The Best Unofficial Trump Campaign Ad

What is it with americans always waiting on some entitled 1%er to come down from on high and fix everything for them? Jesus, totally contradictory to what they want to believe about themselves. There is no messiah coming to save you, most assuredly not those who’ve benefitted from extracting and concentrating the societal wealth you all helped create.

You mean like your hero the shrilary? Who has milked the American People, and screwed them over so she could bank 250,000,000 dollars on a 180,000 per year salary? Like her? Geesh you're stupid.

Yes! Bingo! You figured out half of what I'm referring to, good boy!
What is it with americans always waiting on some entitled 1%er to come down from on high and fix everything for them? Jesus, totally contradictory to what they want to believe about themselves. There is no messiah coming to save you, most assuredly not those who’ve benefitted from extracting and concentrating the societal wealth you all helped create.

You mean like your hero the shrilary? Who has milked the American People, and screwed them over so she could bank 250,000,000 dollars on a 180,000 per year salary? Like her? Geesh you're stupid.

You might be right, just proving that she was very very beatable. So you righties should've found someone besides a yellow haired clown to run against her

I was a Bernie supporter silly girl. You, on the other hand, are voting for a person who has sold her soul to Wall Street. Don't whine when you get tossed out on your ass.

"was" jackass, does not make you any different from the poster you're responding to.
What is it with americans always waiting on some entitled 1%er to come down from on high and fix everything for them? Jesus, totally contradictory to what they want to believe about themselves. There is no messiah coming to save you, most assuredly not those who’ve benefitted from extracting and concentrating the societal wealth you all helped create.

You mean like your hero the shrilary? Who has milked the American People, and screwed them over so she could bank 250,000,000 dollars on a 180,000 per year salary? Like her? Geesh you're stupid.

Yes! Bingo! You figured out half of what I'm referring to, good boy!

Yeah right little fascist. You haven't had an original thought in your life. You're a parrot for the ruling class who have already bought and paid for you. You're nothing more than a slave working for MAN.
Has anyone seen Trumpland yet? I know the OP hasn't, that's for damn sure.
What is it with americans always waiting on some entitled 1%er to come down from on high and fix everything for them? Jesus, totally contradictory to what they want to believe about themselves. There is no messiah coming to save you, most assuredly not those who’ve benefitted from extracting and concentrating the societal wealth you all helped create.

You mean like your hero the shrilary? Who has milked the American People, and screwed them over so she could bank 250,000,000 dollars on a 180,000 per year salary? Like her? Geesh you're stupid.

You might be right, just proving that she was very very beatable. So you righties should've found someone besides a yellow haired clown to run against her

I was a Bernie supporter silly girl. You, on the other hand, are voting for a person who has sold her soul to Wall Street. Don't whine when you get tossed out on your ass.

Don'll set Wall Street straight won't he.
What is it with americans always waiting on some entitled 1%er to come down from on high and fix everything for them? Jesus, totally contradictory to what they want to believe about themselves. There is no messiah coming to save you, most assuredly not those who’ve benefitted from extracting and concentrating the societal wealth you all helped create.

You mean like your hero the shrilary? Who has milked the American People, and screwed them over so she could bank 250,000,000 dollars on a 180,000 per year salary? Like her? Geesh you're stupid.

Yes! Bingo! You figured out half of what I'm referring to, good boy!

Yeah right little fascist. You haven't had an original thought in your life. You're a parrot for the ruling class who have already bought and paid for you. You're nothing more than a slave working for MAN.

My my my, and you're a mod, no wonder this place is for shit for discussion. Any other nonsense names you wanna barf up?
Don't talk about paying the bills while voting for Trump. He's been sued time and again for not honoring contracts. That's how one gets rich, and sued.

Judge orders Trump to pay nearly $300,000 in attorney’s fees in Doral painter’s lawsuit

Can't wait until his $40M fraud trial for Trump U starts in November. Hope it is televised
Can't wait for them to find Hill's state unaccounted for $6 billion
$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department

God, you Trumpers are desperate.
First, not a Trumper, just a 'not Hill'.
Desperation is for those trying to cover up all Hill's lies.

Hillary and Bill don't need the help of anyone outside the Beltway. They have proved that obviously for 25 years now. Bill Clinton was IMPEACHED and the stupid fucking right wing STILL can't stop him. Define "losers" and get back to me.
They are getting sloppy.
What is it with americans always waiting on some entitled 1%er to come down from on high and fix everything for them? Jesus, totally contradictory to what they want to believe about themselves. There is no messiah coming to save you, most assuredly not those who’ve benefitted from extracting and concentrating the societal wealth you all helped create.

You mean like your hero the shrilary? Who has milked the American People, and screwed them over so she could bank 250,000,000 dollars on a 180,000 per year salary? Like her? Geesh you're stupid.

You might be right, just proving that she was very very beatable. So you righties should've found someone besides a yellow haired clown to run against her

I was a Bernie supporter silly girl. You, on the other hand, are voting for a person who has sold her soul to Wall Street. Don't whine when you get tossed out on your ass.

Don'll set Wall Street straight won't he.

They certainly think he will which is why they are fighting like hell to knock him out of the race. They ain't doing it to your little shrilary, they are attacking HIM.
What is it with americans always waiting on some entitled 1%er to come down from on high and fix everything for them? Jesus, totally contradictory to what they want to believe about themselves. There is no messiah coming to save you, most assuredly not those who’ve benefitted from extracting and concentrating the societal wealth you all helped create.

You mean like your hero the shrilary? Who has milked the American People, and screwed them over so she could bank 250,000,000 dollars on a 180,000 per year salary? Like her? Geesh you're stupid.

You might be right, just proving that she was very very beatable. So you righties should've found someone besides a yellow haired clown to run against her

I was a Bernie supporter silly girl. You, on the other hand, are voting for a person who has sold her soul to Wall Street. Don't whine when you get tossed out on your ass.

Don'll set Wall Street straight won't he.

They certainly think he will which is why they are fighting like hell to knock him out of the race. They ain't doing it to your little shrilary, they are attacking HIM.

No one you elect president is going to alter a gotdamn thing son, watch. Shilary ain't mine just 'cause Don ain't. If you're attempting to sell that you jumped from Bern to Don and that it makes sense? Ya gone gone gone man.
What is it with americans always waiting on some entitled 1%er to come down from on high and fix everything for them? Jesus, totally contradictory to what they want to believe about themselves. There is no messiah coming to save you, most assuredly not those who’ve benefitted from extracting and concentrating the societal wealth you all helped create.

You mean like your hero the shrilary? Who has milked the American People, and screwed them over so she could bank 250,000,000 dollars on a 180,000 per year salary? Like her? Geesh you're stupid.

Yes! Bingo! You figured out half of what I'm referring to, good boy!

Yeah right little fascist. You haven't had an original thought in your life. You're a parrot for the ruling class who have already bought and paid for you. You're nothing more than a slave working for MAN.

My my my, and you're a mod, no wonder this place is for shit for discussion. Any other nonsense names you wanna barf up?

Yes, I'm a Mod. I'm at least the twentieth most popular Mod here too! Quite the accomplishment!
You mean like your hero the shrilary? Who has milked the American People, and screwed them over so she could bank 250,000,000 dollars on a 180,000 per year salary? Like her? Geesh you're stupid.

You might be right, just proving that she was very very beatable. So you righties should've found someone besides a yellow haired clown to run against her

I was a Bernie supporter silly girl. You, on the other hand, are voting for a person who has sold her soul to Wall Street. Don't whine when you get tossed out on your ass.

Don'll set Wall Street straight won't he.

They certainly think he will which is why they are fighting like hell to knock him out of the race. They ain't doing it to your little shrilary, they are attacking HIM.

No one you elect president is going to alter a gotdamn thing son, watch. Shilary ain't mine just 'cause Don ain't. If you're attempting to sell that you jumped from Bern to Don and that it makes sense? Ya gone gone gone man.

No, I've jumped from Bernie to Gary. And I realize that it won't matter a tinkers damn who I vote for. That much is obvious. What is hilarious is people liek you thinking that the shrilary is going to something to help this country. She has already demonstrated that she won't. And a few of you will be shocked, a few of you will be sad, a few of you will be kicked to the curb when your usefulness runs out, and no doubt a few of you paid poster types will get a promotion.

But, very soon now the country is going to collapse and then it will be Katy bar the door to see who makes it through that mess intact.
What is it with americans always waiting on some entitled 1%er to come down from on high and fix everything for them? Jesus, totally contradictory to what they want to believe about themselves. There is no messiah coming to save you, most assuredly not those who’ve benefitted from extracting and concentrating the societal wealth you all helped create.

You mean like your hero the shrilary? Who has milked the American People, and screwed them over so she could bank 250,000,000 dollars on a 180,000 per year salary? Like her? Geesh you're stupid.

Yes! Bingo! You figured out half of what I'm referring to, good boy!

Yeah right little fascist. You haven't had an original thought in your life. You're a parrot for the ruling class who have already bought and paid for you. You're nothing more than a slave working for MAN.

My my my, and you're a mod, no wonder this place is for shit for discussion. Any other nonsense names you wanna barf up?

Yes, I'm a Mod. I'm at least the twentieth most popular Mod here too! Quite the accomplishment!

Leading by example, we see. Popular because you go after who you're asked to, and play faves perhaps. Who fuggin' cares again?
You might be right, just proving that she was very very beatable. So you righties should've found someone besides a yellow haired clown to run against her

I was a Bernie supporter silly girl. You, on the other hand, are voting for a person who has sold her soul to Wall Street. Don't whine when you get tossed out on your ass.

Don'll set Wall Street straight won't he.

They certainly think he will which is why they are fighting like hell to knock him out of the race. They ain't doing it to your little shrilary, they are attacking HIM.

No one you elect president is going to alter a gotdamn thing son, watch. Shilary ain't mine just 'cause Don ain't. If you're attempting to sell that you jumped from Bern to Don and that it makes sense? Ya gone gone gone man.

No, I've jumped from Bernie to Gary. And I realize that it won't matter a tinkers damn who I vote for. That much is obvious. What is hilarious is people liek you thinking that the shrilary is going to something to help this country. She has already demonstrated that she won't. And a few of you will be shocked, a few of you will be sad, a few of you will be kicked to the curb when your usefulness runs out, and no doubt a few of you paid poster types will get a promotion.

But, very soon now the country is going to collapse and then it will be Katy bar the door to see who makes it through that mess intact.

Like I been telling you son, not supprting her, never did, you're dismissed. Go find a Hilary supporter if that's the argument you wish to have.
Yes, I'm a Mod. I'm at least the twentieth most popular Mod here too! Quite the accomplishment!

And a democrat as I least until this year. :disbelief:

I have been a Democrat my whole life. I am disgusted by the corruption that my party has descended into. That is not what this country is about.
Yes, I'm a Mod. I'm at least the twentieth most popular Mod here too! Quite the accomplishment!

And a democrat as I least until this year. :disbelief:

I have been a Democrat my whole life. I am disgusted by the corruption that my party has descended into. That is not what this country is about.

Your country and society has always run on corruption, you just made the calculation that it would never be turned toward you. Seems a lot of white folk are struggling with that.
I was a Bernie supporter silly girl. You, on the other hand, are voting for a person who has sold her soul to Wall Street. Don't whine when you get tossed out on your ass.

Don'll set Wall Street straight won't he.

They certainly think he will which is why they are fighting like hell to knock him out of the race. They ain't doing it to your little shrilary, they are attacking HIM.

No one you elect president is going to alter a gotdamn thing son, watch. Shilary ain't mine just 'cause Don ain't. If you're attempting to sell that you jumped from Bern to Don and that it makes sense? Ya gone gone gone man.

No, I've jumped from Bernie to Gary. And I realize that it won't matter a tinkers damn who I vote for. That much is obvious. What is hilarious is people liek you thinking that the shrilary is going to something to help this country. She has already demonstrated that she won't. And a few of you will be shocked, a few of you will be sad, a few of you will be kicked to the curb when your usefulness runs out, and no doubt a few of you paid poster types will get a promotion.

But, very soon now the country is going to collapse and then it will be Katy bar the door to see who makes it through that mess intact.

Like I been telling you son, not supprting her, never did, you're dismissed. Go find a Hilary supporter if that's the argument you wish to have.

I would hazard a very large sum of money that I am far older than you sonny. You have done nothing but support her from the very moment you showed up on this board. All of you paid posters are alike. You're arguments are simplistic, and you resort to arguments just like this one to try and bolster your worthless candidate. I care about the American People. You and your cohorts don't. You care about power, and the abuse of that power.

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