The Big Lie exposed, how the MSM pushes the false narrative of the 2020 election being “the most secure”

Biden is trying to make sure that the 400 voter suppression bills do not become reality. That's the reform he is talking about. The fact that Biden won, means exactly opposite of what you are talking about. Twisting the story won't help you.

After looking at your message posts vs reaction score, combined with replies I'd see you make towards others, especially calling people liars because they expressed an opinion differencing from yours, shows me you're not even worth paying attention to. Youre just a contrarian.

Another one for the ignore list it seems.
Will lefties explain how all these illegal things happened in the election, yet somehow Biden “won” legitimately?

This thread just goes to evidence the pitiful, or rather selective, memories Trumpers have.

it wasn’t the MSN that pronounced to the world that the 2020 election was the most secure ever, it was Trump himself through his administration officials. Trump‘s Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) put out the following statement:


What I want to know is why are you calling Trump and his own Administration officials liars?
And your the biggest left wing idiot on the board.

That election wasn't secure. It was stolen. And look who stole it. A walking, talking incompetent disaster that YOU voted for. Congrats.
And your the biggest left wing idiot on the board.

That election wasn't secure. It was stolen. And look who stole it. A walking, talking incompetent disaster that YOU voted for. Congrats.
Sorry, but I don’t engage in stolen election fantasies
Neither do the courts
2020 was the most secure election in history

20 million more people voted
There were more recounts, audits, court challenges than any election in history……ALL confirmed the election results
Well done, TRUMP!, for making our elections totally safe and secure. We never could have done it without you. We went from the worst, most compromised election in our nation's history to the most secure in history in only 4 years, and this is all thanks to one man, TRUMP!. What a man, who singlehandedly faced down the nations who were trying to pervert the election by buying FaceBook ads and told them they'd better not try it again. Obviously, democrats don't believe in security and wouldn't have done anything, so it took a man of uncompromising integrity and valor to make it happen. Here's to you, TRUMP!, forever known as the man who secured the elections. You do know that he was president when all this was done, right?
Well done, TRUMP!, for making our elections totally safe and secure. We never could have done it without you. We went from the worst, most compromised election in our nation's history to the most secure in history in only 4 years, and this is all thanks to one man, TRUMP!. What a man, who singlehandedly faced down the nations who were trying to pervert the election by buying FaceBook ads and told them they'd better not try it again. Obviously, democrats don't believe in security and wouldn't have done anything, so it took a man of uncompromising integrity and valor to make it happen. Here's to you, TRUMP!, forever known as the man who secured the elections. You do know that he was president when all this was done, right?
Trump has destroyed Americas faith in the electoral process just because he can’t admit he lost

Crybaby Loser
Trump has destroyed Americas faith in the electoral process just because he can’t admit he lost

Crybaby Loser
Absolutely not. It is beyond question that the mighty TRUMP! made this last election the most secure in history, when 4 years ago it was the worst and most influenced in history, and he did it all without you even noticing. It took unparalleled integrity and strength to stand up to those other nations and tell them they'd better cut it out, or else he'd personally get their Facebook accounts cancelled. He, and he alone, has increased election security to where it is today. Biden didn't do it, he wasn't in office. The democrats didn't do it, they don't believe in security. No, it was TRUMP! acting all on his own that secured the election to the point that even his haters are marveling at how secure it was. It was so secure that the MSM, after wailing for years about foreign influence, couldn't even be bothered to talk about it this last time.
Before we go any further, explain how this is unconstitutional;

. Before the 2020 Election Drop Boxes were inserted into the election process in multiple states in reaction to COVID. These were unconstitutional.

And if you cannot prove to us that it is, then this thread is a lie. We'll be waiting?
All those drop boxes did was make it real easy for ballot harvesting. Having un maned drop boxes went against most states voting laws.

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