The Anti Abortion Abolitionist Movement Is Dangerous. Here's What You Need To Know

Stop posting about these fringe wackos. Stick to the mainstream arguments.
1. Pro-life
2. Pro-Choice

View attachment 312588 I'm PRO-LIFE!!

So you oppose the death penalty?
Apples and atom bombs....The fetus didn't commit a violent act that could trigger the death penalty...Which I am against, BTW.

So there.

Define Pro-Life.
Not germane to the question at hand.

Sure it is. If one is claiming to be so...then they should actually be so. (not applying that to you but to the person who I originally responded to).
Stop posting about these fringe wackos. Stick to the mainstream arguments.
1. Pro-life
2. Pro-Choice

View attachment 312588 I'm PRO-LIFE!!

So you oppose the death penalty?
Apples and atom bombs....The fetus didn't commit a violent act that could trigger the death penalty...Which I am against, BTW.

So there.

Define Pro-Life.
Not germane to the question at hand.

Sure it is. If one is claiming to be so...then they should actually be so. (not applying that to you but to the person who I originally responded to).
You used an oft-invoked example that isn't relevant.....People get the death penalty for being convicted of heinously violent acts, not just because they're inconvenient to someone else.

How you or I or anyone else wants to define "pro-life" is entirely beside the point.
So you oppose the death penalty?
Apples and atom bombs....The fetus didn't commit a violent act that could trigger the death penalty...Which I am against, BTW.

So there.

Define Pro-Life.
Not germane to the question at hand.

Sure it is. If one is claiming to be so...then they should actually be so. (not applying that to you but to the person who I originally responded to).
You used an oft-invoked example that isn't relevant.....People get the death penalty for being convicted of heinously violent acts, not just because they're inconvenient to someone else.

How you or I or anyone else wants to define "pro-life" is entirely beside the point.

People get the death penalty who are innocent.

They die, knowing they are innocent.

People who claim to be "pro-life" and who support the death penalty are frauds.
Apples and atom bombs....The fetus didn't commit a violent act that could trigger the death penalty...Which I am against, BTW.

So there.

Define Pro-Life.
Not germane to the question at hand.
alty for being convicted of heinously violent acts, not just because they're inconvenient to someone else.
Sure it is. If one is claiming to be so...then they should actually be so. (not applying that to you but to the person who I originally responded to).
You used an oft-invoked example that isn't relevant.....People get the death penalty for being convicted of heinously violent acts, not just because they're inconvenient to someone else.

How you or I or anyone else wants to define "pro-life" is entirely beside the point.

People get the death penalty who are innocent.

They die, knowing they are innocent.

People who claim to be "pro-life" and who support the death penalty are frauds.
People get the death penalty who are innocent.

Which is why I'm against it...Be that as it may, nobody ever gets convicted of being an inconvenience.
Define Pro-Life.
Not germane to the question at hand.
alty for being convicted of heinously violent acts, not just because they're inconvenient to someone else.
Sure it is. If one is claiming to be so...then they should actually be so. (not applying that to you but to the person who I originally responded to).
You used an oft-invoked example that isn't relevant.....People get the death penalty for being convicted of heinously violent acts, not just because they're inconvenient to someone else.

How you or I or anyone else wants to define "pro-life" is entirely beside the point.

People get the death penalty who are innocent.

They die, knowing they are innocent.

People who claim to be "pro-life" and who support the death penalty are frauds.
People get the death penalty who are innocent.

Which is why I'm against it...Be that as it may, nobody ever gets convicted of being an inconvenience.

And not every zygote/embryo/fetus is aborted for being an "inconvenience".
Not germane to the question at hand.
alty for being convicted of heinously violent acts, not just because they're inconvenient to someone else.
Sure it is. If one is claiming to be so...then they should actually be so. (not applying that to you but to the person who I originally responded to).
You used an oft-invoked example that isn't relevant.....People get the death penalty for being convicted of heinously violent acts, not just because they're inconvenient to someone else.

How you or I or anyone else wants to define "pro-life" is entirely beside the point.

People get the death penalty who are innocent.

They die, knowing they are innocent.

People who claim to be "pro-life" and who support the death penalty are frauds.
People get the death penalty who are innocent.

Which is why I'm against it...Be that as it may, nobody ever gets convicted of being an inconvenience.

And not every zygote/embryo/fetus is aborted for being an "inconvenience".
Next to none are aborted because of the disingenuously oft-invoked "safety of the mother".

In fact, I used to be 1st tri pro choice, until I saw the videos of people who are parting out aborted fetuses like junked cars....If you don't find that ghoulish and sickening, you have no soul...And don't give me that "they were edited and out of context" shit, because they weren't....They were posted in their full-length form.
People get the death penalty who are innocent.

They die, knowing they are innocent.

People who claim to be "pro-life" and who support the death penalty are frauds.

The ones who really have some explaining to do, are those who oppose the death penalty for the very worst of violent, murderous criminals, but who support the “right” to kill innocent unborn children in cold blood.

Supporting abortion in any form leaves you with no moral standing whatsoever to criticize support for the judicial death penalty.

In fact, supporting or defending abortion leaves you with no moral standing, whatsoever. Period.
And not every zygote/embryo/fetus is aborted for being an "inconvenience".

Nearly all do. The exceptions are so rare as to be meaningless for any discussion of the ethics of abortion. Nearly all abortion victims are slaughtered under conditions that come nowhere close to those under which any other form of homicide would be considered even close to justifiable.
Apples and atom bombs....The fetus didn't commit a violent act that could trigger the death penalty...Which I am against, BTW.

So there.

Define Pro-Life.
Not germane to the question at hand.

Sure it is. If one is claiming to be so...then they should actually be so. (not applying that to you but to the person who I originally responded to).
You used an oft-invoked example that isn't relevant.....People get the death penalty for being convicted of heinously violent acts, not just because they're inconvenient to someone else.

How you or I or anyone else wants to define "pro-life" is entirely beside the point.

People get the death penalty who are innocent.

They die, knowing they are innocent.

People who claim to be "pro-life" and who support the death penalty are frauds.
People who get the death penalty have been convicted in a court of law of violent murders.

Babies are murdered without even the benefit of trial or a single advocate on their behalf.
Define Pro-Life.
Not germane to the question at hand.

Sure it is. If one is claiming to be so...then they should actually be so. (not applying that to you but to the person who I originally responded to).
You used an oft-invoked example that isn't relevant.....People get the death penalty for being convicted of heinously violent acts, not just because they're inconvenient to someone else.

How you or I or anyone else wants to define "pro-life" is entirely beside the point.

People get the death penalty who are innocent.

They die, knowing they are innocent.

People who claim to be "pro-life" and who support the death penalty are frauds.
People who get the death penalty have been convicted in a court of law of violent murders.

Babies are murdered without even the benefit of trial or a single advocate on their behalf.

Is it ok to kill innocent people? Yes or No.
Babies are murdered without even the benefit of trial or a single advocate on their behalf.
Is it ok to kill innocent people? Yes or No.

It's never, ever OK to kill innocent people. Never.

That said, there are some extreme circumstances where it happens, where the alternative is even less OK. Such circumstances are almost never present, where abortions are committed.
alty for being convicted of heinously violent acts, not just because they're inconvenient to someone else.
Sure it is. If one is claiming to be so...then they should actually be so. (not applying that to you but to the person who I originally responded to).
You used an oft-invoked example that isn't relevant.....People get the death penalty for being convicted of heinously violent acts, not just because they're inconvenient to someone else.

How you or I or anyone else wants to define "pro-life" is entirely beside the point.

People get the death penalty who are innocent.

They die, knowing they are innocent.

People who claim to be "pro-life" and who support the death penalty are frauds.
People get the death penalty who are innocent.

Which is why I'm against it...Be that as it may, nobody ever gets convicted of being an inconvenience.

And not every zygote/embryo/fetus is aborted for being an "inconvenience".
Next to none are aborted because of the disingenuously oft-invoked "safety of the mother".

In fact, I used to be 1st tri pro choice, until I saw the videos of people who are parting out aborted fetuses like junked cars....If you don't find that ghoulish and sickening, you have no soul...And don't give me that "they were edited and out of context" shit, because they weren't....They were posted in their full-length form.

How do you know?
You used an oft-invoked example that isn't relevant.....People get the death penalty for being convicted of heinously violent acts, not just because they're inconvenient to someone else.

How you or I or anyone else wants to define "pro-life" is entirely beside the point.

People get the death penalty who are innocent.

They die, knowing they are innocent.

People who claim to be "pro-life" and who support the death penalty are frauds.
People get the death penalty who are innocent.

Which is why I'm against it...Be that as it may, nobody ever gets convicted of being an inconvenience.

And not every zygote/embryo/fetus is aborted for being an "inconvenience".
Next to none are aborted because of the disingenuously oft-invoked "safety of the mother".

In fact, I used to be 1st tri pro choice, until I saw the videos of people who are parting out aborted fetuses like junked cars....If you don't find that ghoulish and sickening, you have no soul...And don't give me that "they were edited and out of context" shit, because they weren't....They were posted in their full-length form.

How do you know?
I watched them....There wasn't a single jump cut during the relevant discussions.

You abortionists are fucking eugenicist ghouls.....Period....Full stop.
One thing I absolutely don't get about "pro-life" is how they can tolerate the way children at the border are being treated. They SOUND like they care about kids. But they support policies that are anything but.

Likewise - how can you be pro-life AND support the death penalty KNOWING that some of the people on death row were wrongly convicted?

It's not pro-life. It's not pro-child.
People get the death penalty who are innocent.

They die, knowing they are innocent.

People who claim to be "pro-life" and who support the death penalty are frauds.

The ones who really have some explaining to do, are those who oppose the death penalty for the very worst of violent, murderous criminals, but who support the “right” to kill innocent unborn children in cold blood.

Supporting abortion in any form leaves you with no moral standing whatsoever to criticize support for the judicial death penalty.

In fact, supporting or defending abortion leaves you with no moral standing, whatsoever. Period.


The ones who have explaining to do are those who claim to be pro-life but support the death penalty knowing that innocent people will be killed.

You have no moral standing.
Define Pro-Life.
Not germane to the question at hand.

Sure it is. If one is claiming to be so...then they should actually be so. (not applying that to you but to the person who I originally responded to).
You used an oft-invoked example that isn't relevant.....People get the death penalty for being convicted of heinously violent acts, not just because they're inconvenient to someone else.

How you or I or anyone else wants to define "pro-life" is entirely beside the point.

People get the death penalty who are innocent.

They die, knowing they are innocent.

People who claim to be "pro-life" and who support the death penalty are frauds.
People who get the death penalty have been convicted in a court of law of violent murders.

Babies are murdered without even the benefit of trial or a single advocate on their behalf. that makes it ok to kill innocent people? Really?
Not germane to the question at hand.

Sure it is. If one is claiming to be so...then they should actually be so. (not applying that to you but to the person who I originally responded to).
You used an oft-invoked example that isn't relevant.....People get the death penalty for being convicted of heinously violent acts, not just because they're inconvenient to someone else.

How you or I or anyone else wants to define "pro-life" is entirely beside the point.

People get the death penalty who are innocent.

They die, knowing they are innocent.

People who claim to be "pro-life" and who support the death penalty are frauds.
People who get the death penalty have been convicted in a court of law of violent murders.

Babies are murdered without even the benefit of trial or a single advocate on their behalf.

Is it ok to kill innocent people? Yes or No.
No. I've known a number of death penalty defendants most of whom died in prison of natural causes. None were innocent. Rarely is a mistake made. How many abortions are a mistake?

It really is very simple. Abortion is the intentional taking of a human life. And you could be okay with that the way people are okay with the death penalty. You do not have to hide and call it something else to satisfy your conscience. It's murder and it doesn't bother you. It doesn't bother me. Liberals and minorities killing the next generation of leftists and thugs doesn't bother me a bit.
Sure it is. If one is claiming to be so...then they should actually be so. (not applying that to you but to the person who I originally responded to).
You used an oft-invoked example that isn't relevant.....People get the death penalty for being convicted of heinously violent acts, not just because they're inconvenient to someone else.

How you or I or anyone else wants to define "pro-life" is entirely beside the point.

People get the death penalty who are innocent.

They die, knowing they are innocent.

People who claim to be "pro-life" and who support the death penalty are frauds.
People who get the death penalty have been convicted in a court of law of violent murders.

Babies are murdered without even the benefit of trial or a single advocate on their behalf.

Is it ok to kill innocent people? Yes or No.
No. I've known a number of death penalty defendants most of whom died in prison of natural causes. None were innocent. Rarely is a mistake made. How many abortions are a mistake?

It really is very simple. Abortion is the intentional taking of a human life. And you could be okay with that the way people are okay with the death penalty. You do not have to hide and call it something else to satisfy your conscience. It's murder and it doesn't bother you. It doesn't bother me. Liberals and minorities killing the next generation of leftists and thugs doesn't bother me a bit.

You can't say "rarely" - you simply don't know.

And "rarely" still means the innocent ARE killed.

Either it is ok to do so or it is not. It's not a cafeteria.

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