The Biden administration could sidestep McConnell's refusal to pay off America's bills by minting a $1 trillion platinum coin

A lot of people, and certainly most whacko ignorant republicans, would call you a communist for working for the government for decades before you retired on the taxpayers dime.
Well....I seriously doubt that.....but then again I didn't retire on the taxpayers dime.
Everything I get...I worked for....unlike the $3600/mo that Democrats are paying illegals to vote for them in the next election.
You see...I don't collect welfare....and I can't qualify for the SNAP I'm not retired on the taxpayer's dime.
Now here's an old/new idea. 1 trillion dollar coin and f'k Congress.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has firmly dug in on refusing GOP help to renew the US's ability to pay off its bills, known as the debt ceiling. Instead, the Kentucky Republican said it's up to Democrats to raise it in order to finance their social spending plans on healthcare, education, and childcare. He insists he's not "bluffing."
But the conundrum could have a coin-sized solution. A loophole in the law that prescribes the types of coins that can legally be minted in the US theoretically allows the Treasury Department to mint a $1 trillion platinum coin, deposit it at the Federal Reserve, and then continue paying its bills as normal.
In the Obama era, several economists and commenters noted a potential workaround to the debt limit. The law that governs the types of coins that the Treasury Department is legally allowed to mint includes descriptions of typical coins like dimes, nickels, and quarters, as well as special commemorative and collectors' coins, like a palladium $25 coin.

The law includes this clause: "The Secretary may mint and issue platinum bullion coins and proof platinum coins in accordance with such specifications, designs, varieties, quantities, denominations, and inscriptions as the Secretary, in the Secretary's discretion, may prescribe from time to time."
That clause leaves it up to the Treasury Secretary to decide on the denomination for a platinum coin, meaning in theory, Yellen could carve out the amount required and Congress could get on with more pressing business.
Of course, Treasury officials have long ruled out using the trillion-dollar platinum coin as a solution to the debt ceiling, arguing that Congress should do its job and raise the ceiling itself.
What a creative and intelligent idea.

Unfortunately, China wants a future in dominating the world through wealth. They might take their platinum trillion token and give into a reciprocity coin made of uranium. :(
Republicans have no problem with weaponizing the rule book when it suits them. If that's what it takes to keep them from holding the nation hostage again it should be done.
You're in the majority in Congress and have the Sock Puppet in the WH, and you're whining about Turtles McConnell???

Uh....the purpose of all of this massive spending is to raise the paying the debt isn't ever going to happen.
No.....they'll just use the debt to raise taxes so they can stifle the economy and cause another economic collapse.
It sounds like disrespect that creates a war between men from whom assets are stolen by a big gang of brainwashed who are out to destroy other peoples' happiness and well-being by charging up apparatchiks with animosity against another group of people.

The Democrats have misinterpreted laws out the wazoo to kill off the next generation, all to make themselves masters of one huge slave class that has no children, grandchildren, and kinfolks to help them out when they are old., and those whose families do unite against the "gang" are merely eliminated with jail terms for exercising their guaranteed freedoms in a Constitution they have torn up with a great big Cheshire grin like evil Nancy's public climax the night she tore up free peoples popular President.

This is a time of dismay for the free world. Our Constitution was written for a people dedicated to live free. Our freedoms started disappearing after 1914 when the American people were called upon to pay for a war in Europe by initiating taxes on the common man. While we were helping refugees of WWI, it resulted in gangs seeking a way to set up an oligarch with themselves as the beneficiaries. We now refer to enemies of our Constitution as the Deep State mob that has funded itself through our Foreign programs that send billions of dollars to countries of free people like the Ukrainians undergoing genocide by Russia that has apparently killed its opposition by sending the KGB in to kill off the Ukrainians who served as a breadbasket to those Russia wishes to cease existance. Stalin and his bullies got rid of farmers in the Ukraine for breaking off slavery to join the free marketplace their hard work and Putin seems interested in starving them out once again by controling America's Deep state with under the table enrichment by giving money to their fellow communists like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, and the sneak, Joe Biden who got himself elected President using sympathetic precinct chairpeople to wash out Republican winners and place Commies in Congress and now the White House. They got communist support by paying the reporters for sale to the Fourth Reich that sells its loyalty to the highest bidders in Foreign countries who have no compunctions about using a billion slaves to make and sell cheap and also shoddy merchandise to people who overlooked poisened dog food, baby formulas, and now, poisonous drugs that killed four to six hundred American yoithful drug buyers per week. All drug cartels have to do to become richer than their country's leaders is to furnish Democrats running for public office with lots and lots of payoff money to buy precinct chairpeoples collusion to eliminate Republican votes and divert them to Democrat candidates. I hate this operation that has well paid friends who like lots of free, untaxed money to do simple felonies for the Democrats every other year when elections roll around.

And all is covered by omeurta dictated by experts in criminal takeovers who have been well trained by Universities whose faculties train new acolytes easy to fool in books written by masterminds and their cronies in this Great American Heist. They had to get rid of Kennedy and Nixon because both of them were Conservatives. They also got rid of Trump who keeps coming back for more. Who will win?
Would it be inflationary? Given that it wouldn't be in circulation, as it were...and the release of the funds based on the coin would be indistinguishable from the normal spending by the Fed.--probably not-
You act as though they'd be "released" somewhere other than our economy. Inflation is here and we're on the front edge of a wave of uncertain height. I refuse to believe that the Pols in DC are stupid enough to believe they can literally create a limitless amount of funding for their vote-buying, self-enrichment plans and not have the dollar collapse as a result. That means they KNOW it's coming and they are willing to see it happen.
To start with platinum is $949.65/oz USD at the moment I write this. To arbitrarily assign a value other than that is nonsense. The damn thing might just as well be printed on copy paper or stamped from aluminum.
Call this the Weimar or Zimbabwe option.
Nonsense. What is the actual value of a quarter?

Congress can assign any value to a coin it deems appropriate. That’s per the Constitution

That being said the optics are not great. It won’t happen
It sounds like disrespect that creates a war between men from whom assets are stolen by a big gang of brainwashed who are out to destroy other peoples' happiness and well-being by charging up apparatchiks with animosity against another group of people.

The Democrats have misinterpreted laws out the wazoo to kill off the next generation, all to make themselves masters of one huge slave class that has no children, grandchildren, and kinfolks to help them out when they are old., and those whose families do unite against the "gang" are merely eliminated with jail terms for exercising their guaranteed freedoms in a Constitution they have torn up with a great big Cheshire grin like evil Nancy's public climax the night she tore up free peoples popular President.

This is a time of dismay for the free world. Our Constitution was written for a people dedicated to live free. Our freedoms started disappearing after 1914 when the American people were called upon to pay for a war in Europe by initiating taxes on the common man. While we were helping refugees of WWI, it resulted in gangs seeking a way to set up an oligarch with themselves as the beneficiaries. We now refer to enemies of our Constitution as the Deep State mob that has funded itself through our Foreign programs that send billions of dollars to countries of free people like the Ukrainians undergoing genocide by Russia that has apparently killed its opposition by sending the KGB in to kill off the Ukrainians who served as a breadbasket to those Russia wishes to cease existance. Stalin and his bullies got rid of farmers in the Ukraine for breaking off slavery to join the free marketplace their hard work and Putin seems interested in starving them out once again by controling America's Deep state with under the table enrichment by giving money to their fellow communists like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, and the sneak, Joe Biden who got himself elected President using sympathetic precinct chairpeople to wash out Republican winners and place Commies in Congress and now the White House. They got communist support by paying the reporters for sale to the Fourth Reich that sells its loyalty to the highest bidders in Foreign countries who have no compunctions about using a billion slaves to make and sell cheap and also shoddy merchandise to people who overlooked poisened dog food, baby formulas, and now, poisonous drugs that killed four to six hundred American yoithful drug buyers per week. All drug cartels have to do to become richer than their country's leaders is to furnish Democrats running for public office with lots and lots of payoff money to buy precinct chairpeoples collusion to eliminate Republican votes and divert them to Democrat candidates. I hate this operation that has well paid friends who like lots of free, untaxed money to do simple felonies for the Democrats every other year when elections roll around.

And all is covered by omeurta dictated by experts in criminal takeovers who have been well trained by Universities whose faculties train new acolytes easy to fool in books written by masterminds and their cronies in this Great American Heist. They had to get rid of Kennedy and Nixon because both of them were Conservatives. They also got rid of Trump who keeps coming back for more. Who will win?
Long winded RWNJ QAnon garbage
Nonsense. What is the actual value of a quarter?

Congress can assign any value to a coin it deems appropriate. That’s per the Constitution

That being said the optics are not great. It won’t happen
Well, not really. Congress can set any dollar amount a coin may be worth, yes. They cannot assign value though, no matter what any document states. The market assigns value which is part of the problem with minting a trillion dollars out of nothing, the extra supply of dollars pushing up against the decreased supply of goods is going to drive that value down no matter what congress may think about it.

But yes, this talk comes up every time the debt ceiling comes into contention and it never happens.
Now here's an old/new idea. 1 trillion dollar coin and f'k Congress.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has firmly dug in on refusing GOP help to renew the US's ability to pay off its bills, known as the debt ceiling. Instead, the Kentucky Republican said it's up to Democrats to raise it in order to finance their social spending plans on healthcare, education, and childcare. He insists he's not "bluffing."
But the conundrum could have a coin-sized solution. A loophole in the law that prescribes the types of coins that can legally be minted in the US theoretically allows the Treasury Department to mint a $1 trillion platinum coin, deposit it at the Federal Reserve, and then continue paying its bills as normal.
In the Obama era, several economists and commenters noted a potential workaround to the debt limit. The law that governs the types of coins that the Treasury Department is legally allowed to mint includes descriptions of typical coins like dimes, nickels, and quarters, as well as special commemorative and collectors' coins, like a palladium $25 coin.

The law includes this clause: "The Secretary may mint and issue platinum bullion coins and proof platinum coins in accordance with such specifications, designs, varieties, quantities, denominations, and inscriptions as the Secretary, in the Secretary's discretion, may prescribe from time to time."
That clause leaves it up to the Treasury Secretary to decide on the denomination for a platinum coin, meaning in theory, Yellen could carve out the amount required and Congress could get on with more pressing business.
Of course, Treasury officials have long ruled out using the trillion-dollar platinum coin as a solution to the debt ceiling, arguing that Congress should do its job and raise the ceiling itself.
Yeah, that wouldn't have any negative side effects like devaluing the $ and causing the economy to crash.
Works every time it is tried.

(Milliarde is a billion)
Works every time it is tried.View attachment 548673View attachment 548674
(Milliarde is a billion)
It is always funny to see cash like this. Have some old pesos like that. It is an indication of how far off the rails you have gone when you have to use numbers that are just asininely large. 50 trillion, what a joke.

Although, it seems the central bank of Zimbabwe will give you 40c for that 50 trillion :auiqs.jpg:
More tax cuts for the billionaires will get that debt paid off in no time.
Okay, when was the last tax cut for billionaires? You dip shits keep spewing this talking point like mindless drones so put up or shut up fool.
Refusing to pay for stuff that has already been approved by congress is stupid and has never worked out for the republicans but they seem to really like holding a gun to the nation's credit rating.
No its working just fine for the Republicans, there keeping the pot stirred the hate & anger at full tilt.
It is always funny to see cash like this. Have some old pesos like that. It is an indication of how far off the rails you have gone when you have to use numbers that are just asininely large. 50 trillion, what a joke.

Although, it seems the central bank of Zimbabwe will give you 40c for that 50 trillion :auiqs.jpg:
Deflation is a beautiful thing
Didn’t AOC propose this dumb idea?
No, the idea far predates her.

The idea for the Treasury Department to mint a coin and send it to the Federal Reserve to pay off the debt was first popularized by Populist Party presidential candidate Bo Gritz in 1992. As a standard part of his stump speeches, he would hold up a five-inch example coin. The specific concept was first introduced by Carlos Mucha, a lawyer who commented under the name "beowulf" on various blogs. "Beowulf" outlined the idea in a series of comments on Warren Mosler's blog in May 2010, noting that "Congress has already delegated to Tsy [Treasury] all the seigniorage power authority it needs to mint a $1 trillion coin".[18] Beowulf also drew attention to the concept on the blog of economist Brad Delong in July 2010 and in a legal analysis blogpost of his own in January 2011, but it was not until July 2011 that the use of the concept as an unorthodox method of resolving the debt-ceiling crisis came to the attention of the financial press and in mainstream media blogs. At that time, the idea found some support from legal academics such as Yale Law School's Jack Balkin. Once the debt ceiling crisis of the summer of 2011 was resolved, attention to the concept faded.

The concept gained renewed and more mainstream attention by late 2012, as the debt-ceiling limit was being approached again. In early January, the economist Paul Krugman endorsed the idea and asserted that opposition to the idea was coming from people unwilling to admit the truth that "money is a social contrivance". His endorsement attracted considerable media attention. Former Mint director Diehl was widely cited in the media debunking criticisms of the coin and its basis in law. Congressman Jerry Nadler endorsed the idea, and it was featured in the international press by January 4, 2013."

It was Talib that reintroduced it recently.

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