The answer I WISH Biden had given Harris on busing!

So Not Committing Hate Cries Is Now Cowardice
Interesting Concept

Well, not when you can get the government to throw those nasty brown people into concentration camps... I guess.
You think Blacks are happy about MILLIONS of illegals coming in and taking low-skill, no skill jobs? What about our LEGAL immigrants that need the same jobs? Think they're happy about it?

Yes, they must be because they keep voting for it
Um, no the Covington punk really was a smirking little racist, and Smollet was a nobody.

Shocking. Self-loathing, miserable old Joe is still peddling that lie because he has no honest argument to make. Still dishonest and dishonorable as always
brothers and sisters: the answer BIden should have given was:

"if George McGovern & I didn't work with Jesse Helms, poor folks wouldn't get food stamps today"
Minority liberals playing the race card in white liberals. Haha! Doesn't get any better than that. Perhaps Joe Biden's eyes are now open to the low-life, BS tactics of his own party.
voters can now visualize Kamala on the debate stage with President Trump, and that's HUGE for her!
the winner of the 1st debate of 2003 Democrats was Howlin Howard Dean.

still too early, folks!
i want the strongest democrat to face Trump.

maybe if he feels the heat, he'll keep his promises on the wall etc
The young man from Covington was minding his own business bothering nobody when he was harassed by a leftist asshole and the young man was a bigger man than the leftist asshole, or the other leftist assholes that tried to assassinate his character.

Did you actually watch the tape. His little Catholic buddies are all jeering at the veterans.

False statement: "Police often kill black folks without provocation"

True statement: "Black folks often kill black folks without provocation"

Here's the problem with that. When an African American is killed by another, assuming the police put down the donuts long enough to do their jobs, they are arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned.

When a cop shoots a black person, a whole system springs up to defend the cop, no matter how completely in the wrong he was. At worst, they lose their jobs. Rarely do they go to prison, unless someone got them on tape shooting someone in the back or lying on the ground.
Shocking. Self-loathing, miserable old Joe is still peddling that lie because he has no honest argument to make. Still dishonest and dishonorable as always

Hey, I looked at that tape and I wanted to slap that little punk. Just because his family got him media consultants and got him a TV sympathy tour, it just shows $6000 a year can't buy good manners.
Shocking. Self-loathing, miserable old Joe is still peddling that lie because he has no honest argument to make. Still dishonest and dishonorable as always

Hey, I looked at that tape and I wanted to slap that little punk. Just because his family got him media consultants and got him a TV sympathy tour, it just shows $6000 a year can't buy good manners.
MAGAman said:
The young man from Covington was minding his own business bothering nobody when he was harassed by a leftist asshole and the young man was a bigger man than the leftist asshole, or the other leftist assholes that tried to assassinate his character.
All Provoked By The Black Israelite Fantasists Across The Street


Destroying The Leftist Propaganda:
The Black Hebrew Israelites and their connection to the Covington controversy, explained

Another, longer video soon emerged, showing a verbal exchange between the Covington students and a small group of Black Hebrew Israelite protesters in the moments before Phillips appeared.

In a statement on Sunday, Nick Sandmann, the boy in the initial video, argued that the Hebrew Israelites instigated the incident and that his classmates “wanted to drown out the hateful comments that were being shouted at us.”
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edward37 said:
How does republican suppression of the vote hit you?
Dead People, Cartoon Characters
And Folks That Have Moved Away Shouldn't Cast Votes ??
What I found kind of disconcerting about Thursday's debate was Biden's weak answer on busing. Harris might be able to guilt-roll Biden with this sort of thing. Trump will leave her as a greasy smear on the pavement if she tries that shit with him.

Here's the answer I wish Biden had given to Harris' mewling about busing.

"I'm glad you have happy childhood memories of that time, but as one of the adults who had to deal with the issue, this was the reality. Parents hated it. Not just white parents, but black parents as well. Not because they were racist, but because they didn't like their children being used as game pieces in an attempt to right past wrongs.

"Lest we forget, Brown v. Topeka as an anti-busing ruling. The children in that case were being bused out of town so they could be in a separate school. People of all races wanted their neighborhood schools to reflect their neighborhoods. They didn't want millions in resources expended on the logistics of moving children around. A lot of them voted with their feet, and move to suburbs where this wasn't an issue, and this demographic shift had a negative effect on cities. Others put their kids in parochial or private schools, causing them to have less investment in public education as an institution. Not surprisingly, most cities had abandoned busing as a bad idea by the 1990's, but the damage to public education was done.

"So I and other leaders from both parties at that time sought compromise. Maybe that's a dirty word now, and maybe I am an old man. I kind of hope not, though."
/——-/ Well, Old Joe does it again: Biden puts foot in mouth with ‘gay waiter’ comment at Pride weekend fundraiser
Cellblock2429 said:
Like I've Said
Keep Track Of The Stupid Things Biden Says
And You'll Run Out Of Abacus

Obama Tried To Keep Biden Under Wraps For 8yrs
Biden As VP Was The Natural Candidate For 2016
But Obama Endorsed >>
Exhausted, Retired, Sec o' State Hillary Clinton Instead

Screech "Popular Vote !!" All You Want
You're Lucky She Lost
You Just Won't Admit It
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What I found kind of disconcerting about Thursday's debate was Biden's weak answer on busing. Harris might be able to guilt-roll Biden with this sort of thing. Trump will leave her as a greasy smear on the pavement if she tries that shit with him.

Here's the answer I wish Biden had given to Harris' mewling about busing.

"I'm glad you have happy childhood memories of that time, but as one of the adults who had to deal with the issue, this was the reality. Parents hated it. Not just white parents, but black parents as well. Not because they were racist, but because they didn't like their children being used as game pieces in an attempt to right past wrongs.

"Lest we forget, Brown v. Topeka as an anti-busing ruling. The children in that case were being bused out of town so they could be in a separate school. People of all races wanted their neighborhood schools to reflect their neighborhoods. They didn't want millions in resources expended on the logistics of moving children around. A lot of them voted with their feet, and move to suburbs where this wasn't an issue, and this demographic shift had a negative effect on cities. Others put their kids in parochial or private schools, causing them to have less investment in public education as an institution. Not surprisingly, most cities had abandoned busing as a bad idea by the 1990's, but the damage to public education was done.

"So I and other leaders from both parties at that time sought compromise. Maybe that's a dirty word now, and maybe I am an old man. I kind of hope not, though."
Did you write this? No offense but I am having a hard time imagining that, but if you did kudos, in any case it was/is perfect
Destroying The Leftist Propaganda:
The Black Hebrew Israelites and their connection to the Covington controversy, explained

Another, longer video soon emerged, showing a verbal exchange between the Covington students and a small group of Black Hebrew Israelite protesters in the moments before Phillips appeared.

In a statement on Sunday, Nick Sandmann, the boy in the initial video, argued that the Hebrew Israelites instigated the incident and that his classmates “wanted to drown out the hateful comments that were being shouted at us.”

SO how does that excuse him being a smirking little disrespectful prick?

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