The big question about life on other planets: 1000000000000000000000 planets in the universe

Toob, you like to parade yourself like you're mister science expert, and insulting people left and right who haven't done shit to you yet. Who the fuck made you the science guru on this board?

You need to calm down!

Sometimes I say things in jest, they're not to be taken seriously. But shit... you not only attack me, but you attack everyone! As much as Bond and I disagree and insult each other, at least we have a history.

I don't really care how smart you think you are, the reality is you sound like a pompous ass, using your keyboard muscles to make your penis seem bigger.

Keep in mind you have 16,000 more posts than me, and I've been here 4 years longer than you. So as far as pathetic keyboard worlds, you win that category.

So, tell me what your idea of what an alien life-form that traveled to Earth in a spaceship would possibly look like?

Calm down little jellybean. :itsok: It doesn't take a "science expert" to know your theories on life in space are garbage! Or that being a "Jello" life form would be an advantage over us, where jello can deform under G force with no harm to any shape while we would be splatter on the wall. There are two kinds of people in this world RWS, those that know more than they tell, and the many found on this board like you who tell more than they know!
Okay...but i would like to know how an undifferentiated blob forms thoughts, or metabolizes food, or performs specific functions without differentiated structures.

I never said an undifferentiated blob was a space alien ship traveler. Eukaryotes formed here over 2 billion years ago. Why can't a space alien be a blob without a spine (kind of like Yaphit on The Orville) and still have specialized cells? You are asking questions no one can answer without having traveled all over the galaxy to see many advanced life forms elsewhere. I think most will take on a general pattern similar to ours; there is a reason why nature chose our form. All I was saying is that being a blob might make it easier not harder to endure space travel.

Our descendants could for example become a kind of cellular lumps without any intelligence - but with the ability to resist in a poisened environment. That's as possible as anything else. Evolution has no targets.

And multicellular organisms exist since about 600 million years on Earth. Single cells existed before yet about 3.6 billion years. So the first 6 days of the life of life on planet Earth we were single cells, but since Sunday - or better to say since Sabbat - we are multi-cellular organisms. An I'm sure god would say: "And so it is good." Today a single cell needs - with the help of another single cell - only 9 month to create the body of a new multicellular human being during gestation.

Toob, you like to parade yourself like you're mister science expert, and insulting people left and right who haven't done shit to you yet. Who the fuck made you the science guru on this board?

You need to calm down!

Sometimes I say things in jest, they're not to be taken seriously. But shit... you not only attack me, but you attack everyone! As much as Bond and I disagree and insult each other, at least we have a history.

I don't really care how smart you think you are, the reality is you sound like a pompous ass, using your keyboard muscles to make your penis seem bigger.

Keep in mind you have 16,000 more posts than me, and I've been here 4 years longer than you. So as far as pathetic keyboard worlds, you win that category.

So, tell me what your idea of what an alien life-form that traveled to Earth in a spaceship would possibly look like?

Calm down little jellybean. :itsok: It doesn't take a "science expert" to know your theories on life in space are garbage! Or that being a "Jello" life form would be an advantage over us, where jello can deform under G force with no harm to any shape while we would be splatter on the wall. There are two kinds of people in this world RWS, those that know more than they tell, and the many found on this board like you who tell more than they know!
Okay...but i would like to know how an undifferentiated blob forms thoughts, or metabolizes food, or performs specific functions without differentiated structures.

I never said an undifferentiated blob was a space alien ship traveler. Eukaryotes formed here over 2 billion years ago. Why can't a space alien be a blob without a spine (kind of like Yaphit on The Orville) and still have specialized cells? You are asking questions no one can answer without having traveled all over the galaxy to see many advanced life forms elsewhere. I think most will take on a general pattern similar to ours; there is a reason why nature chose our form. All I was saying is that being a blob might make it easier not harder to endure space travel.

Our descendants could for example become a kind of cellular lumps without any intelligence - but with the ability to resist in a poisened environment. That's as possible as anything else. Evolution has no targets.

And multicellular organisms exist since about 600 million years on Earth. Single cells existed before yet about 3.6 billion years. So the first 6 days of the life of life on planet Earth we were single cells, but since Sunday - or better to say since Sabbat - we are multi-cellular organisms. An I'm sure god would say: "And so it is good." Today a single cell needs - with the help of another single cell - only 9 month to create the body of a new multicellular human being during gestation.

But that body formation has to be capable of building the things necessary to create a spaceship. A mass of lump cells can't do that.

Toob, you like to parade yourself like you're mister science expert, and insulting people left and right who haven't done shit to you yet. Who the fuck made you the science guru on this board?

You need to calm down!

Sometimes I say things in jest, they're not to be taken seriously. But shit... you not only attack me, but you attack everyone! As much as Bond and I disagree and insult each other, at least we have a history.

I don't really care how smart you think you are, the reality is you sound like a pompous ass, using your keyboard muscles to make your penis seem bigger.

Keep in mind you have 16,000 more posts than me, and I've been here 4 years longer than you. So as far as pathetic keyboard worlds, you win that category.

So, tell me what your idea of what an alien life-form that traveled to Earth in a spaceship would possibly look like?

Calm down little jellybean. :itsok: It doesn't take a "science expert" to know your theories on life in space are garbage! Or that being a "Jello" life form would be an advantage over us, where jello can deform under G force with no harm to any shape while we would be splatter on the wall. There are two kinds of people in this world RWS, those that know more than they tell, and the many found on this board like you who tell more than they know!
Okay...but i would like to know how an undifferentiated blob forms thoughts, or metabolizes food, or performs specific functions without differentiated structures.

I never said an undifferentiated blob was a space alien ship traveler. Eukaryotes formed here over 2 billion years ago. Why can't a space alien be a blob without a spine (kind of like Yaphit on The Orville) and still have specialized cells? You are asking questions no one can answer without having traveled all over the galaxy to see many advanced life forms elsewhere. I think most will take on a general pattern similar to ours; there is a reason why nature chose our form. All I was saying is that being a blob might make it easier not harder to endure space travel.

Our descendants could for example become a kind of cellular lumps without any intelligence - but with the ability to resist in a poisened environment. That's as possible as anything else. Evolution has no targets.

And multicellular organisms exist since about 600 million years on Earth. Single cells existed before yet about 3.6 billion years. So the first 6 days of the life of life on planet Earth we were single cells, but since Sunday - or better to say since Sabbat - we are multi-cellular organisms. An I'm sure god would say: "And so it is good." Today a single cell needs - with the help of another single cell - only 9 month to create the body of a new multicellular human being during gestation.

Toob, you like to parade yourself like you're mister science expert, and insulting people left and right who haven't done shit to you yet. Who the fuck made you the science guru on this board?

You need to calm down!

Sometimes I say things in jest, they're not to be taken seriously. But shit... you not only attack me, but you attack everyone! As much as Bond and I disagree and insult each other, at least we have a history.

I don't really care how smart you think you are, the reality is you sound like a pompous ass, using your keyboard muscles to make your penis seem bigger.

Keep in mind you have 16,000 more posts than me, and I've been here 4 years longer than you. So as far as pathetic keyboard worlds, you win that category.

So, tell me what your idea of what an alien life-form that traveled to Earth in a spaceship would possibly look like?

Calm down little jellybean. :itsok: It doesn't take a "science expert" to know your theories on life in space are garbage! Or that being a "Jello" life form would be an advantage over us, where jello can deform under G force with no harm to any shape while we would be splatter on the wall. There are two kinds of people in this world RWS, those that know more than they tell, and the many found on this board like you who tell more than they know!
Okay...but i would like to know how an undifferentiated blob forms thoughts, or metabolizes food, or performs specific functions without differentiated structures.

I never said an undifferentiated blob was a space alien ship traveler. Eukaryotes formed here over 2 billion years ago. Why can't a space alien be a blob without a spine (kind of like Yaphit on The Orville) and still have specialized cells? You are asking questions no one can answer without having traveled all over the galaxy to see many advanced life forms elsewhere. I think most will take on a general pattern similar to ours; there is a reason why nature chose our form. All I was saying is that being a blob might make it easier not harder to endure space travel.

Our descendants could for example become a kind of cellular lumps without any intelligence - but with the ability to resist in a poisened environment. That's as possible as anything else. Evolution has no targets.

And multicellular organisms exist since about 600 million years on Earth. Single cells existed before yet about 3.6 billion years. So the first 6 days of the life of life on planet Earth we were single cells, but since Sunday - or better to say since Sabbat - we are multi-cellular organisms. An I'm sure god would say: "And so it is good." Today a single cell needs - with the help of another single cell - only 9 month to create the body of a new multicellular human being during gestation.

But that body formation has to be capable of building the things necessary to create a spaceship. A mass of lump cells can't do that.

How do you KNOW that? Isn't that just the height of hubris? You say that only because the only material science and technology we know for building ships is OURS, based on what is ideal for our bodies. Did you ever stop to think that a totally different intelligent lifeform would develop a totally different material science and technology-------- ESPECIALLY if its physical environment which made it totally alien was so different as well from ours to begin with?
I don't care whether there is life on other planets, can't we ship the democrats to one anyway? :dunno:

The technology isn't there to send colonies to another planet. I'd settle for Canada; it's perfect for them. What would be even better is to East Canada and West Canada and ship them to the East.
How do you KNOW that? Isn't that just the height of hubris? You say that only because the only material science and technology we know for building ships is OURS, based on what is ideal for our bodies. Did you ever stop to think that a totally different intelligent lifeform would develop a totally different material science and technology-------- ESPECIALLY if its physical environment which made it totally alien was so different as well from ours to begin with?

Both of you are ignoring the fine tuning facts. These are life conditions that the evolution scientists found when exploring the big bang. It means life is rare or non-existent even in our universe. Theories cannot override facts. Look at the evidence. We have not found any semblance of life elsewhere in over 70 years of sending probes and SETI. There are also theories on why intelligent life hasn't been found. If there were, then we would've been contacted or found them by now. Thus, the theorietical physicists have already gone to the multiverse hypothesis.




You are getting carried away (not literally :laugh:) by this stuff. Halos are not in the Bible, but human depictions of supernatural figures that caught on with the artists.

As for the UFO/UAPs depicted if that's what they are, they are evidence what creation scientists consider as works of Satan and demons.
I think a new planet has been discovered recently, so now the counting is 1000000000000000000001

Religion -at least the bible- won't mention about life in other planets because such is not the purpose of those writings, like traffic laws won't mention about worms or roaches.

The situation here is that scientists are looking life in other places of the universe using our living existence as their base for comparison.

Big mistake.

Worst is when they base their search in good for nothing theories, like saying the big bang, a theory which really makes no sense at all. This theory has as its genesis the existence of a microscopic particle in the middle of nothing which -who knows how- started to "expand" by itself.

A microscopic particle from which galaxies have been formed is the most delightful fantasy ever been invented as "the beginning of the universe". Every time a see a dust particle I'm afraid it will expand by itself and its growing will expels me out of my room.

Scientists also look for other civilizations which will see like we do, or read like we do, use mathematics like we do, and etc. In other words, not only they have the rule of humanizing the possible appearance and behavior of beings from other places but also they expect for them to use the same methods for reaching a culture.

And more important than anything. Traveling to outer space harms the human body. Contrary to what superfluous theories claim that space traveling will dilate time and astronauts will live "longer", even when the assumption that the astronaut who stayed almost a complete year in the space station has returned "a thousandth of a second younger, the truth is that he returned much older than if he stays living normally on earth. He was forced to retire after that trip, his body was no longer healthy enough for going to space neither for 30 minutes.

As average, a 40 years healthy astronaut who stays 6 months at the space station returns with osteoporosis of a 70 years old man. And this is nothing, they came back also with several diseases and health conditions, like poor production of red blood cells and more.

We have this main problem which is practically the main reason of why this travel to Mars is just a nice dream, nothing but a nice dream.

If we love this style of comparing ourselves when looking for other civilizations beyond our solar system, then we must understand that those beings have exactly the same problem like us with space traveling.

Reality is telling us that we are isolated by some reason, but surely we are isolated. By now can't go further than the space station around earth and survive healthy and be capable to continue living thru generations..

Calm down little jellybean. :itsok: It doesn't take a "science expert" to know your theories on life in space are garbage! Or that being a "Jello" life form would be an advantage over us, where jello can deform under G force with no harm to any shape while we would be splatter on the wall. There are two kinds of people in this world RWS, those that know more than they tell, and the many found on this board like you who tell more than they know!
Okay...but i would like to know how an undifferentiated blob forms thoughts, or metabolizes food, or performs specific functions without differentiated structures.

I never said an undifferentiated blob was a space alien ship traveler. Eukaryotes formed here over 2 billion years ago. Why can't a space alien be a blob without a spine (kind of like Yaphit on The Orville) and still have specialized cells? You are asking questions no one can answer without having traveled all over the galaxy to see many advanced life forms elsewhere. I think most will take on a general pattern similar to ours; there is a reason why nature chose our form. All I was saying is that being a blob might make it easier not harder to endure space travel.

Our descendants could for example become a kind of cellular lumps without any intelligence - but with the ability to resist in a poisened environment. That's as possible as anything else. Evolution has no targets.

And multicellular organisms exist since about 600 million years on Earth. Single cells existed before yet about 3.6 billion years. So the first 6 days of the life of life on planet Earth we were single cells, but since Sunday - or better to say since Sabbat - we are multi-cellular organisms. An I'm sure god would say: "And so it is good." Today a single cell needs - with the help of another single cell - only 9 month to create the body of a new multicellular human being during gestation.

Calm down little jellybean. :itsok: It doesn't take a "science expert" to know your theories on life in space are garbage! Or that being a "Jello" life form would be an advantage over us, where jello can deform under G force with no harm to any shape while we would be splatter on the wall. There are two kinds of people in this world RWS, those that know more than they tell, and the many found on this board like you who tell more than they know!
Okay...but i would like to know how an undifferentiated blob forms thoughts, or metabolizes food, or performs specific functions without differentiated structures.

I never said an undifferentiated blob was a space alien ship traveler. Eukaryotes formed here over 2 billion years ago. Why can't a space alien be a blob without a spine (kind of like Yaphit on The Orville) and still have specialized cells? You are asking questions no one can answer without having traveled all over the galaxy to see many advanced life forms elsewhere. I think most will take on a general pattern similar to ours; there is a reason why nature chose our form. All I was saying is that being a blob might make it easier not harder to endure space travel.

Our descendants could for example become a kind of cellular lumps without any intelligence - but with the ability to resist in a poisened environment. That's as possible as anything else. Evolution has no targets.

And multicellular organisms exist since about 600 million years on Earth. Single cells existed before yet about 3.6 billion years. So the first 6 days of the life of life on planet Earth we were single cells, but since Sunday - or better to say since Sabbat - we are multi-cellular organisms. An I'm sure god would say: "And so it is good." Today a single cell needs - with the help of another single cell - only 9 month to create the body of a new multicellular human being during gestation.

But that body formation has to be capable of building the things necessary to create a spaceship. A mass of lump cells can't do that.

How do you KNOW that? Isn't that just the height of hubris? You say that only because the only material science and technology we know for building ships is OURS, based on what is ideal for our bodies. Did you ever stop to think that a totally different intelligent lifeform would develop a totally different material science and technology-------- ESPECIALLY if its physical environment which made it totally alien was so different as well from ours to begin with?
You said yourself before that nature (evolution) would prefer a body type like ours to be able to build a spaceship. We're talking about building a spaceship, not just random life. They need some requisites in order to dig up, mine, and forge metal in order to make the electronics and exterior of the spaceship.

You are getting carried away (not literally :laugh:) by this stuff. Halos are not in the Bible, but human depictions of supernatural figures that caught on with the artists.

As for the UFO/UAPs depicted if that's what they are, they are evidence what creation scientists consider as works of Satan and demons.
You said yourself before that nature (evolution) would prefer a body type like ours to be able to build a spaceship. We're talking about building a spaceship, not just random life.

We talk about the possibility of life in the universe. Voyager 1+2 (had started in 1977 and 4 years later, when I remember well) had left the solar system (helioshere) and had passed the heliopause. Now they are in the interstellar space. Astonishing results sent us their nearly blind "eyes". Whatever. The interstellar space and its particles seem to be much more deadly than it is the heliosphere. So we can say we need a minimum of three shields for our survival: The heliosphere, our own magnetic field and the atmosphere. But we need also Jupiter as a sheild - and who knows how many other unkown shields we may need. Could be for example an intelligent species - if it exists, what no one knows - needs a home planet with a sun in the size of our own sun or greater. Most suns are more little, I heard.

They need some requisites in order to dig up, mine, and forge metal in order to make the electronics and exterior of the spaceship.

The science fiction ideas of US-Americans are often very violent (=western in space) and militaristic (=commando structure of a submarine). In case of this science fiction, which I read a very long time ago, mankind just simple degenerated genetically, because of the own mistakes, which it made in context with the environment of planet Earth - and another species found this out. Such a story is not able to be a film, because while reading the whole time you will think you are a human being of the future, who studies the history and mistakes of aliens - but in the end you will find out, you are an alien, who studies, what will happen with us in the future of our own planet.

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I like your comment but it has nothing to do with an extraterrestrial race that can build a spaceship capable of traveling here.

The point is that that race will probably be humanoid in form, in order to do the things necessary to build a spaceship and still follow evolutionary principles of conservation.

I don't even think that "gray aliens" (as depicted) can do it as they're much too skinny. Unless they're at the point where production is all machined and automated and they can lose muscle mass.
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I like your comment but it has nothing to do with an extraterrestrial race that can build a spaceship capable of traveling here.

The point is that that race will probably be humanoid in form, in order to do the things necessary to build a spaceship and still follow evolutionary principles of conservation.

I don't even think that "gray aliens" (as depicted) can do it as they're much too skinny. Unless they're at the point where production is all machined and automated and they can lose muscle mass.
Why would aliens be humanoid?
There's probably microscopic organisms out there, but probably not like life on earth. Too many things have to come together perfectly to reproduce an environment like ours.

There is a very good book that talks about that.

Rare Earth (book) - Wikipedia

Rare Earth: Why Complex Life Is Uncommon in the Universe

The book argues that the universe is fundamentally hostile to complex life and that while microbial life may be common in the universe, complex intelligent life (like the evolution of biological complexity from simple life on Earth) required an exceptionally unlikely set of circumstances, and therefore complex life is likely to be extremely rare. The book argues that among the essential criteria for life are a terrestrial planet with plate tectonics and oxygen, a large moon, magnetic field, a gas giant like Jupiter for protection and an orbit in the habitable zone of the right kind of star. Additionally, events during the Earth's geological past such as Snowball Earth, the Cambrian Explosion, and the various mass extinction events that nearly destroyed life on Earth arguably make the existence and survival of complex life rare as well. The book also suggests that animal life, having taken hundreds of millions of years to evolve, unlike bacteria, which were the first life to appear on Earth, is extremely fragile to sudden and severe changes in the environment, and therefore are very prone to becoming extinct very easily and quickly within a short period of geological time, while microbial life is much more resilient to such changes.

The book also argues that due to the immense size of the universe, even if another habitable planet like Earth does exist elsewhere, and that the Earth is not the only planet in the universe with complex life, such planets would still only appear in relatively small numbers compared to planets that are habitable only to bacteria, and would most likely be too far away for any intelligent life, if they exist, to make contact with each other as well as with our own planet, as the vast distances between those planets would essentially isolate them, and by the time any signals reach their destination, the planet the signal originated from may no longer be habitable anymore except for at least bacteria, and whatever life that sent said signal may already be extinct, making any form of contact with each other useless. Finally, the book serves as a warning about the current degradation of the Earth's biosphere due to human activities, where it suggests that if humans destroy a significant portion of animal life on Earth, then they would also destroy that same amount of that kind of life in the entire universe.

Even if "rare", that could still mean literally trillions of examples of complex life in the history of our universe.

Yep, and zero chance you or anyone else would ever know of them.

Aliens have replaced angels in the weak minded.

It is because of 100 years of being brainwashed by Science Fiction.

You can hardly turn on the TV and not see at least three or four shows about aliens. Anytime you go to a movie theater with multiple screens at least one movie will be Science Fiction. Thousands and thousands of books.

With all the exposure to this fictitious idea of aliens it is no wonder everybody believes in crap like that.

The harsh reality is that the universe seems to be pretty hostile to life. In addition the distances between stars presents a formidable barrier to any possible exploration of other star systems. At least with the technology we know of now.
There's probably microscopic organisms out there, but probably not like life on earth. Too many things have to come together perfectly to reproduce an environment like ours.

There is a very good book that talks about that.

Rare Earth (book) - Wikipedia

Rare Earth: Why Complex Life Is Uncommon in the Universe

The book argues that the universe is fundamentally hostile to complex life and that while microbial life may be common in the universe, complex intelligent life (like the evolution of biological complexity from simple life on Earth) required an exceptionally unlikely set of circumstances, and therefore complex life is likely to be extremely rare. The book argues that among the essential criteria for life are a terrestrial planet with plate tectonics and oxygen, a large moon, magnetic field, a gas giant like Jupiter for protection and an orbit in the habitable zone of the right kind of star. Additionally, events during the Earth's geological past such as Snowball Earth, the Cambrian Explosion, and the various mass extinction events that nearly destroyed life on Earth arguably make the existence and survival of complex life rare as well. The book also suggests that animal life, having taken hundreds of millions of years to evolve, unlike bacteria, which were the first life to appear on Earth, is extremely fragile to sudden and severe changes in the environment, and therefore are very prone to becoming extinct very easily and quickly within a short period of geological time, while microbial life is much more resilient to such changes.

The book also argues that due to the immense size of the universe, even if another habitable planet like Earth does exist elsewhere, and that the Earth is not the only planet in the universe with complex life, such planets would still only appear in relatively small numbers compared to planets that are habitable only to bacteria, and would most likely be too far away for any intelligent life, if they exist, to make contact with each other as well as with our own planet, as the vast distances between those planets would essentially isolate them, and by the time any signals reach their destination, the planet the signal originated from may no longer be habitable anymore except for at least bacteria, and whatever life that sent said signal may already be extinct, making any form of contact with each other useless. Finally, the book serves as a warning about the current degradation of the Earth's biosphere due to human activities, where it suggests that if humans destroy a significant portion of animal life on Earth, then they would also destroy that same amount of that kind of life in the entire universe.

Even if "rare", that could still mean literally trillions of examples of complex life in the history of our universe.

Yep, and zero chance you or anyone else would ever know of them.

Aliens have replaced angels in the weak minded.

It is because of 100 years of being brainwashed by Science Fiction.

You can hardly turn on the TV and not see at least three or four shows about aliens. Anytime you go to a movie theater with multiple screens at least one movie will be Science Fiction. Thousands and thousands of books.

With all the exposure to this fictitious idea of aliens it is no wonder everybody believes in crap like that.

The harsh reality is that the universe seems to be pretty hostile to life. In addition the distances between stars presents a formidable barrier to any possible exploration of other star systems. At least with the technology we know of now.

We are the aliens

We are the aliens

This is my planet of origin.
But was your origin this planet?

No one knows.

Do you believe you are the product of a dna writing pond

I know Democrats are all from Pluto but as far as I know I was born on Earth. At least that is what my parents told me.
But did humans evolve entirely on Earth?

I know you understand the question, so why are you avoiding facing your thoughts

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