The Biden Plan!!

In all fairness - Joe Biden might have thought Tara Reade was his wife... or sister
Informed that Sanders had endorsed his campaign, Biden said that while he appreciates the kind words he really likes Sanders' fried chicken.
Evidently Slo-Joe believes not only that we Americans are gonna elect him POTUS but that we are also gonna wait until at least January to get back to living. Like his fellow Dem socialists, Slo-Joe views Chinavirus as a "tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision." - (Rep Jim Clyburn - D,SC))

I don't expect any trumpanzee to take this link as credible, willful ignorance is the safe harbor for some of them. Most supporters of trump, and those who hate President Obama are too far gone on the idiot fringe to ever read something which the last administration has done to bring us back from the brink, they want to believe trump's claim that he has (which is incredulous).
Speaking of idiots^^^this one leads the pack. STFU bozo.
Evidently Slo-Joe believes not only that we Americans are gonna elect him POTUS but that we are also gonna wait until at least January to get back to living. Like his fellow Dem socialists, Slo-Joe views Chinavirus as a "tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision." - (Rep Jim Clyburn - D,SC))

I don't expect any trumpanzee to take this link as credible, willful ignorance is the safe harbor for some of them. Most supporters of trump, and those who hate President Obama are too far gone on the idiot fringe to ever read something which the last administration has done to bring us back from the brink, they want to believe trump's claim that he has (which is incredulous).
Speaking of idiots^^^this one leads the pack. STFU bozo.

Written by a trump supporter, a true believer of trump, whose eponymous ideology (Trumpism) is akin to every despot who has ever ruled a nation-state.

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