasn't an issue, and this demographic shift had a negative effect on cities. Others put their kids in parochial or private schools, causing them to have less investment in public education as an institution. Not surprisingly, most cities had abandoned busing as a bad idea by the 1990's, but the damage to public education was done.

"So I and other leaders from both parties at that time sought compromise. Maybe that's a dirty word now, and maybe I am an old man. I kind of hope not, though."

"Kamala, you ignorant slut..."
What I found kind of disconcerting about Thursday's debate was Biden's weak answer on busing. Harris might be able to guilt-roll Biden with this sort of thing. Trump will leave her as a greasy smear on the pavement if she tries that shit with him.

Here's the answer I wish Biden had given to Harris' mewling about busing.

"I'm glad you have happy childhood memories of that time, but as one of the adults who had to deal with the issue, this was the reality. Parents hated it. Not just white parents, but black parents as well. Not because they were racist, but because they didn't like their children being used as game pieces in an attempt to right past wrongs.

"Lest we forget, Brown v. Topeka as an anti-busing ruling. The children in that case were being bused out of town so they could be in a separate school. People of all races wanted their neighborhood schools to reflect their neighborhoods. They didn't want millions in resources expended on the logistics of moving children around. A lot of them voted with their feet, and move to suburbs where this wasn't an issue, and this demographic shift had a negative effect on cities. Others put their kids in parochial or private schools, causing them to have less investment in public education as an institution. Not surprisingly, most cities had abandoned busing as a bad idea by the 1990's, but the damage to public education was done.

"So I and other leaders from both parties at that time sought compromise. Maybe that's a dirty word now, and maybe I am an old man. I kind of hope not, though."
Yeah, Uncle Joe came up lame and then doubled down on his fading mental faculties by admitting he was unprepared (which was obvious).

OTOH it doesn't really matter which of the current Democrat Socialist hopefuls is nominated as they are all 2020 roadkill. The only question that remains is how will the party react to a rerun of 2016? More angry, bitter finger-pointing? Another new DNC Chair? Another hard turn to the left? AOC as House MINORITY leader? :lol:
What if you smiled at a refrigerator repairman with a history of desertion?

You mean he wasn't keen on fighting for a country that genocided his people and forced him to serve. Imagine that.

Well, at least he didn't claim to have bone spurs..

I mean he wasn't the super veteran you imagined.
Just a liar who tried to start trouble and got exposed for the twat he was.
Imagine that.
Biden isn't blessed with Trump's yuge brain, he is never going to come up with that on the fly. Further, these folks are controlled by political correctness, the way they set the table, the belligerent young black woman is going to win every exchange with the older white male because she has more victim cred. Trump just kicks that table over and pulls it off by pointing out that their mindset is madness. He's the only presidential candidate on either side with the guts and strength to pull that off and he does it with ease.

Um, okay... most people are mortified by Trump's behavior, including a lot of his supporters... That's going to wear really thin on a lot of people.

I'm sure that having a black woman talk back to him is going to make him a bit nuts.... but it won't be pretty.

Morning Consult poll shows Biden at 28 percent, down 7 points from before the debate. The other three serious contenders are lumped together with 14-18 percent support. The rank order is Sanders, Harris, Warren.

I think it’s fair to conclude that we’re probably looking at a four horse race.

The likelihood that the Democratic nominee won’t come from the pack of Biden, Harris, Warren, or Sanders seems extremely small. Sanders’s prospects are considerably less favorable than those of the other three.

Warren only does well if she can siphon off Commie Bernie's support among college kids. I really don't think Harris has legs, to be honest.

It will be Biden unless Warren can make a better showing than she has. But whoever wins, they will mop the floor with Trump.
I mean he wasn't the super veteran you imagined.
Just a liar who tried to start trouble and got exposed for the twat he was.
Imagine that.

Anybody who wore the uniform and served his country is a veteran worthy of respect.


Unlike President Bone Spurs, who is trying to glom off the honor of others.

Yeah, Uncle Joe came up lame and then doubled down on his fading mental faculties by admitting he was unprepared (which was obvious).

OTOH it doesn't really matter which of the current Democrat Socialist hopefuls is nominated as they are all 2020 roadkill. The only question that remains is how will the party react to a rerun of 2016? More angry, bitter finger-pointing? Another new DNC Chair? Another hard turn to the left? AOC as House MINORITY leader?

Buddy, you're delusional. Trump couldn't win an honest fight in 2016, and he won't win on a technicality this time.
I mean he wasn't the super veteran you imagined.
Just a liar who tried to start trouble and got exposed for the twat he was.
Imagine that.

Anybody who wore the uniform and served his country is a veteran worthy of respect.


Unlike President Bone Spurs, who is trying to glom off the honor of others.


Anybody who wore the uniform and served his country is a veteran worthy of respect.

I agree, smiling at the nutty Indian twat....just awful!

How will he ever recover? How will you?
One of the reasons I halfway liked the TV show Boston Legal was that every now and then it would have an episode where a judge would correctly and cogently note that certain desirable social outcomes are simply unenforceable by law but must rely on the actions and choices of the citizenry.

The answer to school inequality was not to yank black and white kids out of their neighborhood schools and bus them 10-30 miles to another school. Busing was just about as unpopular with blacks as it was with whites--poll after poll showed that. But liberals didn't care.

There are some things that government simply cannot do.
Biden isn't blessed with Trump's yuge brain, he is never going to come up with that on the fly. Further, these folks are controlled by political correctness, the way they set the table, the belligerent young black woman is going to win every exchange with the older white male because she has more victim cred. Trump just kicks that table over and pulls it off by pointing out that their mindset is madness. He's the only presidential candidate on either side with the guts and strength to pull that off and he does it with ease.

Um, okay... most people are mortified by Trump's behavior, including a lot of his supporters... That's going to wear really thin on a lot of people.

I'm sure that having a black woman talk back to him is going to make him a bit nuts.... but it won't be pretty.

Morning Consult poll shows Biden at 28 percent, down 7 points from before the debate. The other three serious contenders are lumped together with 14-18 percent support. The rank order is Sanders, Harris, Warren.

I think it’s fair to conclude that we’re probably looking at a four horse race.

The likelihood that the Democratic nominee won’t come from the pack of Biden, Harris, Warren, or Sanders seems extremely small. Sanders’s prospects are considerably less favorable than those of the other three.

Warren only does well if she can siphon off Commie Bernie's support among college kids. I really don't think Harris has legs, to be honest.

It will be Biden unless Warren can make a better showing than she has. But whoever wins, they will mop the floor with Trump.
Sure, just like Hillary did.
Anybody who wore the uniform and served his country is a veteran worthy of respect.

I agree, smiling at the nutty Indian twat....just awful!

How will he ever recover? How will you?

You mean smirking disrepectfully while the other Little Catholic Bastards said disrespectful things?

Sure, just like Hillary did.

Not sure why you think having the Russians rig our election was a good thing.
One of the reasons I halfway liked the TV show Boston Legal was that every now and then it would have an episode where a judge would correctly and cogently note that certain desirable social outcomes are simply unenforceable by law but must rely on the actions and choices of the citizenry.

The answer to school inequality was not to yank black and white kids out of their neighborhood schools and bus them 10-30 miles to another school. Busing was just about as unpopular with blacks as it was with whites--poll after poll showed that. But liberals didn't care.

There are some things that government simply cannot do.

actually, it was the courts that ordered busing, it was the legistlators like Biden who put a stop to it.

The problem wasn't that busing didn't work, (it didn't), it was that they didn't try anything else to fix the problem after it failed.
One of the reasons I halfway liked the TV show Boston Legal was that every now and then it would have an episode where a judge would correctly and cogently note that certain desirable social outcomes are simply unenforceable by law but must rely on the actions and choices of the citizenry.

The answer to school inequality was not to yank black and white kids out of their neighborhood schools and bus them 10-30 miles to another school. Busing was just about as unpopular with blacks as it was with whites--poll after poll showed that. But liberals didn't care.

There are some things that government simply cannot do.

actually, it was the courts that ordered busing, it was the legistlators like Biden who put a stop to it.

The problem wasn't that busing didn't work, (it didn't), it was that they didn't try anything else to fix the problem after it failed.

Yes, courts ordered busing--liberal courts. And, back then Biden was not a liberal on this issue. Hardcore liberals back then backed busing even though they knew it was very unpopular.

And, politicians did try to fix the problem before they resorted to busing: in many states they boosted funding for black schools and sought to recruit better teachers for those schools. This helped up to a point, but not enough to satisfy nanny-state liberal activists who believed government could solve anything.
Yes, courts ordered busing--liberal courts. And, back then Biden was not a liberal on this issue. Hardcore liberals back then backed busing even though they knew it was very unpopular.

And, politicians did try to fix the problem before they resorted to busing: in many states they boosted funding for black schools and sought to recruit better teachers for those schools. This helped up to a point, but not enough to satisfy nanny-state liberal activists who believed government could solve anything.

Government can solve anything... it's just sometimes the solution is worse than the problem.

The thing is, we are still failing at racial harmony, and we are still failing at equality.

This is nothing to be proud of, but you wingnuts are fine with it.
Yes, courts ordered busing--liberal courts. And, back then Biden was not a liberal on this issue. Hardcore liberals back then backed busing even though they knew it was very unpopular.

And, politicians did try to fix the problem before they resorted to busing: in many states they boosted funding for black schools and sought to recruit better teachers for those schools. This helped up to a point, but not enough to satisfy nanny-state liberal activists who believed government could solve anything.

Government can solve anything... it's just sometimes the solution is worse than the problem.

The thing is, we are still failing at racial harmony, and we are still failing at equality.

This is nothing to be proud of, but you wingnuts are fine with it.

How are we failing at equality? We can't artificially fix the educational or financial gap between African-Americans and whites. Asians seem to be doing pretty well. Aren't they a minoirity too? Seems as though they spend less time complaining and more time doing, which has resulted in success.
How are we failing at equality? We can't artificially fix the educational or financial gap between African-Americans and whites. Asians seem to be doing pretty well. Aren't they a minoirity too? Seems as though they spend less time complaining and more time doing, which has resulted in success.

I'm sorry, when were the Asians slaves again? when were their laws putting Asians on the back of the bus?

The thing is, much of the closing of the gap we've done so far WAS because of government intervention.

You are really a stupid person, aren't you?
Anybody who wore the uniform and served his country is a veteran worthy of respect.

I agree, smiling at the nutty Indian twat....just awful!

How will he ever recover? How will you?

You mean smirking disrepectfully while the other Little Catholic Bastards said disrespectful things?

Sure, just like Hillary did.

Not sure why you think having the Russians rig our election was a good thing.
Your myth that "Russia rigged our election" is yet another Clinton lie that you bought hook line and sinker. Hillary lost because between her and Obama they had savaged and insulted the folks from PA for nearly a decade.

You really shouldn't live under delusions, especially Clintonian ones.
Anybody who wore the uniform and served his country is a veteran worthy of respect.

I agree, smiling at the nutty Indian twat....just awful!

How will he ever recover? How will you?

You mean smirking disrepectfully while the other Little Catholic Bastards said disrespectful things?

Sure, just like Hillary did.

Not sure why you think having the Russians rig our election was a good thing.

You mean smirking disrespectfully

Yes, smirking at that drunken, deserting Indian twat liar.

while the other Little Catholic Bastards said disrespectful things?

The videos don't help your lying claim.

Not sure why you think having the Russians rig our election was a good thing.

Russian bastards exposing the truth about Hillary's corruption? Awful, just awful!
Your myth that "Russia rigged our election" is yet another Clinton lie that you bought hook line and sinker. Hillary lost because between her and Obama they had savaged and insulted the folks from PA for nearly a decade.

You really shouldn't live under delusions, especially Clintonian ones.

again, do you think the government will TELL us that Russia rigged the election if they did? you are kind of naive, aren't you?

Russian bastards exposing the truth about Hillary's corruption? Awful, just awful!

Funny, you guys have spent 100 million dollars over 25 years trying to prove she did soemthing, anything illegal and have come up empty handed.

She must be a criminal mastermind!
Your myth that "Russia rigged our election" is yet another Clinton lie that you bought hook line and sinker. Hillary lost because between her and Obama they had savaged and insulted the folks from PA for nearly a decade.

You really shouldn't live under delusions, especially Clintonian ones.

again, do you think the government will TELL us that Russia rigged the election if they did? you are kind of naive, aren't you?

Russian bastards exposing the truth about Hillary's corruption? Awful, just awful!

Funny, you guys have spent 100 million dollars over 25 years trying to prove she did soemthing, anything illegal and have come up empty handed.

She must be a criminal mastermind!

Poor innocent Hillary.
The only reason she lost was those Russian memes on Facebook. Just awful!

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