The Anti Abortion Abolitionist Movement Is Dangerous. Here's What You Need To Know

Stop posting about these fringe wackos. Stick to the mainstream arguments.
1. Pro-life
2. Pro-Choice

View attachment 312588 I'm PRO-LIFE!!

You are not "pro-life", you're anti-abortion. If you were pro-life, you'd want universal health care for the mother and the child. You'd want a quality education, for the child, and good nutrition. Life is more than breathing. It's having food, shelter, and security. It's parents knowing they can meet their child's needs. It's the opportunity to make the most of your talents.

The USA is not providing these things for working families.
Do you equate forcing the labor of someone to provide a service a measure of pro-life?


Opposing bad government regulations is in no way anti-pro life.

There is no anti-abortion movement. Defending the life of the most vulnerable is the right thing to do.

I consider forcing a woman to have a baby she does not want, akin to slavery, since she has no choice in determining the most basic thing in her life: whether or not to become a mother and have a baby. This isn't a simple "service". This is 9 months of physical torture, and a commitment to that child which never really ends.

I grew up in an era where abortion was illegal and know what it was like for women before abortion was legalized. Rich girls went to Sweden and Japan. Poor girls left town to "help with a sick relative". I worred when a friend went to a back alley abortionist, and prayed that he really was a doctor, and the relief when it all turned out well. We all knew the botched abortion attempt horror stories.

Campaign Life your name's a lie. You don't care if women die.
you are correct to a certain point,,

unless they are lied to and dont [sic] know the difference or exactly what they are killing,,,

In modern times, with modern technology and modern availability of information, there is really no excuse not to know what abortion really is. Willfully blinding one's self doesn't make a valid excuse of the resulting ignorance.

Young women are constantly being lied to, about their bodies, by the left.

Your statement is downright obscene, because enforced ignorance is obscene. The people whom you call "the left," give full factual information to young women, not the fantasy mumbo-jumbo of the cults. Refer to Our Bodies, Ourselves, by the Boston Women's Health Collective,
Our Bodies Ourselves

It is the full owner's manual for the female body, kind of like the Chilton's for cars, if you can remember. I have given copies of this book to many young women so that they can understand what they are dealing with in real life.

Why do you call factual information a lie? What do you want hidden and why?

I'm calling your bluff.

Quote the exact wording of the book, where it informs women that it is another human being / child that they are carrying in their womb, during their pregnancies.

Screw you. If you really gave a shit about abortion you would be supporting age appropriate curriculum in all public schools on human sexuality, including how to prevent pregnancy and how to prevent STD's.
you are correct to a certain point,,

unless they are lied to and dont [sic] know the difference or exactly what they are killing,,,

In modern times, with modern technology and modern availability of information, there is really no excuse not to know what abortion really is. Willfully blinding one's self doesn't make a valid excuse of the resulting ignorance.

Young women are constantly being lied to, about their bodies, by the left.

Your statement is downright obscene, because enforced ignorance is obscene. The people whom you call "the left," give full factual information to young women, not the fantasy mumbo-jumbo of the cults. Refer to Our Bodies, Ourselves, by the Boston Women's Health Collective,
Our Bodies Ourselves

It is the full owner's manual for the female body, kind of like the Chilton's for cars, if you can remember. I have given copies of this book to many young women so that they can understand what they are dealing with in real life.

Why do you call factual information a lie? What do you want hidden and why?

I'm calling your bluff.

Quote the exact wording of the book, where it informs women that it is another human being / child that they are carrying in their womb, during their pregnancies.

Why don't you try reading it for yourself.

Like most faux conservatives, he's unwilling to open his mind to reality.
Stop posting about these fringe wackos. Stick to the mainstream arguments.
1. Pro-life
2. Pro-Choice

View attachment 312588 I'm PRO-LIFE!!

You are not "pro-life", you're anti-abortion. If you were pro-life, you'd want universal health care for the mother and the child. You'd want a quality education, for the child, and good nutrition. Life is more than breathing. It's having food, shelter, and security. It's parents knowing they can meet their child's needs. It's the opportunity to make the most of your talents.

The USA is not providing these things for working families.
Do you equate forcing the labor of someone to provide a service a measure of pro-life?


Opposing bad government regulations is in no way anti-pro life.

There is no anti-abortion movement. Defending the life of the most vulnerable is the right thing to do.

I consider forcing a woman to have a baby she does not want, akin to slavery, since she has no choice in determining the most basic thing in her life: whether or not to become a mother and have a baby. This isn't a simple "service". This is 9 months of physical torture, and a commitment to that child which never really ends.

I grew up in an era where abortion was illegal and know what it was like for women before abortion was legalized. Rich girls went to Sweden and Japan. Poor girls left town to "help with a sick relative". I worred when a friend went to a back alley abortionist, and prayed that he really was a doctor, and the relief when it all turned out well. We all knew the botched abortion attempt horror stories.

Campaign Life your name's a lie. You don't care if women die.
she already made that decision when she got pregnant,,,
In modern times, with modern technology and modern availability of information, there is really no excuse not to know what abortion really is. Willfully blinding one's self doesn't make a valid excuse of the resulting ignorance.

Young women are constantly being lied to, about their bodies, by the left.

Your statement is downright obscene, because enforced ignorance is obscene. The people whom you call "the left," give full factual information to young women, not the fantasy mumbo-jumbo of the cults. Refer to Our Bodies, Ourselves, by the Boston Women's Health Collective,
Our Bodies Ourselves

It is the full owner's manual for the female body, kind of like the Chilton's for cars, if you can remember. I have given copies of this book to many young women so that they can understand what they are dealing with in real life.

Why do you call factual information a lie? What do you want hidden and why?

I'm calling your bluff.

Quote the exact wording of the book, where it informs women that it is another human being / child that they are carrying in their womb, during their pregnancies.

Why don't you try reading it for yourself.

Like most faux conservatives, he's unwilling to open his mind to reality.

If R v. W is eliminated by Congress, they better pay every women who was denied abortion the cost to raise for the birth, for all medical care, and all other costs (school, recreation, food, clothing and other necessary items) until the child is 26 years of age.
June Medical Services v. Russo, the Supreme Court case regarding Louisiana’s 2014 admitting privileges law, has serious ramifications for the future of abortion rights in the United States. But there is a segment of the anti-abortion movement that doesn’t appear all that concerned with the outcome. If this seems odd, it’s because they never saw Roe v. Wade as a valid ruling, they don’t view the Supreme Court as a legitimate legal authority, and they dismiss the foundation of the Constitution.

Say hello to the so-called “abolitionist” movement, comprised of white men who say the pro-life movement is too secular, abortion constitutes homicide, and that people seeking abortion care should be criminalized and subject to the death penalty.

The anti-abortion abolitionist movement is dangerous. Here's what you need to know

The single biggest threat to America. It looks like harsher measures are going to have to be implemented to protect the country from these freaks.

The "single biggest threat to America"? You're an idiot.
Stop posting about these fringe wackos. Stick to the mainstream arguments.
1. Pro-life
2. Pro-Choice

View attachment 312588 I'm PRO-LIFE!!

Please define "pro-life"?

Answer these questions,

Do you support
  1. The Death Penalty
  2. Right to die laws
  3. The SALT Acts
  4. Arms Control (Background checks, licensing and registration)
  5. Universal Health Care
  6. The EPA and FDA
  7. The clean air and water act
  8. Age appropriate health curriculum in all public schools
  • including human sexuality
    • birth control methods
    • Info on how to prevent STD's
Let's see if you are truly Pro-Life, or simply one who uses abortion as a wedge issue.

Well, it seems three have proven they are not pro-life, they support all kinds of choices which harm children, adults and all species of life; if that is not true, they would have not thought these questions were funny.
Young women are constantly being lied to, about their bodies, by the left.

Your statement is downright obscene, because enforced ignorance is obscene. The people whom you call "the left," give full factual information to young women, not the fantasy mumbo-jumbo of the cults. Refer to Our Bodies, Ourselves, by the Boston Women's Health Collective,
Our Bodies Ourselves

It is the full owner's manual for the female body, kind of like the Chilton's for cars, if you can remember. I have given copies of this book to many young women so that they can understand what they are dealing with in real life.

Why do you call factual information a lie? What do you want hidden and why?

I'm calling your bluff.

Quote the exact wording of the book, where it informs women that it is another human being / child that they are carrying in their womb, during their pregnancies.

Why don't you try reading it for yourself.

Like most faux conservatives, he's unwilling to open his mind to reality.

If R v. W is eliminated by Congress, they better pay every women who was denied abortion the cost to raise for the birth, for all medical care, and all other costs (school, recreation, food, clothing and other necessary items) until the child is 26 years of age.

I can show you in the Constitution where the child is entitled to the equal protections of our laws that all the rest of us are.

Can you wuote the part that mandates that taxpayers provide all that other shit?


I didn't think so.
Your statement is downright obscene, because enforced ignorance is obscene. The people whom you call "the left," give full factual information to young women, not the fantasy mumbo-jumbo of the cults. Refer to Our Bodies, Ourselves, by the Boston Women's Health Collective,
Our Bodies Ourselves

It is the full owner's manual for the female body, kind of like the Chilton's for cars, if you can remember. I have given copies of this book to many young women so that they can understand what they are dealing with in real life.

Why do you call factual information a lie? What do you want hidden and why?

I'm calling your bluff.

Quote the exact wording of the book, where it informs women that it is another human being / child that they are carrying in their womb, during their pregnancies.

Why don't you try reading it for yourself.

Like most faux conservatives, he's unwilling to open his mind to reality.

If R v. W is eliminated by Congress, they better pay every women who was denied abortion the cost to raise for the birth, for all medical care, and all other costs (school, recreation, food, clothing and other necessary items) until the child is 26 years of age.

I can show you in the Constitution where the child is entitled to the equal protections of our laws that all the rest of us are.

Can you wuote the part that mandates that taxpayers provide all that other shit?


I didn't think so.

Get your head out of the sand and read and really try to comprehend what I wrote. I said they Better, and Congress can vote to repeal R v. W but if they do I'm sure a rider will be added by a member of Congress to pay what I suggested.

They Better because the women in America will protest such a radical move to repeal R v. W, even if the SC supported such a move, their protests will be in marches and more women challenging those members who voted to take away the rights for abortion included in R v. W.

Keep in mind there is nothing more important for a member of Congress than their job security.

A child? When a child is no longer a fetus is when in R v. W the pregnancy cannot be terminated, unless the woman is in grave danger.
Your statement is downright obscene, because enforced ignorance is obscene. The people whom you call "the left," give full factual information to young women, not the fantasy mumbo-jumbo of the cults. Refer to Our Bodies, Ourselves, by the Boston Women's Health Collective,
Our Bodies Ourselves

It is the full owner's manual for the female body, kind of like the Chilton's for cars, if you can remember. I have given copies of this book to many young women so that they can understand what they are dealing with in real life.

Why do you call factual information a lie? What do you want hidden and why?

I'm calling your bluff.

Quote the exact wording of the book, where it informs women that it is another human being / child that they are carrying in their womb, during their pregnancies.

Why don't you try reading it for yourself.

Like most faux conservatives, he's unwilling to open his mind to reality.

If R v. W is eliminated by Congress, they better pay every women who was denied abortion the cost to raise for the birth, for all medical care, and all other costs (school, recreation, food, clothing and other necessary items) until the child is 26 years of age.

I can show you in the Constitution where the child is entitled to the equal protections of our laws that all the rest of us are.

Can you wuote the part that mandates that taxpayers provide all that other shit?


I didn't think so.

You expect everyone else to carry your baggage for you. YOU somehow get to decide, in your not-so-infinite wisdom, that everybody else needs to follow your opinions, and then want to sling the burden on others. No, thank you.
I'm calling your bluff.

Quote the exact wording of the book, where it informs women that it is another human being / child that they are carrying in their womb, during their pregnancies.

Why don't you try reading it for yourself.

Like most faux conservatives, he's unwilling to open his mind to reality.

If R v. W is eliminated by Congress, they better pay every women who was denied abortion the cost to raise for the birth, for all medical care, and all other costs (school, recreation, food, clothing and other necessary items) until the child is 26 years of age.

I can show you in the Constitution where the child is entitled to the equal protections of our laws that all the rest of us are.

Can you wuote the part that mandates that taxpayers provide all that other shit?


I didn't think so.

You expect everyone else to carry your baggage for you. YOU somehow get to decide, in your not-so-infinite wisdom, that everybody else needs to follow your opinions, and then want to sling the burden on others. No, thank you.

Oh, you're too polite. Though I did have to smile with the phrase, "in your not-so-infinite wisdom".
I'm calling your bluff.

Quote the exact wording of the book, where it informs women that it is another human being / child that they are carrying in their womb, during their pregnancies.

Why don't you try reading it for yourself.

Like most faux conservatives, he's unwilling to open his mind to reality.

If R v. W is eliminated by Congress, they better pay every women who was denied abortion the cost to raise for the birth, for all medical care, and all other costs (school, recreation, food, clothing and other necessary items) until the child is 26 years of age.

I can show you in the Constitution where the child is entitled to the equal protections of our laws that all the rest of us are.

Can you wuote the part that mandates that taxpayers provide all that other shit?


I didn't think so.

You expect everyone else to carry your baggage for you. YOU somehow get to decide, in your not-so-infinite wisdom, that everybody else needs to follow your opinions, and then want to sling the burden on others. No, thank you.

The Constitution (not me) is the law of the land.

The Constitution (not me) says that all persons are entitled to the equal protections of our laws.

"All persons" is a fucking INCLUSIVE statement. (I didn't write it but it is)

If you have a problem with any of the above? I really don't give a fuck that you do.
June Medical Services v. Russo, the Supreme Court case regarding Louisiana’s 2014 admitting privileges law, has serious ramifications for the future of abortion rights in the United States. But there is a segment of the anti-abortion movement that doesn’t appear all that concerned with the outcome. If this seems odd, it’s because they never saw Roe v. Wade as a valid ruling, they don’t view the Supreme Court as a legitimate legal authority, and they dismiss the foundation of the Constitution.

Say hello to the so-called “abolitionist” movement, comprised of white men who say the pro-life movement is too secular, abortion constitutes homicide, and that people seeking abortion care should be criminalized and subject to the death penalty.

The anti-abortion abolitionist movement is dangerous. Here's what you need to know

The single biggest threat to America. It looks like harsher measures are going to have to be implemented to protect the country from these freaks.

So if they want to start killing people how is that pro life?

If they start killing people for abortion are they going to kill the man who is responsible for the woman becoming pregnant?

Maybe we need to start a movement that any man who makes a woman pregnant then walks away from their own flesh and blood should immediately be castrated.

The reality is that these crazy men aren't going to get what they want.
Why don't you try reading it for yourself.

Like most faux conservatives, he's unwilling to open his mind to reality.

If R v. W is eliminated by Congress, they better pay every women who was denied abortion the cost to raise for the birth, for all medical care, and all other costs (school, recreation, food, clothing and other necessary items) until the child is 26 years of age.

I can show you in the Constitution where the child is entitled to the equal protections of our laws that all the rest of us are.

Can you wuote the part that mandates that taxpayers provide all that other shit?


I didn't think so.

You expect everyone else to carry your baggage for you. YOU somehow get to decide, in your not-so-infinite wisdom, that everybody else needs to follow your opinions, and then want to sling the burden on others. No, thank you.

The Constitution (not me) is the law of the land.

The Constitution (not me) says that all persons are entitled to the equal protections of our laws.

"All persons" is a fucking INCLUSIVE statement. (I didn't write it but it is)

If you have a problem with any of the above? I really don't give a fuck that you do.

Neither a zygote nor a fetus is a "person". A Person is defined as:

1. a man, woman, or child: 2. an individual.

So you failed in your own definition because a fetus, in utero, is by definition, not an individual.
This is a manual that is written to communicate factual information to women. It is not intended to promote somebody's political agenda.

I've never read that book, and don't claim to know anything of its content or the intent of its author. I cannot credibly and directly dispute your statement that “It is not intended to promote somebody's political agenda.”, but I have to take note than almost every time I ever see it mentioned, it is by someone who is citing it to promote a political agenda, often a murderous agenda promoting and defending the cold-blooded killing of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings. I wonder if that's what the author intended.
Those who insist that abortion is murder but don't go stop it are self admitted accomplices.

There is a lot of evil that happens in the world, some within my awareness, and much, much more outside of my awareness. Very, very, very little of it within my ability to do anything about it other than to call attention to it, condemn it, and wish for it to stop.

Your statement that failing to stop things that are outside of my ability to do so makes me an accomplice, is pure nonsense, at best. Just another pathetic excuse, from someone who openly and knowingly and willfully supports and promotes evil, to point the finger of blame at someone else.
Campaign Life your name's a lie. You don't care if women die.

Of course we do. You're speaking nonsense.

We also happen to care if innocent children die. And you do not. You happily, openly advocate the cold-blooding killing of innocent children, in far greater numbers, by several orders of magnitude, than the numbers of women whose lives are put in credible jeopardy by their pregnancies.
Screw you. If you really gave a shit about abortion you would be supporting age appropriate curriculum in all public schools on human sexuality, including how to prevent pregnancy and how to prevent STD's.

You mean like the “…age appropriate curriculum in all public schools on human sexuality…” now being imposed by the homosexual/transsexual/pedophile movement, to groom children into being easy prey for child-molesting filth, and to groom society to be more accepting of such abuse?

Is anyone really now surprised to see one seriously evil agenda, that targets innocent children as victims, now being tied in this manner to another evil agenda, that also targets innocent children? The same evil pops up in different forms, and I hope most people are aware enough to recognize it from one form to another.

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