The Bible! Do you think a book written by men is perfect?

Your average high school graduate knows much more about how the world works than the people of that time,especially the believers.

Most basic example is that an average high school graduate knows how many continents are in the world, which people of that time didn't know.

Or much more simple things like why is the sky blue...

Awe, come on now! Most kids wouldn't know the continents if you flew them there & had them stand on it. Even if they were educated in other countries.

[ame=""]How many continents are there?[/ame]
The ten commandments are foolish and redundant. 'Course what can one expect from ignorant primitives. Two would do if worded properly. Everything there would be covered with:

1) Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You


2) Love Thy Neighbor As You Love Yourself

I've always wondrered about "Honor Thy Father and Mother"
Would that apply if one parent is a murderer and the other a crack whore

There are always parents who do not deserve honor from the children. The kind of parents you speak of are not looked upon with honor from God or anyone.

Um, WHAT??! Many people's perception of HONOR thy mother and father is merely to do right by them. That does NOT mean to necessarily meet them on their conditions/terms, nor does it mean to accommodate any of their potentially bad behavior in which destroys them and/or those around them.

Honor and respect is earned.
That's exactly what I'm saying. There are no exceptions written into the ten commandments. That's what makes it a primitive work of ignorant people. People who believed in witchcraft and thought the earth was flat. People who feared for their lives when they had to be out at night. People who basically lived their lives within a few miles of where they were born. We're talking stone and bron e age stuff here. 90% of everything technology related was discovered, invented or developed during the last 100 years. Thsoe people were so ignorant they had no clue........about anything.

The idea that a loving, caring god of the universe would drop by one time and turn the only keys to the kingdom over to them is totally idiotic.

So what you are saying is common sense plays no role in our interpretation of the law ?

Stop with the nonsense, that all believers believed the earth was flat. If you did a little research on the matter you would find very few believers believed that the earth was flat. The few believers that believed in a flat earth was used by darwin and his buddies to try and show all believers were ignorant because they all believed the earth was flat. It plainly say's in the scriptures that the earth was round. There are a few scriptures where people on your side take the scriptures out of context.

Common sense tells me that any deep prophetic thinking from the stone age is about like what you might expect from a first grader today....or in many cases much less. People need to understand that god is man made. There are so many things which have happened in the name of religion that only those who have been brainwashed could possibly accept as the truth that it baffles the logical mind. Please put me in this man's arena:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism. It is enough for me to contemplate the mystery of conscious life perpetuating itself through all eternity, to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe which we can dimly perceive, and to try humbly to comprehend even an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in nature." ~Dr. Albert Einstein~

Punishment comes from a lack of obedience on every level for humans.

We discipline children for a reason so does our creator.

If we were still perfect there would be no reason for discipline,that all changed with mans rebellion.
There are always parents who do not deserve honor from the children. The kind of parents you speak of are not looked upon with honor from God or anyone.

Um, WHAT??! Many people's perception of HONOR thy mother and father is merely to do right by them. That does NOT mean to necessarily meet them on their conditions/terms, nor does it mean to accommodate any of their potentially bad behavior in which destroys them and/or those around them.

Honor and respect is earned.

so... you do not love your enemies, do you, Youwerecreated? I don't know, I won't debate individual specifics and personal differences that are inevitable and necessary, however, I find that those who appose me often come to be to my own benefit at some point through time if I am not too closed minded and stagnantly stubborn in my ways of thinking.

Honor and respect within the child/parent/child roles should not be on the condition of personal approval and acceptance, for it to be so seems to bring about the very kinds of breakdowns and mental deficiencies that we see so common within our modern societies today.

We can agree to disagree, I'm big enough to do so, are you?
Um, WHAT??! Many people's perception of HONOR thy mother and father is merely to do right by them. That does NOT mean to necessarily meet them on their conditions/terms, nor does it mean to accommodate any of their potentially bad behavior in which destroys them and/or those around them.

Honor and respect is earned.

so... you do not love your enemies, do you, Youwerecreated? I don't know, I won't debate individual specifics and personal differences that are inevitable and necessary, however, I find that those who appose me often come to be to my own benefit at some point through time if I am not too closed minded and stagnantly stubborn in my ways of thinking.

Honor and respect within the child/parent/child roles should not be on the condition of personal approval and acceptance, for it to be so seems to bring about the very kinds of breakdowns and mental deficiencies that we see so common within our modern societies today.

We can agree to disagree, I'm big enough to do so, are you?

I have no enemies,there are people with life styles I don't like but I pray that they turn to God.

I have non--believers in my family I still love and respect them. You don't have to be a believer to earn honor and respect. There are people that are not believers but have a good code of ethics.

If a parent commits murder, they should be put to death plain and simple. Does such a person deserve honor and respect ?

Yes I am big enough.
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Honor and respect is earned.

so... you do not love your enemies, do you, Youwerecreated? I don't know, I won't debate individual specifics and personal differences that are inevitable and necessary, however, I find that those who appose me often come to be to my own benefit at some point through time if I am not too closed minded and stagnantly stubborn in my ways of thinking.

Honor and respect within the child/parent/child roles should not be on the condition of personal approval and acceptance, for it to be so seems to bring about the very kinds of breakdowns and mental deficiencies that we see so common within our modern societies today.

We can agree to disagree, I'm big enough to do so, are you?

I have no enemies,there are people with life styles I don't like but I pray that they turn to God.

I have non--believers in my family I still love and respect them. You don't have to be a believer to earn honor and respect. There are people that are not believers but have a good code of ethics.

If a parent commits murder, they should be put to death plain and simple. Does such a person deserve honor and respect ?

Yes I am big enough.
Circumstantial situations... accordingly... do matter. What factors contributed to the offense? Define murder, here. Plain and simple? Really? That right there, that seems to dismiss an awful lot of potentially important keys in better judging the situation(s). Honor and Respect may be the minimal 'things' deserved. Sometimes dealing death is Duty... Biblical Duty, even. :dunno: I would not boast to know, every day it is proven to me that there are many things I *just* don't know.
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Your average high school graduate knows much more about how the world works than the people of that time,especially the believers.

Most basic example is that an average high school graduate knows how many continents are in the world, which people of that time didn't know.

Or much more simple things like why is the sky blue...

Awe, come on now! Most kids wouldn't know the continents if you flew them there & had them stand on it. Even if they were educated in other countries.

[ame=""]How many continents are there?[/ame]

Excellent point.
Nowadays even the most possibly dumb individual on earth could find out in a mater of seconds how many continents exists.
In biblical times, if you take the most smart man on earth, scratch that the smartest 100 people on earth , gave them 10 years to come up with a number of continents - they still wouldn't know.

I'm not saying that those people were not intelligent , they just lack basic knowledge of how everything works.

The funniest thing is those people wrote a book telling everyone how the world works , while they themselves clearly didn't have a clue.
Honor and respect is earned.

so... you do not love your enemies, do you, Youwerecreated? I don't know, I won't debate individual specifics and personal differences that are inevitable and necessary, however, I find that those who appose me often come to be to my own benefit at some point through time if I am not too closed minded and stagnantly stubborn in my ways of thinking.

Honor and respect within the child/parent/child roles should not be on the condition of personal approval and acceptance, for it to be so seems to bring about the very kinds of breakdowns and mental deficiencies that we see so common within our modern societies today.

We can agree to disagree, I'm big enough to do so, are you?

I have no enemies,there are people with life styles I don't like but I pray that they turn to God.

I have non--believers in my family I still love and respect them. You don't have to be a believer to earn honor and respect. There are people that are not believers but have a good code of ethics.

If a parent commits murder, they should be put to death plain and simple. Does such a person deserve honor and respect ?

Yes I am big enough.

As for this... Um, well, I don't know what to say. I suppose congratulations. :dunno: Whereas a son and/or daughter of the King Most High would have enemies and God intervenes in such a way that their enemies are not against them, it does not necessarily mean that they are something other than the opposition, just perhaps that they have been redirected/distracted from apposing the son/daughter.

It is necessary, it seems, for us to have adequate opposition, otherwise how else would we be provoked enough to exceed the limits we set for ourselves, which possibly represent a type of insanity, however secure and beneficial such could momentarily be. :dunno:
Your average high school graduate knows much more about how the world works than the people of that time,especially the believers.

Most basic example is that an average high school graduate knows how many continents are in the world, which people of that time didn't know.

Or much more simple things like why is the sky blue...

Awe, come on now! Most kids wouldn't know the continents if you flew them there & had them stand on it. Even if they were educated in other countries.

[ame=""]How many continents are there?[/ame]

Excellent point.
Nowadays even the most possibly dumb individual on earth could find out in a mater of seconds how many continents exists.
In biblical times, if you take the most smart man on earth, scratch that the smartest 100 people on earth , gave them 10 years to come up with a number of continents - they still wouldn't know.

I'm not saying that those people were not intelligent , they just lack basic knowledge of how everything works.

The funniest thing is those people wrote a book telling everyone how the world works , while they themselves clearly didn't have a clue.

Do you have any idea how stupid you just made yourself look? It wasn't until the Middle Ages that continent was even a concept that entered the language, you literally could not ask the question in Biblical times, whatever you think that means. That does not mean they did not know how the world worked, the Ancient Greeks knew the world was round, and even managed to get a pretty accurate measurement of its diameter. They knew the difference between stars and planets, could predict eclipses, and even understood what caused them. The amazing thing to me is how people who do not know simple history think they are smarter than those who actually invented science.

By the way, the Bible does not make any claim to be a guide about how the world works.
Do you have any idea how stupid you just made yourself look? It wasn't until the Middle Ages that continent was even a concept that entered the language, you literally could not ask the question in Biblical times, whatever you think that means. That does not mean they did not know how the world worked, the Ancient Greeks knew the world was round, and even managed to get a pretty accurate measurement of its diameter. They knew the difference between stars and planets, could predict eclipses, and even understood what caused them. The amazing thing to me is how people who do not know simple history think they are smarter than those who actually invented science.

By the way, the Bible does not make any claim to be a guide about how the world works.

It doesn't matter if the concept of 'continent' didn't enter the language.
In biblical time , they knew what sea means ? They knew what land means ?
So one could ask "Are we on a very very big chunk of land surrounded by sea ?"
if so , "Are there other chunks of land except our own ?" and if there are "How many chunks are there ?"
(There you go, you just asked a man from biblical times about how many continents there are without using the word continent)

On the other part of your statement about the Greeks : The bible predates the Greek scientists of whom you speak by many years. I don't know who wrote the bible , but it defiantly wasn't the Greeks. So with all due respect to the Greeks and their knowledge,it's irrelevant to my previous comment.

The Greeks indeed knew many things , but now we know a lot more than they did.

By the way, the Bible does not make any claim to be a guide about how the world
It seems you are right about this one , it does not claim to be a guide about how the world works , it claims to know about how the world came to be and how people should act.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think the people who wrote it are not intelligent.
I think that at the time when the bible was written (I'm speaking of the original not the remake)it had very good influence as people of that time needed rules to abide by. As for the present it's a totally different story.
The Bible was written by some of the followers of Christ (peace be upon him) after Christ's ascension into heaven (We Muslims do not believe that Christ was crucified or killed).
So you will find a difference in the editions of the Bible, so it will not be Perfect, because the man is not Perfect, just the prophets is perfect.
We Muslims believe in the Bible that God has given to the Christ (peace be upon him).
You muslims worship satan.

It doesn't make any difference what any ancient god worshipper believes. That same bullshit about son of god, virgin birth, savior of the world, crucifiction, resurrection went around N. Africa and the middle east for 3000 years before the Jewish version. Try reading something except religious fairy tales occasionally.
I have. The Bible, which by the way is not fairy tales, is the truth.
The Bible! Do you think a book written by men is perfect?.

God wrote the 10 Commandments so those are perfect.

The ten commandments are foolish and redundant. 'Course what can one expect from ignorant primitives. Two would do if worded properly. Everything there would be covered with:

1) Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You


2) Love Thy Neighbor As You Love Yourself

I've always wondrered about "Honor Thy Father and Mother"
Would that apply if one parent is a murderer and the other a crack whore
You have no honor. You are satans servant and a big fat LIAR!!!
You muslims worship satan.

It doesn't make any difference what any ancient god worshipper believes. That same bullshit about son of god, virgin birth, savior of the world, crucifiction, resurrection went around N. Africa and the middle east for 3000 years before the Jewish version. Try reading something except religious fairy tales occasionally.
I have. The Bible, which by the way is not fairy tales, is the truth.

The rhetorical question is 'How do you know ?'
It's rhetorical because you can't know - and because you can't know you can't claim that it is the truth.
That's exactly what I'm saying. There are no exceptions written into the ten commandments. That's what makes it a primitive work of ignorant people. People who believed in witchcraft and thought the earth was flat. People who feared for their lives when they had to be out at night. People who basically lived their lives within a few miles of where they were born. We're talking stone and bron e age stuff here. 90% of everything technology related was discovered, invented or developed during the last 100 years. Thsoe people were so ignorant they had no clue........about anything.

The idea that a loving, caring god of the universe would drop by one time and turn the only keys to the kingdom over to them is totally idiotic.

So what you are saying is common sense plays no role in our interpretation of the law ?

Stop with the nonsense, that all believers believed the earth was flat. If you did a little research on the matter you would find very few believers believed that the earth was flat. The few believers that believed in a flat earth was used by darwin and his buddies to try and show all believers were ignorant because they all believed the earth was flat. It plainly say's in the scriptures that the earth was round. There are a few scriptures where people on your side take the scriptures out of context.

Common sense tells me that any deep prophetic thinking from the stone age is about like what you might expect from a first grader today....or in many cases much less. People need to understand that god is man made. There are so many things which have happened in the name of religion that only those who have been brainwashed could possibly accept as the truth that it baffles the logical mind. Please put me in this man's arena:

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism. It is enough for me to contemplate the mystery of conscious life perpetuating itself through all eternity, to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe which we can dimly perceive, and to try humbly to comprehend even an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in nature." ~Dr. Albert Einstein~
You have yet to prove you have any common sense.
The Holy Bible as most know it consist of the Jewish Torah a few other books and then the New Testament which sets Jews and Christians apart.

Most will tell you that God created the Bible because it was inspired by God and then men through the will of God wrote down the Word of God.
The truth is it was still written by men, God or no God.
The Bible its self claims that people are not perfect and if we are not perfect how can a book written by us be perfect?
My answer is that it can't be perfect as it is man made, the same thing goes for all other holy books and scriptures.
How then if a book can't tell what God wants can you truly know? The answer is that from your own experience with the divine you will eventually get a feeling of what god wants from you.
While the Bible can provide some moral guidance it does have its contradictions and quite a few of them to boot.
Most notably is that one of the ten commandments tells us to hold God above all else and not to have Idols.
But what most Christians have done is they have broken that commandment by placing their idea of Jesus Christ on a pedestal above God whom truly does deserve praise.
The early church fathers believed or at least professed to believe in the Trinity the concept that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are all the same. They even snuck in their own beliefs into the scriptures yet a portion of the truth still got through - "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good-except God alone." - Luke 18:19 " Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only." - Matthew 4:10

In case you do not realize it, I don't believe in the trinity but I do believe Jesus was The Son of God but they are not the same and God is the one who deserves worship.
The Worship of Jesus is a SIN! I am simply a non-traditional christian as I do not fit into any denominations of any kind.

Also regardless of what some may think God still speaks to some people it's just that we have grown tired of always writing down every thing we think god wants us to.
The Bible is written by man true, but it is inspired by God. Jesus is the Son of God, and there is a Holy Trinity. In genesis God says "Let US make man in OUR image." He is speaking of the Holy Trinity. Jesus is our intercessor before God, we are to pray to God through Jesus name. How can you claim to be a Christian if you do not believe the Bible is the word of God?

I am a Christian because of my relationship with God, because I've taken up my cross and followed my brother, Jesus.
I am a Christian because I strive to be like Jesus, I do not worship him and there is no trinity!

Not because I am bond by some set of rules or because of some book made of paper.
I do believe in the ten commandments and that a person should love god with all their hearth, love their self and love all others.

I hold no faith in man, I have no faith in a man but only in the God that created him.

he said all have fallen short of the glory of the Lord, not all but me. Therefore Jesus did not claim to be perfect according to that statement.
I believe that the Holy Spirit is perfect and I believe that It will guide my heart as I read His Word

Your response is by far one of the best I've seen.

I don't believe in the trinity as in I don't worship the holy spirit or Jesus nor do I hold them at the same standing as God but I do believe that God can enact through others whether it be a man, a spirit or an angel. I also believe that God can use others with out their even knowing and even if they don't believe in her or reject her.

Do you mean that as you read,
The Bible you allow yourself to reflect on it and be moved by it and then according to what you feel has moved you, you accept that as the holy spirit enacting upon you?
I believe that the Holy Spirit is perfect and I believe that It will guide my heart as I read His Word

Your response is by far one of the best I've seen.

I don't believe in the trinity as in I don't worship the holy spirit or Jesus nor do I hold them at the same standing as God but I do believe that God can enact through others whether it be a man, a spirit or an angel. I also believe that God can use others with out their even knowing and even if they don't believe in her or reject her.

Do you mean that as you read,
The Bible you allow yourself to reflect on it and be moved by it and then according to what you feel has moved you, you accept that as the holy spirit enacting upon you?


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