The Biden Disaster: 8,529 Americans dead from Covid in Biden's first two days

- 40 full size passenger planes
- 2 9/11s
- More than all the Union army deaths at Antietam
- 355 full school buses
- 3 Pearl Harbors

CNN and the rest of the garbage media are ignoring this, by the way, ensuring even more Americans will die.

See Trump. I hear he's at Mar-A-Lago. Take it up with him. Where was your outrage when your hero was overseeing a 9/11 everyday and doing NOTHING about it..well except moping
about his election loss, filing lawsuits, rage tweeting, and stoking an insurrection. :)
- 40 full size passenger planes
- 2 9/11s
- More than all the Union army deaths at Antietam
- 355 full school buses
- 3 Pearl Harbors

CNN and the rest of the garbage media are ignoring this, by the way, ensuring even more Americans will die.

More died today than yesterday? This isn't setting a good trend. At this rate----Biden, even with the vaccines and treatments, will have caused the death of over 1.4 million within the first year. A million more than Trump. Bertter hope that the sun does something dems....
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View attachment 447035

At this rate Biden will have killed as many as Trump is accused of in less than two months.

What a leader! Does he have a plan???



trumpanzees think that corona virus deaths can be turned off like a faucet......which makes one wonder, why their Lard and master didn't do so............


So what you're saying is that Biden doesn't have a plan other than mandating everyone wear masks with the exception of himself and other....... special people who the China virus won't touch.


trumpanzees think that corona virus deaths can be turned off like a faucet......which makes one wonder, why their Lard and master didn't do so............
These are the same geniuses who blamed Obama for not cleaning up the fucking disaster he inherited fast enough.

These are not serious people. They're clowns.
At least clowns are entertaining. The Deplorable white trailer trash are nuts.
- 40 full size passenger planes
- 2 9/11s
- More than all the Union army deaths at Antietam
- 355 full school buses
- 3 Pearl Harbors

CNN and the rest of the garbage media are ignoring this, by the way, ensuring even more Americans will die.

You seem to be mixing up Joe Biden with Jesus.

Jesus could perform miracles. Joe Biden cannot...he'll need a little more time to cure the sick.

- 40 full size passenger planes
- 2 9/11s
- More than all the Union army deaths at Antietam
- 355 full school buses
- 3 Pearl Harbors

CNN and the rest of the garbage media are ignoring this, by the way, ensuring even more Americans will die.

More died today than yesterday? This isn't sitting a good trend. At this rate----Biden, even with the vaccines and treatments, will have caused the death of over 1.4 million within the first year. A million more than Trump. Bertter hope that the sun does something dems....
Like the GFC it will get worse before it will get better. And like the GFC turnaround, the current president will get the credit. In the case of the GFC Obama was responsible for making things right. Biden will be remembered as the president who got the coronavirus under control. I'm sure the Deplorable wingnuts will try and find some reason to say Trump was responsible. Normal people know better.
View attachment 447035

At this rate Biden will have killed as many as Trump is accused of in less than two months.

What a leader! Does he have a plan???



trumpanzees think that corona virus deaths can be turned off like a faucet......which makes one wonder, why their Lard and master didn't do so............

They were hitting the ground running. They love government. Government is everything. business is a minor help. "You didn't build that".... Remember.

Propaganda. Amazing some parrots still believe.

"Somebody invested in roads and bridges .................... Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires.

So we say to ourselves, ever since the founding of this country, you know what, there are some things we do better together. That’s how we funded the GI Bill. That’s how we created the middle class. That’s how we built the Golden Gate Bridge or the Hoover Dam. That’s how we invented the Internet. That’s how we sent a man to the moon. We rise or fall together as one nation and as one people, and that’s the reason I’m running for President — because I still believe in that idea. You’re not on your own, we’re in this together."
Breaking: Biden and Democrats infect national guard with Covid, deaths skyrocketing under Biden, other countries looking on in horror.
- 40 full size passenger planes
- 2 9/11s
- More than all the Union army deaths at Antietam
- 355 full school buses
- 3 Pearl Harbors

CNN and the rest of the garbage media are ignoring this, by the way, ensuring even more Americans will die.

This is just the stupidest thread, but we have come to expect this from the Cult.
- 40 full size passenger planes
- 2 9/11s
- More than all the Union army deaths at Antietam
- 355 full school buses
- 3 Pearl Harbors

CNN and the rest of the garbage media are ignoring this, by the way, ensuring even more Americans will die.

Seriously?..okay we'll many died under Trump's watch?
BUT Trump
- 40 full size passenger planes
- 2 9/11s
- More than all the Union army deaths at Antietam
- 355 full school buses
- 3 Pearl Harbors

CNN and the rest of the garbage media are ignoring this, by the way, ensuring even more Americans will die.

See Trump. I hear he's at Mar-A-Lago. Take it up with him. Where was your outrage when your hero was overseeing a 9/11 everyday and doing NOTHING about it..well except moping
about his election loss, filing lawsuits, rage tweeting, and stoking an insurrection. :)

Trump isn't president anymore. But I will note that fact that you don't care about the 8,000+ Americans who've died from Covid since Biden took office. CNN doesn't give a shit about them either.

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