The anti oil Anarchists need to be stopped

Speaking of those who lost their lives in the fight against climate change and concern for the environment, it has been estimated (obviously EXACT counts are impossible), by fairly impressive criterea, that over a million birds per year are killed by wind turbines.

Has the environmental movement thrown birds under the bus ? What will be next ?

Here's the best article I've found on this subject. Well worth reading (slowly). >>

View attachment 737182
Cats kill more birds along with airplanes and the top killer is windows.
Cats kill more birds along with airplanes and the top killer is windows.
So say the environmentalists. Having been one of them for decades (even including my college major), I well know to take what they say lightly. And you should see what my link article says about cats & glass.

As a supporter of cats, and a cat feeder, I have watched cats (about 50 of them) carefully over a period of about 12 years. RARELY have I seen a bird be killed by a cat.

As for windows, we need them more than we need wind turbines, and I really think modern construction has gone overboard with glass, Being in the market now for a house in the 2-5 $ Million range, I see construction of new houses having ridiculous amounts of glass. I wonder what the builders could be thinking,

Do they think we all want to feel like we're outside when we're inside ? Actually, I prefer the coziness, of more wall space, paintings, wooden panelling, and fireplaces.
For feeling outside, I'm cool with having a large screened-in patio a I have right now. Don't need to have glass all over the place.
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So say the environmentalists having been one of them for decades (even including my college major), I well know to take what they say lightly.

As a supporter of cats, and a cat feeder, I have watched cats (about 50 of them) carefully over a period of about 12 years. RARELY have I seen a bird be killed by a cat.

As for windows, we need them more than we need wind turbines, and I really think ,modern construction has gone overboard with glass, Being in the market now for a house in the 2-5 $ Million range, I see construction of new houses having ridiculous amounts of glass. I wonder what the builders could be thinking,

Do they think we all want to feel like we're outside when we're inside, Actually I prefer the coziness, of more wall space, paintings, wooden panelling, and fireplaces.
You have only had under productive cats. I doubt you have ever followed a cat 7/24/365.
My observation of cats over 12 years, is as thorough as anyone alive.
My cats killed birds.You can try to deny stats but it won't work
My cats killed birds.You can try to deny stats but it won't work
We can eliminate uneeded wind turbines. You want to eliminate cats ? You'd be overrrun by rats, mice, and large ground bugs within a week.

OK -I'm out of here - breakfast time.
Speaking of those who lost their lives in the fight against climate change and concern for the environment, it has been estimated (obviously EXACT counts are impossible), by fairly impressive criterea, that over a million birds per year are killed by wind turbines.

Has the environmental movement thrown birds under the bus ? What will be next ?

Here's the best article I've found on this subject. Well worth reading (slowly). >>

View attachment 737182

Mass killings of babies, birds, whatever, they all look alike to 'Progressives'.
You consider wind energy to be eco-friendly ?
Yes. The wind, which is blowing anyway, and is free of charge, is a better bet for the planet than jamming huge metal rids inter her and extracting a nasty substance from her veins using immense pressure, then burning that substance, creating pollutants that foul our air and water - two of our 3 vital requirements to live.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: you're not smart.
I get a kick out of people that claim we need wind and solar. If we covered every square foot of ground used for food production in the U.S. with wind and solar we would just barely meet our power demand for an all electric America. Of course we would have to learn how to live without food but that would just be a small inconvenience
This is patently false.

European Power Jumps as Low Wind Is Exacerbating Energy Crisis​

Energy Crises In Germany and Texas Are Exposing The Folly of Renewable Energy​

Yes, and you'll currently see a flood of ads in New England that look like they are from an environmental group opposing wind power off the coast. But in reality, they are funded and produced by the oil companies. Oil companies get their side of the story into magazines like Newsweek all the time. It's a point of view it's not a new story. It's not an event that's happening that they are reporting on. This is just a feature story from the perspective of the oil companies.
It's the combination of solar, wind, etc, along with natural gas and oil but just not so much of it. There is a balance to be found in all of these countries. Maybe solar isn't the best option for England and London due to their very cloudy days.
Yes, and you'll currently see a flood of ads in New England that look like they are from an environmental group opposing wind power off the coast. But in reality, they are funded and produced by the oil companies. Oil companies get their side of the story into magazines like Newsweek all the time. It's a point of view it's not a new story. It's not an event that's happening that they are reporting on. This is just a feature story from the perspective of the oil companies.

lol they don't have to lie about it, and Newsweek didn't break the stories in Germany or in Texas. Oil companies didn't have to do squat, much less pay for anything.

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