The Biden Question or What do you think of me now, boys?

The Democrats debasing politics into Identity Politics is one of the major problems of our current system.

Horseshit. If anyone is responsible for Identity Politics, it's the Republicans with their "Welfare Queens" and "Willie Horton" ads. You guys are just crying because that shit doesn't work for you anymore.

God, you are a fucking stupid person. HOw about turning off the hate radio and try to think for yourself.
Using the dubious claims of racism is easy for the Democrats, because they have devolved from
a political party into some-kind of cult worship of their political leaders. Such things never work
well for the body politic.

If Hillary actually runs and wins, no doubt the cult worship will come back with claims
of "misogyny", they hate strong women,, etc If anyone questions her crappy policies as well.

The only one stuck on the race of Papa Obama are the Democrats.
Really, since the Democrats are the party of slavery, segregation and socialism, it only makes sense.
They have always been racist in some fashion, only now they have picked a different race.
Really, pandering to fears is done best by Democrats with blacks...

50 years of voting Democrat have gotten them so little- unless never ending poverty, terrible neighborhoods, broken families, is somehow considered a "win"
Seriously, if a real racist against blacks wanted to "hurt" blacks, he or she could not have
picked a better system than the one Democrats promote.

The mere fact that Papa Obama denied future school vouchers for poor black kids to
go to the same school as his daughters, tells us all we need to know about pandering to people's fears to vote against their self interest.

Of course, the whole false narrative of "hands-up"... talk about playing on people's fears
Never mind the hundred of needless deaths of black on black crime- look over here
at white police officers (and vote for us )

Talk about selling someone a "bag of goods"...


It just came to me .......

Hillary and Warren could claim they have both "evolved" into Lesbians and they are now a couple
and they are going to run for President and Vice President.

Really, it could even be one of those Unitarian style marriages where Bill and them are "married"
No doubt Bill wouldn't mind the thought of DP action, though one suspects with his befriending of
billionaire pedophiles, he may have had something else in mind....

Regardless - wow

Lesbian/bi "tri-marriage" involving a Native American

it could work !

If not
Josephina Biden will be ready to step in... :)

Yes I must think for myself
"school vouchers are bad - no matter how poor I am
my children should not be able to go to school with the President's children.
He was right to deny my child. Must remember to vote Democrat"

much better

"fucking stupid"

no that would be people who claim 13yr olds wanted sex with adults :)

No hate.
The truth is hard for the left
In fact, it is their worst enemy
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Yes I must think for myself
"school vouchers are bad - no matter how poor I am

No, school vouchers are bad because they don't solve the problem. The reason why private schools do okay is because parents are committed. Not because they somehow got a "better" school.

I went to Catholic Schools in the 1970's because my parents were really invested in Catholic Education. (Today, I'm an avowed atheist) But they made sure I did my homework. The idea you give the uninvolved parent a voucher they didn't pay for and problem solved is... silly.

no that would be people who claim 13yr olds wanted sex with adults

No, fucking stupid is harping on something the person involved has already said, "Get a life" on.
School vouchers should be a kind of socialism that the left could live with...

Vouchers would be a solution for the involved parents who have smart kids but are poor
Like the ones Papa Obama denied from going to school with his kids

Besides, the schools still have standards for admission and the voucher
would be optional.

No claiming that a 13 yr wanted sex with an adult
is pretty stupid (and weird)


But we digress from the posting subject.....

if American can no longer stomach


Josephina Biden will be ready to step in... :)
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School vouchers should be a kind of socialism that the left could live with...

Vouchers would be a solution for the involved parents who have smart kids but are poor
Like the ones Papa Obama denied from going to school with his kids

Well, then, how do you distinguish the "involved" parents from the ones who just want to get their kids out of a bad school where they will be shot?

We need to fix the schools we had, not just give a few kids a golden ticket.

Besides, the schools still have standards for admission and the voucher
would be optional.

So let me get this straight. Instead of fixing the schools most kids are going to end up having to go to, we are going to give a few kids vouchers and let a corporation decide whose kids are most profitable to enroll?


Which means if your kid has any kind of learning disability, he's kind of fucked.

No claiming that 13 yr wanted sex with an adult
is pretty stupid (and weird)

Well, no, a pretty good percentage of 13 year olds have sex. Sorry. 32% of teens have had sex by age 15.
The subversive left, isn't nuanced enough to enjoy political satire... especially the Trotskyite who complains the most....

School vouchers should be a kind of socialism that the left could live with...

Vouchers would be a solution for the involved parents who have smart kids but are poor
Like the ones Papa Obama denied from going to school with his kids

Well, then, how do you distinguish the "involved" parents from the ones who just want to get their kids out of a bad school where they will be shot?

I know the thought on the left of an individual making decisions for themselves is confusing,,,,
but believe me, they will be able to do it

We need to fix the schools we had, not just give a few kids a golden ticket.

We spend more than other Western nations and we get the worst results from public schools. Throwing more at it will not fix anything.

Besides, the schools still have standards for admission and the voucher
would be optional.

So let me get this straight. Instead of fixing the schools most kids are going to end up having to go to, we are going to give a few kids vouchers and let a corporation decide whose kids are most profitable to enroll?


Which means if your kid has any kind of learning disability, he's kind of fucked.

Kind of fucked is Papa Obama denying poor kids an opportunity to go to a good school. Not at all. First we do it now with private and public hospitals. Besides, once the voucher system
was really opened up, the market would efficiently provide more choices than a gov't could. Public school systems even now pay for a lot of disabled kids to go to private schools that are better able to help them.

No claiming that 13 yr wanted sex with an adult
is pretty stupid (and weird)

Well, no, a pretty good percentage of 13 year olds have sex. Sorry. 32% of teens have had sex by age 15.

With adults? Like I said stupid and strange. Even more strange that you know so much about young teenagers and sex
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Libbies get so fired up when they get their own returned to them!

Good, though, think of the children...............
Already well know for his unique ability to step in.....things. Things best not discussed around the dinner table.
Already well know for his unique ability to step in.....things. Things best not discussed around the dinner table.

As I have pointed out, if Joe actually went through with it

- he won't be so creepy now when gets close to women/girls
for photo ops


- one could claim that he was getting so close and hands on in those photos-
to check out the clothes and textures for future reference
Already well know for his unique ability to step in.....things. Things best not discussed around the dinner table.

As I have pointed out, if Joe actually went through with it

- he won't be so creepy now when gets close to women/girls
for photo ops


- one could claim that he was getting so close and hands on in those photos-
to check out the clothes and textures for future reference

Wait, come to think of it
it would even be more creepy now :)
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I know the thought on the left of an individual making decisions for themselves is confusing,,,,
but believe me, they will be able to do it

Naw, Vouchers are going nowhere. Little "Separation of CHurch and State" thingee. Also, most states have Blaine Amendments. Look it up.

We spend more than other Western nations and we get the worst results from public schools. Throwing more at it will not fix anything.

Neither will giving huge giveaways to rich corporations that can't wait to get in on the scam.

Kind of fucked is Papa Obama denying poor kids an opportunity to go to a good school. Not at all. First we do it now with private and public hospitals. Besides, once the voucher system
was really opened up, the market would efficiently provide more choices than a gov't could. Public school systems even now pay for a lot of disabled kids to go to private schools that are better able to help them.

First and foremost, schools aren't hospitals. Second, the whole, "vouchers will fix everything" is a fallacy. We can see that with their bastardized half-brother, the Charter Schools, which haven't produced any of the promised results.

With adults? Like I said stupid and strange. Even more strange that you know so much about young teenagers and sex

Well, I guess you were not a teenager at one time? i'm always amazed how you guys just forgot what it was like when you were teens.
Forgot what it was like as teens?
No- just didn't have stats

So school vouchers are no good then Papa Obama was doing a favor
to all the poor kids he denied a chance to go to the same school as kids
- got it

boy the left sure can sell a big line of sh*t to their voters
So school vouchers are no good then Papa Obama was doing a favor
to all the poor kids he denied a chance to go to the same school as kids
- got it

boy the left sure can sell a big line of sh*t to their voters

We need to fix the schools for all the kids, not just give a giveaway to a few of them.
sure, it is the left's story and they can tell it anyway they want
sure, it is the left's story and they can tell it anyway they want

You mean as opposed to believing in the magic fairy dust of Vouchers?

Here's why vouchers won't work.

First, most of these private schools are already filled to capacity. Many of them have WAITING LISTS to get in.

Second, once you have vouchers, how do you keep the families that are ALREADY paying tuition to say, "Hey' where's my kid's voucher". So you are really just educating the same amount of kids. Maybe some ghetto kids displace a middle class kid.

Third, you get into the real problem of "Choice". It works both ways. The schools getting the vouchers aren't going to want to take the Autistic kid, the Down Syndrome kid, or the kid with disciplinary problems. Heck, no, that's too much work. They'll go for the low-hanging fruit.

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