The answer I WISH Biden had given Harris on busing!

thank you Joe--I was going to bring up their fixation on RACE

..remember Harris is so fixated/obsessed with RACE, that she can't add 1 + 1---remember???!!! .... remember how she thought Smollet was telling the truth??!!!--when anyone with half a brain and NOT obsessed with race could IMMEDIATELY know Smollet was full of crap
here--Washington Post--not Fox News

Most of us thought that Smollet was credible. Given that there's been a spike in hate crimes since Trump took office, it didn't seem that implausible.

Here's the reality... we do all sorts of things because of the cult of celebrity in this country, including putting a Fake Game Show Host in the White House. We have magazines full of pictures of celebrities doing mundane things like shopping.

So a Celebrity said he was the victim of a hate crime, and the country gave him the benefit of the doubt.
I ignored the board for a couple days because it just sickens me to read dimocrap scum propaganda.

But, let me ask dimocrap scum this --

Biden (complete asswipe that he is) had to deal with the realities of the dimocrap scum party aas it was back in the day. And, as I've said in here hundreds of times, the dimocrap scum party was the home of racism, slavery, Jim Crow and oppression.

And Biden had to deal with those asswipes. So he did.

What would the current crop of ass-lickers have done? What would the whore who slept her to the top done? Her only talent seems to bes = spreading her legs.

And if the nasty little whore does win the Presidency, what's she gonna do win she has to deal with people that would make a Southern dimocrap racist look like Mother Theresa?

That's where Biden lost the nomination.

Had it been me (God Forbid) I would have asked her that question straight up.... "What would you do, bitch? He was there. I didn't put him there, but he WAS there. And -- You weren't, ass clown. What would you do if, as POTUS, you have to deal with even more unsavory characters? Spread your legs??"

People see this debate and dimocrap scum just keep losing voters.

You think Blacks are happy about MILLIONS of illegals coming in and taking low-skill, no skill jobs? What about our LEGAL immigrants that need the same jobs? Think they're happy about it?

dimocraps are scum

You know, I was going to give you a well reasoned and thoughful response because your original point is a good one, but then you started with that lying misogynistic and total vicious crap about Kamala Harris, who's shoes your are not fit to clean, and I'm done with you.
Sleepy Joe should had just said,”What was wrong with all black schools? White people are bad and blacks are good, so how can an all black school be bad?”
Smollet unwittingly set a trap for the REAL racists/idiots = Harris/Booker/etc
yes--they are so obsessed with race they can't think properly
wrong--I've proven with FACTS their complaint is ludicrous

Naw, the only thing you've proven is that you are a racist who disregards the civil rights of black people.

If the cops started shooting white kids playing with toys, you'd be going nuts.

Depends on the toys...

.....racism/racist is way overblown----as I've stated many times, they complain about so much ''unreal'' racism/racists that the terms are laughable now
the 2 most RECENT examples are Smollet/Covington

Um, no the Covington punk really was a smirking little racist, and Smollet was a nobody.

their NUMBER 1 complaint is cops!!!!!!!!!!!!--which is fake crap
when the REAL problem is black culture breeding criminals at much higher rates

No, their complaint with cops is pretty legitimate, given that they often kill black folks without provocation and with no consequences.

Any smirking is now considered racist? Dumbass.
What I found kind of disconcerting about Thursday's debate was Biden's weak answer on busing.........

Just like your weak answer on... ...everything. You and creepy Joe are twins, two lying sacks of shit who are ignorant as fuck.

Joe Biden has already gotten the axe by the power brokers in the DNC. There is no more Biden.
Biden should have been honest and said "Karmala, I really don't fucking care what you or anyone else on this stage says because the DNC is rigged. The fix is in for me. So fuck off".

"Does your hair smell like curry or coconut"?
I ignored the board for a couple days because it just sickens me to read dimocrap scum propaganda.

But, let me ask dimocrap scum this --

Biden (complete asswipe that he is) had to deal with the realities of the dimocrap scum party aas it was back in the day. And, as I've said in here hundreds of times, the dimocrap scum party was the home of racism, slavery, Jim Crow and oppression.

And Biden had to deal with those asswipes. So he did.

What would the current crop of ass-lickers have done? What would the whore who slept her to the top done? Her only talent seems to bes = spreading her legs.

And if the nasty little whore does win the Presidency, what's she gonna do win she has to deal with people that would make a Southern dimocrap racist look like Mother Theresa?

That's where Biden lost the nomination.

Had it been me (God Forbid) I would have asked her that question straight up.... "What would you do, bitch? He was there. I didn't put him there, but he WAS there. And -- You weren't, ass clown. What would you do if, as POTUS, you have to deal with even more unsavory characters? Spread your legs??"

People see this debate and dimocrap scum just keep losing voters.

You think Blacks are happy about MILLIONS of illegals coming in and taking low-skill, no skill jobs? What about our LEGAL immigrants that need the same jobs? Think they're happy about it?

dimocraps are scum

I ignored the board for a couple days because it just sickens me to read dimocrap scum propaganda.

Winner for that. I know, understood.
Harris should be thankful she got to go to school !
critical points:
1. the Dems MAIN policy for election = RACISM/RACIST [ hahahhahah ]
2. as I've stated before, the left/blacks are fixated--obsessed with the NON-critical ''''problems''' instead of the critical problems = this is why they will never be able to fix their REAL problems

Uh, yeah, most of the stuff they complain about are real problems. Segregation was a real problem... busing just wasn't the right way to fix it, which everyone figured out by 1990 or so.

You live in Chicago and can't figure out it's still segregated today in the year 2019?


There is NSTL, SSTL, ESTL (ILL) and STL county. Two of those with almost no whites to this day.
I would have offered a free bus ride to Mexico, and right to the Mexican Socialist party debate stage. That is where the participants belong.
Biden should have been honest and said "Karmala, I really don't fucking care what you or anyone else on this stage says because the DNC is rigged. The fix is in for me. So fuck off".

"Does your hair smell like curry or coconut"?

The fix is indeed in, it's not for creepy Joe though but for the Kamala clown

Biden was just there to make her look good

Apparently she was biased to A prestigious school in Montreal Canada Lol privileged haha

Kamala "Suction" Harris sexually attacked me on that bus! It's seared in my memory like John Kerry's Christmas Cambodian trip up the Do Long River to assassinate that rogue Green Beret Colonel. It was either winter of '98 or early spring '96. I still have her lipsrick print at base. I never washed it because I thought this day would come. Maybe lipstick prints are like fingerprints and we can blow this case wide open
Biden knew this was coming. He had every damn chance to prepare for it. And he failed to do so.

That does not speak well to his ability to be president.

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