The big question about life on other planets: 1000000000000000000000 planets in the universe

No one survives a supernova of their Sun or an asteroid impact from a planet splitting asteroid, unless they are not there...………………

This is logic, it applies everywhere

Read again what I wrote. Still you are too fast and do not understand what I said. How helps a machine you now to understand?

All machines such as rockets and all ships are built using computers.

Please wake up

Slow down! You know nothing about me. And I have not any idea, what you try to say.

Actually I know quite a bit about you, as in you failed homeroom

6 times

And your problem is what exactly?

No problems here, but I am comically relieved by the turds in this thread who know how and where the universe came from then ask me what my problem is when I point out to them that they are stating facts without any evidence, which indicates their delusions not mine.

Read again what I wrote. Still you are too fast and do not understand what I said. How helps a machine you now to understand?

All machines such as rockets and all ships are built using computers.

Please wake up

Slow down! You know nothing about me. And I have not any idea, what you try to say.

Actually I know quite a bit about you, as in you failed homeroom

6 times

And your problem is what exactly?

No problems here, but I am comically relieved by the turds in this thread who know how and where the universe came from then ask me what my problem is when I point out to them that they are stating facts without any evidence, which indicates their delusions not mine.


Nice that you don't have problems. But let me say: Since 1700 years exists in the christian world the plausible philosophical idea there was nothing before god started to create the world. This is not a delusion - perhaps it is an illusion. But when someone like Albert Einstein says "For phycisists time is an illusion" (also on plausible reasons) then we don't know what to do with such an information. The phycisist Anton Zeilinger made very clear that we have some problems with our view to the physical world. Either the concept of time and space have problems or what we call reality is different from our perception and thoughts, how the physical phenomenon entanglement shows very well. Something is wrong ... perhaps it's better to say "weird" ... with our basic concepts (space, time, energy, information, ... ) and still we don't know what it is or what a senseful alternative could be. Prof. Anton Zeilinger said somehow it looks like "in the beginning was the word".

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All machines such as rockets and all ships are built using computers.

Please wake up

Slow down! You know nothing about me. And I have not any idea, what you try to say.

Actually I know quite a bit about you, as in you failed homeroom

6 times

And your problem is what exactly?

No problems here, but I am comically relieved by the turds in this thread who know how and where the universe came from then ask me what my problem is when I point out to them that they are stating facts without any evidence, which indicates their delusions not mine.


Nice that you don't have problems. But let me say: Since 1700 years exists in the christian world the plausible philosophical idea there was nothing before god started to create the world. This is not a delusion - perhaps it is an illusion. But when someone like Albert Einstein says "For phycisists time is an illusion" (also on plausible reasons) then we don't know what to do with such an information. The phycisist Anton Zeilinger made very clear that we have some problems with our view to the physical world. Either the concept of time and space have problems or what we call reality is different from our perception and thoughts, how the physical phenomenon entanglement shows very well. Something is wrong ... perhaps it's better to say "weird" ... with our basic concepts (space, time, energy, information, ... ) and still we don't know what it is or what a senseful alternative could be. Prof. Anton Zeilinger said somehow it looks like "in the beginning was the word".

Oh my fucking god. You just said christianity is 1700 years old

Get medicated dude
and still we don't know what it is or what a senseful alternative could be.
It kind of sounds to me like you ARE claiming to know.

Why do you try to lie with my words? I did not say "and still we don't know what it is or what a senseful alternative could be." I said this explicit in context of basic elements of our physical research. If you like to know somethjing from me then just simple ask me. I know a lot.
Personally, I cannot believe in a supreme being. So I can't join my friends in freemasonry. I cannot believe in a supreme being, unless that supreme being is a major sadistic asshole. And if that's the case, I don't want to believe in it, because he/she/it is a major fucker. So I have leave my options open with a general intelligence that explains our existence and how the universe works, or just plain randomness and/or chaos to explain it.

Anybody who's actually directing this world and the atrocities committed on it, is a butthole. And not worthy of our devotion.
Let's talk about what is possible, and what's really going on.
The phycisist Anton Zeilinger made very clear that we have some problems with our view to the physical world. Either the concept of time and space have problems or...

Yup, that idea of "space-time" is as false as a thirteen dollars bill.

Take away such absurdity of space-time from science and you will be able to discover -as I did- even what is dark matter and why is hard to detect or isolate.

Trust me with this, relativity stupefies you.

About life in other planets, at this moment yes, there are now great possibilities and or probabilities of life in other planets.
Why do you try to lie with my words?
So now you DON'T claim to know that the explanation is God,? Geesh, make up your mind!

What exactly is your problem? An explanation in science is never "god". What we see about the creation in natural science is: The universe started to expand about 13.8 billion years ago in a so called "big bang" (which was not big and not a bang but a kind of point where all available energy was concentrated). From my Christian point of view I don't see anything what is in confrontation with natural science.
Personally, I cannot believe in a supreme being. ...

Do you have any explanation why something exists at all? It would be much more easy and had much more logic, if nothing would exist, isn't it?
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Let's talk about what is possible, and what's really going on.

The species homo sapiens sapiens destroys the biosphere of the third planet solar system - which is perhaps unique in the whole universe - instead to help all and every life.

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Slow down! You know nothing about me. And I have not any idea, what you try to say.

Actually I know quite a bit about you, as in you failed homeroom

6 times

And your problem is what exactly?

No problems here, but I am comically relieved by the turds in this thread who know how and where the universe came from then ask me what my problem is when I point out to them that they are stating facts without any evidence, which indicates their delusions not mine.


Nice that you don't have problems. But let me say: Since 1700 years exists in the christian world the plausible philosophical idea there was nothing before god started to create the world. This is not a delusion - perhaps it is an illusion. But when someone like Albert Einstein says "For phycisists time is an illusion" (also on plausible reasons) then we don't know what to do with such an information. The phycisist Anton Zeilinger made very clear that we have some problems with our view to the physical world. Either the concept of time and space have problems or what we call reality is different from our perception and thoughts, how the physical phenomenon entanglement shows very well. Something is wrong ... perhaps it's better to say "weird" ... with our basic concepts (space, time, energy, information, ... ) and still we don't know what it is or what a senseful alternative could be. Prof. Anton Zeilinger said somehow it looks like "in the beginning was the word".

Oh my fucking god.

Sorry, dear god. He seems to be convinced to be an aggressive idiot is much more comfortable than to believe in you.

You just said christianity is 1700 years old

No. I said modern results of natural physics and old meta-physical (super-natural) thoughts have an interesting common element.

Get medicated dude

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The phycisist Anton Zeilinger made very clear that we have some problems with our view to the physical world. Either the concept of time and space have problems or...

Yup, that idea of "space-time" is as false as a thirteen dollars bill.

No. You don't understand what it is - that's all. Take a view under "Minkowski-space" for example.

Take away such absurdity of space-time from science and you will be able to discover -as I did- even what is dark matter and why is hard to detect or isolate.

Trust me with this, relativity stupefies you.

About life in other planets, at this moment yes, there are now great possibilities and or probabilities of life in other planets.

Nearly endless possibilities - for a nearly impossible event. 0*oo is what result? Exactly: Something what we don't know.

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Nearly endless possibilities - for a nearly impossible event. 0*oo is what result? Exactly: Something what we don't know.

Perfect, you are using the typical upside down cone.(The caricature in your video)

You know, that upside down cone was invented by poor Hawking.

Lets analyze it. (from his comic book "A Brief History of Time")


The caricature from above, according to Hawking, is a diagram of space time and light "directions", this is to say, how those will "move".

According to him, the upside down cone represents the initial point (present) and the "future". Whoa!

Then, he traced lines inside and outside the cone and he claims those are the directions of space, time and light.

Then, from right to left, space goes horizontal, a non allowed direction is the second arrow, the third arrow following the shape of the cone is the allowed "limit" for light, the following arrow is the allowed path for the body, and finally, the vertical line is time going straight up.

The cone in your video is practically the same monkey but with a different banana.

Please, write to the Astronomer Royal or to NASA, and ask them to explain you how Hawking was capable of representing the future as a cone, time going vertical, light and body having a solid parameter, and even the existence of a zone where phenomena of any kind is not allowed.

What instrument was used for Hawking to detect those and make such a representation?

Come on, can't you see that the whole fuss about space-time is nothing but lunacies?

And look, when I call them lunacies, I am not insulting anyone, because when I insult to someone then I say bad words, and because the deserved respect for the readers, I just describe poor Albert and Hawking as mentally disable persons, and their writings a waste of time if you keep reading them.

You have the diagram made by Hawking. Same upside cone of your video. (By the way, I didn't watch the video, I don't have to, if I want to watch caricatures I prefer Pinocchio from Disney).

Do a favor to yourself. Explain those arrows,

1)- Why do they go that way?

2)- How do you know they go in that way.

3)- Why not different?

4)- Are those representations of a phenomenon in the universe or just the infantile imagination of Hawking?

The day you have a plausible answer, then you can continue following that theory, otherwise, if no one gives you the accurate answer, then you'll know your legs have been pulled.

Hope you bring here good news and the answer for those arrows. I truly hope so.

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