The Big Mexican SCAM Job- Americans Asleep At the Wheel


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Conservatives (or at least what passes for Conservatism these days), don't seem to have too good a handle on how to make themselves popular. Instead of ranting continuously about Obamacare (does Fox News ever shut up about it ?), which everyone might NEED in the future, they should battling tooth and nail against Obama's immigration plans to keep millions of illegal aliens in the US, thereby swiping jobs away from millions of unemployed Americans.

The job market problem is major, but there are many other aspects to consider. First and foremost, is the simple reality that this is far more than just an immigration problem. It is a WAR being waged by Mexico (primarily), against the US, for the purpose of stealing America's wealth, as it has been doing for decades. Although not as bad as a World War II against Nazi Germany in terms of guns, bombs, and destruction, and people killed, in another way it is WORSE than World War II.

First, it must be realized that this is an entirely different type of WAR than World War II was. Although both Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan would have liked to send troops to America, and conquer it, as they did with China, France, Denmark, et al, they feared the heavy armament of the American people, and they had all they could handle in Europe and the Far East. In any case, unlike the current Mexican WAR, they did not have many (or any) of their people entering the USA to fight here and take America's wealth.

Mexico, however, without firing any (or many) shots, DOES send their people here to conquer (economically & politically) America, and they have been doing just that for a very long time. After their cheap labor "troops" arrive, they quickly acquire jobs, and wire the American dollars back to Mexico (remittances$$$$$). Thus, after being extracted out of the US economy, in their paychecks (or cash off the books), it then gets re-inserted into the Mexican economy, by way of purchases made in Mexican stores (AKA the Mexican economy).

In recent years, these remittances$$ have totaled $25-26 Billion/year, just to Mexico alone, and account for Mexico's second largest source of income. Combined with their other way of sacking America (human services payouts$$ via false documentation & the anchor baby racket), this looting of America's wealth is the #1 source of income. Together, these total even much more than the $25 Billion/year from the remittances$$ haul. The Vikings would be envious.

This outrageous situation should be the #1 focus of everyone in America right now, both Republicans & Democrats (I'm an Independent), who should all be up in arms against it, instead of blabbering about Obamacare. And anyone who supports this invasion of America, and humungeous looting of America's wealth, ought to be arrested for treason and/or sedition.
Any body with half a brain already know this, the commies just don't care, they figure it will shore up their power eventually.
The progressives are partners with those who are looting America's wealth. And they've worked for years on vilifying anyone who opposes them. Now they've got the right convinced that they have to support amnesty. Instead of putting the truth out there, the right is too scared to tackle this for fear of being labeled. It's a vicious cycle.

We don't need immigration reform. We were allowing people in at a rate that we could handle and we expected them to assimilate. It's a good thing to have immigration. Tens of millions entering illegally and exploding the population with anchor babies completely overwhelmed us. Instead of trying to uphold the law and refusing to allow babies of illegals to be considered citizens, our elected officials saw a chance to use these people for their own purposes. They don't care about the long term consequences. People are entering illegally and heading straight to the border guards to ask where they should go to get welfare or amnesty. Obama claims the border is safe, as if they have a fucking clue who is coming here or why.

Now the left claims that the right is doomed because the Hispanic population is exploding and will influence the outcome of elections. With millions of anchor babies, who are voting, and spiteful of those who are against illegal immigration, they will change this country. Sadly, many places where there are large populations of illegals look just like the shitholes they left.

We should not allow babies of illegals to become citizens. That was the first mistake and it allowed millions to use that loophole to increase the population with non-assimilating people who often dislike Americans. They are now receiving welfare, Obamacare and even Medicare. We are being bled dry while the politicians continue to encourage more of the same.

This should be a big issue and I hope some candidates have the courage to address it. Polls show that the majority of Americans would support them if they were to go against amnesty.
Any body with half a brain already know this, the commies just don't care, they figure it will shore up their power eventually.

The VOTE SEEKERS (Democrats) are clearly at the top of the heap of the vested interest, open borders list. And you're correct. They will let just about anything in America fall to pieces, in order to get those VOTES.
Conservatives do see the problem, unfortunately the MSM pillages anyone who fights against ILLEGAL immigration. That is just fact. The truth is this problem is not the fault of conservatives or Republicans this is all democrats. The same people who brag that the Republicans can't win elections blame Republicans for every one of the liberal failed politics. Look at the immigration situation. We are being flooded by low educated low income people with almost no restraint. Then when the middle class wealth goes down or education statistics drop these people the liberal left blames a president who served 30 years ago.

There is truly something mentally wrong with the American liberal. The liberals have been power for the last 7 years. For almost one year they had a filibuster majority and controlled all three branches. Which means they could have done anything they wanted. What did they do? absolutely nothing of any good. They shoved Obamacare down our throats which will cover the same poor ILLEGAL immigrants costing the middle class millions.

Everyone can see what illegal immigration is doing to the country. No longer is America's middle class the richest. Health care, for those who pay, is already much more expensive and it will only get worse. Apparently what is really important to liberals is getting their lettuce picked on the cheap. To provide American agri-business with cheap slave labor. Nothing has changed with the democrat party. They still want their low priced slaves, damn the middle class. Then they have the gall to try and blame the greatest president the USA has had in the last 100 years. Pitiful are the democrats.
The only reason Democrats want as many illegals in this country as they can get here is because he helps turn Red States into Blue States.

They don't care about the economic impact. As a matter of fact, a poor economy is good for Democrat prospects, because they support bigger government and the poverty that goes along with it.
Any body with half a brain already know this, the commies just don't care, they figure it will shore up their power eventually.

The VOTE SEEKERS (Democrats) are clearly at the top of the heap of the vested interest, open borders list. And you're correct. They will let just about anything in America fall to pieces, in order to get those VOTES.

They are doing it for the children.
Any body with half a brain already know this, the commies just don't care, they figure it will shore up their power eventually.

The VOTE SEEKERS (Democrats) are clearly at the top of the heap of the vested interest, open borders list. And you're correct. They will let just about anything in America fall to pieces, in order to get those VOTES.

They are doing it for the children.

They refuse to put armed guards in schools for the children.
The VOTE SEEKERS (Democrats) are clearly at the top of the heap of the vested interest, open borders list. And you're correct. They will let just about anything in America fall to pieces, in order to get those VOTES.

They are doing it for the children.

They refuse to put armed guards in schools for the children.
Unquestionably, the Democrats are guilty on various fronts. As a registered Independent however, I have to see all this objectively, with no loyalty to either of the main 2 parties.

Reagan DID give amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens who, over the years have morphed into millions more, as well as legals, via the anchor baby racket and false documentation. He also set a tone in taxation, that has gone directly in opposition to the Eisenhower legacy (Operation Wetback, big govt, etc), which has now lowered taxes and limited spending needed to fight the Mexican invasion (ex. hiring ICE agents, border patrollers, building the Mexican border fence, creating immigration courts & jails, etc)

Credit where it's due. Blame where its due. >> With no obligation to party affiliation.
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