The Biden-Stephanopoulus interview will air Friday primetime on ABC.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
"Unedited Transcripts" will be available after the interview. So that means ABC will edit the sh_t out the interview and paste together only Joe's best moments and hide what really happened. The fact that the Biden team didn't have the cajones to give a REAL interview and instead chose a well known sycophant tells you what to expect. More putting lipstick on the pig, smoke and mirrors "Good Ol Joe is fine".

Friday night on a holiday weekend. Yeah, that will put butts in seats. Democrats are so out of touch with reality it is no longer funny. No doubt Biden's masters will grab a sound bite or two and parade him around as orator of the year.


It's a careful balance between "butts in seats" and minimizing the amount of witnesses. ;)
Nobody will watch it. A runted hobbitt lobbing pre-scripted softballs at a brain-dead, bed-shitting vegetable will attract no one.

The bell that got rung last week cannot and will not be unrung.

To gain some credibility, Robert L Peters could call a press conference and field questions from the media, including how many millions he extorted from countries that need our foreign aid, and exactly how old was Ashley when he was raping her in the shower (and where was jill?).... that kind of stuff. He too morally bankrupt and stupid to stand in front of a free press, so let him go down in history as a pathetic cum stain that needed a ridiculous amount of election theft to only end up embarrassing his party bosses and the entire country.

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