The awful reason tens of thousands of children

He was so wise! It's almost like he could look into the future and see what's happening now.

MS 13 was trained by our military. Then let in to the one saw that coming. Eh?

Five years ago, SOA graduate Romeo Vasquez Velasquez and others forced their way into the home of democratically elected Honduran President Mel Zelaya and put him onto an airplane out of the country, an airplane that first stopped to re-fuel at the US Palmerola military base. As Hondurans massively mobilized to demand the return of their President, they were met with repression and violence that continues today. The ultra-right party that took power in the military coup consolidated their stranglehold on the country through elections marked by fraud and vote buying this past November. Now, with murders and killings taking place across the country, the judicial system seems to be more efficient at prosecuting those who speak up for justice than those who murder and plunder the country. The government has intensely militarized the country in the name of security while meticulously turning Honduras' resources and public goods over to private corporations. It's no wonder thousands of children are fleeing Honduras to the United States.

SOA Watch: Close the School of the Americas

Years have been spent protesting SOA. Years.

Like I said, make a choice. I want them to go back as well. But that means acknowledging the BS. You can't go over there and back dictators, overthrow whatever government won't allow corps to exploit the hell out of 'em.

NO. You cannot have it all.

Mexico is only impoverished now because of the IMF/World Bank loans from the 90s.
Mexico has repeatedly stated that they have a border control problem.
As I recall the democrat party tried to impeach Reagan for trying to quell the violence in Central America. All these parasite infested walking disease factories are entering the US because we have a weak pushover administration. We don't even know if they are terrorists or gang members because our own government issued a gag order on doctors and Border Patrol officials.
That wasn't quelling. That was extermination. Efrain Rios Montt was supplied with money, training and weapons and backed by Reagan.

Here is Reagan's El Salvador.
Enemies of War - El Salvador: Civil War

Reagan loved a good genocide.

Do not forget, the three American nuns and Catholic layworker, sexually battered, brutalized, murdered and whose corpses were left by the side of a road there, were not "JUST NUNS" according to Scretary Haig. Americans totured, the Reagan Administration approved, after Carter applied pressure on El Salvador. Yet Obama takes heat for the murders of Ambassador Stevens and aides. Double standard.
are seeking refuge in the United States

"most of these unaccompanied children aren't economic migrants, as many Americans might assume — they're fleeing from threats and violence in their home countries, where things have gotten so bad that many families believe that they have no choice but to send their children on the long, dangerous journey north. They're not here to take advantage of American social services — they're refugees from conflict. Understanding the nature of the violence pushing them north is crucial for figuring out what to do about the child refugee crisis on our southern border."

"Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, the three countries that make up Central America's "Northern Triangle," are experiencing a terrifying level of violence that's been rising rapidly since the late 2000s. State weakness and corruption have allowed a number of different armed groups — including transnational street gangs, drug cartels, and other organized crime syndicates — to flourish, checked by little but their competition with one another."

The awful reason tens of thousands of children are seeking refuge in the United States - Vox

And guess what country is propping up these governments

We invade counties because of their Oil resources with our phony claims of bringing democracy to them , but we do nothing to rectify narco regimes on our southern boarder that are killing their own children. What hypocrisy!!

Guno, many object to water being left out for those at the Mexican border, compassion isn't in the picture.
He was so wise! It's almost like he could look into the future and see what's happening now.

MS 13 was trained by our military. Then let in to the one saw that coming. Eh?

MS-13 wasn't trained by our military. Unless you count volunteering for military service, getting out and then training the homies as being trained by our military.

MS-13 would not have happened without the amnesty of 1986. That was when the democrats promised that the border would be secured and lied about it.

MS-13 is a wholly American gang, born right here in the US. Immigrants from El Salvador formed MS-13 to fight the existing Mexican gangs then spread MS-13 back to El Salvador. MS-13 was born right in Los Angeles.


Also known as: Mara Salvatrucha, MS-13

History: Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), a Hispanic, Central American gang, is believed to have formed in the Rampart area of Los Angeles during the mid-late 1980s. Immigrants, fleeing war-torn El Salvador, settled into the Hispanic communities of Los Angeles and formed MS as a method of protection from other Hispanic gangs, particularly the 18th Street Gang. The 13 was added to the name later to show their alliance to the prison gang La Eme (Mexican Mafia).

Membership/Hierarchy: Initially, all members of MS-13 were El Salvadoran Nationals, but the gang is now known to accept individuals that simply share the Hispanic heritage and culture. While there is no identified international or national leadership, there is a hierarchy within individual cliques based on "member status". Members who joined the gang in Los Angeles, or those that have performed and earned a reputation within the gang, receive a higher status.

NCGIA Gang Profiles: MS-13

The MS 13 were trained in El Salvador.
Millennium Ark: Hot News

Like many gangs, MS-13 was named after "La Mara", a street in El Salvador and "13th Street" in Los Angeles. The gang originated in El Salvador and initially consisted of violent guerillas who fought in El Salvador's civil war. As the war neared its end, the gang moved operations into the nearby Honduras. In the Honduras, where membership topped 36,000, the gang rose to such power that the Honduran government instigated a crackdown on all gangs and even passed a law aimed specifically at busting up gangs and organized crime. Code named "Strong Arm", the Honduran government arrested more than 4,000 gang members in 2003, often solely because they wore tattoos or colors of known gangs. Under Honduran law, gang members can receive up to 12 years in prison if they are a leader of a local clique and up to 9 years for simply being a member of a gang.

The recent Honduran gang law amendments enraged the MS-13 group. They carried out their revenge in 2002 in the form of a slaughter that took place on the outskirts of the city of Tegucigalpa. A car carrying two men armed with AK-47s and M-16 automatic weapons, cut off a public bus forcing it to stop. The men quickly boarded the bus and opened fire on the passengers killing 28 people including 7 small children. They left a slang-ridden message, written on a red poster board and weighted down with rocks, on the hood of the bus. When MS-13 subsequently felt excessive pressure in Honduras, they promptly migrated to Mexico.

This pattern continued in Mexico and in early 2004, the Mexican government began a campaign to eradicate MS-13. Authorities arrested 300 gang members in response to what they called "a threat to National security". Arrestees were charged with drug trafficking and smuggling of firearms across Mexico and Central America.

The Mara Salvatrucha gang moved into the Los Angeles area in the late 1980's as immigrants from El Salvador began arriving in the city. The early Los Angeles MS-13 gangs sought to protect El Salvadorian immigrants from the ruthless LA gangs. As with many gangs who's original intent was to protect others, the gang soon came to prey upon the Salvadorian community themselves. Once profits were recognized, Mara Salvatrucha cliques began to spread across the United States at an alarming rate. By the 1990's, MS-13's reach had spread across the country and had planted its roots deep on the East Coast. The early cliques located on the eastern coast were independent and not well organized. In the early 2000's, the gang hierarchy changed radically when leadership for these newly unified units, came from as far away as California and El Salvador. Cells continued popping up all over the country.

In Texas and the Rio Grande area, MS-13 has become particularly profitable. U.S. and Mexican authorities acknowledge that MS-13 has been heavily involved in drug smuggling and human trafficking operations. They estimate that there are over 200 active cells (cells are groups of at least 20 members) operating in the states that border Mexico. Rumors abound concerning high-profile terrorist organizations contacting MS-13 for assistance in crossing borders in these areas.


Membership in MS-13 has grown rapidly. In Charlotte, North Carolina, membership is estimated to be 200+. Police have implicated MS-13 in at least 11 murders in the Charlotte area in 2000 alone. In northern Virginia and southern Maryland, around the Washington DC area, local authorities estimate MS-13 membership to be between 5,000 and 6,000 members - by far the largest gang in the area. In July of 2003, the Washington DC area encountered three murders attributed to MS-13. The first was the murder of a federal informant. The second was the shooting death of a 17 year old boy. The third was the death of a 16 year old boy who had both of his hands completely chopped off.

Members is MS-13 cells are often initiated by being "jumped in". In one Washington DC event, witnessed by a reporter, the inductee was an 11-year old boy - he sought membership in MS-13 so they would protect him from bullies in his neighborhood. The rights of passage included placing the boy in a circle of gang members. The five strongest members stepped inside the circle with the 11-year old boy. As members began counting slowly to 13, the boy was beaten and kicked repeatedly until he reached the point of unconsciousness. If he had been a girl, the rights of passage would have included being gang raped by six gang members.

While most gangs offer simple initiation rights, such as being "jumped in", where you are beaten or punched for several minutes in order to prove your worth, for many MS-13 cells, initiations are a little more stringent. In these cells, in order to join MS-13 you must first commit a violent act against someone else - either a beating, a rape, or a murder.

The MS-13 tell-tale body markings will typically include numerous body and facial tattoos containing the texts "MS", "13", or "18". Various symbols are used including dice, crossbones, or daggers. Often the symbols signify the members area of specialization. For instance, if a member has a tattoo of a grenade on his back it means that particular person specializes in explosives.

One of the defining factors of MS-13 is their absolute intolerance for anyone who informs the police of their activities. Court papers in Nassau County detail recorded telephone conversations where a MS-13 member bragged how he had put a stop to a informant - "I put one in the chest and three in the head."

Once a member is brought in to the gang, they are in for life. They cannot act without the boss's consent - they cannot kill without reason, cannot talk to the police, cannot skip gang meetings, nor can they leave the gang. MS-13 has no tolerance for gang members who drop out. In March of 2004, 16-year old Edgar Guzman, was brought before the US Bureau of Immigration and Customers Enforcement in Colorado. He had entered the United States illegally, traveling from Guatemala on foot. In Guatemala he had been a member of the MS-13 gang. His sole reason for leaving his native country was to escape the gang life, live with his Aunt in Georgia, and begin school. He begged authorities not to deport him

If I had stayed in Guatemala, members of the Salvatrucha gang would have killed me. I've seen them hit people with baseball bats and shoot them. I know they kill people. I know that if I go back to Guatemala they will torture me. They will kill me if I go back to Guatemala. They will kill me because I left the gang.

On March 10, 2004, Edgar was released from jail and deported. On March 20, 2004, 10 days after he was deported, Edgar was found dead from multiple gunshot wounds. He had hidden in his home for 10 days and eventually left the confines of his house when his grandmother had unexpectedly died. He barely made it 5 blocks from his home before members found him and delivered the punishment that was deemed appropriate for his deserting the gang. Death is almost always the only means of escaping the clutches of MS-13.

One of the reasons for MS-13's success is their flexibility. When they enter a new area where they are not known, they will wear their colors in a flashy display in order to promote intimidation. Once the authorities catch wind of their presence, they will change their colors, carry their bandanas in their pocket, and change their markings to say, 76 or 67 (which total up to 13).
The U.S. military trained elite narco cops who went rogue and went to work for the cartels, and in turn, they trained MS-13.
So, for the sake of accuracy, the U.S. military DID NOT DIRECTLY train MS-13 members.
Guilt is personal. Those pimping it invariably only reach the uniformed.

ya know, nobody wants you to feel guilty. Not from my end. It's a bs emotional appeal.

It is..........recognize the policies and alter them. You can't be guilty for crap going on that you have zero knowledge about- and most times, is beyond your control.
But, you have the opportunity to put those that want to use that type of silly emotional control on their ass by acknowledging and working towards a different foreign policy and ..............intervention. Hell, I'd start with acknowledging it.
Why isn't the UN stopping the violence in the original host countries? Isn't that what it is supposed to be doing instead of idly standing by condemning Israel for something every other day?
Guilt is personal. Those pimping it invariably only reach the uniformed.

ya know, nobody wants you to feel guilty. Not from my end. It's a bs emotional appeal.

It is..........recognize the policies and alter them. You can't be guilty for crap going on that you have zero knowledge about- and most times, is beyond your control.
But, you have the opportunity to put those that want to use that type of silly emotional control on their ass by acknowledging and working towards a different foreign policy and ..............intervention. Hell, I'd start with acknowledging it.
This is certainly a bs emotional appeal, even more so when you are informed about the place and time.

Additionally, it is fodder for simplistic and self-righteous minds.
are seeking refuge in the United States

"most of these unaccompanied children aren't economic migrants, as many Americans might assume — they're fleeing from threats and violence in their home countries, where things have gotten so bad that many families believe that they have no choice but to send their children on the long, dangerous journey north. They're not here to take advantage of American social services — they're refugees from conflict. Understanding the nature of the violence pushing them north is crucial for figuring out what to do about the child refugee crisis on our southern border."

"Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, the three countries that make up Central America's "Northern Triangle," are experiencing a terrifying level of violence that's been rising rapidly since the late 2000s. State weakness and corruption have allowed a number of different armed groups — including transnational street gangs, drug cartels, and other organized crime syndicates — to flourish, checked by little but their competition with one another."

The awful reason tens of thousands of children are seeking refuge in the United States - Vox

And guess what country is propping up these governments

We invade counties because of their Oil resources with our phony claims of bringing democracy to them , but we do nothing to rectify narco regimes on our southern boarder that are killing their own children. What hypocrisy!!

Guno, many object to water being left out for those at the Mexican border, compassion isn't in the picture.

Several of my friends leave water in the desert. They will continue to do so, because crossing the desert after having entered the USA is a misdemeanor, not a capital crime. Arizona collects about 300 bodies per year out in the desert, mostly dead from exposure. They also drive the desert looking for aliens who want to give up. If they find them, they call Border Patrol to collect them and process them for deportation. The ones that do not want to give up are seldom found, because these aliens avoid people at all costs.
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Why isn't the UN stopping the violence in the original host countries? Isn't that what it is supposed to be doing instead of idly standing by condemning Israel for something every other day?

Good point. The UN wants go to detroit,why not south america?
I would say it's because they applaud whats happening on our borders.

Fuck the UN and fuck obama.
are seeking refuge in the United States

"most of these unaccompanied children aren't economic migrants, as many Americans might assume — they're fleeing from threats and violence in their home countries, where things have gotten so bad that many families believe that they have no choice but to send their children on the long, dangerous journey north. They're not here to take advantage of American social services — they're refugees from conflict. Understanding the nature of the violence pushing them north is crucial for figuring out what to do about the child refugee crisis on our southern border."

"Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, the three countries that make up Central America's "Northern Triangle," are experiencing a terrifying level of violence that's been rising rapidly since the late 2000s. State weakness and corruption have allowed a number of different armed groups — including transnational street gangs, drug cartels, and other organized crime syndicates — to flourish, checked by little but their competition with one another."

The awful reason tens of thousands of children are seeking refuge in the United States - Vox

And guess what country is propping up these governments

We invade counties because of their Oil resources with our phony claims of bringing democracy to them , but we do nothing to rectify narco regimes on our southern boarder that are killing their own children. What hypocrisy!!

I blame the problems in central america partly on USA's war on drugs. Reagan and his bunch of murderers, drug dealers, and arms dealers also helped ruin central america. Then of course, years of ownership of most of the productive land by american corporations like united fruit who used our cia and military to get rid of democratically elected presidents that threatened corporate profit. Of course, the guatamaltecs wouldn't be smart enough to grow and sell their own bananas anyway, would they.
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Guilt is personal. Those pimping it invariably only reach the uniformed.

ya know, nobody wants you to feel guilty. Not from my end. It's a bs emotional appeal.

It is..........recognize the policies and alter them. You can't be guilty for crap going on that you have zero knowledge about- and most times, is beyond your control.
But, you have the opportunity to put those that want to use that type of silly emotional control on their ass by acknowledging and working towards a different foreign policy and ..............intervention. Hell, I'd start with acknowledging it.
This is certainly a bs emotional appeal, even more so when you are informed about the place and time.

Additionally, it is fodder for simplistic and self-righteous minds.

As is non recognition of really hideously bad foreign policy. For neoliberal crap.
The U.S. military trained elite narco cops who went rogue and went to work for the cartels, and in turn, they trained MS-13.
So, for the sake of accuracy, the U.S. military DID NOT DIRECTLY train MS-13 members.

MS-13 is a completely American gang. It came right out of Los Angeles. However, America DID train the Zetas who went to work directly for the cartels, eventually forming their own Zeta cartel. Pretty much everything said about MS-13 actually does apply to the Zetas.

The Zetas are a Mexican criminal organization, whose main business is kidnapping, car theft, murder, extortion and drug trafficking.

The group was formed from a group of soldiers who deserted the Special Forces Airmobile Group (GAFE), Amphibious Group Special Forces (GANFE) and the Parachute Rifle Brigade (BFP) of the Mexican Army, founded in 1994 to mark the Zapatista uprising in Chiapas and one traditional group of elite soldiers who were trained by the CIA of the United States, commandos of military advisories of the Israeli Sayeret Matkal and the French GIGN.

They received specialized training that included handling of sophisticated weapons and counterinsurgency work. According to the Attorney General’s Office (PGR), at least 40 former members of the Gafes have joined the ranks of the Zetas.

The Origins of Los Zetas and its Founders*|*U.S. Open Borders
are seeking refuge in the United States

"most of these unaccompanied children aren't economic migrants, as many Americans might assume — they're fleeing from threats and violence in their home countries, where things have gotten so bad that many families believe that they have no choice but to send their children on the long, dangerous journey north. They're not here to take advantage of American social services — they're refugees from conflict. Understanding the nature of the violence pushing them north is crucial for figuring out what to do about the child refugee crisis on our southern border."

"Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, the three countries that make up Central America's "Northern Triangle," are experiencing a terrifying level of violence that's been rising rapidly since the late 2000s. State weakness and corruption have allowed a number of different armed groups — including transnational street gangs, drug cartels, and other organized crime syndicates — to flourish, checked by little but their competition with one another."

The awful reason tens of thousands of children are seeking refuge in the United States - Vox

And guess what country is propping up these governments

We invade counties because of their Oil resources with our phony claims of bringing democracy to them , but we do nothing to rectify narco regimes on our southern boarder that are killing their own children. What hypocrisy!!

Guno, many object to water being left out for those at the Mexican border, compassion isn't in the picture.

Several of my friends leave water in the desert. They will continue to do so, because crossing the desert after having entered the USA is a misdemeanor, not a capital crime. Arizona collects about 300 bodies per year out in the desert, mostly dead from exposure. They also drive the desert looking for aliens who want to give up. If they find them, they call Border Patrol to collect them and process them for deportation. The ones that do not want to give up are seldom found, because these aliens avoid people at all costs.

Anyone leaving water in the desert should be prosecuted for aiding and abetting criminal activity and littering. I have been to the border many many times in the past and never failed to empty a water station.
Guno, many object to water being left out for those at the Mexican border, compassion isn't in the picture.

Several of my friends leave water in the desert. They will continue to do so, because crossing the desert after having entered the USA is a misdemeanor, not a capital crime. Arizona collects about 300 bodies per year out in the desert, mostly dead from exposure. They also drive the desert looking for aliens who want to give up. If they find them, they call Border Patrol to collect them and process them for deportation. The ones that do not want to give up are seldom found, because these aliens avoid people at all costs.

Anyone leaving water in the desert should be prosecuted for aiding and abetting criminal activity and littering. I have been to the border many many times in the past and never failed to empty a water station.

Anyone emptying water-stations should be prosecuted for attempted murder. :eusa_hand:
The U.S. military trained elite narco cops who went rogue and went to work for the cartels, and in turn, they trained MS-13.
So, for the sake of accuracy, the U.S. military DID NOT DIRECTLY train MS-13 members.

You served a transcendental mission in the armed conflict," Cristiani told about 600 Atlacatl infantrymen who stood at rigid attention in a soccer field at the Atlacatl headquarters 20 miles northeast of the capital. "You fought with mysticism, discipline, courage and valor. . . . You will always be remembered in the hearts of the Salvadoran people as heroes."

The soldiers, wearing trademark red berets, put down their M-16 rifles as green, red and yellow smoke from army signaling devices filled the air. The unit's black flag, bearing a skull and serpent, fluttered in the breeze.

The Atlacatl Battalion, formed in 1981 as El Salvador's first rapid-response unit dedicated to fighting leftist guerrillas, was intended as an example of how American money and training could transform the Salvadoran army into a professional fighting force. With many of its officers trained at Ft. Bragg, N.C., the battalion specialized in counterinsurgency tactics.

Lightly armed, small units were transported to combat hot spots in helicopters, enabling soldiers to respond more quickly to fast-moving guerrilla bands.

At the same time, the battalion became enmeshed in some of the most egregious abuses of El Salvador's civil war. An Atlacatl platoon killed six Jesuit priests in 1989 at the height of a guerrilla offensive, and the Roman Catholic Church and human rights groups have implicated Atlacatl members in the 1981 massacre of hundreds of peasants and their children near a remote hamlet known as El Mozote. A number of other mass killings have also been blamed on the battalion.

Cristiani, speaking to reporters after the ceremony, said such incidents were "individual acts of people . . . not the battalion as an institution."

Near the ceremony, about 200 supporters of the leftist Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front protested in front of the Atlacatl compound. They bore black crosses with the words "El Mozote" and a black coffin labeled "Atlacatl." A huge banner said, "Demobilize Now! The People Repudiate You!"

U.N. peacekeepers formed a cordon between the demonstrators and Salvadoran riot police. No arrests were reported, although one protester struggled with a U.N. official over spray paint he was using to draw skeletons on the battalion's driveway.

The Atlacatl is the third of five counterinsurgency battalions being dismantled under the peace accords. Its dissolution came after U.N. Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali certified that a guerrilla inventory of weapons, turned in last week, was "satisfactory."
Notorious Salvadoran Battalion Is Disbanded : Military: U.S.-trained Atlacatl unit was famed for battle prowess but was also implicated in atrocities. - Los Angeles Times

Past Child Recruitment and Deployment

During the civil war, children were forcibly recruited into the armed forces, notably from poor suburbs and in the rural areas. It has been estimated that 80 per cent of troops were under 18 years of age. The opposition force Farabundo Marti Liberation National Front (FMLN) also recruited children; it was estimated that 20 per cent of the FMLN combatants were under 18.654

One commentator reported that the reintegration of former child soldiers has not been fully successful due to lack of support from the international community and lack of follow-up at the national and international level.655 In 1999 UNICEF reported that 61 per cent of FMLN children were not integrated into the demobilization programme. Among those who did pass through this programme, only 5 per cent completed the education programme.656

The phenomenon of youth gangs and youth crime has become more significant in the country since the war, although according to one study only a few of these youths are former child combatants.657
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Why won't they show pictures of the graffiti the gang bangers left in the Border Patrol offices? Take a good look at this "teen". Isn't that just what you want to see on your porch?

Violent MS-13 Gang Members Leave Graffiti on Bathroom Walls of Nogales Border Patrol Processing Center - Katie Pavlich

This is an invasion, instead of trying to force Americans to take this people into their homes, they should close the border.
What a hock of left over saliva Katz.....

The gvt policy on refugees states specifically that any refugee known or determined to be in a gang, GETS DEPORTED.

Who's the dude in the pic in your link Katz? One of the refugees? Or just a pic of someone they want people to believe is a refugee?

Wow, possibly 16 people out of the hundreds of thousands might have gang relationships and be deported....phew, that was scary!

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