The big question about life on other planets: 1000000000000000000000 planets in the universe


We are the aliens

This is my planet of origin.
But was your origin this planet?

No one knows.

Do you believe you are the product of a dna writing pond

I know Democrats are all from Pluto but as far as I know I was born on Earth. At least that is what my parents told me.
But did humans evolve entirely on Earth?

I know you understand the question, so why are you avoiding facing your thoughts

Everything that I know says they did. Do you know something I don't?
Imagine a planet the size of Jupiter, 100's of billions of citizens

Jupiter is a gas giant and technically has no surface on which it's citizens and live.

A terrestrial planet the size of Jupiter would have a surface gravity many hundreds of time that of Earth, making it highly unlikely to evolve any citizens.

Also, because of the time contraction caused by the extreme gravity, any citizens that do evolve will come and go in the wink of a geological eye.

Beat me to it ...

It's all nonsense anyway.
It would take us two hundred thousand years to travel to the nearest star system nevermind the nearest galaxy.

You're quite correct about Jupiter what the top poster forgot to mention is that of that number of discovered or actually estimated planets most of them are the uninhabitable type; only a very small percentage are Earth-like. Those are so far away there's a good chance they don't even exist anymore. People seem to forget then when something is a billion light years away that means you're seeing it today as it was a billion years ago.

Until we solve the dilemma of the extreme distance factor in the cosmos around us we might as well settle on the fact that for all intents and purposes we are alone and will remain that way.


We are the aliens

This is my planet of origin.
But was your origin this planet?

No one knows.

Do you believe you are the product of a dna writing pond

I know Democrats are all from Pluto but as far as I know I was born on Earth. At least that is what my parents told me.
But did humans evolve entirely on Earth?

I know you understand the question, so why are you avoiding facing your thoughts

Everything that I know says they did. Do you know something I don't?

Yes I do know something that you don't, which is that you know nothing. I am not being rude just pointing out that no one knows anything about this topic and nothing you can claim will change this

Yes I do know something that you don't, which is that you know nothing. I am not being rude just pointing out that no one knows anything about this topic and nothing you can claim will change this

I have been told by Biologists that I share 90+% of my DNA with most other animal life on earth.

Are they lying to me?

What is that you know that I don't?

Yes I do know something that you don't, which is that you know nothing. I am not being rude just pointing out that no one knows anything about this topic and nothing you can claim will change this

I have been told by Biologists that I share 90+% of my DNA with most other animal life on earth.

Are they lying to me?

What is that you know that I don't?
That just means we were all made from the same stuff by the same maker.

All cars have round rubber tires, why? Because the part works.

You still miss the point which is that no one has an explanation for how DNA wrote itself in a dead pond as the simplest life form has several thousand genes and not even 1 could ever form at random
That just means we were all made from the same stuff by the same maker.
No it doesn't.

Frannie the Sock Troll: "we dont know anything about this"

Also Frannie the Sock Troll: "i know everything about this"

Frannie, your idiotic trolling has not been missed.
That just means we were all made from the same stuff by the same maker.
No it doesn't.

Frannie the Sock Troll: "we dont know anything about this"

Also Frannie the Sock Troll: "i know everything about this"

Frannie, your idiotic trolling has not been missed.
Ok genius tell us what you believe you know about the initial origin of life on Earth.

Be specific?

The truth piss you off kiddy
I don't care whether there is life on other planets, can't we ship the democrats to one anyway? :dunno:

The technology isn't there to send colonies to another planet. I'd settle for Canada; it's perfect for them. What would be even better is to East Canada and West Canada and ship them to the East.

Load Lying Schitt and the other Communists in the house on a rocket to mars with a hammer and a pile of cardboard. Let them make the best of it.... Hey, mice are cute, democrats are expendable.
That just means we were all made from the same stuff by the same maker.
No it doesn't.

Frannie the Sock Troll: "we dont know anything about this"

Also Frannie the Sock Troll: "i know everything about this"

Frannie, your idiotic trolling has not been missed.


People want to believe in angels.

We have just recast angels as aliens.

Same mindset behind both - and both are complete fantasy.
If there is life on other planets, we'll never know it. Life elsewhere may be so alien we couldn't even recognize it as life. Life may not even exist in our dimension. Star Trek is just fantasy to replace religion.

Yes I do know something that you don't, which is that you know nothing. I am not being rude just pointing out that no one knows anything about this topic and nothing you can claim will change this

I have been told by Biologists that I share 90+% of my DNA with most other animal life on earth.

Are they lying to me?

What is that you know that I don't?
That just means we were all made from the same stuff by the same maker.

All cars have round rubber tires, why? Because the part works.

You still miss the point which is that no one has an explanation for how DNA wrote itself in a dead pond as the simplest life form has several thousand genes and not even 1 could ever form at random

I agree that we don't know how life was created out of chemistry.

If that is the point you are trying to make then we have no disagreement.

However, if your point is that some alien planted human DNA on earth then we are not in agreement.

Yes I do know something that you don't, which is that you know nothing. I am not being rude just pointing out that no one knows anything about this topic and nothing you can claim will change this

I have been told by Biologists that I share 90+% of my DNA with most other animal life on earth.

Are they lying to me?

What is that you know that I don't?
That just means we were all made from the same stuff by the same maker.

All cars have round rubber tires, why? Because the part works.

You still miss the point which is that no one has an explanation for how DNA wrote itself in a dead pond as the simplest life form has several thousand genes and not even 1 could ever form at random

I agree that we don't know how life was created out of chemistry.

If that is the point you are trying to make then we have no disagreement.

However, if your point is that some alien planted human DNA on earth then we are not in agreement.
Why do aliens seem strange to you. After all wherever we go we will be the alien life and we must set up new ecosystems to provide food.

Can you find any fault in this?

Also dna is not really chemistry as we know it. DNA is chemistry controlled by a molecular code that actually controls the reactions

Why do aliens seem strange to you. After all wherever we go we will be the alien life and we must set up new ecosystems to provide food.

Can you find any fault in this?

Also dna is not really chemistry as we know it. DNA is chemistry controlled by a molecular code that actually controls the reactions

I have never seen an alien.

The only life that I know exist in the universe is here on earth.

If you have proof it exist elsewhere then please post the proof.

How Chemistry turns into Biology is one of the great mysteries of science right now. We may never figure it out for all we know.
I like your comment but it has nothing to do with an extraterrestrial race that can build a spaceship capable of traveling here.

The point is that that race will probably be humanoid in form, in order to do the things necessary to build a spaceship and still follow evolutionary principles of conservation.

I don't even think that "gray aliens" (as depicted) can do it as they're much too skinny. Unless they're at the point where production is all machined and automated and they can lose muscle mass.
Why would aliens be humanoid?
Frannie, you gotta read, I'm not gonna repeat stuff for you because it's already been done several times.
There's probably microscopic organisms out there, but probably not like life on earth. Too many things have to come together perfectly to reproduce an environment like ours.

There is a very good book that talks about that.

Rare Earth (book) - Wikipedia

Rare Earth: Why Complex Life Is Uncommon in the Universe

The book argues that the universe is fundamentally hostile to complex life and that while microbial life may be common in the universe, complex intelligent life (like the evolution of biological complexity from simple life on Earth) required an exceptionally unlikely set of circumstances, and therefore complex life is likely to be extremely rare. The book argues that among the essential criteria for life are a terrestrial planet with plate tectonics and oxygen, a large moon, magnetic field, a gas giant like Jupiter for protection and an orbit in the habitable zone of the right kind of star. Additionally, events during the Earth's geological past such as Snowball Earth, the Cambrian Explosion, and the various mass extinction events that nearly destroyed life on Earth arguably make the existence and survival of complex life rare as well. The book also suggests that animal life, having taken hundreds of millions of years to evolve, unlike bacteria, which were the first life to appear on Earth, is extremely fragile to sudden and severe changes in the environment, and therefore are very prone to becoming extinct very easily and quickly within a short period of geological time, while microbial life is much more resilient to such changes.

The book also argues that due to the immense size of the universe, even if another habitable planet like Earth does exist elsewhere, and that the Earth is not the only planet in the universe with complex life, such planets would still only appear in relatively small numbers compared to planets that are habitable only to bacteria, and would most likely be too far away for any intelligent life, if they exist, to make contact with each other as well as with our own planet, as the vast distances between those planets would essentially isolate them, and by the time any signals reach their destination, the planet the signal originated from may no longer be habitable anymore except for at least bacteria, and whatever life that sent said signal may already be extinct, making any form of contact with each other useless. Finally, the book serves as a warning about the current degradation of the Earth's biosphere due to human activities, where it suggests that if humans destroy a significant portion of animal life on Earth, then they would also destroy that same amount of that kind of life in the entire universe.

Even if "rare", that could still mean literally trillions of examples of complex life in the history of our universe.

Yep, and zero chance you or anyone else would ever know of them.

Aliens have replaced angels in the weak minded.

It is because of 100 years of being brainwashed by Science Fiction.

You can hardly turn on the TV and not see at least three or four shows about aliens. Anytime you go to a movie theater with multiple screens at least one movie will be Science Fiction. Thousands and thousands of books.

With all the exposure to this fictitious idea of aliens it is no wonder everybody believes in crap like that.

The harsh reality is that the universe seems to be pretty hostile to life. In addition the distances between stars presents a formidable barrier to any possible exploration of other star systems. At least with the technology we know of now.
The fact that people prefer aliens over god, should be a sign.

Because our gods were alien. No matter what religion you believe. They're not from this planet.

Because our gods were alien. No matter what religion you believe. They're not from this planet.

The concept of God is that of the maker of heaven and earth and all things visible and invisible.

Aliens, well they are just something out of a Science Fiction book. The key word there being fiction.

Kinda different.
This, according to some estimate, give or take quite a few zeroes I'm sure. A deeper philosophical question which goes beyond theology, though it certainly entangles it.

So, this number again, 1000000000000000000000 planets! According to The Institute of Astronomy at University of Cambridge. How many solar systems are there? | Institute of Astronomy

Putting the exact estimation aside. We would have to take a massive leap of faith to think that not only is there NOT other life in the universe, but, also of such existences, that there aren't many far more advanced than us.

Imagine a planet the size of Jupiter, 100's of billions of citizens. Imagine them not having our reptilian instincts of rage and violence, or developing weapons of war to be used against each other. Consider if they had the average brain power 250x that of our smartest humans, and existed for much longer, maybe lived on average 10000 years.

What would be the end result? Is there any religion that makes any consideration for this possibility (outside, I think Scientology)? It really is a daunting concept. We could be the most advanced by far, we might be Gods great creation. It would hardly seem we could be alone though based on the odds and even plain randomness.

Most planets with life on them would have creatures of the complexity of slime

So you have been to Washington D.C. lots of slimy swamp creatures there but the number is dwindling before our eyes. "Career Diplomats" are being exposed as the power brokers in the Deep State.
I like your comment but it has nothing to do with an extraterrestrial race that can build a spaceship capable of traveling here.

The point is that that race will probably be humanoid in form, in order to do the things necessary to build a spaceship and still follow evolutionary principles of conservation.

I don't even think that "gray aliens" (as depicted) can do it as they're much too skinny. Unless they're at the point where production is all machined and automated and they can lose muscle mass.
Why would aliens be humanoid?
Frannie, you gotta read, I'm not gonna repeat stuff for you because it's already been done several times.
Actually I would be a moron if I read the ramblings of a lunatic who knows what aliens are.


Why do aliens seem strange to you. After all wherever we go we will be the alien life and we must set up new ecosystems to provide food.

Can you find any fault in this?

Also dna is not really chemistry as we know it. DNA is chemistry controlled by a molecular code that actually controls the reactions

I have never seen an alien.

The only life that I know exist in the universe is here on earth.

If you have proof it exist elsewhere then please post the proof.

How Chemistry turns into Biology is one of the great mysteries of science right now. We may never figure it out for all we know.
You have seen an alien, this man was an alien to the moon...…………


See it's all perspective


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