The Anti Abortion Abolitionist Movement Is Dangerous. Here's What You Need To Know

June Medical Services v. Russo, the Supreme Court case regarding Louisiana’s 2014 admitting privileges law, has serious ramifications for the future of abortion rights in the United States. But there is a segment of the anti-abortion movement that doesn’t appear all that concerned with the outcome. If this seems odd, it’s because they never saw Roe v. Wade as a valid ruling, they don’t view the Supreme Court as a legitimate legal authority, and they dismiss the foundation of the Constitution.

Say hello to the so-called “abolitionist” movement, comprised of white men who say the pro-life movement is too secular, abortion constitutes homicide, and that people seeking abortion care should be criminalized and subject to the death penalty.

The anti-abortion abolitionist movement is dangerous. Here's what you need to know

The single biggest threat to America. It looks like harsher measures are going to have to be implemented to protect the country from these freaks.
This shit right here is why the disingenuous lying libroidal asshole movement is dangerous.

Even many leftist pro abortion lawyers agree that Roe is bad law.....Invoking the pious "they dismiss the foundation of the Constitution" bullshit is beyond fraudulent, especially so coming from fifth columnist subversives who seek to undermine the document at virtually every other turn.

But another three-fiddy for the OP from his corporate paymasters at Daily Kooks, so it's all good...

View attachment 312616
What is the problem with abortions being done by doctors? The pro aborts suddenly want legalization of the coat hangar abortions.

We don't allow invasive procedures done on animals by the unqualified. Yet there is this clamor for abortions by hires off the street. Next it will be the DeVry school of abortion. In six weeks you too could be killing babies.

Why are doctors who perform abortions being singled out? I've had several invasive medical procedures performed at clinics outside of hospitals by gastroenterologists, obgyns, even ophthalmologists.
Ummmmm Those are all doctors.

And? Doctors who work in the field of ob/gyn are also doctors with full medical degrees. What are you talking about?
What I'm talking about are the new laws permitting NON doctors to perform abortions. Maine, Virginia and California so far allow non doctors to perform abortions. If non medical personnel can perform abortions they should be limited to liberal women and minority women. No one cares whether they live or die.
Stop posting about these fringe wackos. Stick to the mainstream arguments.
1. Pro-life
2. Pro-Choice

View attachment 312588 I'm PRO-LIFE!!

Please define "pro-life"?

Answer these questions,

Do you support
  1. The Death Penalty
  2. Right to die laws
  3. The SALT Acts
  4. Arms Control (Background checks, licensing and registration)
  5. Universal Health Care
  6. The EPA and FDA
  7. The clean air and water act
  8. Age appropriate health curriculum in all public schools
  • including human sexuality
    • birth control methods
    • Info on how to prevent STD's
Let's see if you are truly Pro-Life, or simply one who uses abortion as a wedge issue.

What about any of the other groups of people who oppose abortion?

Did you seriously think there are only two?
Stop posting about these fringe wackos. Stick to the mainstream arguments.
1. Pro-life
2. Pro-Choice

View attachment 312588 I'm PRO-LIFE!!

Please define "pro-life"?

Answer these questions,

Do you support
  1. The Death Penalty
  2. Right to die laws
  3. The SALT Acts
  4. Arms Control (Background checks, licensing and registration)
  5. Universal Health Care
  6. The EPA and FDA
  7. The clean air and water act
  8. Age appropriate health curriculum in all public schools
  • including human sexuality
    • birth control methods
    • Info on how to prevent STD's
Let's see if you are truly Pro-Life, or simply one who uses abortion as a wedge issue.

What about any of the other groups of people who oppose abortion?

Did you seriously think there are only two?

I only asked one, you. And you haven't responded. Why?
Why do you want to keep girls and women ignorant about their own bodies and how they work.

I don't want to keep girls and women ignorant about their own bodies and how they work, and I have never said nor written anything that can rationally be construed as meaning that I do. And even if I did, it is completely irrelevant to that to which you are responding. As is usual for you,. you're just flat-out lying.

I'm thinking full nazi.

This seems like a good place to point out that the Nazis were most infamous for policies which denied the humanity of large numbers of human beings, and for committing massive human rights abuses against the targets of this denial, up to and including murdering large numbers of them.

Now which of the two of us openly advocates anything similar? It certainly is not me.
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Why do you want to keep girls and women ignorant about their own bodies and how they work.

I don't want to keep girls and women ignorant about their own bodies and how they work, and I have never said nor written anything that can rationally be construed as meaning that I do. And even if I did, it is completely irrelevant to that to which you are responding. As is usual for you,. you're just flat-out lying.

I'm thinking full nazi.

This seems like a good place to point out that the Nazis were most infamous for policies which denied the humanity of large numbers of human beings, and for committing massive human rights abuses against the targets of this denial, up to and including mass murder.

Now which of the two of us openly advocates anything similar? It certainly is not me.

It is you. You have supported institutions that exist to enforce ignorance. You have supported institutions that push patriarchy, i.e. the worship of the penis and submission to the penis. People are born into the female body type or the male body type, but neither is better than the other.
The single biggest threat to America. It looks like harsher measures are going to have to be implemented to protect the country from these freaks.

A bunch of living children is worse than nuclear war.
What quality of living children? Are we talking about children raised to be democrats? Are we talking about children that will be dangerous gang bangers? Save lives. Abort the left.
Liberal and minority women should be encouraged to abort their children for the good of the entire nation.
Another Hillary supporter.

The authoritarian right’s contempt for the right to privacy is nothing new.

Emboldened by a Supreme Court with a majority of conservative ideologues, conservatives will seek to increase the power and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
Liberty does not extend to depriving another's life.

Supporting Human Rights is not authoritarian.

I get that abortion is profitable, but that isn't a justification.
It is you. You have supported institutions that exist to enforce ignorance. You have supported institutions that push patriarchy, i.e. the worship of the penis and submission to the penis. People are born into the female body type or the male body type, but neither is better than the other.

I have not supported any organizations, ever, that come anywhere close to meeting that description or ever have.

Again, you're just flat-out lying, as you always do. And to think that anyone would even think of believing such insane lies, you must be seriously batshit crazy.
Stop posting about these fringe wackos. Stick to the mainstream arguments.
1. Pro-life
2. Pro-Choice

View attachment 312588 I'm PRO-LIFE!!

Please define "pro-life"?

Answer these questions,

Do you support
  1. The Death Penalty
  2. Right to die laws
  3. The SALT Acts
  4. Arms Control (Background checks, licensing and registration)
  5. Universal Health Care
  6. The EPA and FDA
  7. The clean air and water act
  8. Age appropriate health curriculum in all public schools
  • including human sexuality
    • birth control methods
    • Info on how to prevent STD's
Let's see if you are truly Pro-Life, or simply one who uses abortion as a wedge issue.

What about any of the other groups of people who oppose abortion?

Did you seriously think there are only two?

I only asked one, you. And you haven't responded. Why?

When your loaded question was not properly loaded, you shoukd expect the equivalent of a 12 / 20 burst.
Stop posting about these fringe wackos. Stick to the mainstream arguments.
1. Pro-life
2. Pro-Choice

View attachment 312588 I'm PRO-LIFE!!

Please define "pro-life"?

Answer these questions,

Do you support
  1. The Death Penalty
  2. Right to die laws
  3. The SALT Acts
  4. Arms Control (Background checks, licensing and registration)
  5. Universal Health Care
  6. The EPA and FDA
  7. The clean air and water act
  8. Age appropriate health curriculum in all public schools
  • including human sexuality
    • birth control methods
    • Info on how to prevent STD's
Let's see if you are truly Pro-Life, or simply one who uses abortion as a wedge issue.

Flooding the zone with irrelevancies and red herrings...A common liberoidal ruse.

As far as the death penalty goes; though I'm personally against it, the fetus committed no act of violence to warrant any such action.

The rest of that list is GIGO, which presumes that if you're against The State being in charge of this or that, you're against life as a matter of course.....Stupidity on crack.

Wow, more than a single idiot-gram or some else's cartoon - how original. Well not original, per se, just a different way to avoid answers to a series of questions.

Since to answer anyone of those listed things, which relate to human life, painted odd dude into a corner. Sad, but so expected.
GFY, asshole.....Your asinine list is just more question begging liberoidal idiocy.
The authoritarian right’s contempt for the right to privacy is nothing new.

Emboldened by a Supreme Court with a majority of conservative ideologues, conservatives will seek to increase the power and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
Liberty does not extend to depriving another's life.

Supporting Human Rights is not authoritarian.

I get that abortion is profitable, but that isn't a justification.
An abortion is not the taking of a life. A human being has a fully formed and functioning heart, lungs, brain, and other organs necessary for survival, and is capable of surviving outside the body of another. Can the anti-abortion types remove the zygote/foetus from someone's body and grow it until it becomes a human being? Why is this not being done?

If abortion is so profitable, why is it that organizations that perform abortions spend most of their time and money distributing birth control so that people don't get pregnant in the first place? This certainly puts a big dent in their profits.
The authoritarian right’s contempt for the right to privacy is nothing new.

Emboldened by a Supreme Court with a majority of conservative ideologues, conservatives will seek to increase the power and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
Liberty does not extend to depriving another's life.

Supporting Human Rights is not authoritarian.

I get that abortion is profitable, but that isn't a justification.

Agree. That is why I support human rights for people at the border, especially the children we are holding.
Please define "pro-life"?

Answer these questions,

Do you support
  1. The Death Penalty
  2. Right to die laws
  3. The SALT Acts
  4. Arms Control (Background checks, licensing and registration)
  5. Universal Health Care
  6. The EPA and FDA
  7. The clean air and water act
  8. Age appropriate health curriculum in all public schools
  • including human sexuality
    • birth control methods
    • Info on how to prevent STD's
Let's see if you are truly Pro-Life, or simply one who uses abortion as a wedge issue.
Pro Life is Humzn Rights.

It's simple.

Human.... Rights...

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