The awful reason tens of thousands of children

If it was a matter of simply escaping the violence, they would stop in Mexico which is more akin to their culture and language.

The reason they come this far north, is because of our dickwad president who has coaxed them here when he announced children would be treated differently than other illegals.

Nope. Coyotes, who make their living lying to desperate people, tell them they can stay. They hand over their life savings and head north.

Mexico is just as violent and for many of the same reasons.

We completely collapsed their agriculture so small villages are all but dead. Think about it. The same thing is happening here in the US and again, for the same reasons. People can't make a living in a rural setting and they head for the big city.

Guns and drugs make that a violent place to live.

The right is turning the US into a giant serfdom of haves and halve nots. The poor are at each other's throats while working their butts off to make more money for the wealthy.

And the damn dumb RWs just don't get it.
why bother trying to change things in their country

they can come here, given free everything..flown around our country. dumped in all our towns..

so just sit back and let it happen

You make an excellent point. These countries are losing their future doctors, scientists through these refugees which only deepens the problem twenty years down the road. Meanwhile, we here in the US have more mouths to feed. Seems like a lose-lose situation to me and all over a phony, ineffective drug war.
are seeking refuge in the United States

"most of these unaccompanied children aren't economic migrants, as many Americans might assume — they're fleeing from threats and violence in their home countries, where things have gotten so bad that many families believe that they have no choice but to send their children on the long, dangerous journey north. They're not here to take advantage of American social services — they're refugees from conflict. Understanding the nature of the violence pushing them north is crucial for figuring out what to do about the child refugee crisis on our southern border."

"Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, the three countries that make up Central America's "Northern Triangle," are experiencing a terrifying level of violence that's been rising rapidly since the late 2000s. State weakness and corruption have allowed a number of different armed groups — including transnational street gangs, drug cartels, and other organized crime syndicates — to flourish, checked by little but their competition with one another."

The awful reason tens of thousands of children are seeking refuge in the United States - Vox

And guess what country is propping up these governments

We invade counties because of their Oil resources with our phony claims of bringing democracy to them , but we do nothing to rectify narco regimes on our southern boarder that are killing their own children. What hypocrisy!!

Yeah, keep telling yourself that then explain to me why their families aren't accompanying them if everything is so bad back home.
are seeking refuge in the United States

"most of these unaccompanied children aren't economic migrants, as many Americans might assume — they're fleeing from threats and violence in their home countries, where things have gotten so bad that many families believe that they have no choice but to send their children on the long, dangerous journey north. They're not here to take advantage of American social services — they're refugees from conflict. Understanding the nature of the violence pushing them north is crucial for figuring out what to do about the child refugee crisis on our southern border."

"Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, the three countries that make up Central America's "Northern Triangle," are experiencing a terrifying level of violence that's been rising rapidly since the late 2000s. State weakness and corruption have allowed a number of different armed groups — including transnational street gangs, drug cartels, and other organized crime syndicates — to flourish, checked by little but their competition with one another."

The awful reason tens of thousands of children are seeking refuge in the United States - Vox

And guess what country is propping up these governments

We invade counties because of their Oil resources with our phony claims of bringing democracy to them , but we do nothing to rectify narco regimes on our southern boarder that are killing their own children. What hypocrisy!!

Why don't we just offer an open invitation to the many millions of impoverished and dispossessed from all over Latin America?
What's wrong with them seeking haven in Mexico, or any other Central or South American country ?

How dare anybody suggest such a thing. The very idea that other countries take in immigrants and refugees is just racist as hell, especially suggesting hispanic countries take in hispanic refugees, is just crazy talk ...

In other news, this is just a staged 'media event', with mid-terms coming up. They were bussed here, by the Mexican government. Guess why ...
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He was so wise! It's almost like he could look into the future and see what's happening now.

MS 13 was trained by our military. Then let in to the one saw that coming. Eh?

Five years ago, SOA graduate Romeo Vasquez Velasquez and others forced their way into the home of democratically elected Honduran President Mel Zelaya and put him onto an airplane out of the country, an airplane that first stopped to re-fuel at the US Palmerola military base. As Hondurans massively mobilized to demand the return of their President, they were met with repression and violence that continues today. The ultra-right party that took power in the military coup consolidated their stranglehold on the country through elections marked by fraud and vote buying this past November. Now, with murders and killings taking place across the country, the judicial system seems to be more efficient at prosecuting those who speak up for justice than those who murder and plunder the country. The government has intensely militarized the country in the name of security while meticulously turning Honduras' resources and public goods over to private corporations. It's no wonder thousands of children are fleeing Honduras to the United States.

SOA Watch: Close the School of the Americas

America is just like a fire station.......simply leave your unwanted children here, no questions asked.
If any of these kids knew anything about the foster care and group home system in this country they should consider themselves lucky to be housed at military bases.
Why won't they show pictures of the graffiti the gang bangers left in the Border Patrol offices? Take a good look at this "teen". Isn't that just what you want to see on your porch?

Violent MS-13 Gang Members Leave Graffiti on Bathroom Walls of Nogales Border Patrol Processing Center - Katie Pavlich

This is an invasion, instead of trying to force Americans to take this people into their homes, they should close the border.

I'm so glad that you did this. It's awesome. :eusa_clap:

You run with this one. Post it everywhere.

That's going to blow up in your face in ways you haven't even envisioned.

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