The answer I WISH Biden had given Harris on busing!

Hmmm... being elected to office doesn't make you qualified for elective office.... hmmmm...

Yes, kids, listening to Hate Radio does make you dumber.
I love it when children say something stupid and double down when caught.

So you want to triple down on your claim that being a mayor or senator makes you qualified to be POTUS?

Please do... Desperate Democrats are so entertaining.
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Good grief, Hate-boy... Being elected to office doesn't make you qualified to empty the trash.

Biden and Warren are old, tied political hacks that haven't accomplished between them 10% of what Trump has accomplished.

Hmmm... being elected to office doesn't make you qualified for elective office.... hmmmm...

Yes, kids, listening to Hate Radio does make you dumber.
Good. Finally have an admission that Trump is qualified to be president...
I love it when children say something stupid and double down when caught.

So you want to triple down on your claim that being a mayor or senator makes you qualified to be POTUS?

Please do... Desperate Democrats are so entertaining.

Um, yeah, actually, that's kind of how it works in the real world. You start out in a lesser position in a field and then you work your way up.

I'm sure that while your big ambition in life is to become head possum catcher, you'd have to be Jr. Possum Catcher first, cleetus.
Harris should be thankful she got to go to school !
critical points:
1. the Dems MAIN policy for election = RACISM/RACIST [ hahahhahah ]
2. as I've stated before, the left/blacks are fixated--obsessed with the NON-critical ''''problems''' instead of the critical problems = this is why they will never be able to fix their REAL problems

Especially in San Fransisco wher Mrs. Harris tossed all those used kids in jail as DA. Biden is a non issue, this is, was and will be Bernies race.
I love it when children say something stupid and double down when caught.

So you want to triple down on your claim that being a mayor or senator makes you qualified to be POTUS?

Please do... Desperate Democrats are so entertaining.

Um, yeah, actually, that's kind of how it works in the real world. You start out in a lesser position in a field and then you work your way up.

I'm sure that while your big ambition in life is to become head possum catcher, you'd have to be Jr. Possum Catcher first, cleetus.

Unless you get screwed over by Mormons at the battle of the budge during world war 2 in Vietnam Beirut.
Especially in San Fransisco wher Mrs. Harris tossed all those used kids in jail as DA. Biden is a non issue, this is, was and will be Bernies race.

Maybe you should work on literacy before you go with political analysis.

Unless you get screwed over by Mormons at the battle of the budge during world war 2 in Vietnam Beirut.

There was a Battle of the Budge? Did you learn about that in "Collage"?
Especially in San Fransisco wher Mrs. Harris tossed all those used kids in jail as DA. Biden is a non issue, this is, was and will be Bernies race.

Maybe you should work on literacy before you go with political analysis.

Unless you get screwed over by Mormons at the battle of the budge during world war 2 in Vietnam Beirut.

There was a Battle of the Budge? Did you learn about that in "Collage"?

Maybe you should grow a nut sack. Also, maybe research your lies better before you tell them. Also, maybe designs your socks better. You ain't the writer you think you are and you are very transparent.
Maybe you should grow a nut sack. Also, maybe research your lies better before you tell them. Also, maybe designs your socks better. You ain't the writer you think you are and you are very transparent.

Guy, your obsession with my nut sack is a little... creepy. And while I know that I occupy space in your head rent free (there was so much of it), I'm not every other poster that makes you look like a fool.
Maybe you should grow a nut sack. Also, maybe research your lies better before you tell them. Also, maybe designs your socks better. You ain't the writer you think you are and you are very transparent.

Guy, your obsession with my nut sack is a little... creepy. And while I know that I occupy space in your head rent free (there was so much of it), I'm not every other poster that makes you look like a fool.

"Guy", now when you say that one of two things happen. You lie some more, or you go cry on your boyfriend Will's shoulder or both. Only you look like a fool Jose. You occupy no ones head Jose. But everyone occupies yours. That's why you post your drivel under multiple accounts, and rip off other people posts from other message boards. You need attention Jose. That's why you come here. Guy.
"Guy", now when you say that one of two things happen. You lie some more, or you go cry on your boyfriend Will's shoulder or both. Only you look like a fool Jose. You occupy no ones head Jose. But everyone occupies yours. That's why you post your drivel under multiple accounts, and rip off other people posts from other message boards. You need attention Jose. That's why you come here. Guy.

Buddy, you are babbling again. Don't have multiple accounts, and most of what I write here is my own stuff.

Not sure who Will is, (I guess one of the mods?), but I report you when you break the rules, and you really can't seem to help yourself.
I love it when children say something stupid and double down when caught.

So you want to triple down on your claim that being a mayor or senator makes you qualified to be POTUS?

Please do... Desperate Democrats are so entertaining.

Um, yeah, actually, that's kind of how it works in the real world. You start out in a lesser position in a field and then you work your way up.

I'm sure that while your big ambition in life is to become head possum catcher, you'd have to be Jr. Possum Catcher first, cleetus.
Nice try, Tom.

Not really...

Being elected to one office doesn't quality you for being anything.

It's what that person accomplishes, in or out of office that matters. Military, Business, Philanthropic, or Political achievements count.

Getting hired and failing doesn't.

IOW the Democrat Clown Car hasn't caught enough possums to get promoted.

Keep digging...
What I found kind of disconcerting about Thursday's debate was Biden's weak answer on busing. Harris might be able to guilt-roll Biden with this sort of thing. Trump will leave her as a greasy smear on the pavement if she tries that shit with him.

Here's the answer I wish Biden had given to Harris' mewling about busing.

"I'm glad you have happy childhood memories of that time, but as one of the adults who had to deal with the issue, this was the reality. Parents hated it. Not just white parents, but black parents as well. Not because they were racist, but because they didn't like their children being used as game pieces in an attempt to right past wrongs.

"Lest we forget, Brown v. Topeka as an anti-busing ruling. The children in that case were being bused out of town so they could be in a separate school. People of all races wanted their neighborhood schools to reflect their neighborhoods. They didn't want millions in resources expended on the logistics of moving children around. A lot of them voted with their feet, and move to suburbs where this wasn't an issue, and this demographic shift had a negative effect on cities. Others put their kids in parochial or private schools, causing them to have less investment in public education as an institution. Not surprisingly, most cities had abandoned busing as a bad idea by the 1990's, but the damage to public education was done.

"So I and other leaders from both parties at that time sought compromise. Maybe that's a dirty word now, and maybe I am an old man. I kind of hope not, though."

Biden is too slow on his feet for a thoughtful retort....

The libtards have no one that can stand up against Trump in a debate...

Trump has an unfair advantage, his stances are reality based

while the Tards live in their make believe world....

All the Tards offer is hate for the not so bright jealous under achievers.
Biden is too slow on his feet for a thoughtful retort....

The libtards have no one that can stand up against Trump in a debate...

Trump has an unfair advantage, his stances are reality based

while the Tards live in their make believe world....

All the Tards offer is hate for the not so bright jealous under achievers.

Nobody thinks Trump is a good debater .... and frankly, his schtick is wearing thin. It'll wear thinner when he crashes the economy next year.
Biden is too slow on his feet for a thoughtful retort....

The libtards have no one that can stand up against Trump in a debate...

Trump has an unfair advantage, his stances are reality based

while the Tards live in their make believe world....

All the Tards offer is hate for the not so bright jealous under achievers.

Nobody thinks Trump is a good debater .... and frankly, his schtick is wearing thin. It'll wear thinner when he crashes the economy next year.

You want to make a wager on who will win in 20?
Nobody thinks Trump is a good debater .... and frankly, his schtick is wearing thin. It'll wear thinner when he crashes the economy next year.
You Democrats have been on your knees praying to Satan for America to to fail since Trump beat Hillary....

You might need to sacrifice a few more virgin children....
Biden's been wise not to get into the gutter with the progressive lane of the party. After all, Sanders and Warren are doing just fine trying to race each other a centimeter and a half to the right of Josef Stalin. But Harris didn't attack Biden on insufficiently socialist policy. She impugned his character, presented herself as a fighter, and it worked.

So now Biden has to enter the fray. The moment he no longer seems like the candidate best able to beat Trump, his case for his nomination is out the window.

Lucky for Biden, he can join the fight without getting in the gutter. Biden's pithy "I was a public defender, I didn't become a prosecutor" didn't come across strongly enough because he didn't back it up with the goods. But his case will be very easy to make.

Biden spent half a presidential administration trying to pass the DREAM Act. Kamala supported ICE targeting illegal immigrant students and separating them from their parents.

Biden spearheaded the Violence Against Women Act before it was politically popular to do so. Kamala threatened to lock up the mothers of truant children and put prostitutes at at greater risk as Attorney General of California.

Biden is perhaps more responsible than anyone else alive for the White House endorsing marriage equality. Kamala went out of her way to target transgender prisoners.

Biden led the Obama administration's charge to tackle campus sexual assault. Kamala refusedto prosecute child molesters in the Catholic Church.

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