The answer I WISH Biden had given Harris on busing!

SO how does that excuse him being a smirking little disrespectful prick?
A teenager doesn't need an excuse for not holding his face in a manner that pleased you while he's being accosted by an adult Leftist sociopath that's screaming in his face and beating his tom-tom next to his head.

You're such a loser that even after you find out that beyond a shadow of a doubt the problem is with your side, you refuse to admit it and stop your ignorant hatred.

I'll bet you're still blaming the Journalist for ramming his face into the Antifa Terrorists fist, aren't you?
Did you write this? No offense but I am having a hard time imagining that, but if you did kudos, in any case it was/is perfect
He wrote it very well.

But I'm still not sure he understands that Biden was unable to say it because it was the right response.
Harris should be thankful she got to go to school !

Harris was raised and went to school in a privileged neighborhood in CANADA. Its not like she went to school in a poor black Chicago neighborhood.
And She's So Old
She Was The Second Generation To Desegregate UC BERKELY
What's Her Next Delusion
She Was A Witness At Little Rock ??

Like Obama, she was conceived because of the protests in Selma, AL.
What I found kind of disconcerting about Thursday's debate was Biden's weak answer on busing. Harris might be able to guilt-roll Biden with this sort of thing. Trump will leave her as a greasy smear on the pavement if she tries that shit with him.

Here's the answer I wish Biden had given to Harris' mewling about busing.

"I'm glad you have happy childhood memories of that time, but as one of the adults who had to deal with the issue, this was the reality. Parents hated it. Not just white parents, but black parents as well. Not because they were racist, but because they didn't like their children being used as game pieces in an attempt to right past wrongs.

"Lest we forget, Brown v. Topeka as an anti-busing ruling. The children in that case were being bused out of town so they could be in a separate school. People of all races wanted their neighborhood schools to reflect their neighborhoods. They didn't want millions in resources expended on the logistics of moving children around. A lot of them voted with their feet, and move to suburbs where this wasn't an issue, and this demographic shift had a negative effect on cities. Others put their kids in parochial or private schools, causing them to have less investment in public education as an institution. Not surprisingly, most cities had abandoned busing as a bad idea by the 1990's, but the damage to public education was done.

"So I and other leaders from both parties at that time sought compromise. Maybe that's a dirty word now, and maybe I am an old man. I kind of hope not, though."

"Sure Joe, you are still talking past the problem, and you are still making up excuses for white parents resenting the heck out of their kids being educated right next to black kids. Just as you are making up excuses for your "compromises" with ardently racist segregationists, which are at least partly responsible for the fact that the problems blacks were facing back then still aren't solved. In effect, you are making excuses for the effect that "Separate, and therefore unequal" is the daily life experience for very many black kids to this very day.

Busing made sure kids grew up experiencing the diversity of backgrounds, races, points of view of which the U.S. of A. is so admirably rich. You made sure many them were denied this opportunity. Busing taught white parents that neglect of schools in black neighborhoods might pose a problem that could eventually reach their own families. You made sure that learning process was stopped, at least ineffective.

Sure Joe, you run on your "compromises" with ardently racist segregationists while trying to blame the sorry state of public education not on underfunding and racism, but on "busing". We'll see what voters, more and more enlightened on what is the American Birth Defect, have to say on that matter. I, for one, look forward to the day when excuses, such as yours, are exposed for the 20th century rearguard battles of ardently racist segregationists against a racially integrated and reconciled society. That would be, now. This very moment."
A teenager doesn't need an excuse for not holding his face in a manner that pleased you while he's being accosted by an adult Leftist sociopath that's screaming in his face and beating his tom-tom next to his head.

If I had disrepected a Veteran on a school trip, my Dad probably would have slapped me into a new Zip Code.
"Sure Joe, you are still talking past the problem, and you are still making up excuses for white parents resenting the heck out of their kids being educated right next to black kids. Just as you are making up excuses for your "compromises" with ardently racist segregationists, which are at least partly responsible for the fact that the problems blacks were facing back then still aren't solved. In effect, you are making excuses for the effect that "Separate, and therefore unequal" is the daily life experience for very many black kids to this very day.

Busing made sure kids grew up experiencing the diversity of backgrounds, races, points of view of which the U.S. of A. is so admirably rich. You made sure many them were denied this opportunity. Busing taught white parents that neglect of schools in black neighborhoods might pose a problem that could eventually reach their own families. You made sure that learning process was stopped, at least ineffective.

Sure Joe, you run on your "compromises" with ardently racist segregationists while trying to blame the sorry state of public education not on underfunding and racism, but on "busing". We'll see what voters, more and more enlightened on what is the American Birth Defect, have to say on that matter. I, for one, look forward to the day when excuses, such as yours, are exposed for the 20th century rearguard battles of ardently racist segregationists against a racially integrated and reconciled society. That would be, now. This very moment."

Uh, I grew up in Chicago when Busing was a thing. Didn't effect me, my parents had me in a CATHOLIC school. Didn't really effect a lot of white folks in my SW Neighborhood. They did one of two things. They put their kids in Parochial schools, or they moved out to a burb where they didn't have to put up with this bullshit.

Now at the risk of sounding "conservative", the problem with public education isn't that it's underfunded. The problem is the huge amounts of money we spend on it is often misspent.

You can't fire bad teachers because the Unions protect them.
You have more union jobs in support and administrative roles than teachers.

This is why public schools, for a long time, really sucked. That we were wasting millions on busing was part of that puzzle.

It's also unfair to call parents who didn't want their kids bussed to the other side of town racist. The problem they had was not that black kids were being bused into our neighborhoods, it was that their kids were being bused half-way across town to awful schools, just to be fair.

My kid should go to a bad school in a dangerous neighborhood to satisfy your sense of fairness?

Yeah,there's a reason why white folks hated these policies, and guys like Reagan rode it into office into the 1980's.
Biden's fundraisers are leaving him for Kamala! and his voters too!

Kamala won't be the nominee. It will either be Biden or Warren.
when black folks were sayin we're gonna march for our freedoms...somebody said: you cant do that...and they said YES WE CAN!

when folks told Barack Obama you can't win the presidency because you're black...he said YES WE CAN!

and now folks are tellin Kamala she cant be president, i have only one answer:



when black folks were sayin we're gonna march for our freedoms...somebody cant do that...and they said YES WE CAN!

when folks told Barack Obama you can't win the presidency because you're black...he said YES WE CAN!

and now folks are tellin Kamala she cant be president, i have only one answer:

Um, no she won't. she's just not that appealing of a candidate.

Look, Obama was a guy who was just at the right place at the right time. If the Iraq war hadn't been such a clusterfuck and the economy hadn't tanked, we'd have buried PRESIDENT McCain, not Senator McCain.

Kamala is running on the worst idea of the 1970's, (busing). She's arguing a point that has already been resolved as a bad idea.
Uh, I grew up in Chicago when Busing was a thing. Didn't effect me, my parents had me in a CATHOLIC school. Didn't really effect a lot of white folks in my SW Neighborhood. They did one of two things. They put their kids in Parochial schools, or they moved out to a burb where they didn't have to put up with this bullshit.

Now at the risk of sounding "conservative", the problem with public education isn't that it's underfunded. The problem is the huge amounts of money we spend on it is often misspent.

You can't fire bad teachers because the Unions protect them.
You have more union jobs in support and administrative roles than teachers.

This is why public schools, for a long time, really sucked. That we were wasting millions on busing was part of that puzzle.

It's also unfair to call parents who didn't want their kids bussed to the other side of town racist. The problem they had was not that black kids were being bused into our neighborhoods, it was that their kids were being bused half-way across town to awful schools, just to be fair.

My kid should go to a bad school in a dangerous neighborhood to satisfy your sense of fairness?

Yeah,there's a reason why white folks hated these policies, and guys like Reagan rode it into office into the 1980's.

Yeah, you said so before, and then again, and again, and again.

Still, busing was a chance for over-entitled white America to learn something about what black America had (and has) to deal with on a daily basis, and to do something about it. Of course, over-entitled white America refused to learn, refused even more stubbornly to do something about it, namely to create One America in which every kid, no matter their background, has the same chance to succeed at school.

Biden helped to thwart that, and you are still making up excuses for it.
A teenager doesn't need an excuse for not holding his face in a manner that pleased you while he's being accosted by an adult Leftist sociopath that's screaming in his face and beating his tom-tom next to his head.

If I had disrepected a Veteran on a school trip, my Dad probably would have slapped me into a new Zip Code.
Even a loser liar like you shouldn't try to drag his parents down to his level.
Still, busing was a chance for over-entitled white America to learn something about what black America had (and has) to deal with on a daily basis, and to do something about it.

gee, that's nice. I'm sure most parents were keen on "Teaching their kids a lesson". Hey, let's go all out and make their kids work as slaves on a simulated cotton plantation, complete with whippings. Or a Jim Crow town.

I'm going to put your kids on a bus all day to "Teach them a lesson"... "Um, aren't you supposed to be teaching them math and science and how to read?"

Of course, over-entitled white America refused to learn, refused even more stubbornly to do something about it, namely to create One America in which every kid, no matter their background, has the same chance to succeed at school.

I think you miss the point. The goal here was not to make all the schools equal, it was to put some black kids in good white schools and put some white kids in some poor black schools. Yeah, white parents weren't too keen on that, for some reason. I couldn't imagine why.

The problem here is that most of the liberal Democratic politicians of all stripes weren't terribly keen on putting their kids into that pot. Look at a prominant liberal, and you'll be able to find the private "Sidwell Friends" school their kids were going to. (Jimmy Carter, to his credit, sent Amy to a Public School). But give those poor families school choice or a voucher? No way, man!
Still, busing was a chance for over-entitled white America to learn something about what black America had (and has) to deal with on a daily basis, and to do something about it.

gee, that's nice. I'm sure most parents were keen on "Teaching their kids a lesson". Hey, let's go all out and make their kids work as slaves on a simulated cotton plantation, complete with whippings. Or a Jim Crow town.

I'm going to put your kids on a bus all day to "Teach them a lesson"... "Um, aren't you supposed to be teaching them math and science and how to read?"

Of course, over-entitled white America refused to learn, refused even more stubbornly to do something about it, namely to create One America in which every kid, no matter their background, has the same chance to succeed at school.

I think you miss the point. The goal here was not to make all the schools equal, it was to put some black kids in good white schools and put some white kids in some poor black schools. Yeah, white parents weren't too keen on that, for some reason. I couldn't imagine why.

The problem here is that most of the liberal Democratic politicians of all stripes weren't terribly keen on putting their kids into that pot. Look at a prominant liberal, and you'll be able to find the private "Sidwell Friends" school their kids were going to. (Jimmy Carter, to his credit, sent Amy to a Public School). But give those poor families school choice or a voucher? No way, man!

You wrote a brilliant retort that Biden should have given to Harris...


How can you be smart enough to make that argument and still be ignorant enought that you don't understand he couldn't give that response because the Democrat primary voters won't accept a brilliant response?

If you truly wrote that, you know what I'm talking about.
Of course, over-entitled white America refused to learn, refused even more stubbornly to do something about it, namely to create One America in which every kid, no matter their background, has the same chance to succeed at school.

I think you miss the point. The goal here was not to make all the schools equal, it was to put some black kids in good white schools and put some white kids in some poor black schools. Yeah, white parents weren't too keen on that, for some reason. I couldn't imagine why.

Oh, for pity's sake, Joe! How can a smart man be so blinkered and blind? White parents, knowing the next neighborhood over there has blacks growing up and learning in third world conditions, and knowing their kids would (might) go to school over there, had a decision to make: Either ensure that this neighborhood got help to get on its feet, along with the school over there, or thwart busing. The former would be the chance to work towards "One America", the latter was to maintain de facto segregation.

Of course, over-entitled white America refused to learn, refused even more stubbornly to do something about that third world quarter over there, namely to create One America in which every kid, no matter their background, has the same chance to succeed at school. Busing was never the problem. Segregation was, third world living conditions for them were, and over-entitled white America's racism was, and is, to this very day, and Atwater's "busing" as racist dog whistle also still works, also to this very day.

You wrote a brilliant retort that Biden should have given to Harris...


How can you be smart enough to make that argument and still be ignorant enought that you don't understand he couldn't give that response because the Democrat primary voters won't accept a brilliant response?

If you truly wrote that, you know what I'm talking about.

The one thing I've learned from 40 years of watching politics is that most politicians aren't all that bright and not all that direct or blunt.

The thing is, Harris won't be the nominee, so why cheese off her supporters by humiliating her on a 40 year old topic no one will be talking about in a month.
Oh, for pity's sake, Joe! How can a smart man be so blinkered and blind? White parents, knowing the next neighborhood over there has blacks growing up and learning in third world conditions, and knowing their kids would (might) go to school over there, had a decision to make: Either ensure that this neighborhood got help to get on its feet, along with the school over there, or thwart busing. The former would be the chance to work towards "One America", the latter was to maintain de facto segregation.

You tell anyone to sacrifice their kids' future for "one America", they are going to tell you to do something that is anatomically impossible. There's a reason why that neighborhood next over was in third world condition.

When I was growing up, one of the flash points was a neighborhood called Marquette Park. East of Western Avenue were the black neighborhoods, were were essentially slums. West of it were the white neighborhoods. Now, what everyone remembers about MP in the 1970's today was Frank Collin and his group of about 10 Nazi Cos-players. What they don't remember is a lot of working class white folks who just wanted to protect the equity in the homes they bought.

Well, flash forward to 2000, I was back in that neighborhood going to Holy Cross Hospital, visiting my Aunt who was there for cancer treatment. First thing that struck me was a big sign warning people they'd be arrested for picking up prostitutes.

Of course, over-entitled white America refused to learn, refused even more stubbornly to do something about that third world quarter over there, namely to create One America in which every kid, no matter their background, has the same chance to succeed at school. Busing was never the problem.

I'm wondering who these "over-entitled" white folks are. The folks I grew up with on the SW Side, most of whom wear MAGA hats today, weren't over entitled. They go out, they work their jobs, they maybe scrape some money together to put their kids in a nice Catholic School because they knew the Public Schools were shit no matter what neighborhood they were in.

I went to a Catholic HS called De La Salle, which main claim to fame is that four Mayor attended it. De La Salle had nowhere NEAR the facilities of your average public school. What it did have was parents and teachers who were committed. And, oh, yeah, DLS was East of the Dan Ryan, which at that time was the delineation between the black and white neighborhoods. At the time I lived there, it was within walking distance of the Stateways Garden high-rise slum.

Segregation was, third world living conditions for them were, and over-entitled white America's racism was, and is, to this very day, and Atwater's "busing" as racist dog whistle also still works, also to this very day.

It "works" because these white folks aren't "over-entitled", but they end up bearing the brunt of liberal solutions. You think ANY of the white liberal politicians who were insisting on busing were sending THEIR kids on a one hour bus ride to a slum? Nope, do that to the white-working class. Then wonder why they abandon the party of FDR to vote for Nixon, Reagan and Trump.

You wrote a brilliant retort that Biden should have given to Harris...


How can you be smart enough to make that argument and still be ignorant enought that you don't understand he couldn't give that response because the Democrat primary voters won't accept a brilliant response?

If you truly wrote that, you know what I'm talking about.

The one thing I've learned from 40 years of watching politics is that most politicians aren't all that bright and not all that direct or blunt.

The thing is, Harris won't be the nominee, so why cheese off her supporters by humiliating her on a 40 year old topic no one will be talking about in a month.
You've got a pathetically weak field, and a primary base that demands from their nominee an obnoxious level of contempt for the voters.

Harris is at least politically opportunistic. She made an emotional dishonest attack that she knew Biden was innocent of, and that he couldn't refute.

Harris will do anything, or anybody to gain power. That is her greatest strength in the Democrat primary, and therefore her greatest weakness as an American leader.

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