The best thing Trump has going for him = the Clintons as a "comparison"

Amazing that with 350M + people in this country Hillary and DJT were the two best candidates the major parties could come up with?

Another American who just doesn't quite GET IT about WHO and WHAT are "in control" of the "two major parties."

Let me help you. Let's go over WHAT MATTERED during the confirmation of former US AG Michael Mukasey....

Mukasey was recommended to W by that noted lifelong "conservative" CHUCK SCHUMER. Mukasey was/is pro gay, pro abortion, pro tax, pro spend, pro socialism, pro affirmative action, for each and every "new program" guaranteed to make our money completely VANISH..... and yeah, he was 100% PRO ISRAEL and 100% AGAINST INVESTIGATING 911....

"He avoided defeat only because a half-dozen Democrats voted in favor of the appointment along with Republicans and Democrat-turned-independent Joseph I. Lieberman (Conn.)"

So 100% LEFT WING Michael Mukasey became US AG with 100% support from "conservative" Republicans....


I'm fully aware
like any trained KGB agent, Putin understands the manipulative power of playing to someone's insecurities and ego. he reciprocates with frequent praise for Trump. the CIA told this to Trump, but he distrusted them.

its hard to imagine even a master manipulator like Putin would have anticipated the success of his operation.

not only did he sabotage Crooked Hillary, but he helped install someone who by virtue of his disdain for democratic norms, volatile leadership, and fragile ego, is a positive good for Russia.
like any trained KGB agent, Putin understands the manipulative power of playing to someone's insecurities and ego. he reciprocates with frequent praise for Trump. the CIA told this to Trump, but he distrusted them.

its hard to imagine even a master manipulator like Putin would have anticipated the success of his operation.

not only did he sabotage Crooked Hillary, but he helped install someone who by virtue of his disdain for democratic norms, volatile leadership, and fragile ego, is a positive good for Russia.

False, Putin's great win was convincing a large portion of idiotic Americans that Trump was and is working with the Russians despite the obvious fact that Trump has actually been harder on Russia than any President since Reagan.

My God you fool, Trump actually ordered the US military to go ahead with military strikes that they KNEW would kill Russian soldiers.
The 'logic" of the OP escapes me ... or perhaps it's the comparison thing. I don't know if anyone actually said it was OK for Slick to get a bj from an intern whom he supervised (she was NOT a minor though). I don't see how lying about it, even under oath, was an impeachable offense to remove him from office .. and a supermaj of American happened to feel the same way btw.

But what democrats are calling for Trump to be removed from office over an illegal campaign contribution / payoff to a whore/pornstar whom Trump somehow lusted over enough to pay for sex while his wife was nursing his new born son?
I don't understand the confusion.
Don't you think perjury and obstruction of Justice are crimes???
Your "logic" or analogy escapes me in comparing Slick's actions to Trump's. Slick's approval slipped under 50 on the his actions, but climped towards 60 after impeachment. I doubt the dems go that road.
QUEER-O = let's close Gitmo

Zionist Media = then we'll open the CLOSET DOOR

QUEER-O = then we won't close Gitmo

QUEER-O = those abiding by state reefer laws will not be prosecuted

Zionist Media = then we'll open the CLOSET DOOR

QUEER-O = then we'll prosecute the shit out of those who are in compliance, assuming they are WHITE

QUEER-O = let;s bring back those 7 US Attorneys W fired who all had high marks from the FBI for integrity and patriotism

Zionist Media = then we'll open the CLOSET DOOR

QUEER-O = then we won't bring back those 7 US Attorneys...

The HYPOCRISY of the LEFT on this issue is galactic....
like any trained KGB agent, Putin understands the manipulative power of playing to someone's insecurities and ego. he reciprocates with frequent praise for Trump. the CIA told this to Trump, but he distrusted them.

its hard to imagine even a master manipulator like Putin would have anticipated the success of his operation.

not only did he sabotage Crooked Hillary, but he helped install someone who by virtue of his disdain for democratic norms, volatile leadership, and fragile ego, is a positive good for Russia.

False, Putin's great win was convincing a large portion of idiotic Americans that Trump was and is working with the Russians despite the obvious fact that Trump has actually been harder on Russia than any President since Reagan.

My God you fool, Trump actually ordered the US military to go ahead with military strikes that they KNEW would kill Russian soldiers.
particularly among those who spent decades in the shadows at secret war with Russia and then Putin's regime, Trump's obsequious manner is horrifying and mystifying. something smells fishy!
The 'logic" of the OP escapes me ... or perhaps it's the comparison thing. I don't know if anyone actually said it was OK for Slick to get a bj from an intern whom he supervised (she was NOT a minor though). I don't see how lying about it, even under oath, was an impeachable offense to remove him from office .. and a supermaj of American happened to feel the same way btw.

But what democrats are calling for Trump to be removed from office over an illegal campaign contribution / payoff to a whore/pornstar whom Trump somehow lusted over enough to pay for sex while his wife was nursing his new born son?
I don't understand the confusion.
Don't you think perjury and obstruction of Justice are crimes???
Your "logic" or analogy escapes me in comparing Slick's actions to Trump's. Slick's approval slipped under 50 on the his actions, but climped towards 60 after impeachment. I doubt the dems go that road.

So you think the media will treat Trump the same way they treated Bill??

Are you really this stupid??? :lmao:
Donald Trump paid off women to shut up about consensual sex.

Bill Clinton raped Juanita Brodderick, forcibly groped Kathleen Willey in the Oval Office, had a subordinate employee, an intern, hide under his desk giving him blow jobs. Bill Clinton perjured himself in the Paula Jones case, losing to the tune of $1 million. Hillary, another closeted homosexual (will the Dems ever run anything but closeted queers for Prez in the future?), was trotted out to lie and attack all these innocent female victims of Bill THE SEX PREDATOR Democrat hero...

Every time the Dems covered up and excused Bill Clinton, they forfeited the right to go after someone like Trump for 0.00001% of such "misconduct.."

Every time Dems whine about Trump and women, they prove their own HYPOCRISY.

Aside from the numerous lies contained in your diatribe, which we won't go into at this point, let's be clear.

Donald Trump conspired with Vladimir Putin to run a progaganda campaign against candidate Hillary Clinton, who he hates and blames for disrupting HIS elections, and Trump enthusiastically accepted that support which was broad-ranging, and included funnelling money through the NRA to promote Trump's election.

Maria Putina is already tied to the Trump Campaign. Cohen's office has given prosecutors confirmation of things they already knew and the hard evidence to back it up. This was a coordinated effort between the Trump Campaign, WikiLeaks, the NRA (that is just so unbelievable), and Putin to disrupt the Western alliance.

This isn't a lie about a blow job. This is fraud, conspiracy, felony campaign finance violations, bribery, lying to the America public in an election which is a felony, and treason. Crimes so numerous, that it's frightening. And millions of people are dying in Yemen as a direct result of policies undertaken by the Saudis, with assistance from Trump's armed forces.

If Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about a blow job, Trump should be taken out behind the White House and shot for his crimes.
Donald Trump paid off women to shut up about consensual sex.

Bill Clinton raped Juanita Brodderick, forcibly groped Kathleen Willey in the Oval Office, had a subordinate employee, an intern, hide under his desk giving him blow jobs. Bill Clinton perjured himself in the Paula Jones case, losing to the tune of $1 million. Hillary, another closeted homosexual (will the Dems ever run anything but closeted queers for Prez in the future?), was trotted out to lie and attack all these innocent female victims of Bill THE SEX PREDATOR Democrat hero...

Every time the Dems covered up and excused Bill Clinton, they forfeited the right to go after someone like Trump for 0.00001% of such "misconduct.."

Every time Dems whine about Trump and women, they prove their own HYPOCRISY.
Trump raped a woman and settled with her out of court.

There are at least a dozen women who have accused Cowardly Lyin' Donald of assault.

He just grabs them by the pussy, you know?

19 at last count.
Donald Trump conspired with Vladimir Putin to run a progaganda campaign

Mueller and a group of left wing lawyers just finished looking into that for two years and found nothing...

All your side has right now is some pathetic campaign violation committed by COHEN....
My disgusting poon hound is better than your disgusting poon hound.

The behaviors of both - from taking advantage of a young, star-struck intern and using her as an ashtray in the Oval Office, to banging hookers and conspiring to pay them off - are pretty lousy. And their obedient little tribes only "see" the "other" guy.

This is, and was, all about politics, and it's pretty obvious.
So rape and sexual harassment are the same as consensual sex now???
A. No, and I didn't say that.
B. Lewinsky was consensual.
C. Thanks for illustrating my point.
At least bill didn't drag his wife by the hair before raping her

Bill's "wife" is a DYKE.

The kid Chelsea's dad is WEBSTER HUBBELL.

Hillary reportedly did throw a lamp at Bill in the WH, an attempt to harm the President with violence. You and I would go to jail for that for a long time...
Really, ? Which confederate state do you live in?
My disgusting poon hound is better than your disgusting poon hound.

The behaviors of both - from taking advantage of a young, star-struck intern and using her as an ashtray in the Oval Office, to banging hookers and conspiring to pay them off - are pretty lousy. And their obedient little tribes only "see" the "other" guy.

This is, and was, all about politics, and it's pretty obvious.
So rape and sexual harassment are the same as consensual sex now???
A. No, and I didn't say that.
B. Lewinsky was consensual.
C. Thanks for illustrating my point.
Our poor lad never had a BJ FROM HIS SEC.
prob never had a sec
Don't you think perjury and obstruction of Justice are crimes?

They were "not crimes" according to DEMOCRATS when CLINTON was President.

Now, according to DEMOCRATS, they are....

Garbage, who was impeached again?
Love how the zero college trumpies have to write in CAPS
My disgusting poon hound is better than your disgusting poon hound.

The behaviors of both - from taking advantage of a young, star-struck intern and using her as an ashtray in the Oval Office, to banging hookers and conspiring to pay them off - are pretty lousy. And their obedient little tribes only "see" the "other" guy.

This is, and was, all about politics, and it's pretty obvious.
So rape and sexual harassment are the same as consensual sex now???
A. No, and I didn't say that.
B. Lewinsky was consensual.
C. Thanks for illustrating my point.
Lewinsky was sexual harassment. What may have started out as consensual turned into sexual harassment. And go ahead. Keep the blinders on about the rapes and sexual assaults.

Look it up.
My disgusting poon hound is better than your disgusting poon hound.

The behaviors of both - from taking advantage of a young, star-struck intern and using her as an ashtray in the Oval Office, to banging hookers and conspiring to pay them off - are pretty lousy. And their obedient little tribes only "see" the "other" guy.

This is, and was, all about politics, and it's pretty obvious.
So rape and sexual harassment are the same as consensual sex now???
A. No, and I didn't say that.
B. Lewinsky was consensual.
C. Thanks for illustrating my point.
Lewinsky was sexual harassment. What may have started out as consensual turned into sexual harassment. And go ahead. Keep the blinders on about the rapes and sexual assaults.

Look it up.
I have.
Did you see the Monica doc.?
Don't comment until you have.
She pined at home waiting for him to call.
He is a lowlife, no doubt, but please watch her account
Really, ?


Webb Hubbell: 'No comment' on fathering Chelsea Clinton - WND - WND

hillary lesbian - Google Search

59 million links, including

Alleged Bill Clinton mistress: Hillary had lesbian relationships

FALSE: Yoko Ono and Hillary Clinton Had An Affair

hillary lesbian huma - Google Search

Hillary and Bill Clinton’s fights at White House detailed in new book

“There was blood all over the president and first lady’s bed,” writes former White House reporter Kate Anderson Brower. “A member of the residence staff got a frantic call from the maid who found the mess. Someone needed to come quickly and inspect the damage. The blood was Bill Clinton‘s. The president had to get several stitches to his head.”

“The Residence: Inside the Private World of The White House,” is due out Tuesday from publisher Harper, but excerpts began making the rounds Monday. Ms. Brower is a former reporter for Bloomberg News.

Stories circulated after the 1998 fight in the White House that Mrs. Clinton had brained her husband with a lamp in a fury over the revelations of his sexual affair with Miss Lewinsky, a White House intern. But according to the book, White House staff surmised that Mrs. Clinton hit her husband with one of the dozens of books that she kept on her bedside table.

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