The awful reason tens of thousands of children


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
are seeking refuge in the United States

"most of these unaccompanied children aren't economic migrants, as many Americans might assume — they're fleeing from threats and violence in their home countries, where things have gotten so bad that many families believe that they have no choice but to send their children on the long, dangerous journey north. They're not here to take advantage of American social services — they're refugees from conflict. Understanding the nature of the violence pushing them north is crucial for figuring out what to do about the child refugee crisis on our southern border."

"Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, the three countries that make up Central America's "Northern Triangle," are experiencing a terrifying level of violence that's been rising rapidly since the late 2000s. State weakness and corruption have allowed a number of different armed groups — including transnational street gangs, drug cartels, and other organized crime syndicates — to flourish, checked by little but their competition with one another."

And guess what country is propping up these governments

We invade counties because of their Oil resources with our phony claims of bringing democracy to them , but we do nothing to rectify narco regimes on our southern boarder that are killing their own children. What hypocrisy!!
From one link in the link

U.S. Government Policies and Practices Inadequately Address Children’s Need for Protection

They come here because we failed them there. Liberals...sheesh :rolleyes:
What are the fleeing? Who is perpetuating this kind of violence? It's them! The people fleeing and the same people perpetuating. There is nothing imposed on these people. It's their OWN. The gangs killing and fighting and scaring are the fathers, brothers, uncles and cousins of these "children" which is why there aren't very many children. It is mostly the fathers, brothers, uncles and cousins who are the active gang members. The very ones coming here themselves.
why bother trying to change things in their country

they can come here, given free everything..flown around our country. dumped in all our towns..

so just sit back and let it happen
As I recall the democrat party tried to impeach Reagan for trying to quell the violence in Central America. All these parasite infested walking disease factories are entering the US because we have a weak pushover administration. We don't even know if they are terrorists or gang members because our own government issued a gag order on doctors and Border Patrol officials.
Hey, we need to "replenish" our country with people.... by all them so called, (compassionate) people who supported wiping out 55MILLON (babies, would be American citizens) though, ABORTION

SO SHUTUPA you're mouths
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Don't ask the hilljacks to make a choice. You're interfering with their free market bullshit. That would require critical thinking. Maybe talk a lot of shit about the corruption of the rule of law and then do everything that is possible to open free cities where corporations have no rule of law.
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If it was a matter of simply escaping the violence, they would stop in Mexico which is more akin to their culture and language.

The reason they come this far north, is because of our dickwad president who has coaxed them here when he announced children would be treated differently than other illegals.
As I recall the democrat party tried to impeach Reagan for trying to quell the violence in Central America. All these parasite infested walking disease factories are entering the US because we have a weak pushover administration. We don't even know if they are terrorists or gang members because our own government issued a gag order on doctors and Border Patrol officials.
That wasn't quelling. That was extermination. Efrain Rios Montt was supplied with money, training and weapons and backed by Reagan.

Here is Reagan's El Salvador.
Enemies of War - El Salvador: Civil War

Reagan loved a good genocide.
There is no immigration policy, thanks to the GOP. So we are trying to put out a fire that has been coming for years. "Send them Back and/or "Let them Die!"
As I recall the democrat party tried to impeach Reagan for trying to quell the violence in Central America. All these parasite infested walking disease factories are entering the US because we have a weak pushover administration. We don't even know if they are terrorists or gang members because our own government issued a gag order on doctors and Border Patrol officials.
That wasn't quelling. That was extermination. Efrain Rios Montt was supplied with money, training and weapons and backed by Reagan.

Here is Reagan's El Salvador.
Enemies of War - El Salvador: Civil War

Reagan loved a good genocide.

He was so wise! It's almost like he could look into the future and see what's happening now.
As I recall the democrat party tried to impeach Reagan for trying to quell the violence in Central America. All these parasite infested walking disease factories are entering the US because we have a weak pushover administration. We don't even know if they are terrorists or gang members because our own government issued a gag order on doctors and Border Patrol officials.
That wasn't quelling. That was extermination. Efrain Rios Montt was supplied with money, training and weapons and backed by Reagan.

Here is Reagan's El Salvador.
Enemies of War - El Salvador: Civil War

Reagan loved a good genocide.

He was so wise! It's almost like he could look into the future and see what's happening now.
Wasn't he? This is your free market bullshit. Eat it.
As I recall the democrat party tried to impeach Reagan for trying to quell the violence in Central America. All these parasite infested walking disease factories are entering the US because we have a weak pushover administration. We don't even know if they are terrorists or gang members because our own government issued a gag order on doctors and Border Patrol officials.
That wasn't quelling. That was extermination. Efrain Rios Montt was supplied with money, training and weapons and backed by Reagan.

Here is Reagan's El Salvador.
Enemies of War - El Salvador: Civil War

Reagan loved a good genocide.

He was so wise! It's almost like he could look into the future and see what's happening now.

MS 13 was trained by our military. Then let in to the one saw that coming. Eh?
That wasn't quelling. That was extermination. Efrain Rios Montt was supplied with money, training and weapons and backed by Reagan.

Here is Reagan's El Salvador.
Enemies of War - El Salvador: Civil War

Reagan loved a good genocide.

He was so wise! It's almost like he could look into the future and see what's happening now.

MS 13 was trained by our military. Then let in to the one saw that coming. Eh?

Five years ago, SOA graduate Romeo Vasquez Velasquez and others forced their way into the home of democratically elected Honduran President Mel Zelaya and put him onto an airplane out of the country, an airplane that first stopped to re-fuel at the US Palmerola military base. As Hondurans massively mobilized to demand the return of their President, they were met with repression and violence that continues today. The ultra-right party that took power in the military coup consolidated their stranglehold on the country through elections marked by fraud and vote buying this past November. Now, with murders and killings taking place across the country, the judicial system seems to be more efficient at prosecuting those who speak up for justice than those who murder and plunder the country. The government has intensely militarized the country in the name of security while meticulously turning Honduras' resources and public goods over to private corporations. It's no wonder thousands of children are fleeing Honduras to the United States.

SOA Watch: Close the School of the Americas
That wasn't quelling. That was extermination. Efrain Rios Montt was supplied with money, training and weapons and backed by Reagan.

Here is Reagan's El Salvador.
Enemies of War - El Salvador: Civil War

Reagan loved a good genocide.

He was so wise! It's almost like he could look into the future and see what's happening now.

MS 13 was trained by our military. Then let in to the one saw that coming. Eh?

MS-13 wasn't trained by our military. Unless you count volunteering for military service, getting out and then training the homies as being trained by our military.

MS-13 would not have happened without the amnesty of 1986. That was when the democrats promised that the border would be secured and lied about it.

MS-13 is a wholly American gang, born right here in the US. Immigrants from El Salvador formed MS-13 to fight the existing Mexican gangs then spread MS-13 back to El Salvador. MS-13 was born right in Los Angeles.


Also known as: Mara Salvatrucha, MS-13

History: Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), a Hispanic, Central American gang, is believed to have formed in the Rampart area of Los Angeles during the mid-late 1980s. Immigrants, fleeing war-torn El Salvador, settled into the Hispanic communities of Los Angeles and formed MS as a method of protection from other Hispanic gangs, particularly the 18th Street Gang. The 13 was added to the name later to show their alliance to the prison gang La Eme (Mexican Mafia).

Membership/Hierarchy: Initially, all members of MS-13 were El Salvadoran Nationals, but the gang is now known to accept individuals that simply share the Hispanic heritage and culture. While there is no identified international or national leadership, there is a hierarchy within individual cliques based on "member status". Members who joined the gang in Los Angeles, or those that have performed and earned a reputation within the gang, receive a higher status.

NCGIA Gang Profiles: MS-13

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