The answer I WISH Biden had given Harris on busing!

I'm wondering who these "over-entitled" white folks are.

Now there's a good one.

You know exactly who these "over-entitled" white folks are. How can I tell? Because you said so: Subjecting, undeservedly, these "over-entitled" white folks' kids to the same standards as Those people's kids, would mean "to sacrifice their kids' future". And they, these "over-entitled" white folks are so entitled, they deserve better than having their kids sent to the same underfunded, overcrowded, dilapidated schools that were just right for Those kids.

While I usually enjoy watching you play (while I often disagree), your comments on race and busing are just plain disheartening. If a smart man, such as you, doesn't get it, the prospects for desegregated schools in particular, and race relations in general, are dire, indeed. Once you are prepared to abandon the over-entitled white perspective, this debate might make sense. As it stands, it does not. Because opposition to busing in the North is just the slightly less vulgar, slightly less overt, but no less vicious and deleterious version of the Southern racism we are all so comfortable to condemn. There is nothing else to say about it, and Biden had his hands in it, up to the elbows. His "defense" against Harris's "busing" charge is as spurious as it is disingenuous: “I want to be absolutely clear about my record and position on racial justice. I never, never, ever opposed voluntary busing.”

"Voluntary busing", my arse.

You have the last word.
No Joe, you're the smug piece of shit. The kid did nothing and Chief "Little Drum" tried to provoke him (as the "Black Israelites").
Joe knows that.

Joe is on such a long losing streak he's just desperate to vomit his hatred on anyone that supports American values like God and Country.
Liberals always ignore the fact that a huge percentage of blacks *opposed* school busing. Some polls put the percentage at over 50%. Busing was just about as unpopular among blacks as it was among whites. Most people had no problem with the idea of improving the quality of schools for all children, but they objected to their kids being bused 20-30 miles away.
Just like I said, Biden was right to oppose it. Most people did... on both sides.
Harris however will continue to get away with this kind of erroneous bullshit because she is a part of two protected classes.
Trump does not fear the PC police. She tries this kind of garbage on him, he will bury her.
You've got a pathetically weak field, and a primary base that demands from their nominee an obnoxious level of contempt for the voters.

Okay, I'm sure that's the way it looks according to whatever you hear on Hate Radio. Reality, you have a former vice president, several senators, a couple of governors with some mayors and congressmen.

Meanwhile, you've got a psychotic Nazi Game show host whose mental health IS getting worse

Harris is at least politically opportunistic. She made an emotional dishonest attack that she knew Biden was innocent of, and that he couldn't refute.

Harris will do anything, or anybody to gain power. That is her greatest strength in the Democrat primary, and therefore her greatest weakness as an American leader.

I'm not fond of Harris, but she's still be better than the Orange Shitgibbon.

Again, though, I doubt she'd be the nominee. I think it will come down to Biden or Warren.
thank you Joe--I was going to bring up their fixation on RACE

..remember Harris is so fixated/obsessed with RACE, that she can't add 1 + 1---remember???!!! .... remember how she thought Smollet was telling the truth??!!!--when anyone with half a brain and NOT obsessed with race could IMMEDIATELY know Smollet was full of crap
here--Washington Post--not Fox News

Most of us thought that Smollet was credible. Given that there's been a spike in hate crimes since Trump took office, it didn't seem that implausible.

Here's the reality... we do all sorts of things because of the cult of celebrity in this country, including putting a Fake Game Show Host in the White House. We have magazines full of pictures of celebrities doing mundane things like shopping.

So a Celebrity said he was the victim of a hate crime, and the country gave him the benefit of the doubt.

Most of us thought that Smollet was credible.

The only people who thought he was credible were idiots like you.
Now there's a good one.

You know exactly who these "over-entitled" white folks are. How can I tell? Because you said so: Subjecting, undeservedly, these "over-entitled" white folks' kids to the same standards as Those people's kids, would mean "to sacrifice their kids' future". And they, these "over-entitled" white folks are so entitled, they deserve better than having their kids sent to the same underfunded, overcrowded, dilapidated schools that were just right for Those kids.

Problem with that premise is that you absolve the people in those neighborhoods for the state of their schools... you complain about dilapidation while ignoring vandalism. You complain about overcrowding when you have families made up of a woman with multiple baby daddies and the government picking up the tab.

Wow, we "over-entitled white people", being involved in our neighborhood schools and looking out for our communities. We're all pricks.

While I usually enjoy watching you play (while I often disagree), your comments on race and busing are just plain disheartening. If a smart man, such as you, doesn't get it, the prospects for desegregated schools in particular, and race relations in general, are dire, indeed.

Oh, I agree, they are. But I put as much of the blame on that at the door of the Race Pimps like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton as I do as the racists like Trump. This was a stupid idea 40 years ago, everyone saw it, they all quietly let it die... and here's Kamela saying, "Why didn't you fight harder for a bad idea everyone hated at the time?"

Here's the other problem I have with busing. A ride on a bus does nothing to improve a kid's performance in math or science or reading. But it's an expense. The money spent running that bus every day is money they aren't spending on books or building maintenance. The salary they give that bus driver is a salary they aren't giving a teacher.

Once you are prepared to abandon the over-entitled white perspective, this debate might make sense.

Yeah, here's the problem I have with that. When Grandpa B131 (not our actual family name) came over here in 1925 with his wife and baby (My dad), no one handed him his "Welcome to the Entitled White Overclass" packet. In fact, given he came from Germany between WWI and WWII, no one was all that fond of Germans. So he stopped calling himself "Ludwig" and started calling himself "Louis", and started pronouncing the family name differently. He worked hard his whole life, lost a finger in a Pre-OSHA industrial accident, moved from his nice neighborhood after it changed into a slum. (fortunately, my Dad made a good enough salary to buy a two-flat and set his parents up.) Nobody put up bilingual signs for him. He and his wife had to learn English on their own.

My dad grew up during the Great Depression, he didn't have a lot to eat, was only 5'4" and probably weighed about 120 lbs soaking wet. Served in WWII (again, guys in his unit, not terribly fond of Germans) and came back and got a union job and worked hard all his life until he died at 56 from lung cancer (probably caused by asbestos.) Smart man, but never got to go to college.

Not to brag on myself, because honestly, I didn't make those kinds of sacrifices... but I worked pretty fucking hard for what I have. So I don't want to hear someone tell me that I am "entitled", thank you very much. I concede racism is a thing. I concede that being white, and male and straight, I've had advantages... But I don't apologize being the third generation of a family that's been busting it's ass since it got off the boat!

Because opposition to busing in the North is just the slightly less vulgar, slightly less overt, but no less vicious and deleterious version of the Southern racism we are all so comfortable to condemn. There is nothing else to say about it, and Biden had his hands in it, up to the elbows. His "defense" against Harris's "busing" charge is as spurious as it is disingenuous: “I want to be absolutely clear about my record and position on racial justice. I never, never, ever opposed voluntary busing.”

"Voluntary busing", my arse.

Yeah, when you don't want your kid to spend half his day riding on a bus to a slum, it's not because you worry about your kids, it's because you a racist.. even if the black family on the other side of town felt the same way about putting their kid on a bus for half the day.

Best moment of Bill Clinton's campaign in 1992 is when he FINALLY stood up to Jesse Jackson after Jackson invited Sister Souljah to his conference. YOu know, the one who said, "Let's go out and kill some white folks."

I'm hoping Biden stands up to Kamela in a future debate... but I doubt it.
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thank you Joe--I was going to bring up their fixation on RACE

..remember Harris is so fixated/obsessed with RACE, that she can't add 1 + 1---remember???!!! .... remember how she thought Smollet was telling the truth??!!!--when anyone with half a brain and NOT obsessed with race could IMMEDIATELY know Smollet was full of crap
here--Washington Post--not Fox News

Most of us thought that Smollet was credible. Given that there's been a spike in hate crimes since Trump took office, it didn't seem that implausible.

Here's the reality... we do all sorts of things because of the cult of celebrity in this country, including putting a Fake Game Show Host in the White House. We have magazines full of pictures of celebrities doing mundane things like shopping.

So a Celebrity said he was the victim of a hate crime, and the country gave him the benefit of the doubt.
anyone that thought Smollet was credible is an IDIOT and/or racist
20 below/etc--early morning!!!!
MAGA country!!! hahahahhahahahahahhaahhaha
....blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites--so whites committing hate crimes against blacks is implausible--using your reasoning
it WAS implausible and the proof is, it WAS not true!!!!!!!
You've got a pathetically weak field, and a primary base that demands from their nominee an obnoxious level of contempt for the voters.

Okay, I'm sure that's the way it looks according to whatever you hear on Hate Radio. Reality, you have a former vice president, several senators, a couple of governors with some mayors and congressmen.

Meanwhile, you've got a psychotic Nazi Game show host whose mental health IS getting worse

Harris is at least politically opportunistic. She made an emotional dishonest attack that she knew Biden was innocent of, and that he couldn't refute.

Harris will do anything, or anybody to gain power. That is her greatest strength in the Democrat primary, and therefore her greatest weakness as an American leader.

I'm not fond of Harris, but she's still be better than the Orange Shitgibbon.

Again, though, I doubt she'd be the nominee. I think it will come down to Biden or Warren.
You've got a pathetically weak field, and a primary base that demands from their nominee an obnoxious level of contempt for the voters.

Okay, I'm sure that's the way it looks according to whatever you hear on Hate Radio. Reality, you have a former vice president, several senators, a couple of governors with some mayors and congressmen.

Meanwhile, you've got a psychotic Nazi Game show host whose mental health IS getting worse

Harris is at least politically opportunistic. She made an emotional dishonest attack that she knew Biden was innocent of, and that he couldn't refute.

Harris will do anything, or anybody to gain power. That is her greatest strength in the Democrat primary, and therefore her greatest weakness as an American leader.

I'm not fond of Harris, but she's still be better than the Orange Shitgibbon.

Again, though, I doubt she'd be the nominee. I think it will come down to Biden or Warren.
Good grief, Hate-boy... Being elected to office doesn't make you qualified to empty the trash.

Biden and Warren are old, tied political hacks that haven't accomplished between them 10% of what Trump has accomplished.
Kamala is fucking going for it with all guns blazing, and Biden has no answer and no stamina!
Kamala is fucking going for it with all guns blazing, and Biden has no answer and no stamina!
She is going to us the gender/racial card. But this time it won't be like Obama where he was treated with kids gloves. There is nothing to lose anymore.
She is going to us the gender/racial card. But this time it won't be like Obama where he was treated with kids gloves. There is nothing to lose anymore.
McCain was too worried about losing the title "The Democrat's Favorite Republican" to point out Obama's radical, sleazy, inexperienced past.

Trump's not worried about anything Heels-Up Harris thinks.
anyone that thought Smollet was credible is an IDIOT and/or racist
20 below/etc--early morning!!!!
MAGA country!!! hahahahhahahahahahhaahhaha
....blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites--so whites committing hate crimes against blacks is implausible--using your reasoning
it WAS implausible and the proof is, it WAS not true!!!!!!!

guy, the dry cleaner called. They couldn't get the soot out of your Klan robes.
Good grief, Hate-boy... Being elected to office doesn't make you qualified to empty the trash.

Biden and Warren are old, tied political hacks that haven't accomplished between them 10% of what Trump has accomplished.

Hmmm... being elected to office doesn't make you qualified for elective office.... hmmmm...

Yes, kids, listening to Hate Radio does make you dumber.
McCain was too worried about losing the title "The Democrat's Favorite Republican" to point out Obama's radical, sleazy, inexperienced past.

Trump's not worried about anything Heels-Up Harris thinks.

Obama had more experience in public service than a Nazi game Show host.

But to the point, McCain's biggest problem was that Bush had fucked up everything so badly, he really didn't have an argument to make.
anyone that thought Smollet was credible is an IDIOT and/or racist
20 below/etc--early morning!!!!
MAGA country!!! hahahahhahahahahahhaahhaha
....blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites--so whites committing hate crimes against blacks is implausible--using your reasoning
it WAS implausible and the proof is, it WAS not true!!!!!!!

guy, the dry cleaner called. They couldn't get the soot out of your Klan robes.
as usual, you argue with emotion/hate--not evidence = loser/fail
Smollet and you are the racist haters
What I found kind of disconcerting about Thursday's debate was Biden's weak answer on busing. Harris might be able to guilt-roll Biden with this sort of thing. Trump will leave her as a greasy smear on the pavement if she tries that shit with him.

Here's the answer I wish Biden had given to Harris' mewling about busing.

"I'm glad you have happy childhood memories of that time, but as one of the adults who had to deal with the issue, this was the reality. Parents hated it. Not just white parents, but black parents as well. Not because they were racist, but because they didn't like their children being used as game pieces in an attempt to right past wrongs.

"Lest we forget, Brown v. Topeka as an anti-busing ruling. The children in that case were being bused out of town so they could be in a separate school. People of all races wanted their neighborhood schools to reflect their neighborhoods. They didn't want millions in resources expended on the logistics of moving children around. A lot of them voted with their feet, and move to suburbs where this wasn't an issue, and this demographic shift had a negative effect on cities. Others put their kids in parochial or private schools, causing them to have less investment in public education as an institution. Not surprisingly, most cities had abandoned busing as a bad idea by the 1990's, but the damage to public education was done.

"So I and other leaders from both parties at that time sought compromise. Maybe that's a dirty word now, and maybe I am an old man. I kind of hope not, though."
One thing we know about Joe Biden Joe, is he isn’t smart. There isn’t anything going on between those ears of his. So Joe, you shouldn’t expect anything intelligent from him.

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