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The Bible Condemns Witchcraft


We found a witch, may we burn her?
Make sure to check out the Gospel of John thread and read it through. There is no other way in which anyone can be saved. They must believe on the LORD Jesus Christ for salvation according to Romans 10:9,10. The Gospel of John reveals Jesus Christ is God and the way to Heaven. Are you saved? Read this thread!

Witchcraft is indeed satanism, Bodecea, in that both serve Satan. While it is true that some witches do not know they are serving Satan - ignorance of the fact will in no way lessen the penalty which is eternal suffering / torment in hell. All those involved in witchcraft, fortune telling, horoscope reading, celebrating satanic holidays such as Oct 31st / Nov. 1 must repent and turn to the LORD Jesus Christ for salvation. They must leave all such occult activity behind or they will suffer eternally in hell. That is the truth.
The bible condemns witchcraft. Getting involved in occult practices is very dangerous. According to the authors of books on the subject research has proven that the occult, spiritism, divination, fortune telling, people who become mediums or channels for demon spirits, satanism, witchcraft leads to suicide and insanity. Mental institutions are filled with people who have lost their minds after having been taken over by demons which entered through their involvment with the occult. Consider the following research and bible scripture which confirms these findings:

Witchcraft Can Destroy You
What does the Bible says about Satan?
It is imperative that we understand the identity and the character of these strange supernatural powers. We need to have clearly before us what God says about them and His warning prohibitions against them. Only in this way can we be protected from the deception and terrible retribution that will come from making friends with them.

Special information and unmistakable warnings are to be found all through the Old and New Testaments regarding Satan, demons, evil spirits, familiar spirits, necromancy (trying to talk to the dead), sorcery, witchcraft, divination, and wizardry.

Satan before his fall from heaven was named Lucifer (Isa. 14:12-14), anointed cherub, and covering cherub(Eze. 28:14, 16). Since his fall he is called accuser of the brethren (Rev. 12:10), adversary (1 Peter 5:8), Beelzebub(Matt. 12:24), devil (Rev. 12:9), enemy (Matt. 13:28, 39), father of lies, liar, and murderer (John 8:44), old serpent(Rev. 20:2), power of darkness (Col. 1:13), prince of this world (John 12:31), prince of devils (Matt. 12:24), prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2), god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4), spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience(Eph. 2:2), tempter (Matt. 4:3), and wicked one (Matt. 13:19). It is clear that Satan is real, and God wants us to have nothing to do with him!

Satan was once an angel of light. His name, being Lucifer, means “light bearer” (Isa. 14:12-14; Eze. 28:13-19). But rebellion against God in heaven changed him into a demon of darkness. When he was cast out of heaven, the angels who sided with him were cast out with him (Rev. 12:7-9).

The Jewish commandments forbid the practice of everything and anything reliigous or spiritual that isn't Jewish. Since cults existed then doing things fairly called withcraft, it and numerous other things were forbidden. By that standard, many things Christians do is also forbidden since much of it falls under idolatry, and more specific forbidden practices.
Of course, as many Christians here like to claim, you're not under Jewish law any more so none of those prohibitions against witchcraft bind you. :)

We found a witch, may we burn her?

You need to pray for anyone you know in witchcraft. Pray for them. They will be burning in hell for all eternity if they do not repent and get out of it. Satan has deceived these people. The bible teaches Christians that they are to pray for the lost. Which is another reason we know Catholicism was never a part of Christianity as they murdered over 100,000 people they accused of being witches, they murdered many thousands of Jews, burned many Christians at the stake because they preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ and their Doctrine of Lea forbid any religion but the Cult of Catholicism to be taught in the land. It is total evil and this new Pope is once again trying to force a one world religion upon the world again. Will they mass murder protestants again? I believe that is their plan. Yes.
Of course, as many Christians here like to claim, you're not under Jewish law any more so none of those prohibitions against witchcraft bind you. :)

Jesus Christ fulfilled the law. There is only one command concerning such matters of the lost and those who serve Satan - pray for them. Pray for your enemies. That is what Jesus taught. Pray for your enemies. They are enemies of the LORD. Enemies of the cross because they have decided to serve Satan - so pray for them, Delta. You have not been called to judge anyone or put anyone to death.

Satan is the one who kills, steals and destroys. This is another fruit that reveals who is a servant of Satan. They are murderers like their father. The fruit of the Inquisition per Roman Church - reveals who their father is. They serve the devil and yet the people who have membership in that institution have no idea - they have been lied to and deceived - so pray for the Catholics that God will open their eyes - that they will know the truth and the truth will set them free. Many Catholic priests and nuns have left the RCC and are getting the word out about the false teachings and pagan roots of that group - they were set free by the truth and we should be encouraging all Catholics to buy a King James Bible and read it! Starting with the New Testament!
Of course, as many Christians here like to claim, you're not under Jewish law any more so none of those prohibitions against witchcraft bind you. :)

Jesus Christ fulfilled the law. There is only one command concerning such matters of the lost and those who serve Satan - pray for them. Pray for your enemies. That is what Jesus taught. Pray for your enemies. They are enemies of the LORD. Enemies of the cross because they have decided to serve Satan - so pray for them, Delta. You have not been called to judge anyone or put anyone to death.

Not authorized to terminate any longer. And religion requires trials and finding of guilt before executing anyone. Concept of American law using checks and balances comes from my people.
This is the testimony of a former witch. Listen to her story -

Dancing with the Dark Side - An Interview with a Former Witch United Church of God

The growing popularity and commercial success of Halloween has made this annual holiday second only to Christmas as a boom for retailers. Think about that, second only to Christmas in retail sales.
Why is this? People want to have a good time. They want to be entertained and in some cases they want to explore things they don't understand seeking meaning, power or control. And they don't care where they find it but they and you should care.

There are forces in this world that you should not want to be near. Evil does exist, evil is not an intellectual discussion or a board game or a harmless feature of popular culture. Evil exists and you should understand the perils of dabbling with this dark side of reality.

It goes by many different names, channeling, fortune telling, Wicca, divination, sorcery, magic, call it what you will. The truths that hide behind the shrouds of mysticism are unsettling at best and disastrous at their worst.

If you don't believe me would you believe first hand someone who knows first hand about evil power, someone who was immersed in witchcraft and evil? In order to understand the inner workings of this strange and mysterious world I interviewed a former witch, we'll call her Mary. Mary spent twenty years learning and practicing the pagan rituals involved in tarot card reading and fortune telling, voodoo, casting spells and she spoke to me about her experiences and how she started down that path.

continue reading on link...........
Mary's testimony is that witchcraft brought nothing but disaster into her life. How sad! What a testimony!
She says that witchcraft leads to insanity - seeing things - hearing things - unable to sleep - it was eating away at her - destroying her soul - she was constantly angry. This is the fruit of being involved in witchcraft...... don't do it.
The Arena Chess

Wicca has gained new social attention thanks to the mainstream film "The Witches of Eastwick" [1987] starring Jack Nicholson and Susan Sarandon, Scarlet Witch (Marvel Comics) comic books, and a 2003 Broadway musical.

Religion in America (arguably more than anywhere else) is a public dialogue, and Wiccans (practitioners of witchcraft) seek recognition like any other faith sect.

Perhaps it is the popularity of horror films in America that caters to a more libertine dialogue about the social acceptance of witchcraft. What we should therefore ask is what the Bible suggests about a multi-cultural capitalist melting pot such as America.

How do we coordinate discussions about Biblical attitudes about witchcraft with popularity of occultism-oriented horror-fiction writers such as Stephen King in America?


Christine (American Horror Film)

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Mary's testimony is that witchcraft brought nothing but disaster into her life. How sad! What a testimony!

Yea well this is the greatest advertisement for witchcraft right here

Tom Brady says wife is a 'witch', says they're 'into everything' - Metro Voice News

Tom Brady Says His Wife Is a 'Good Witch' and Her Rituals Help Him Win, but There's More Going on Here

"She always makes a little altar for me at the game, because she just wills it so much," Brady said in the CBS Boston video. "So she put together a little altar for me that I can bring with pictures of my kids, and I have these little special stones and healing stones and protection stones, and she has me wear this necklace, and take these drops she makes, and I say all these mantras, and I stopped questioning her a long time ago."

As the audience laughed, Brady went on to share how he goes to his wife for predictions.

"About four years ago we were playing the Seahawks and she said 'you better listen to me, this is your year, but this is all the things you're going to have to do to win,' and I did all those things and by God, you know, it worked," Brady said.

Apparently, Bundchen's rituals are not the only spiritual element the Bradys dabble in for success. In a New York Times interview in 2015, Brady said his family has space for multiple faiths, stating “I think we’re into everything. I don’t know what I believe. I think there’s a belief system, I’m just not sure what it is.”

Also in 2015, it was reported by USA Today, Brady kept a four-inch bronze idol of the Hindu god Ganesh in his locker. The idol is said to be the "remover of obstacles” in the Hindu faith.
She says that witchcraft leads to insanity - seeing things - hearing things - unable to sleep - it was eating away at her - destroying her soul - she was constantly angry. This is the fruit of being involved in witchcraft...... don't do it.
She says that witchcraft leads to insanity - seeing things - hearing things - unable to sleep - it was eating away at her - destroying her soul - she was constantly angry. This is the fruit of being involved in witchcraft...... don't do it.
Winning 6 Superbowls.

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