The Anti Abortion Abolitionist Movement Is Dangerous. Here's What You Need To Know

This shit right here is why the disingenuous lying libroidal asshole movement is dangerous.

Even many leftist pro abortion lawyers agree that Roe is bad law.....Invoking the pious "they dismiss the foundation of the Constitution" bullshit is beyond fraudulent, especially so coming from fifth columnist subversives who seek to undermine the document at virtually every other turn.

One thing that I find interesting is that the same cretins who defend the extreme contortions and twists that were involved i “finding” a “constitutional right” to kill innocent children in cold blood, are the ones who oppose certain rights that are explicitly stated and affirmed in the Constitution; most particularly oppose the people's right to keep and bear arms, on the basis that someone might abuse that right to kill someone; while defending the nonexistent right that allows thousands of innocents to be legally killed every day.

LIbEralism truly is a mental disease as well as a moral disease.
you are correct to a certain point,,

unless they are lied to and dont [sic] know the difference or exactly what they are killing,,,

In modern times, with modern technology and modern availability of information, there is really no excuse not to know what abortion really is. Willfully blinding one's self doesn't make a valid excuse of the resulting ignorance.
you are correct to a certain point,,

unless they are lied to and dont [sic] know the difference or exactly what they are killing,,,

In modern times, with modern technology and modern availability of information, there is really no excuse not to know what abortion really is. Willfully blinding one's self doesn't make a valid excuse of the resulting ignorance.
again to a certain point you are correct,,,but to win the fight lets stay focused on the ones that we know without a doubt know the difference,,,
you are correct to a certain point,,

unless they are lied to and dont [sic] know the difference or exactly what they are killing,,,

In modern times, with modern technology and modern availability of information, there is really no excuse not to know what abortion really is. Willfully blinding one's self doesn't make a valid excuse of the resulting ignorance.

Young women are constantly being lied to, about their bodies, by the left.
Stop posting about these fringe wackos. Stick to the mainstream arguments.
1. Pro-life
2. Pro-Choice

View attachment 312588 I'm PRO-LIFE!!

Please define "pro-life"?

Answer these questions,

Do you support
  1. The Death Penalty
  2. Right to die laws
  3. The SALT Acts
  4. Arms Control (Background checks, licensing and registration)
  5. Universal Health Care
  6. The EPA and FDA
  7. The clean air and water act
  8. Age appropriate health curriculum in all public schools
  • including human sexuality
    • birth control methods
    • Info on how to prevent STD's
Let's see if you are truly Pro-Life, or simply one who uses abortion as a wedge issue.
June Medical Services v. Russo, the Supreme Court case regarding Louisiana’s 2014 admitting privileges law, has serious ramifications for the future of abortion rights in the United States. But there is a segment of the anti-abortion movement that doesn’t appear all that concerned with the outcome. If this seems odd, it’s because they never saw Roe v. Wade as a valid ruling, they don’t view the Supreme Court as a legitimate legal authority, and they dismiss the foundation of the Constitution.

Say hello to the so-called “abolitionist” movement, comprised of white men who say the pro-life movement is too secular, abortion constitutes homicide, and that people seeking abortion care should be criminalized and subject to the death penalty.

The anti-abortion abolitionist movement is dangerous. Here's what you need to know

The single biggest threat to America. It looks like harsher measures are going to have to be implemented to protect the country from these freaks.
You mention "abortion care", is it "care" to rip a small defenseless human apart?

Regarding Roe v. Wade: Honest pro-choicers admit Roe v. Wade was a horrible decision
Stop posting about these fringe wackos. Stick to the mainstream arguments.
1. Pro-life
2. Pro-Choice

View attachment 312588 I'm PRO-LIFE!!

Please define "pro-life"?

Answer these questions,

Do you support
  1. The Death Penalty
  2. Right to die laws
  3. The SALT Acts
  4. Arms Control (Background checks, licensing and registration)
  5. Universal Health Care
  6. The EPA and FDA
  7. The clean air and water act
  8. Age appropriate health curriculum in all public schools
  • including human sexuality
    • birth control methods
    • Info on how to prevent STD's
Let's see if you are truly Pro-Life, or simply one who uses abortion as a wedge issue.
Flooding the zone with irrelevancies and red herrings...A common liberoidal ruse.

As far as the death penalty goes; though I'm personally against it, the fetus committed no act of violence to warrant any such action.

The rest of that list is GIGO, which presumes that if you're against The State being in charge of this or that, you're against life as a matter of course.....Stupidity on crack.
Please define "pro-life"?

Answer these questions,

Do you support
  1. The Death Penalty
  2. Right to die laws
  3. The SALT Acts
  4. Arms Control (Background checks, licensing and registration)
  5. Universal Health Care
  6. The EPA and FDA
  7. The clean air and water act
  8. Age appropriate health curriculum in all public schools
  • including human sexuality
    • birth control methods
    • Info on how to prevent STD's
Let's see if you are truly Pro-Life, or simply one who uses abortion as a wedge issue.

It appears to be your intent to suggest that one cannot be “pro-life” unless one supports a number of extreme left wrong-wing positions that are deceitfully claimed to support human life, but which historical evidence has solidly proven are contrary to human life and well-being.

Personally, I really don't like the term “pro-life”, as it, in my opinion, is a euphemism which conceals the true nature of the issue to which it is attached, and confuses other unrelated issues.

I recognize that as drastic and terrible as the act is of ever taking a human life, there are unfortunate circumstances under which it is justifiable, and even necessary. Such circumstances are extremely rarely present, when abortion is committed, however.
Last edited:
Stop posting about these fringe wackos. Stick to the mainstream arguments.
1. Pro-life
2. Pro-Choice

View attachment 312588 I'm PRO-LIFE!!

Please define "pro-life"?

Answer these questions,

Do you support
  1. The Death Penalty
  2. Right to die laws
  3. The SALT Acts
  4. Arms Control (Background checks, licensing and registration)
  5. Universal Health Care
  6. The EPA and FDA
  7. The clean air and water act
  8. Age appropriate health curriculum in all public schools
  • including human sexuality
    • birth control methods
    • Info on how to prevent STD's
Let's see if you are truly Pro-Life, or simply one who uses abortion as a wedge issue.

Flooding the zone with irrelevancies and red herrings...A common liberoidal ruse.

As far as the death penalty goes; though I'm personally against it, the fetus committed no act of violence to warrant any such action.

The rest of that list is GIGO, which presumes that if you're against The State being in charge of this or that, you're against life as a matter of course.....Stupidity on crack.

Wow, more than a single idiot-gram or some else's cartoon - how original. Well not original, per se, just a different way to avoid answers to a series of questions.

Since to answer anyone of those listed things, which relate to human life, painted odd dude into a corner. Sad, but so expected.
Do you think women or Dr. seeking or providing abortions should be subject to criminal prosecution ?


There are few other crimes nearly as serious as that of intentionally and needlessly killing a human being. Under any other circumstances, the murder of a young child would have a very high chance of getting someone the death penalty. There is no rational reason for abortion to be treated any more mildly than that. It truly takes the most depraved of excuses for a human being to intentionally and needlessly kill an innocent child, and our society certainly does not need to be allowing such depraved killers to remain alive, much less free.
And here's another.
June Medical Services v. Russo, the Supreme Court case regarding Louisiana’s 2014 admitting privileges law, has serious ramifications for the future of abortion rights in the United States. But there is a segment of the anti-abortion movement that doesn’t appear all that concerned with the outcome. If this seems odd, it’s because they never saw Roe v. Wade as a valid ruling, they don’t view the Supreme Court as a legitimate legal authority, and they dismiss the foundation of the Constitution.

Say hello to the so-called “abolitionist” movement, comprised of white men who say the pro-life movement is too secular, abortion constitutes homicide, and that people seeking abortion care should be criminalized and subject to the death penalty.

The anti-abortion abolitionist movement is dangerous. Here's what you need to know

The single biggest threat to America. It looks like harsher measures are going to have to be implemented to protect the country from these freaks.
This shit right here is why the disingenuous lying libroidal asshole movement is dangerous.

Even many leftist pro abortion lawyers agree that Roe is bad law.....Invoking the pious "they dismiss the foundation of the Constitution" bullshit is beyond fraudulent, especially so coming from fifth columnist subversives who seek to undermine the document at virtually every other turn.

But another three-fiddy for the OP from his corporate paymasters at Daily Kooks, so it's all good...

View attachment 312616
What is the problem with abortions being done by doctors? The pro aborts suddenly want legalization of the coat hangar abortions.

We don't allow invasive procedures done on animals by the unqualified. Yet there is this clamor for abortions by hires off the street. Next it will be the DeVry school of abortion. In six weeks you too could be killing babies.

Why are doctors who perform abortions being singled out? I've had several invasive medical procedures performed at clinics outside of hospitals by gastroenterologists, obgyns, even ophthalmologists.
Ummmmm Those are all doctors.
you are correct to a certain point,,

unless they are lied to and dont [sic] know the difference or exactly what they are killing,,,

In modern times, with modern technology and modern availability of information, there is really no excuse not to know what abortion really is. Willfully blinding one's self doesn't make a valid excuse of the resulting ignorance.

Young women are constantly being lied to, about their bodies, by the left.

Your statement is downright obscene, because enforced ignorance is obscene. The people whom you call "the left," give full factual information to young women, not the fantasy mumbo-jumbo of the cults. Refer to Our Bodies, Ourselves, by the Boston Women's Health Collective,
Our Bodies Ourselves

It is the full owner's manual for the female body, kind of like the Chilton's for cars, if you can remember. I have given copies of this book to many young women so that they can understand what they are dealing with in real life.

Why do you call factual information a lie? What do you want hidden and why?
Liberal and minority women should be encouraged to abort their children for the good of the entire nation.
June Medical Services v. Russo, the Supreme Court case regarding Louisiana’s 2014 admitting privileges law, has serious ramifications for the future of abortion rights in the United States. But there is a segment of the anti-abortion movement that doesn’t appear all that concerned with the outcome. If this seems odd, it’s because they never saw Roe v. Wade as a valid ruling, they don’t view the Supreme Court as a legitimate legal authority, and they dismiss the foundation of the Constitution.

Say hello to the so-called “abolitionist” movement, comprised of white men who say the pro-life movement is too secular, abortion constitutes homicide, and that people seeking abortion care should be criminalized and subject to the death penalty.

The anti-abortion abolitionist movement is dangerous. Here's what you need to know

The single biggest threat to America. It looks like harsher measures are going to have to be implemented to protect the country from these freaks.
This shit right here is why the disingenuous lying libroidal asshole movement is dangerous.

Even many leftist pro abortion lawyers agree that Roe is bad law.....Invoking the pious "they dismiss the foundation of the Constitution" bullshit is beyond fraudulent, especially so coming from fifth columnist subversives who seek to undermine the document at virtually every other turn.

But another three-fiddy for the OP from his corporate paymasters at Daily Kooks, so it's all good...

View attachment 312616
What is the problem with abortions being done by doctors? The pro aborts suddenly want legalization of the coat hangar abortions.

We don't allow invasive procedures done on animals by the unqualified. Yet there is this clamor for abortions by hires off the street. Next it will be the DeVry school of abortion. In six weeks you too could be killing babies.

Why are doctors who perform abortions being singled out? I've had several invasive medical procedures performed at clinics outside of hospitals by gastroenterologists, obgyns, even ophthalmologists.
Ummmmm Those are all doctors.

And? Doctors who work in the field of ob/gyn are also doctors with full medical degrees. What are you talking about?
I remain pro-abortion despite being what most liberals would call "a rabid conservative".
The reason is simple. Without abortion the world would be overrun with new-born liberals.

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