The Anti-Christian American Left


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Can any sane, rational, responsible or honest American among us whose soul, mind and body have not been taken by radicalized and radicalizing leftist cable news outlets deny at this point in time June 2020AD that the democratic party overtly and proudly and eagerly stands as anti-Christian? So let us then affirm amongst one another in this thread the truth and true nature of the democratic party.

Western Civilization was founded upon the primeval tenets of Christian religion. Therefore Christianity is the bedrock of all Old World Western nations and most importantly, Christianity is the bedrock foundation of our American Civilization. So it must be said and also concluded: if Christianity is ever removed from a majority of the hearts and minds of Americans America will collapse and take with it the rest of the Free World and its ages of order.

For centuries philosophers, sadists, radical leftists and other assorted prominent atheists have tried to wipe Christian mores from the minds of Americans and other Westerners. For just as long we Christians have resisted these pagan and satanic borne efforts and we've endured as a whole society, a whole civilization. Until now, the present day. Radical leftists have succeeded in their campaign to portray the Church, regardless of denomination or sect, as more corrupt and debauched than le Marquis de Sade himself. Tens of millions of Americans—our latest generations of youth in particular, have swallowed the bait hook, line and fucking sinker. By this point in time, June 2020, the atheists have won. They control our social media, pop culture, education systems; our favorite national past-times, our news outlets, our book publishers and now, finally . . . our government.

Obviously many, many democrat voters still consider themselves to be Christians. However, let us speak freely; they are not. Not a one of them. Not your democrat voting auntie or uncle or mother or father or sibling or spouse. No one who votes democrat in any election is an actual or real Christian, not even close. Ponder for just a few moments some of the running platforms and positions every democrat candidate or elected politician stand loudly and proudly for: mass murder of the unborn; trans mutilation of children, homosexuality as a religion, complete and utter lawlessness, discrimination against those born with a shade lighter than "black" skin. On and on and on and deeper into hell run modern democratic party running platforms. Anyone who condones such satanic, anti-civilizational madness by voting for it eyes wide open or even with them shut tight is no Christian.

Thus we can now more clearly see the face of the real, true enemy of our times, of our nation, of the survival of all human beings and take some small comfort in that recognition: the democratic party, and its high lord, the antithesis of Christianity. That antithesis goes by many names both more recently and has from eons back: postmodernism, Marxism, Sadism, social justice, political correctness, Black Lives Matter, Antifa and . . . you know the name. Will you, as a Christian man or woman, be courageous enough to utter it?

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled . . . was convincing the world he did not exist."

Now we know the true face of our enemy. Now it's up to each and every last one of us to decide what happens next.
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Can any sane, rational, responsible or honest American among us whose soul, mind and body have not been taken by radicalized and radicalizing leftist cable news outlets deny at this point in time June 2020AD that the democratic party overtly and proudly and eagerly stands as anti-Christian? So let us then affirm amongst one another in this thread the truth and true nature of the democratic party.

Western Civilization was founded upon the primeval tenets of Christian religion. Therefore Christianity is the bedrock of all Old World Western nations and most importantly, Christianity is the bedrock foundation of our American Civilization. So it must be said and also concluded: if Christianity is ever removed from a majority of the hearts and minds of Americans America will collapse and take with it the rest of the Free World and its ages of order.

For centuries philosophers, sadists, radical leftists and other assorted prominent atheists have tried to wipe Christian mores from the minds of Americans and other Westerners. For just as long we Christians have resisted these pagan and satanic borne efforts and we've endured as a whole society, a whole civilization. Until now, the present day. Radical leftists have succeeded in their campaign to portray the Church, regardless of denomination or sect, as more corrupt and debauched than le Marquis de Sade himself. Tens of millions of Americans—our latest generations of youth in particular, have swallowed the bait hook, line and fucking sinker. By this point in time, June 2020, the atheists have won. They control our social media, pop culture, education systems; our favorite national past-times, our news outlets, our book publishers and now, finally . . . our government.

Obviously many, many democrat voters still consider themselves to be Christians. However, let us speak freely; they are not. Not a one of them. Not your democrat voting auntie or uncle or mother or father or sibling or spouse. No one who votes democrat in any election is an actual or real Christian, not even close. Ponder for just a few moments some of the running platforms and positions every democrat candidate or elected politician stand loudly and proudly for: mass murder of the unborn; trans mutilation of children, homosexuality as a religion, complete and utter lawlessness, discrimination against those born with a shade lighter than "black" skin. On and on and on and deeper into hell run modern democratic party running platforms. Anyone who condones such satanic, anti-civilizational madness by voting for it eyes wide open or even with them shut tight is no Christian.

Thus we can now more clearly see the face of the real, true enemy of our times, of our nation, of the survival of all human beings and take some small comfort in that recognition: the democratic party, and its high lord, the antithesis of Christianity. That antithesis goes by many names both more recently and has from eons back: postmodernism, Marxism, Sadism, social justice, political correctness, Black Lives Matter, Antifa and . . . you know the name. Will you, as a Christian man or woman, be courageous enough to utter it?

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled . . . was convincing the world he did not exist."

Now we know the true face of our enemy. Now it's up to each and every last one of us to decide what happens next.
Thanks for yet ANOTHER fantastic post. Nicely done.
The left is not anti-Christian but they do oppose the right-wing political agenda. When the moral majority types hijacked American Christianity they effectively destroyed it as a faith. It's now a political movement and therefore fair game for political attack.
It's good that there are outlets for the insane rantings of the mentally-disabled, like this venue. Imagine if we didn't have an Internet! Why, America's attics and basements and cisterns would be FULL of morons like this!
Last two bit politician I saw posing with an upside down Bible was trump, so I think he wants to compete on this one, especially considering his stand supporting adultery, Bearing false witness, stealing basically ok if you don't get caught, ordered people killed (although of the ones I know he ordered, I really have no problem), just sayin. Anyway, I think the president and his trump party are real contenders, here, and I believe trump wants your vote.
The left is not anti-Christian but they do oppose the right-wing political agenda. When the moral majority types hijacked American Christianity they effectively destroyed it as a faith. It's now a political movement and therefore fair game for political attack.

Bzzt . . . bzzt . . . your programmed code is iterating too rapidly. Counter accusations will win you no points when the point is dodged and redirected as a slow burning locomotive. You canonize and deify political movements as new religions deserving of the same faith and governmental protections, historic value, and thus become fair game for religious attack.
The left is not anti-Christian but they do oppose the right-wing political agenda. When the moral majority types hijacked American Christianity they effectively destroyed it as a faith. It's now a political movement and therefore fair game for political attack.

Bzzt . . . bzzt . . . your programmed code is iterating too rapidly. Counter accusations will win you no points when the point is dodged and redirected as a slow burning locomotive. You canonize and deify political movements as new religions deserving of the same faith and governmental protections, historic value, and thus become fair game for religious attack.
Your faith is not under attack, just the secular political agenda. Quit trying to force unpopular theocracy on America and all your delusions of percecution goes away.

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