The Biden Plan!!

I want you all to imagine this. Tell me what you think.

This is what is called a thread killer.

Trump hints at using federal programs to provide coverage after Obamacare decision

President Donald Trump said he is considering using federal programs like Medicare and Medicaid to cover the rising ranks of the uninsured after his administration decided it would not reopen the Obamacare insurance markets to address the coronavirus crisis.

Both Trump and Vice President Mike Pence on Wednesday were very vague about any forthcoming proposals that would flesh out their promise that people wouldn't have to worry about the costs of treating the coronavirus. But at the daily White House task force briefing, they indicated they were looking at some version of Medicaid and Medicare to fill in at least some cost gaps.
Healthcare shouldn’t be related to employment. It’s so dumb. There should just be own markets.
Here we go, Dem TAX INCREASES because...a virus.
Lol, no.

General tax increase because tRump.


Just admit it, Dem's want ALL our money no amount of taxes is ever enough for those moochers.
Wake the fuck up and look around. Do you see what your orange idol just spent? Where the fuck do you think that's going to come from? A tax cut? We tried that when Agent Orange gave his buddies a trillion dollars to buy back their own stocks. Did that work? Fuck no it didn't.

You bloody tRumplings need to regain at least a small grasp of reality right the fuck now or this country is done.
That's rich coming from a fascist America hating jackass like you.
Dude, you wouldn't know a fascist if you had one stuck up your ass.

To back to your cartoons.

Biden will not be POTUS.
Are you kidding? All he needs to do is sit down and let tRump continue to fuck up.

You better get used to the idea.

President Biden? What is the most important part of his platform to you?
Honestly at this point all I care about is that he isn't a criminal or an incompetent boob who's opinion is always that of the last person to speak with him.

You're getting more shrill and un comprehensive the closer we get to November.
Are you going to hurt yourself or others when the numbers come in?
At this point it looks like that could be a real possibility.
Not sure you understand what's happening here, Liar. This place is about to come apart at the seams. Without an adult at the helm we are screwed.

And it’s Biden? Biden said Trumps travel ban was racist.

Biden was against it, before he was for it.
Here we go, Dem TAX INCREASES because...a virus.
Lol, no.

General tax increase because tRump.


Just admit it, Dem's want ALL our money no amount of taxes is ever enough for those moochers.
Wake the fuck up and look around. Do you see what your orange idol just spent? Where the fuck do you think that's going to come from? A tax cut? We tried that when Agent Orange gave his buddies a trillion dollars to buy back their own stocks. Did that work? Fuck no it didn't.

You bloody tRumplings need to regain at least a small grasp of reality right the fuck now or this country is done.
That's rich coming from a fascist America hating jackass like you.
Dude, you wouldn't know a fascist if you had one stuck up your ass.

To back to your cartoons.

Biden will not be POTUS.
Are you kidding? All he needs to do is sit down and let tRump continue to fuck up.

You better get used to the idea.

I refuse to believe the majority of those that vote are as ignorant an uninformed as the Democrats on this board. I guess we shall see in Nov. If they are, unfortunately, we will all suffer equally.

Hey guys!

A tRumpling just said Democrats are "ignorant and uninformed"!!

Ain't that a hoot?!?
Here we go, Dem TAX INCREASES because...a virus.
Lol, no.

General tax increase because tRump.


Just admit it, Dem's want ALL our money no amount of taxes is ever enough for those moochers.
Wake the fuck up and look around. Do you see what your orange idol just spent? Where the fuck do you think that's going to come from? A tax cut? We tried that when Agent Orange gave his buddies a trillion dollars to buy back their own stocks. Did that work? Fuck no it didn't.

You bloody tRumplings need to regain at least a small grasp of reality right the fuck now or this country is done.
That's rich coming from a fascist America hating jackass like you.
Dude, you wouldn't know a fascist if you had one stuck up your ass.

To back to your cartoons.

Biden will not be POTUS.
Are you kidding? All he needs to do is sit down and let tRump continue to fuck up.

You better get used to the idea.

President Biden? What is the most important part of his platform to you?
Honestly at this point all I care about is that he isn't a criminal or an incompetent boob who's opinion is always that of the last person to speak with him.

How did I know you have no clue what he is running on, yet you hang out on a political board.

Here, read what he is running on.

That isn't what I said now, is it.

Why don't you try actually listening to what I say for a change.

You said you don’t care what his platform is. How much have you donated to his campaign?
So far?

Here we go, Dem TAX INCREASES because...a virus.
Lol, no.

General tax increase because tRump.


When has Trump called for tax increases?
Thats a dem thing.
Who's gonna pay for this, Liar?

God you're a one trick pony.
Me personally? The Wife and I can take care of ourselves even with barry's plan that made healthcare costs intended.
If you cant afford it? Oh well,place the blame where it belongs,the halfrican american.
Well that's a lie.

Not totally unexpected, since you are the Official USMB Liar.

Healthcare costs were already skyrocketing. They actually slowed down under Obamacare.
Here we go, Dem TAX INCREASES because...a virus.
Lol, no.

General tax increase because tRump.


When has Trump called for tax increases?
Thats a dem thing.
When has Trump done anything for healthcare?

He got rid of the tax for those who dont want to participate.
Which was just stupid. Figures you would cheer for it.

Fuck off ya leach!
Pay your own way like the rest of us.
Well that's another lie. You have no idea what I pay for healthcare or if I qualify for a subsidy.

You sure are good at your job, Liar.

I shouldn't be surprised, you get so much practice, after all.
Here we go, Dem TAX INCREASES because...a virus.
Lol, no.

General tax increase because tRump.


When has Trump called for tax increases?
Thats a dem thing.
When has Trump done anything for healthcare?

He got rid of the tax for those who dont want to participate.
Which was just stupid. Figures you would cheer for it.

You cant tax people for healthcare they dont want.
Look it up commie.
Lol, a biased judge doesn't mean the law changed, liar. Just got reinterpreted.

It's a conservitard thing.
Here we go, Dem TAX INCREASES because...a virus.
Lol, no.

General tax increase because tRump.


When has Trump called for tax increases?
Thats a dem thing.
Who's gonna pay for this, Liar?

God you're a one trick pony.
Me personally? The Wife and I can take care of ourselves even with barry's plan that made healthcare costs intended.
If you cant afford it? Oh well,place the blame where it belongs,the halfrican american.
Well that's a lie.

Not totally unexpected, since you are the Official USMB Liar.

Healthcare costs were already skyrocketing. They actually slowed down under Obamacare.

You must be
Here we go, Dem TAX INCREASES because...a virus.
Lol, no.

General tax increase because tRump.


When has Trump called for tax increases?
Thats a dem thing.
When has Trump done anything for healthcare?

He got rid of the tax for those who dont want to participate.
Which was just stupid. Figures you would cheer for it.

Fuck off ya leach!
Pay your own way like the rest of us.
Well that's another lie. You have no idea what I pay for healthcare or if I qualify for a subsidy.

You sure are good at your job, Liar.

I shouldn't be surprised, you get so much practice, after all.

What job special boy?

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