The Best And Most Responsible Plan For Gun Law Is So Simple It's Not Funny

Simply require insurance for each and every gun-owner.

Treat it like cars. If you own a gun, it has to be insured. Plain and simple.

If you're caught with an uninsured gun. you get a hefty fine, and potentially jail-time, for repeat offenders especially.

The industry and individuals will police themselves. They'll have to.

It will even close the loop-hole of the private gun-sales we currently have.

Am I right or am I right?

I didn't read your full OP before I posted. Sorry for asking what your planned penalty would be.

Prisons are already overcrowded. Whom would you release in order to make room for people who failed to insure their guns? Or do you favor building more prisons?

Also, Steven asked a very good question.

Let's say you get your way and it's insurance to be required. If I can't afford insurance, I can always take public transportation or carpool or buy a bike or take a taxi to get around. If I can't afford to pay gun insurance, then what? How do I defend my home and family and perform my militia duties should the need arise?

Requiring insurance could harm law-abiding poor people.
Most gun violence is as of the result of illegally acquired guns. It is not going to deter the well-motivated villan who seeks to commit gun violence. One of the proposals put forth as a deterrent was to increase the penalties/jail time for those caught committing a crime using a gun...any crime. Why do you have a gun? Most likely, it's illegal. That plan was shot down.
More jailtime only works in the minds of the childlike. That's a nonsensical and not to mention, emotional response.

No criminal is thinking, "I wonder how much time will I get for this?" during the act of any crime.

You'd be wise to stop saying that claptrap.

I agree. Here's an even better way to reduce all crime. Decriminalize all drugs. Punish the criminal misuse of drugs by all means, but if you want to be stoned in your own home who am I to deny you. And, anyone who uses a firearm to commit a crime, go's to jail forever.
Absolutely agree!!! :clap2:

Simply require insurance for each and every gun-owner.

Treat it like cars. If you own a gun, it has to be insured. Plain and simple.

If you're caught with an uninsured gun. you get a hefty fine, and potentially jail-time, for repeat offenders especially.

The industry and individuals will police themselves. They'll have to.

It will even close the loop-hole of the private gun-sales we currently have.

Am I right or am I right?

Too bad for your plan we have this thing called the 2nd Amendment.
How does insurance infringe on your 2nd Amendment Right sir?

Let's say you get your way and it's insurance to be required. If I can't afford insurance, I can always take public transportation or carpool or buy a bike or take a taxi to get around. If I can't afford to pay gun insurance, then what? How do I defend my home and family and perform my militia duties should the need arise?
What militia are you a part of again?
I'm sorry but what is this idea put fourth by the Op supposed to accomplish?
It adds much needed accountability to the equation.

When people start getting hefty fines and/or doing jail-time for being careless with their guns and/or guns that were registered to them the People THEMSELVES will regulate themselves.

Before speeding laws, lots of people died from speeding, once they got fines and/or jail time for severely cut it down.

Same thing for seatbelts.

Same thing for guns.

No one needs to take your guns away, but we can damn sure try to make you a bit more responsible for your guns.

They are not toys, they can kill people...very easily.

Be responsible.

Insure them.

Simply require insurance for each and every gun-owner.

Treat it like cars. If you own a gun, it has to be insured. Plain and simple.

If you're caught with an uninsured gun. you get a hefty fine, and potentially jail-time, for repeat offenders especially.

The industry and individuals will police themselves. They'll have to.

It will even close the loop-hole of the private gun-sales we currently have.

Am I right or am I right?

And if your gun is used in a shooting, the gun owner is liable for civil suit.
Exactly. He gets it. :clap2:

Simply require insurance for each and every gun-owner.

Treat it like cars. If you own a gun, it has to be insured. Plain and simple.

If you're caught with an uninsured gun. you get a hefty fine, and potentially jail-time, for repeat offenders especially.

The industry and individuals will police themselves. They'll have to.

It will even close the loop-hole of the private gun-sales we currently have.

Am I right or am I right?

-Insurance is a good idea.

-If someone steals your unsecured gun you do jail time.

-Use a gun in the commission of a crime you go to jail for life.

-Use a gun in the commission of a crime and kill some one, automatic death penalty.

-Ten day waiting period for ALL gun sales.
Simply require insurance for each and every gun-owner.

Treat it like cars. If you own a gun, it has to be insured. Plain and simple.

If you're caught with an uninsured gun. you get a hefty fine, and potentially jail-time, for repeat offenders especially.

The industry and individuals will police themselves. They'll have to.

It will even close the loop-hole of the private gun-sales we currently have.

Am I right or am I right?

Most gun violence is as of the result of illegally acquired guns. It is not going to deter the well-motivated villan who seeks to commit gun violence. One of the proposals put forth as a deterrent was to increase the penalties/jail time for those caught committing a crime using a gun...any crime. Why do you have a gun? Most likely, it's illegal. That plan was shot down.
More jailtime only works in the minds of the childlike. That's a nonsensical and not to mention, emotional response.

No criminal is thinking, "I wonder how much time will I get for this?" during the act of any crime.

You'd be wise to stop saying that claptrap.
No criminal is thinking, "Oh, wait...this is a gun-free zone. I guess I'd better not shoot it up."
Simply require insurance for each and every gun-owner.

Treat it like cars. If you own a gun, it has to be insured. Plain and simple.

If you're caught with an uninsured gun. you get a hefty fine, and potentially jail-time, for repeat offenders especially.

The industry and individuals will police themselves. They'll have to.

It will even close the loop-hole of the private gun-sales we currently have.

Am I right or am I right?

Most gun violence is as of the result of illegally acquired guns. It is not going to deter the well-motivated villan who seeks to commit gun violence. One of the proposals put forth as a deterrent was to increase the penalties/jail time for those caught committing a crime using a gun...any crime. Why do you have a gun? Most likely, it's illegal. That plan was shot down.
More jailtime only works in the minds of the childlike. That's a nonsensical and not to mention, emotional response.

No criminal is thinking, "I wonder how much time will I get for this?" during the act of any crime.

You'd be wise to stop saying that claptrap.

Quick questions.

Since when does Insurance pay for criminal acts of the insured?

Who in their right mind is going to offer insurance to cover criminal acts by the insured?

What part of "Shall not Infringe" don't you grasp?
Simply require insurance for each and every gun-owner.

Treat it like cars. If you own a gun, it has to be insured. Plain and simple.

If you're caught with an uninsured gun. you get a hefty fine, and potentially jail-time, for repeat offenders especially.

The industry and individuals will police themselves. They'll have to.

It will even close the loop-hole of the private gun-sales we currently have.

Am I right or am I right?

If gun owners were allowed to carry their guns, concealed or open carry, with them at all time, you would have a point if we didn't have a 2nd Amendment. But as we do have the 2A, and as most gun owners leave their guns in their homes, any use of such gun is likely in protection of their abodes.

But nice try, lame as it was.
All insurance would do is add an unnecessary expense for responsible gun owners. It wouldn't do a thing to deter irresponsible people or discourage people using illegal weapons in the least.

I get sick tired of the good guys being ever more inconvenienced and oppressed with more and more taxes, expenses, rules, regulations, restrictions, and mandates as if that will somehow discourage the irresponsible and criminal.
When fascism comes to America, it will be carrying a protest sign and shouting "It's for the CHILDREN!!"
Most gun violence is as of the result of illegally acquired guns. It is not going to deter the well-motivated villan who seeks to commit gun violence. One of the proposals put forth as a deterrent was to increase the penalties/jail time for those caught committing a crime using a gun...any crime. Why do you have a gun? Most likely, it's illegal. That plan was shot down.
More jailtime only works in the minds of the childlike. That's a nonsensical and not to mention, emotional response.

No criminal is thinking, "I wonder how much time will I get for this?" during the act of any crime.

You'd be wise to stop saying that claptrap.
No criminal is thinking, "Oh, wait...this is a gun-free zone. I guess I'd better not shoot it up."
Where am I, or anyone else in this thread, making the argument you think you're bashing?
Simply require insurance for each and every gun-owner.

Treat it like cars. If you own a gun, it has to be insured. Plain and simple.

If you're caught with an uninsured gun. you get a hefty fine, and potentially jail-time, for repeat offenders especially.

The industry and individuals will police themselves. They'll have to.

It will even close the loop-hole of the private gun-sales we currently have.

Am I right or am I right?

And if your gun is used in a shooting, the gun owner is liable for civil suit.

If you killed or injured someone with your car, same applies. But oh hey, it's got to be the gun too. Let's just chalk this up to gun control as usual. You guys think you're clever. You ain't.
I would rather trust my fate to private companies than to the government.

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.

-- C. S. Lewis
Quick questions.

Since when does Insurance pay for criminal acts of the insured?

Who in their right mind is going to offer insurance to cover criminal acts by the insured?

What part of "Shall not Infringe" don't you grasp?
The PRIVATE insurance companies will determine the prices for individual insurance of gun-owners.

For instance, common sense dictates that young and/or new gun-owners would have more costly insurance. Older experienced gun owners would have cheaper, law enforcement personnel would perhaps have the cheapest and would actually already be covered by their employers, ex-military and/or law enforcement would also have cheaper insurance.

Those individuals that take additional gun-safety courses would qualify for cheaper insurance.

I mean, the car-model works perfectly.

It doesn't infringe.

If you can afford to buy a gun legally, then you can afford to insure it.

Just like a car.

If you want to risk owning a gun and not insuring it, well you better not ever let anything bad happen with that gun, or that's your A$$...serious jail-time for you. I'm talking being locked away properly.

No rights are infringed upon. But we get more safety and the government's hand is very limited in this.

You and/or your gun EFF's on you. You don' worries.

It adds much needed accountability to the equation.

When people start getting hefty fines and/or doing jail-time for being careless with their guns and/or guns that were registered to them the People THEMSELVES will regulate themselves.

Before speeding laws, lots of people died from speeding, once they got fines and/or jail time for severely cut it down.

Same thing for seatbelts.

Same thing for guns.

No one needs to take your guns away, but we can damn sure try to make you a bit more responsible for your guns.

They are not toys, they can kill people...very easily.

Be responsible.

Insure them.

Insurance is not responsibility. That makes a nice sales pitch, but it's untrue.

Responsibility is being accountable for the consequences of your actions and choices. Insurance is the opposite. It's paying for the privilege of avoiding those consequences.
Quick questions.

Since when does Insurance pay for criminal acts of the insured?

Who in their right mind is going to offer insurance to cover criminal acts by the insured?

What part of "Shall not Infringe" don't you grasp?
The PRIVATE insurance companies will determine the prices for individual insurance of gun-owners.

For instance, common sense dictates that young and/or new gun-owners would have more costly insurance. Older experienced gun owners would have cheaper, law enforcement personnel would perhaps have the cheapest and would actually already be covered by their employers, ex-military and/or law enforcement would also have cheaper insurance.

Those individuals that take additional gun-safety courses would qualify for cheaper insurance.

I mean, the car-model works perfectly.

It doesn't infringe.

If you can afford to buy a gun legally, then you can afford to insure it.

Just like a car.

If you want to risk owning a gun and not insuring it, well you better not ever let anything bad happen with that gun, or that's your A$$...serious jail-time for you. I'm talking being locked away properly.

No rights are infringed upon. But we get more safety and the government's hand is very limited in this.

You and/or your gun EFF's on you. You don' worries.


Yeah right.

It's a hallmark of Free Market Pricing to be forced by the government to purchase a product of service.

You are such a pathetic tool.
I can just imagine a cop stopping some card carrying gun owner on the sidewalk and saying "License and registration please."

Isn't that what they do now to ensure that you're LEGALLY carrying a loaded gun around in public?

The PRIVATE insurance companies will determine the prices for individual insurance of gun-owners.

Exactly. It puts private companies in charge of deciding who has rights and who doesn't. You don't see how fucked up that is? Should freedom of speech be handled the same way? Should everyone be required to carry insurance in case they libel others?

I mean, the car-model works perfectly.

It doesn't infringe.

It absolutely does infringe. It infringes on the rights of anyone who can't get insurance.
It adds much needed accountability to the equation.

When people start getting hefty fines and/or doing jail-time for being careless with their guns and/or guns that were registered to them the People THEMSELVES will regulate themselves.

Before speeding laws, lots of people died from speeding, once they got fines and/or jail time for severely cut it down.

Same thing for seatbelts.

Same thing for guns.

No one needs to take your guns away, but we can damn sure try to make you a bit more responsible for your guns.

They are not toys, they can kill people...very easily.

Be responsible.

Insure them.

Insurance is not responsibility. That makes a nice sales pitch, but it's untrue.

Responsibility is being accountable for the consequences of your actions and choices. Insurance is the opposite. It's paying for the privilege of avoiding those consequences.
Me paying Geico to insure my Honda doesn't make me a better, nor more responsible, nor less responsible, for that matter, driver Bucko.

Nice try.

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