The big question about life on other planets: 1000000000000000000000 planets in the universe

This, according to some estimate, give or take quite a few zeroes I'm sure. A deeper philosophical question which goes beyond theology, though it certainly entangles it.

So, this number again, 1000000000000000000000 planets! According to The Institute of Astronomy at University of Cambridge. How many solar systems are there? | Institute of Astronomy

Putting the exact estimation aside. We would have to take a massive leap of faith to think that not only is there NOT other life in the universe, but, also of such existences, that there aren't many far more advanced than us.

Imagine a planet the size of Jupiter, 100's of billions of citizens. Imagine them not having our reptilian instincts of rage and violence, or developing weapons of war to be used against each other. Consider if they had the average brain power 250x that of our smartest humans, and existed for much longer, maybe lived on average 10000 years.

What would be the end result? Is there any religion that makes any consideration for this possibility (outside, I think Scientology)? It really is a daunting concept. We could be the most advanced by far, we might be Gods great creation. It would hardly seem we could be alone though based on the odds and even plain randomness.

Here is why:

God states in prophecy that He is going to destroy The Earth and The Heavens at the End of The Age. This is after Judgment Day, and He says a New Earth and New Heaven will be created.

Why? Because the current one is corrupted and is in a state of sin, death and entropy. This is what Original Sin Brought us. We went from a dimension of "Eternity" to one of "Time" and "Entropy" due to The Original Sin test we failed. We will be restored to the Dimension of "Eternity" per God's Word, through The Sacrifice and Victory of Jesus Christ over Sin and Death, Time and Entropy.

The Universe (Ours) was created for man to explore and colonize throughout eternity. Once we Fell, God restricted us through "Time" and "Entropy" and allowed The Earth, Life, and Universe to be subject to Death and Decay.

There is No Life on other planets. God would not wipe out an Entire Universe full of Life just for Man's Sin. He would restrict that Virus to one Planet, and then redeem it, purge it, and create a New Universe and New Earth as he did prior to Original Sin that is Eternal for his Eternal Creatures to Explore Infinitely.
Please post your voodoo chanting in the religion section. This is the science section. Thanks.
God is the first known scientist
Your God is letting us all wipe ourselves out for the past 4000 years, since he was invented. He actually encourages it, promotes it, and does it himself when unfulfilled.

He just wants to kill us! Shite!

Maybe there's another reason he acts that way....
Because we created these gods in our own image..?
There is only life on Earth...God created the heavens and the Earth.
And he came from the heavens with life
And waited 200,000 years to reveal himself to humans. But only to some of them. And only through iron aged ideas. Weird!
Look the fact is that DeGrasse Tyson is now claiming that the universe is literally a computer simulation, which incidentally requires a programmer of considerable talent. The dumb thing about this poor turd is that he thinks this idea is new when it is not as once upon a time a programmer coded and when he was done the code walked away and made new improved code on it's own.


Are you quoting dat black science guy? LOL!
Idiots come in many colors
There is only life on Earth...God created the heavens and the Earth.
And he came from the heavens with life
And waited 200,000 years to reveal himself to humans. But only to some of them. And only through iron aged ideas. Weird!
Look the fact is that DeGrasse Tyson is now claiming that the universe is literally a computer simulation, which incidentally requires a programmer of considerable talent. The dumb thing about this poor turd is that he thinks this idea is new when it is not as once upon a time a programmer coded and when he was done the code walked away and made new improved code on it's own.


Are you quoting dat black science guy? LOL!
Idiots come in many colors
He delivers information in an entertaining format. Nothing wrong with that. Many negros earn their money in the entertainment industry. But he’s in no danger of becoming a Nobel prize winner...
And he came from the heavens with life
And waited 200,000 years to reveal himself to humans. But only to some of them. And only through iron aged ideas. Weird!
Look the fact is that DeGrasse Tyson is now claiming that the universe is literally a computer simulation, which incidentally requires a programmer of considerable talent. The dumb thing about this poor turd is that he thinks this idea is new when it is not as once upon a time a programmer coded and when he was done the code walked away and made new improved code on it's own.


Are you quoting dat black science guy? LOL!
Idiots come in many colors
He delivers information in an entertaining format. Nothing wrong with that. Many negros earn their money in the entertainment industry. But he’s in no danger of becoming a Nobel prize winner...
Tyson is no dumber than Sagan was, color has nothing to do with idiocy except to skinheads like you
... Nope God has left us with all his ability and disability, the human race will survive, here and elsewhere as well, because we are now reaching out to the heavens from which we came

You will not survive, whether you reach out or not to the heavens, where we did not come from. And fortunately god has not left us.

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... Nope God has left us with all his ability and disability, the human race will survive, here and elsewhere as well, because we are now reaching out to the heavens from which we came

You will not survive, whether you reach out or not to the heavens, where we did not come from. And fortunately god has not left us.
God left us with the ability to create multi trillion operations a second computers to find the answers needed.

Tell me why does God allow hunger and disease

He is still here in our ability

Will you survive a supernova?

We leave or perish, never put all the eggs in one basket, not if you need to eat at least
... Nope God has left us with all his ability and disability, the human race will survive, here and elsewhere as well, because we are now reaching out to the heavens from which we came

You will not survive, whether you reach out or not to the heavens, where we did not come from. And fortunately god has not left us.
God left us with the ability to create multi trillion operations a second computers to find the answers needed.

A computer finds the same quality of answers like a screw driver. What do you expect from machines? You are responsible for all and every life. Not any computer or hammer is responsible. And you - as well as the rest of all mankind - are doing a damned bad job.

Tell me why does God allow hunger and disease

No. Make it better. Forbid hunger and disease.

He is still here in our ability

Yes and no. He helps.

Will you survive a supernova?

The last 13.8 billion years my timeline - my tradition, my answer - survived all supernovae within the whole universe. A wonder?

We leave or perish,

perish - "verderben, zugrunde gehen, sterben" - got it. Again: You will not survive. Tomorrow everything is able to be over for you - and tomorrow also everything is able to be over for all mankind.

never put all the eggs in one basket, not if you need to eat at least

From year to year I got more problems with eggs, because of the barbarian production methods. From year to year I had to find out that ecological labels are often different from this, what they seem to say. To eat "machine eggs" hurts me meanwhile. I feel sick when I do so. So I started not a long time ago to buy very expensive eggs from someone, who let hens live a hen-like life and avoids a machine-like life for hens. I can taste this. I have my eggs in cardboard boxes in the fridge - so no egg is touching another egg. This week I rewarded myselve with 10 eggs more than I eat normally. The woman, who sells the eggs on the market, is shy and I fear she is not a good business women. She speaks not a lot. But for me she is doing a very good job. In the moment I still feel very well, when I remember her last smile in my eyes - but I feel also a desperation behind this smile. I fear this desparation or frustration has to do with money. I pray for her and her family. I hope they will find the happiness they are searching for.

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... Nope God has left us with all his ability and disability, the human race will survive, here and elsewhere as well, because we are now reaching out to the heavens from which we came

You will not survive, whether you reach out or not to the heavens, where we did not come from. And fortunately god has not left us.
God left us with the ability to create multi trillion operations a second computers to find the answers needed.

A computer finds ths same answers like a hammer. Whatz fr ehas sake eeption hujan ehgins from machines? You are responsible for all and every life. Not any computer or hammer is responsible. And you - as wel as thenwheil manaiind is dogn a damned bad job.

[Quopte]Tell me why does God allow hunger and disease

No. Make it better. Forbid hnger adn doseases.

He is still here in our ability

Yes and no

Will you survive a supernova?

The last 13.8 billion years my timeline survived all supernovsa within the whole universe - and this were a lot.

We leave or perish,

perish - verderben, zugrunde gehen, sterben - got it.

never put all the eggs in one basket, not if you need to eat at least

From year4 to years ofgit more problesm woith eggs, because of the barbarian production methods of the qwqbartaagaina himanbeigns whi aer[/QUOTE]

True the supernova can be survived if you can travel past it. Which requires travel being developed by trillion ops per second supercomputers. Not even sure how the new quantum jobs are measured but supposedly the google Q comp solved a 10,000 year standard computer problem in 200 seconds.

God gave us all we need

True the supernova can be survived if you can travel past it. Which requires travel being developed by trillion ops per second supercomputers. Not even sure how the new quantum jobs are measured but supposedly the google Q comp solved a 10,000 year standard computer problem in 200 seconds.

God gave us all we need

Read again what I wrote. You are too fast. You did not understand what I said. And the google "result" is a fake. Their quantum computer works as less as any other quantum computer in the world.

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True the supernova can be survived if you can travel past it. Which requires travel being developed by trillion ops per second supercomputers. Not even sure how the new quantum jobs are measured but supposedly the google Q comp solved a 10,000 year standard computer problem in 200 seconds.

God gave us all we need

Read again what I wrote. You are too fast. You did not understand what I said. And the google "result" is a fake. Their quantum computer works as less as any other quantum computer in the world.

No one survives a supernova of their Sun or an asteroid impact from a planet splitting asteroid, unless they are not there...………………

This is logic, it applies everywhere

True the supernova can be survived if you can travel past it. Which requires travel being developed by trillion ops per second supercomputers. Not even sure how the new quantum jobs are measured but supposedly the google Q comp solved a 10,000 year standard computer problem in 200 seconds.

God gave us all we need

Read again what I wrote. You are too fast. You did not understand what I said. And the google "result" is a fake. Their quantum computer works as less as any other quantum computer in the world.

No one survives a supernova of their Sun or an asteroid impact from a planet splitting asteroid, unless they are not there...………………

This is logic, it applies everywhere

Read again what I wrote. Still you are too fast and do not understand what I said. How helps a machine you now to understand? In general: Supernova or not - who cares about such dangers? Why? What to do? On the other side: The matter we are using to live here is the result of supernovae. The children of god are also children made by the dust of the stars.

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True the supernova can be survived if you can travel past it. Which requires travel being developed by trillion ops per second supercomputers. Not even sure how the new quantum jobs are measured but supposedly the google Q comp solved a 10,000 year standard computer problem in 200 seconds.

God gave us all we need

Read again what I wrote. You are too fast. You did not understand what I said. And the google "result" is a fake. Their quantum computer works as less as any other quantum computer in the world.

No one survives a supernova of their Sun or an asteroid impact from a planet splitting asteroid, unless they are not there...………………

This is logic, it applies everywhere

Read again what I wrote. Still you are too fast and do not understand what I said. How helps a machine you now to understand?

All machines such as rockets and all ships are built using computers.

Please wake up

True the supernova can be survived if you can travel past it. Which requires travel being developed by trillion ops per second supercomputers. Not even sure how the new quantum jobs are measured but supposedly the google Q comp solved a 10,000 year standard computer problem in 200 seconds.

God gave us all we need

Read again what I wrote. You are too fast. You did not understand what I said. And the google "result" is a fake. Their quantum computer works as less as any other quantum computer in the world.

No one survives a supernova of their Sun or an asteroid impact from a planet splitting asteroid, unless they are not there...………………

This is logic, it applies everywhere

Read again what I wrote. Still you are too fast and do not understand what I said. How helps a machine you now to understand?

All machines such as rockets and all ships are built using computers.

Please wake up

Slow down! You know nothing about me. And I have not any idea, what you try to say.

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True the supernova can be survived if you can travel past it. Which requires travel being developed by trillion ops per second supercomputers. Not even sure how the new quantum jobs are measured but supposedly the google Q comp solved a 10,000 year standard computer problem in 200 seconds.

God gave us all we need

Read again what I wrote. You are too fast. You did not understand what I said. And the google "result" is a fake. Their quantum computer works as less as any other quantum computer in the world.

No one survives a supernova of their Sun or an asteroid impact from a planet splitting asteroid, unless they are not there...………………

This is logic, it applies everywhere

Read again what I wrote. Still you are too fast and do not understand what I said. How helps a machine you now to understand?

All machines such as rockets and all ships are built using computers.

Please wake up

Slow down! You know nothing about me. And I have not any idea, what you try to say.

Actually I know quite a bit about you, as in you failed homeroom

6 times
Read again what I wrote. You are too fast. You did not understand what I said. And the google "result" is a fake. Their quantum computer works as less as any other quantum computer in the world.

No one survives a supernova of their Sun or an asteroid impact from a planet splitting asteroid, unless they are not there...………………

This is logic, it applies everywhere

Read again what I wrote. Still you are too fast and do not understand what I said. How helps a machine you now to understand?

All machines such as rockets and all ships are built using computers.

Please wake up

Slow down! You know nothing about me. And I have not any idea, what you try to say.

Actually I know quite a bit about you, as in you failed homeroom

6 times

And your problem is what exactly?

A meteorite, a meteor, a comet, of course. Check the head and tail, which is what you appreciate in those bodies when you get into our atmosphere or when they pass closed by.

The ship of Captain Hook on his way to Neverland

An immense kite given as a gift to baby Jesus.
Ancient flying jellyfish extincted some thousands years ago.
¿Anti-Christian nonsense propaganda in the style of Monty Python?

RWS was asking what those images represent.

I thought in this context more about the whole English speaking world. I deleted it meanwhile. The real question is perhaps: "Means 'to live' in the English speaking world to be part of a kind of automatized entertainement war, which is independent from any religion, philosophy and realilty?"

Es ist alles eitel

Du siehst, wohin du siehst, nur Eitelkeit auf Erden.
Was dieser heute baut, reißt jener morgen ein:
Wo jetzt noch Städte stehn, wird eine Wiese sein,
Auf der ein Schäferskind wird spielen mit den Herden.

Was jetzt noch prächtig blüht, soll bald zertreten werden.
Was jetzt so pocht und trotzt, ist morgen Asch’ und Bein,
Nichts ist, das ewig sei, kein Erz, kein Marmorstein.
Jetzt lacht das Glück uns an, bald donnern die Beschwerden.

Der hohen Taten Ruhm muss wie ein Traum vergehn.
Soll denn das Spiel der Zeit, der leichte Mensch, bestehn?
Ach! Was ist alles dies, was wir für köstlich achten,

Als schlechte Nichtigkeit, als Schatten, Staub und Wind;
Als eine Wiesenblum’, die man nicht wieder find’t.
Noch will, was ewig ist, kein einig Mensch betrachten!

Andreas Gryphius, 1637
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(Sorry, can't find a video about Basil M. online) Hope replacement works.

Envy perhaps?


But who can hope his lines should long
Last, in a daily changing tongue?
While they are new, Envy prevails;
And as that dies, our language fails...

Basil Montagu, 1841.

A meteorite, a meteor, a comet, of course. Check the head and tail, which is what you appreciate in those bodies when you get into our atmosphere or when they pass closed by.

The ship of Captain Hook on his way to Neverland

An immense kite given as a gift to baby Jesus.
Ancient flying jellyfish extincted some thousands years ago.

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