Debate Now Is the politically-left more weak-minded than the politically-right?

Most Leftists are either incapable or unwilling to engage in rational debate. Worse, they are so convinced of their righteousness that they believe it is OK to lie - often massively - if those lies can promote a desired end.

Demonstrations grow out of SLOGANS, not rational thought. Every single Leftist demonstration of the past hundred years could be "justified" by a slogan brief enough to be printed on a bumper sticker.

The Gaza bullshit of today is the Leftist reaction to a rather complex conflict of populations, one that rational people can dispute. But Leftists are not into intellectual disputes or debates; they decide which side is the Oppressor, which side is the Oppressed, and that's about it....don't bother them with details.

Why are there no demonstrations to try to induce Hamas to lay down their arms and released their hostages? It would IMMEDIATELY stop the carnage, and lay the groundwork for What Comes Next (still TBD). But Hamas is a Leftist organization, and rational arguments are as effective with them as with trained seals.
LOL....There does not seem to be much "debate" that the leftist dems are mostly just plain FUBAR. ;)
Most Leftists are either incapable or unwilling to engage in rational debate. Worse, they are so convinced of their righteousness that they believe it is OK to lie - often massively - if those lies can promote a desired end.

Demonstrations grow out of SLOGANS, not rational thought. Every single Leftist demonstration of the past hundred years could be "justified" by a slogan brief enough to be printed on a bumper sticker.

The Gaza bullshit of today is the Leftist reaction to a rather complex conflict of populations, one that rational people can dispute. But Leftists are not into intellectual disputes or debates; they decide which side is the Oppressor, which side is the Oppressed, and that's about it....don't bother them with details.

Why are there no demonstrations to try to induce Hamas to lay down their arms and released their hostages? It would IMMEDIATELY stop the carnage, and lay the groundwork for What Comes Next (still TBD). But Hamas is a Leftist organization, and rational arguments are as effective with them as with trained seals.
Breaking News--Israel has attacked Iran--explosion heard in Isfahan. My question is why does the media make statements about what Iran's plans are and how they are threatening the "maximum response." The general feeling I get is like Iran has been wronged---similar to how reporting has been trying to drum up sympathy for Hamas. C'mon people Israel has been attacked in both cases. They have been wronged. You will now be returned to the OP topic. Sorry for the interruption.
Watching the anti-Israel protests going on in NYC today made me wonder. I seriously doubt they're what you'd call a "grass roots" movement, as they really have nothing to do with those issues that Americans will bring to the polls next November. It's no "conspiracy theory" that these protests are being funded and orchestrated by some entity, and the media has taken a huge part in forming people's opinions. But virtually everyone taking part in them is obviously a liberal, progressive, Democrat, or otherwise politically left-leaning. Everyone, in case you haven't noticed.

You could bring up for an example the January 6 Capitol protest, of course. But that was an anomaly by comparison. A one-time occurrence. I can't think of any other instance of something like that, unless you consider the Tea Party Movement in 2010. But from the riots at the 1968 Democratic National Convention, to the Vietnam War protests, to the Bush-era protests against the Iraq War, to the pro-choice rallies and protests, to the the 2020 George Floyd protests and riots, to the anti-Israel protests taking place today, the attendees of all those events were or are primarily politically left-leaning.

That poses some questions: Are those of the liberal and left persuasion more susceptible to being manipulated than those on the right? Are their minds more malleable, allowing them to be more easily influenced by the opinions of their peers and the media?

No, the right wins that pissing contest.


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