The Basic Rule of Liberalism... coercion, force, threats of legal or even physical oppression.

Can we agree to that?

Liberals imagine that, no matter the issue or argument, they know what is best for everyone.
Everyone else.....often hypocrisy prevails.

At the very least, if you don't toe the Liberal line, you are smeared.....

"If you don’t like Michelle Obama’s school lunch program, she says YOU don’t CARE about KIDS"
If you don’t like Michelle Obama’s school lunch program, she says YOU don’t CARE about KIDS

Of course, there is this:

"1M kids stop school lunch due to Michelle Obama’s standards"
1M kids stop school lunch due to Michelle Obama’s standards

And this:
"Students throw away 85% of vegetables as "healthy" school lunch program fails"
Students throw away 85% of vegetables as

And this:
"School nutritionists to Congress: Michelle Obama’s lunch laws have to go"

School nutritionists to Congress: Michelle Obama’s lunch laws have to go

Didn't we see the very same pattern on Obama's eponymous healthcare plan????

But, heck.....Liberals are experts on what is good for everyone else.....
....that's why it's called Collectivism.

I guess that the good days of my youth when moms and dads ordered their kids to eat their vegetables was what? Communist?

Any government or any laws in this bitches mind is communism....She needs to go to the mental hospital.

Civilization needs some collectivism...Your form of individualism to the extreme doesn't' work and will never work. Yes, liberals are more likely to be experts in their fields as they get degrees with decades of experience while assholes like you scoop pig shit in the barn all day.

A healthy population is a population that doesn't get sick as much and doesn't cost as much healthcare wise.

We're already the most worked nation in the western world and can't afford your dysfunctional bullshit. We should have single payer.

"Civilization needs some collectivism...."

And now for an explanation of why his post is as stupid as his posts always are, on a level that MoronMatthew might understand:

The Dog and the Wolf
A gaunt Wolf was almost dead with hunger when he happened to meet a House-dog who was passing by. "Ah, Cousin," said the Dog. "I knew how it would be; your irregular life will soon be the ruin of you. Why do you not work steadily as I do, and get your food regularly given to you?"

"I would have no objection," said the Wolf, "if I could only get a place."

"I will easily arrange that for you," said the Dog; "come with me to my master and you shall share my work."

So the Wolf and the Dog went towards the town together. On the way there the Wolf noticed that the hair on a certain part of the Dog's neck was very much worn away, so he asked him how that had come about.

"Oh, it is nothing," said the Dog. "That is only the place where the collar is put on at night to keep me chained up; it chafes a bit, but one soon gets used to it."

"Is that all?" said the Wolf. "Then good-bye to you, Master Dog."

Better starve free than be a fat slave.
Give 'em hell, PoliticalChic.

There are a lot of dangerously uninformed people out there and if you are able to enlighten even a small percent of them you would have done a great service to this country and all of humanity.

PS: I am still patiently waiting for you to publish a book of your incomparable one-line put-downs. Your verbal spankings of those who foolishly challenge you should be immortalized in the Library of Congress, not just the USMB.
Were you at all upset to learn that, in order to do that, you DIDN'T need to have your uvula removed?

But there's always a temporary WH gig for someone with your.....uh......capacity for accommodation.

What is most surprising, Slime, is that a mere matter of hours out of the primordial ooze, and you've been able to type.

Time's up.....back where you started.

You're the one arguing for the abolishment of all regulations, laws and for civilization itsself...It is really something how funny it is to see you argue that other people are primordial as you argue your hunter gathering trash.
The basic rule of liberalism is to LIE to the American people then when their stupid as fuck liberal shit blows up in their face blame someone else for the clusterfuck.
You're too dumb to know how to take care of yourself, this much is evident.

Oooooo.......looks like I hit a nerve, huh?

Bet you voted for .....Barack Hussein Obama, the dirt-eating low-life, crypto-Islamist, back-stabbing, infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being.

Am I right?

Another set-up thread. Political Crackpot posts another inflammatory thread, complete with false assertions, bullshit links, and poor logic for the sole purpose of trolling and insulting liberals who reply.

PC, when you respond with insults and abuse, you prove that you have nothing. As usual. You even have to google your insults.

Intelligent people respond with ideas and reasoned responses. The intellectually inferior respond with insults.

Let me check all the examples you've presented as errors in my post.....



So, you've verified that, again, I am 100% correct.'ve served your purpose, now you can go back to greeting folks for Walmart.

Errors? Easy. Michelle Obama did not physically force any kids to eat her lunches. lol
The basic rule of liberalism is to LIE to the American people then when their stupid as fuck liberal shit blows up in their face blame someone else for the clusterfuck.

The basic rule of your posts is that 99.9% of the time their content will be retarded. The other .01% are just dumb.
The basic rule of liberalism is to LIE to the American people then when their stupid as fuck liberal shit blows up in their face blame someone else for the clusterfuck.

The basic rule of your posts is that 99.9% of the time their content will be retarded. The other .01% are just dumb.

Your personal attack is noted. Have I rubbed salt in your wounds yet this week for Trump kicking the shit out of Hillary last Nov? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Liberals get degrees in bullshit that leaves them completely lost when they try to do the jobs they are given. You liberals are the stupidest group of people on earth, it has been proved a thousand time over that none of your ideas work, yet you try them over and over and are surprised at them failing. Stupid and liberalisim are only cured by death. (I will say the basic rule is really the end justifies any means, Murder, coercion, treason, sedition, lies, slander, intimidation, theft, extortion, anything at all) because they have no honor, no patriotisim, no CHARACTER and NO TOLERANCE for dissent. They are dictatorial psychopaths. coercion, force, threats of legal or even physical oppression.

Can we agree to that?

Liberals imagine that, no matter the issue or argument, they know what is best for everyone.
Everyone else.....often hypocrisy prevails.

At the very least, if you don't toe the Liberal line, you are smeared.....

"If you don’t like Michelle Obama’s school lunch program, she says YOU don’t CARE about KIDS"
If you don’t like Michelle Obama’s school lunch program, she says YOU don’t CARE about KIDS

Of course, there is this:

"1M kids stop school lunch due to Michelle Obama’s standards"
1M kids stop school lunch due to Michelle Obama’s standards

And this:
"Students throw away 85% of vegetables as "healthy" school lunch program fails"
Students throw away 85% of vegetables as

And this:
"School nutritionists to Congress: Michelle Obama’s lunch laws have to go"

School nutritionists to Congress: Michelle Obama’s lunch laws have to go

Didn't we see the very same pattern on Obama's eponymous healthcare plan????

But, heck.....Liberals are experts on what is good for everyone else.....
....that's why it's called Collectivism.

I guess that the good days of my youth when moms and dads ordered their kids to eat their vegetables was what? Communist?

Any government or any laws in this bitches mind is communism....She needs to go to the mental hospital.

Let me explain.....again.....why you must change your avi to 'MoronMatthew.'

I support the Founders and the short, America
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Liberals, Socialists....and support this version of governance:
The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Now do you see why you must immediately change the avi to the far more accurate "MoronMatthew"?

Give 'em hell, PoliticalChic.

There are a lot of dangerously uninformed people out there and if you are able to enlighten even a small percent of them you would have done a great service to this country and all of humanity.

PS: I am still patiently waiting for you to publish a book of your incomparable one-line put-downs. Your verbal spankings of those who foolishly challenge you should be immortalized in the Library of Congress, not just the USMB.
Were you at all upset to learn that, in order to do that, you DIDN'T need to have your uvula removed?

But there's always a temporary WH gig for someone with your.....uh......capacity for accommodation.

What is most surprising, Slime, is that a mere matter of hours out of the primordial ooze, and you've been able to type.

Time's up.....back where you started.

You're the one arguing for the abolishment of all regulations, laws and for civilization itsself...It is really something how funny it is to see you argue that other people are primordial as you argue your hunter gathering trash.

"You're the one arguing for the abolishment of all regulations, laws and for civilization itsself.."

No I'm not.

How about this: either find any post of mine where I state this: "abolishment (sic) of all regulations, laws and for civilization itsself (sic)."
.....or change your avi to my suggestion...MoronMatthew.

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If you really cared about kids you wouldn't feed them slop.

Mooch needs to dry up

Hell, you wouldn't feed them shit and would let them starve on the side of the street. How is better food Slop?

"...let them starve...."

Was there 'starvation' prior to the dictates of Michelle Obama?

Was there ever widespread starvation in the United States.

Have you ever read a book that didn't involve Crayolas???

OK....just change your name to Moron.
Liberalism is humanism and is that of logic, evidence and educated thought.

Conservativism is as backwards as the islamic state.

1. "Liberalism is humanism and is that of logic, evidence and educated thought."

Governance based on the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech led to over 100 million slaughtered in the last century.

Educate yourself:


2. "Conservativism is as backwards as the islamic state."

Have you noticed which side supports, advances, shields Islamofascism????

Can I just call you 'Moron'?
Americans don't like to be told what they can and can't do, beyond the strictures of the law. They don't like to be controlled; 'we know what's best for you' just doesn't fly very well unless you're among those who are making those decisions. And they really don't like to be told to shut up and sit down if you don't agree with us, and IMHO that is what the Left is trying to do these days. You see it on college campuses all over the country and you saw it with the IRS targeting Tea Party groups based on their political leanings, among other things. There are stories that wealthy Leftists paid people to disrupt Trump events even to the point of violence, with some evidence to back those claims up. There are stories of professional scientists being ostracized from certain organizations and denied publishing their work because they didn't tow the GW alarmist party line.

I don't see the Right doing this stuff. It might be happening but certainly not to the degree you see from the Left. It's like you're against science if you don't go along with their unproven position on GW, or you're a racist or a sexist or you're an idiot dupe for believing in supply side economics or in limited gov't. News flash for the Leftys - I don't give a fuck about rich guys and big corps, neither they nor anyone else tells me what to think or who to vote for. I might not be the sharpest guy around, but I can make up my own mind and make my own decisions and I don't need some asshole telling me I'm a fool cuz my decisions differ from theirs. You ought to at least respect my right to make my decisions, and fuck you if you don't.
Americans don't like to be told what they can and can't do, beyond the strictures of the law. They don't like to be controlled; 'we know what's best for you' just doesn't fly very well unless you're among those who are making those decisions. And they really don't like to be told to shut up and sit down if you don't agree with us, and IMHO that is what the Left is trying to do these days. You see it on college campuses all over the country and you saw it with the IRS targeting Tea Party groups based on their political leanings, among other things. There are stories that wealthy Leftists paid people to disrupt Trump events even to the point of violence, with some evidence to back those claims up. There are stories of professional scientists being ostracized from certain organizations and denied publishing their work because they didn't tow the GW alarmist party line.

I don't see the Right doing this stuff. It might be happening but certainly not to the degree you see from the Left. It's like you're against science if you don't go along with their unproven position on GW, or you're a racist or a sexist or you're an idiot dupe for believing in supply side economics or in limited gov't. News flash for the Leftys - I don't give a fuck about rich guys and big corps, neither they nor anyone else tells me what to think or who to vote for. I might not be the sharpest guy around, but I can make up my own mind and make my own decisions and I don't need some asshole telling me I'm a fool cuz my decisions differ from theirs. You ought to at least respect my right to make my decisions, and fuck you if you don't.

"Americans don't like to be told what they can and can't do, beyond the strictures of the law. They don't like to be controlled; 'we know what's best for you' just doesn't fly very well unless you're among those who are making those decisions."

I'd agree 100%.....if you mean "real Americans."

Most Democrats are perfectly happy to take orders,......and obey them scrupulously!

"53% of Democrats Have a Positive View of Socialism, Gallup Poll Claims"
53% of Democrats Have a Positive View of Socialism, Gallup Poll Claims

Probably why the term 'Lock-Step Liberals" has credence.

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